Registration document 2007 - Total.com

Registration document 2007 - Total.com

Registration document 2007 - Total.com


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The <strong>com</strong>ponents of the net periodic benefit cost (in<strong>com</strong>e) in 2006 and 2005 are:<br />

Pension benefits Other benefits<br />

As of December 31, (in M€) 2006 2005 2006 2005<br />

Service cost 174 168 11 14<br />

Interest cost 392 411 30 36<br />

Expected return on plan assets (353) (356) - -<br />

Amortization of transition obligation (asset) - - - -<br />

Amortization of prior service cost 41 64 (2) (6)<br />

Amortization of actuarial losses (gains) 26 - (2) 2<br />

Asset ceiling - 5 - -<br />

Curtailments (4) - (1) -<br />

Settlements (15) (3) - -<br />

Special termination benefits - - - -<br />

Net periodic benefit cost (in<strong>com</strong>e) 261 289 36 46<br />

Net periodic benefit cost (in<strong>com</strong>e) from continuing operations (Group without Arkema) 256 233 35 40<br />

Net periodic benefit cost (in<strong>com</strong>e) from discontinued operations (Arkema) 5 56 1 6<br />

The assumptions for changes in healthcare costs have a significant impact on the valuations of <strong>com</strong>mitments for coverage of medical expenses. A<br />

positive or negative change of one-percentage-point in the healthcare inflation rate would have approximately the following impact:<br />

(in M€) 1% point increase 1% point decrease<br />

Benefit obligation as of December 31, 2006 65 (54)<br />

Net periodic benefit cost (in<strong>com</strong>e) 5 (4)<br />

19) Other non-current liabilities<br />

As of December 31, (in M€) 2006 2005<br />

Litigations and accrued penalty claims 497 839<br />

Provisions for environmental contingencies 574 768<br />

Asset retirement obligations 3,893 3,710<br />

Other non-current liabilities 1,215 1,421<br />

Deposits received 288 313<br />

<strong>Total</strong> 6,467 7,051<br />

In 2006, the other non-current liabilities included namely:<br />

• the contingency reserve related to the Toulouse-AZF plant explosion (civil liability) for 176 M€ as of December 31, 2006;<br />

• provisions related to restructuring activities in the Chemicals segment for 72 M€ as of December 31, 2006.<br />

In 2005, the other non-current liabilities included namely:<br />

Appendix 1 – Consolidated financial statements<br />

Notes to the consolidated financial statement<br />

• the contingency reserve related to the Toulouse-AZF plant explosion (civil liability) for 133 M€ as of December 31, 2005;<br />

• provisions related to restructuring activities in the Chemicals segment for 171 M€ as of December 31, 2005.<br />


Currency<br />

translation As of<br />

(in M€) As of January 1 Allowances Reversals adjustment Other December 31,<br />

2006 7,051 884 (821) (273) (374) 6,467<br />

2005 6,274 1,347 (1,025) 375 80 7,051<br />

9<br />

TOTAL – <strong>Registration</strong> Document 2006 207

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