Registration document 2007 - Total.com

Registration document 2007 - Total.com

Registration document 2007 - Total.com


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On February 13, <strong>2007</strong>, the Board of Directors established and<br />

authorized the publication of the consolidated financial<br />

statements of TOTAL S.A. for the year ended December 31,<br />

2006.<br />


The consolidated financial statements of TOTAL S.A. and its<br />

subsidiaries (the Group) have been prepared on the basis of<br />

IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) as adopted by<br />

the European Union, as of December 31, 2006.<br />

The preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS<br />

requires management to make estimates and apply assumptions<br />

that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities and<br />

contingent liabilities at the date of preparation of the financial<br />

statements and reported in<strong>com</strong>e and expenses for the period.<br />

Management reviews these estimates and assumptions on an<br />

ongoing basis, by reference to past experience and various other<br />

factors considered as reasonable which form the basis for<br />

assessing the book value of assets and liabilities. Actual results<br />

may differ significantly from these estimates, if different<br />

assumptions or circumstances apply.<br />

Lastly, where a specific transaction is not dealt with in any<br />

standards or interpretation, management applies its judgment to<br />

define and apply accounting policies that will lead to relevant and<br />

reliable information, so that the financial statements:<br />

• give a true and fair view of the Group’s financial position,<br />

financial performance and cash flows;<br />

• reflect the substance of transactions;<br />

• are neutral;<br />

• are prepared on a prudent basis; and<br />

• are <strong>com</strong>plete in all material aspects.<br />

1) Accounting policies<br />

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a<br />

historical cost basis, except for certain financial assets and<br />

liabilities that have been measured at fair value.<br />

The accounting policies used by the Group are described below.<br />

A. Principles of consolidation<br />

The subsidiaries that are directly controlled by the parent<br />

<strong>com</strong>pany or indirectly controlled by other consolidated<br />

subsidiaries are fully consolidated.<br />

Appendix 1 – Consolidated financial statements<br />

Notes to the consolidated financial statement<br />

Notes to the consolidated financial statements<br />

Investments in jointly controlled entities are proportionately<br />

consolidated.<br />

Investments in associates, in which the Group has significant<br />

influence, are accounted for by the equity method. Significant<br />

influence is presumed when the Group holds, directly or indirectly<br />

(e.g. through subsidiaries), 20% or more of the voting rights.<br />

Companies in which ownership interest is less than 20%, but<br />

over which the Company has the ability to exercise significant<br />

influence, are also accounted for by the equity method.<br />

All significant inter<strong>com</strong>pany balances, transactions and in<strong>com</strong>e<br />

have been eliminated.<br />

B. Business <strong>com</strong>binations<br />

Business <strong>com</strong>binations are accounted for using the purchase<br />

method. This method implies the recognition of the assets,<br />

liabilities and contingent liabilities of the <strong>com</strong>panies acquired by<br />

the Group at their fair value.<br />

The difference between the acquisition cost of the shares and the<br />

total valuation, at fair value, of the acquired share of the assets,<br />

liabilities and contingent liabilities identified on the acquisition<br />

date is recorded as goodwill.<br />

If the cost of an acquisition is less than the fair value of the net<br />

assets of the subsidiary acquired, an additional analysis is<br />

performed on the identification and valuation of the identifiable<br />

elements of the assets and liabilities. Any residual negative<br />

goodwill is recorded as net operating in<strong>com</strong>e.<br />

The analysis of goodwill is finalized within one year from the<br />

acquisition date.<br />

9<br />

C. Foreign currency translation<br />

The financial statements of subsidiaries are prepared in the<br />

currency that most clearly reflects their business environment.<br />

This is referred to as their functional currency.<br />

(i) Monetary transactions<br />

Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated at<br />

the exchange rate prevailing at the transaction date. At each<br />

balance sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities are translated<br />

at the closing rate and the resulting exchange differences are<br />

recognized in “Other in<strong>com</strong>e” or “Other expenses”.<br />

(ii) Translation of financial statements denominated in<br />

foreign currencies<br />

Assets and liabilities of foreign entities are translated into euros<br />

on the basis of the exchange rates at the end of the period. The<br />

in<strong>com</strong>e and cash flow statements are translated using the<br />

average exchange rates of the period. Foreign exchange<br />

TOTAL – <strong>Registration</strong> Document 2006 173

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