The Farnum Rehabilitation Center - The Cheshire Medical Center

The Farnum Rehabilitation Center - The Cheshire Medical Center

The Farnum Rehabilitation Center - The Cheshire Medical Center


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at <strong>Cheshire</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong>/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene

“<br />

T<br />

he marvelous richness of human experience<br />

would lose something of rewarding joy if there<br />

were no limitations to overcome.<strong>The</strong> hilltop hour<br />

would not be half so wonderful if there were no<br />

dark valleys to traverse.”<br />

– Helen Keller<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Farnum</strong> <strong>Rehabilitation</strong> <strong>Center</strong> at<br />

<strong>Cheshire</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong>/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene<br />

is here to help you overcome your limitations<br />

and to share with you in the rewarding joy that<br />

comes with your personal achievements.

IntheBlinkof an Eye,<br />

aLifeCanChange<br />

L to R: Natalie Boucher, PT; John Ditri, MD; Cheryl Martin; Marcy Southgate, PTA<br />

“Your world can be flipped upside down and you find yourself at<br />

one of the weakest points of your life. In one day the unthinkable<br />

happened and left me wondering if life would ever be the same.”<br />

– Cheryl D. Martin<br />

“<br />

My story is like many others who attend physical therapy. After sustaining major injuries and<br />

trauma from a motorcycle accident, I found myself being hospitalized at <strong>Farnum</strong> <strong>Rehabilitation</strong><br />

<strong>Center</strong>.<br />

<strong>Rehabilitation</strong> from multiple fractures and other injuries takes more than simple exercises.<strong>The</strong><br />

therapists at <strong>Farnum</strong> went above and beyond their basic duties. Everyone at <strong>Farnum</strong> wanted me to<br />

do well.<strong>The</strong>y were invested in me.<strong>The</strong>y wanted me to succeed as badly as I wanted it for myself.<br />

I knew I needed to do exactly what they instructed me to in order to recover fully and correctly.<br />

<strong>The</strong> amazing customer service from the friendly and sincere receptionists to the caring, knowledgeable,<br />

and exceptional nurses, doctors and therapists make up a team that any patient would<br />

be glad to have help them through the healing process.And look at me now, I’m doing great!<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir dedication to seeing each patient completely through the healing and rehabilitation<br />

process was not only professional, but more importantly, it was heartfelt.With their help and commitment<br />

to my recovery I am a success story.My warmest thanks to all of those involved in my<br />

healing process.”<br />


2<br />

Meeting theChallenges<br />

of Disability<br />

<strong>The</strong> first and most critical decision with disability is making the choice to meet the challenges head-on through<br />

rehabilitation. It is your decision.We at <strong>Farnum</strong> <strong>Rehabilitation</strong> <strong>Center</strong> applaud your courage and stand ready to<br />

assist you and your family on your rehabilitation journey. From the initial phases of setting goals and establishing<br />

trusting relationships with <strong>Farnum</strong> staff, through the hard work of rehabilitation, we offer a continuum of care<br />

and support, celebrating each small victory on your way to reclaiming your life.<br />

<strong>Farnum</strong> <strong>Rehabilitation</strong> <strong>Center</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Farnum</strong> <strong>Rehabilitation</strong> <strong>Center</strong> at <strong>Cheshire</strong><br />

<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong>/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene, located<br />

in the beautiful Monadnock Region, is a comprehensive<br />

rehabilitation facility offering both inpatient and<br />

outpatient services.<br />

Our commitment is to our patients and their families.When<br />

patients and their loved ones come to us,<br />

they have often been through a traumatic experience<br />

that has significantly changed their lives. Our job is<br />

to support them both emotionally and physically and<br />

to guide them through a process that will begin to<br />

reestablish the patients’ independence and self-esteem.<br />

We empower patients to overcome their new limitations<br />

and deal with the trauma and grief of their<br />

recent change in function.We help patients regain<br />

their independence and we share in the joy that comes<br />

from that endeavor.<br />

No two patients are alike and everyone has their<br />

own unique requirements and obstacles to overcome.<br />

We individualize our programs to fit the needs and<br />

desires of our patients.Through years of experience,<br />

we have highly developed programs for a variety of<br />

diagnoses including:<br />

• Amputee • Multi-trauma<br />

• Brain Injury • Orthopedics<br />

• Cancer • Spinal Cord Injury<br />

• Geriatric Evaluation • Stroke<br />

and Management • Neurological Disorders<br />

In addition, we offer an orthotics and prosthetics<br />

(braces and artificial limbs) clinic, a wheelchair and<br />

seating clinic, balance testing and training, chronic<br />

pain management, ostomy teaching, lymphedema<br />

management, sports medicine, pool therapy, industrial<br />

rehabilitation and women’s health among our many<br />

outpatient services.<br />

We have a broad range of dedicated, experienced<br />

professionals who work as a dynamic team with our<br />

patients on treatment plans tailored to their requirements.<br />

• A physiatrist, a physician specializing in rehabilitation<br />

medicine, manages the patients’ medical issues and<br />

oversees and directs the course of rehabilitation<br />

during the inpatient stay.<br />

• Occupational therapists work with patients to<br />

improve arm and hand function and to regain the<br />

ability to perform daily aspects of living such as<br />

bathing, dressing and home management.<br />

• Physical therapists are specialists in helping patients<br />

with mobility and balance and provide the necessary<br />

training for activities such as walking and climbing<br />

stairs.<br />

• Speech pathologists treat patients who have difficulty<br />

with speaking or swallowing and evaluate and treat<br />

those with memory and cognitive problems.<br />

• <strong>Rehabilitation</strong> nurses are specifically trained to provide<br />

care to persons with disabilities. Each patient<br />

has the same team of rehab nurses throughout their<br />

stay. Because the rehab nurses are a constant presence<br />

for their patients, they help ensure a continuum of<br />

care through constant communication with the various<br />

professionals working with the patient and family.<br />

• Social workers help patients and their families cope<br />

with the emotional stress of illness or injury.<strong>The</strong>y<br />

facilitate communications between patients, their<br />

families and medical personnel and ensure smooth<br />

transitions for our patients from <strong>Farnum</strong> <strong>Rehabilitation</strong><br />

to their homes or other medical facilities.<br />

Other members of the rehabilitation team include<br />

a therapeutic recreation specialist and a psychologist.<br />

Vocational rehabilitation is also available. Our goal is<br />

to maximize patients’ independence so they can enjoy<br />

their lives to the fullest.

“What can we do to get you back up and into life? That’s<br />

the question we ask ourselves when we begin working with<br />

a patient. Our philosophy is to help our patients live more<br />

independently while helping them adjust to their disabilities.<br />

Our best moments are when we can return patients to their<br />

homes. Some of our patients come here with no expectations<br />

of being able to go home and they and their families are<br />

elated with their progress and ability to manage on their<br />

own.That’s a success for us and for our patients.”<br />

– John Ditri, MD, <strong>Medical</strong> Director of <strong>Farnum</strong> <strong>Rehabilitation</strong> <strong>Center</strong><br />


4<br />

“Without the people at <strong>Farnum</strong>, never in a million years<br />

would I be anywhere near where I am today.” – Bud Starr

Striving forYourDreams<br />

Setting goals is the first and probably one of the most significant steps in rehabilitation. It is not our goals that are<br />

important – but the goals of our patients and families.We spend a significant amount of time really listening to<br />

our patients, hearing what is crucial in their lives.We help them decide what they want to accomplish and then<br />

we make their plan the focus of the rehabilitation process.<br />

“My role as a Physical <strong>The</strong>rapist is as a mentor,<br />

coach, taskmaster and friend. For me, the<br />

best outcomes happen when we are working<br />

the hardest we can together.When the patient<br />

is giving it his all, and following through<br />

with recommendations and exercises, then we<br />

know we’ve done everything possible and will<br />

make the most progress.”<br />

– Sharil Cass, Physical <strong>The</strong>rapist<br />

Meet Bud Starr: His Spinal Cord<br />

Injury Could Not Keep Him Down<br />

“<br />

<strong>The</strong>y had given up on me,” explains Bud.“But my<br />

daughter told the doctors, you don’t know my father,<br />

he’s a fighter.”That’s an understatement. Bud not only<br />

survived a head-on collision, multiple surgeries, a coma<br />

and a spinal cord injury, but his fighting spirit served<br />

him well when he came to the <strong>Farnum</strong> <strong>Rehabilitation</strong><br />

<strong>Center</strong>. For Bud, it was the <strong>Farnum</strong> staff that held out<br />

the hope he needed.<strong>The</strong>ir motivation, coupled with Bud’s<br />

determination, made for an unbeatable combination.<br />

“God bless my therapists,” says Bud.“<strong>The</strong>y got me<br />

through.<strong>The</strong>y have insight into what motivates people.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y helped me establish goals for myself.<strong>The</strong>n they<br />

would push me a little beyond what I wanted to do.<strong>The</strong>y<br />

would say to me – three more steps, just three more.And<br />

I always did it – I did it for them. My therapists make<br />

miracles happen.”<br />

Bud’s a fighter.At times he wants to give up, but<br />

he doesn’t. He keeps working hard. If he didn’t want<br />

to keep his independence, he wouldn’t keep coming<br />

back. Bud is realistic. He knows his limitations and he<br />

tries to be safe and independent within those limitations.<br />

Teamwork is vital.<strong>The</strong>re has to be good teamwork<br />

between the patient, the family and the therapist or<br />

it doesn’t work. His wife Diana is his rock.We have<br />

a great team.<br />


6<br />

Determination,Motivation,<br />

andTrusting Relationships<br />

Make Success Possible<br />

Becoming more dependent on others is difficult when a person has been independent for most of a lifetime.<br />

At <strong>Farnum</strong> we understand what a vulnerable feeling that can be. As we work with patients over time, we build<br />

a bond of trust that enables them to begin reclaiming their independence. Unfortunately we cannot do the<br />

strenuous work of rehabilitation for them – that determination and strength comes from within each patient.<br />

Our part is to provide the technical expertise, the caring hand, the necessary assurances and the encouragement<br />

for patients to take a little more of themselves back each day.We are always there, right by their side, cheering<br />

them on every step of the way.<br />

Meet Keith Jenkins; His Attitude<br />

After Amputation Made for<br />

Lightening-Fast Recovery.<br />

“<br />

I have had vascular problems the past 12 years and had<br />

10-12 surgeries before we arrived at this point,” said<br />

Keith.“In February they amputated my right leg below<br />

the knee and I went to <strong>Farnum</strong> <strong>Rehabilitation</strong>.”<br />

“I’ve done well,” said Keith, matter of factly.“I have<br />

a good attitude and I was determined. I had to do what<br />

I had to do – I wanted to get it done! <strong>The</strong> occupational<br />

therapist taught me how to take care of myself and to<br />

transfer from the bed to the wheelchair.<strong>The</strong> physical<br />

therapist worked my muscles and taught me to use<br />

crutches. I was fitted with a prosthesis and I learned how<br />

to walk and climb stairs.<strong>The</strong> therapists don’t force you.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y don’t believe in ‘no pain, no gain,’ but they believe<br />

you should work at your capacity – do all you can do<br />

and if it gets to hurting, you take a break.”<br />

For Keith, there were even parts of his therapy that<br />

were fun.“<strong>The</strong>re was a recreational therapist who would<br />

play cards and games with us,” says Keith.“We had an<br />

Aloha party and an indoor frisbee game. I got to know<br />

the other patients and we all would encourage each<br />

other. I actually had a great time at <strong>Farnum</strong>.”<br />

“Keith Jenkins was highly motivated,” said Occupational<br />

<strong>The</strong>rapist Chris Disco-Lipkin.“To face losing a limb is very<br />

difficult. It is part of you. Keith came knowing he had to work<br />

hard and he had a goal in mind. He is an inspiration.Today<br />

Keith can get up, get dressed, washed, make lunch – he can do<br />

it. Each small victory – that’s the reward for both of us.”<br />

“I get close to patients.You have to because it is a<br />

very personal thing you do.You are in a struggle<br />

with them. If and when they succeed in what<br />

they are trying so hard to accomplish – that is<br />

the reward. It makes your day wonderful when<br />

a patient succeeds in a task he has been working<br />

on. I can leave work knowing I helped to make<br />

someone’s life better.”<br />

– Chris Disco-Lipkin, Occupational <strong>The</strong>rapist

“<strong>The</strong>y are good people up there…doctors, nurses, therapists<br />

and the housekeepers.<strong>The</strong>y did their job and got me in<br />

and out of there.<strong>The</strong>y are upbeat and cheery. I don’t<br />

think there is any better rehabilitation unit around.<strong>The</strong>y<br />

do whatever it takes for the patient.<strong>The</strong>y care – they just<br />

really care.”<br />

– Keith Jenkins<br />


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“<strong>The</strong>y called me Miracle Man. I was in bad shape when<br />

I got there and I walked out without a cane or walker. I<br />

give <strong>Farnum</strong> most of the credit. I give myself just a little.<br />

It takes a good attitude and persistence.You have to want<br />

it, but the rest of the credit belongs to them.”<br />

– Ted Linton

We Celebrate theSmall<br />

Victories Every Day<br />

We know what it takes to relearn to dress, shower and walk.We work with patients every day as they strain to<br />

exert themselves through each new movement. But our patients are not alone in the struggle, nor are they alone<br />

in the victories. Each small triumph builds on the next. And that is what we strive for – small successes.<strong>The</strong>y<br />

mean almost as much to us as they do to our patients.<strong>The</strong>y are the fruits of our labors together and we thrill in<br />

each patient’s accomplishments.<br />

“We are here to see the possibilities for our patients.<br />

And then we take it day by day and we build<br />

on little successes. It is very rewarding. Patients<br />

come here very debilitated and leave at a much<br />

higher level.We are sustained by our patients’<br />

successes.”<br />

– Marie Magee, Occupational <strong>The</strong>rapist<br />

Ted Linton: Miracle Man After<br />

Phenomenal Recovery from a Stroke<br />

Ted Linton is an 81-year-old gentleman, tall and lean<br />

with a twinkle in his eyes that tells you he has a lot of<br />

life in him. But when he had a severe stroke that left<br />

him in a totally weakened condition, unable to walk<br />

or even feed himself, life for Ted became an incredible<br />

challenge.<br />

“I couldn’t get out of bed, let alone walk.And I knew<br />

I couldn’t walk mentally,” explained Ted, pointing to his<br />

mind.“I would watch someone walk by and I would<br />

say to myself, such a simple thing – walking – one foot<br />

in front of the other – but I couldn’t do that. I could<br />

not imagine how I was ever going to learn to walk<br />

again, or even if I could. I had to start all over.”<br />

“One of my therapists brought me a grocery cart<br />

one day. I was supposed to hold onto it, push it and<br />

walk. It was impossible in the beginning. But I kept<br />

telling myself,‘I am going to do it!’ Eventually I did<br />

it – just as I learned to climb stairs. I was persistent and<br />

I just didn’t let it get me down,” he explained.“And I<br />

had 100 percent family support and that really helped.”<br />

“<strong>The</strong>y carried me into <strong>Farnum</strong> and I could have<br />

danced out.<strong>The</strong> day we left, everybody came in to say<br />

goodbye to my wife and me.<strong>The</strong>re were a lot of hugs.<br />

It says a lot about the people at <strong>Farnum</strong>.<strong>The</strong>y are very<br />

special, caring people.When I think of <strong>Farnum</strong> Rehab,<br />

it brings back many happy memories.”<br />


10<br />

Patients Reclaim<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir Independence<br />

Every Day at <strong>Farnum</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong>re comes a time in therapy when patients begin to see more of the light and less of the darkness; when they<br />

begin to see their own possibilities.At this point there is usually no stopping them. Each day that one of our<br />

patients reclaims his or her life is a very special day at <strong>Farnum</strong>. Our patients are part of our extended <strong>Farnum</strong><br />

family and we all celebrate in their success.<br />

“We take a holistic view of the patient and treat<br />

the whole person. Because of the length of time<br />

our patients are here, we develop close relationships.<br />

We watch the patients go through a grieving<br />

process – they are no longer the people they were<br />

before.<strong>The</strong> neat thing about my job is I get to<br />

witness patients as they go from crisis to recovery.<br />

I don’t know where they get their courage. It<br />

amazes me. But it is an honor to be a part of<br />

the process.”<br />

– Kitty Doty, <strong>Rehabilitation</strong> Nurse<br />

Bob Hanson Gets Back into the<br />

Mainstream of Life<br />

Bob Hanson, Chief Engineer at Timken/MPB corporation<br />

in Keene, collapsed at work.<strong>The</strong> next thing he knew<br />

people were all around him and an ambulance was on<br />

its way to bring him to <strong>Cheshire</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong>.Two<br />

weeks later, Bob was transferred to the <strong>Farnum</strong> <strong>Rehabilitation</strong><br />

<strong>Center</strong>, paralyzed on the right side. At <strong>Farnum</strong>,<br />

Bob spent the next six weeks relearning much of what<br />

had come so easily to him just months before. And as<br />

if that wasn’t enough, in order to go back to work, Bob<br />

had to master the skills required of him in his job – to<br />

think clearly, read and understand what he had just read,<br />

write reports, add and subtract numbers.Today he is<br />

back at work, smiling, competent, conducting the everyday<br />

business required of the Chief Engineer of a high<br />

technology company – a remarkable recovery!<br />

“<br />

My stroke was devastating, unbelievable really,” explained<br />

Bob.“My therapists as well as my doctor and nurse were<br />

absolutely great. My interaction with people at <strong>Farnum</strong> was<br />

critical, because they were helping me with such personal things.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se therapists taught me how to shower and dress in the<br />

morning as well as how to walk, write and read. I got close<br />

to the people at <strong>Farnum</strong>. It was almost hard to go home.”<br />

“<strong>The</strong> personal connections Bob made with <strong>Farnum</strong> staff<br />

went both ways. Bob was a delight to work with,” said Alison<br />

Chadwick, his outpatient physical therapist.“His endurance<br />

is amazing; he worked so hard. By the time Bob left he was<br />

working a little bit. Now I see him walking so nicely. It makes<br />

me proud.”

“<strong>The</strong> therapists, Sarah and Alison were great. I felt they<br />

weren’t just doing a job – they really cared.And Kitty<br />

Doty, my nurse, was a real help to me. I really came to<br />

like those three. Even now I have a hard time not crying<br />

when I go back to see them.”<br />

– Bob Hanson<br />


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“I have degenerative disk disease and use crutches to take the<br />

stress off my lower back. Before I started exercising in the<br />

therapy pool, I was not active at all.<strong>The</strong> pool got me going<br />

again. It’s like oil for the joints. Now I can grocery shop,<br />

clean the house, and go out with friends for a bite to eat.<br />

<strong>The</strong> therapists do a wonderful job.We are so lucky to have<br />

the <strong>Farnum</strong> Rehab facility here.<strong>The</strong> pool has changed my<br />

whole life.What a blessing!” – Bonnie Chamberlin, patient, works with<br />

Wendy Sanctuary, Physical <strong>The</strong>rapy Assistant.

“<br />

Ithink<br />

heroes are ordinary individuals who find<br />

the strength to persevere and endure despite<br />

overwhelming obstacles…and the families and<br />

friends who stand by them.”<br />

– Christopher Reeve


603-354-5400 • www.cheshire-med.com<br />

580 Court Street, Keene, NH 03431<br />

Phone: 603-354-6633<br />

Fax: 603-354-6634<br />

Website: www.cheshire-med.com

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