Registration document 2007 - Total.com

Registration document 2007 - Total.com

Registration document 2007 - Total.com


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11<br />

15) Financial expenses and in<strong>com</strong>e<br />

(in M€) 2006 2005<br />

• Interest expenses and other (1,208) (658)<br />

• Depreciation on investments and loans to subsidiaries and affiliates - (31)<br />

<strong>Total</strong> financial expenses (1,208) (689)<br />

Including, related to affiliates: 895 603<br />

• Net gain on sales of marketable securities and interest on loans to<br />

subsidiaries and affiliates 54 78<br />

• Interest on short-term deposits and other 59 31<br />

<strong>Total</strong> financial in<strong>com</strong>e 113 109<br />

Including, related to affiliates: 109 90<br />

<strong>Total</strong> financial expenses and in<strong>com</strong>e (1,095) (580)<br />

16) Dividends<br />

(in M€) 2006 2005<br />

Upstream 1,953 729<br />

Downstream 548 706<br />

Chemicals 602 210<br />

Financial activities 3,313 2,930<br />

<strong>Total</strong> 6,416 4,575<br />

17) Other financial expenses and in<strong>com</strong>e<br />

The net in<strong>com</strong>e of 36 M€ is mainly <strong>com</strong>posed of a net gain on sales of marketable securities for 33 M€, and currency exchange gain for<br />

3M€<br />

18) Basis of taxation<br />

Pursuant to the provisions of the French Tax Code (Article 209 quinquies) and in accordance with a tax agreement from the French Tax<br />

Authorities, the Parent Company files a worldwide tax return. This regime provides that the basis for in<strong>com</strong>e tax <strong>com</strong>putation of the Parent<br />

Company is not limited to French or foreign consolidated subsidiaries or equity affiliates, but also applies to direct or indirect shareholdings<br />

over 10% in the Exploration and Production segment and over 50% for other activities. It allows the Parent Company to offset, within<br />

certain limits and conditions, the taxable in<strong>com</strong>e of profitable <strong>com</strong>panies against the losses of other entities.<br />

The renewal of this agreement has been granted by the French Tax Authorities on January 18, 2006 for a three year period (from<br />

January 1, 2005 to December 31, <strong>2007</strong>).<br />

Moreover, TOTAL S.A. has elected for the 95% - owned French subsidiaries tax regime provided for by Articles 223 A and following of the<br />

French Tax Code (the so-called “régime de l’intégration fiscale”).<br />

In accordance with the integration agreement signed between TOTAL S.A. and its consolidated subsidiaries, the deficits and long-term<br />

depreciation realized by the consolidated <strong>com</strong>pany during the period of integration are definitively acquired by the Parent Company.<br />

19) Risk management and financial instruments<br />

TOTAL S.A. uses various financial instruments to manage its exposure to fluctuations in interest rates and foreign exchange levels.<br />

Thereby, the <strong>com</strong>mercial foreign exchange positions are systematically covered by the purchase or sale of the corresponding currencies,<br />

mainly with cash transactions and sometimes on forward markets. Regarding long-term assets in foreign currencies, the Company tries to<br />

reduce the corresponding exchange risk by associating them, as far as possible, with financing in the same currency.<br />

In terms of interest rates, most of the long-term debt is brought back to a variable rate through the use of issue swaps (long-term interest<br />

rate and foreign currency swaps). Day to day treasury management is operated on the basis of the daily rates, for instance by using shortterm<br />

interest rate swaps.<br />

An independent department continually monitors the status of the financial instruments, especially through marked-to-market valuations<br />

and sensitivity estimations. A strict control process monitors the counterpart-risk evaluation.<br />

More information on the risk management policy appear in Chapter 4 of the this <strong>Registration</strong> Document (pages 75 to 90).<br />

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Appendix 3 - TOTAL S.A.<br />

Parent <strong>com</strong>pany’s statutory financial statements<br />

TOTAL - <strong>Registration</strong> Document 2006

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