Registration document 2007 - Total.com

Registration document 2007 - Total.com

Registration document 2007 - Total.com


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9<br />

2005 (adjusted)<br />

(in M€) Upstream Downstream Chemicals Corporate Inter-<strong>com</strong>pany <strong>Total</strong><br />

Non-Group sales 20,888 99,934 16,765 20 - 137,607<br />

Inter-segment sales 19,139 4,293 602 170 (24,204) -<br />

Excise taxes - (20,550) - - - (20,550)<br />

Revenues from sales 40,027 83,677 17,367 190 (24,204) 117,057<br />

Operating expenses (18,275) (78,714) (15,718) (624) 24,204 (89,127)<br />

Depreciation, depletion and amortization<br />

of tangible assets and leasehold rights (3,331) (1,064) (501) (33) - (4,929)<br />

Adjusted operating in<strong>com</strong>e 18,421 3,899 1,148 (467) - 23,001<br />

Equity in in<strong>com</strong>e (loss) of affiliates and other items 587 346 38 912 - 1,883<br />

Tax on net operating in<strong>com</strong>e (10,979) (1,329) (219) 229 - (12,298)<br />

Adjusted net operating in<strong>com</strong>e 8,029 2,916 967 674 - 12,586<br />

Net cost of net debt (193)<br />

Minority interests and dividends on<br />

subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares (365)<br />

Adjusted net in<strong>com</strong>e from continuing operations<br />

Group share 12,028<br />

Adjusted net in<strong>com</strong>e from discontinued operations<br />

Group share (25)<br />

Adjusted net in<strong>com</strong>e 12,003<br />

2005<br />

(in M€) Upstream Downstream Chemicals Corporate Inter-<strong>com</strong>pany <strong>Total</strong><br />

<strong>Total</strong> expenditures 8,111 1,779 1,115 190 11,195<br />

Divestitures at sale price 692 204 59 133 1,088<br />

Cash flow from operating activities 10,111 2,723 946 889 14,669<br />

Balance sheet as of December 31, 2005<br />

Property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, net 30,140 8,016 6,567 229 44,952<br />

Investments in equity affiliates 1,958 1,575 733 7,087 11,353<br />

Loans to equity affiliates and other non-current assets 2,673 1,386 848 702 5,609<br />

Working capital (432) 6,035 3,927 96 9,626<br />

Provisions and other non-current liabilities (10,817) (2,409) (2,827) (1,387) (17,440)<br />

Capital Employed (balance sheet) 23,522 14,603 9,248 6,727 54,100<br />

Less inventory valuation effect - (3,182) (261) 786 (2,657)<br />

Capital Employed<br />

(Business segment information) 23,522 11,421 8,987 7,513 51,443<br />

ROACE as a percentage<br />

(of continuing operations) 40% 28% 15% 29%<br />

186<br />

Appendix 1 – Consolidated financial statements<br />

Notes to the consolidated financial statement<br />

TOTAL – <strong>Registration</strong> Document 2006

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