Registration document 2007 - Total.com

Registration document 2007 - Total.com

Registration document 2007 - Total.com


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General information<br />

Articles of incorporation and bylaws; Other information<br />

Articles of incorporation and bylaws;<br />

Other information<br />

General information concerning the Company<br />

Name<br />

TOTAL S.A.<br />

Corporate Offices<br />

2, place de la Coupole, La Défense 6, 92400 Courbevoie<br />

(France).<br />

Legal form and nationality<br />

A French société anonyme (limited liability <strong>com</strong>pany).<br />

Trade Registry<br />

542 051 180 RCS Nanterre.<br />

EC <strong>Registration</strong> Number<br />

FR 59 542 051 180<br />

Charter and bylaws<br />

On file with Maîtres Gildas Le Gonidec de Kerhalic and Frédéric<br />

Lucet, Notaries in Paris.<br />

APE Code (NAF)<br />

111Z<br />

Term<br />

99 years from March 22, 2000, to expire on March 22, 2099<br />

unless dissolved early or extended.<br />

Fiscal year<br />

From January 1 to December 31 of each year..<br />

Company’s purpose<br />

The direct and indirect purpose of the Company is to search for<br />

and extract mining deposits in all countries, particularly<br />

hydrocarbons in all forms, and to perform industrial refining,<br />

processing and trading in the said materials as well as their<br />

derivatives and by-products, as well as all activities relating to<br />

production and distribution of all forms of energy, to the<br />

chemicals sector in all of its forms and to the rubber and health<br />

sectors.<br />

The Company’s <strong>com</strong>plete corporate purpose is set forth in Article<br />

3 of the bylaws.<br />

TOTAL – <strong>Registration</strong> Document 2006<br />

Provisions of the bylaws governing the<br />

administration and management bodies<br />

Election of Directors and term of office<br />

Directors are elected by the Shareholders’ Meeting for a threeyear<br />

term up to the maximum number of directors authorized by<br />

law (currently 18), subject to the legal provisions that allow the<br />

term to be extended until the next shareholders’ meeting called<br />

to approve the financial statements for a fiscal year.<br />

In addition, one director representing the employee shareholders<br />

is also elected by the shareholders’ meeting for a three-year term<br />

from a list of at least two candidates pre-selected by the<br />

employee shareholders under the conditions stipulated by the<br />

laws, regulations and bylaws in force. However, his term shall<br />

expire automatically once this Director is no longer an employee<br />

or a shareholder. The Board of Directors may meet and conduct<br />

valid deliberations until the date his replacement is named.<br />

Age limit for Directors<br />

On the closing date of each fiscal year, the number of individual<br />

Directors over the age of 70, whether they are serving in their<br />

own name or as a permanent representative of a legal entity, may<br />

not be greater than one-third of the directors in office. If this<br />

percentage is exceeded, the oldest Board member is<br />

automatically considered to have resigned.<br />

Minimum interest in the Company held by Directors<br />

Each Director (other than the Director representing the employee<br />

shareholders) must own at least one thousand shares of stock<br />

during his term of office. If he ceases to own the number of<br />

shares required, he may, however, correct his situation subject to<br />

the conditions set by law.<br />

The Director representing the employee shareholders must hold,<br />

during his term of office, either individually or through a Company<br />

Savings Plan (Fonds Commun de Placement d’Entreprise -<br />

FCPE) governed by Article L 214-40 of the French Monetary and<br />

Finance Code, at least one share or a number of units in said<br />

fund equivalent to at least one share.<br />

Majority rules for Board meetings.<br />

Decisions are adopted by a majority vote of the Directors present<br />

or represented. In the event of a tie vote, the Chairman shall cast<br />

the deciding vote.

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