Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

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(2005): Mahe E+, Transplantation 79(4), 476 (26%) Fungal dermatitis (3–20%) Hidradenitis (2005): Mahe E+, Transplantation 79(4), 476 (12%) Hypertrophy (3–20%) Peripheral edema (54–64%) Pruritus (3–20%) (2002): Gladstone GC, Worcester, MA (personal correspondence) Purpura (3–20%) (2002): Hardinger KL+, Transplantation 74(5), 739 Rash (sic) (10–20%) (2000): Vasquez EM, Am J Health Syst Pharm 57, 437 Scrotal edema Ulcerations (3–20%) Vasculitis (2005): Nagarajan S+, Pediatr Transplant 9(1), 97 (2002): Hardinger KL+, Transplantation 74(5), 739 Mucosal Aphthous stomatitis (9%) (2005): Mahe E+, Transplantation 79(4), 476 (60%) (2001): Reitamo S+, Br J Dermatol 145(3), 438 (9%) (with cyclosporine) Gingival hyperplasia/hypertrophy (3–20%) Gingivitis (3–20%) (2005): Mahe E+, Transplantation 79(4), 476 (20%) Oral candidiasis (3–20%) Oral ulceration (3–20%) (2005): Kuypers DR, Drug Saf 28(2), 153 (2004): Montalbano M+, Transplantation 78(2), 264 (24%) (2003): Fairbanks KD+, Liver Transpl 9(10), 1079 Stomatitis (3–20%) Hair Hair – hirsutism (3–20%) Nails Nails – onychopathy (2006): Mahe E+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 133(6-7), 531 (2005): Mahe E+, Transplantation 79(4), 476 (74%) Nails – periungual infections (2005): Mahe E+, Transplantation 79(4), 476 (16%) Eyes Eyelid edema (40%) (2001): Mohaupt MG+, Transplantation 72(1), 162 (40%) Other Abdominal pain (2005): Nagarajan S+, Pediatr Transplant 9(1), 97 Chills (3–20%) Cough (2006): Champion L+, AnnInternMed144(7), 505 (23 cases) Death (2007): Burzotta F+, Am J Cardiol 99(3), 364 (1 case) Fever (2006): Champion L+, AnnInternMed144(7), 505 (16 cases) Hepatotoxicity (2004): Neff GW+, Ann Pharmacother 38(10), 1593 Hot flashes (2001): Reitamo S+, Br J Dermatol 145(3), 438 (12%) (with cyclosporine) Infections (2002): Prescrire Int 11(62), 165 Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity (2003): Josef F+, Transplantation 76(12), 1773 Nephrotoxicity (2007): Cho ME+, Am J Kidney Dis 49(2), 310 (2006): Pallet N+, Nephrol Ther 2(4), 183 Serum sickness (from stent) (2007): Rana JS+, Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 98(2), 201 Thrombophlebitis (3–20%) Thrombosis (2007): Kastrati A+, NEnglJMed356(10), 1030 (2004): Montalbano M+, Transplantation 78(2), 264 Upper respiratory infection (20–26%) SITAXENTAN Synonym: Sitaxsentan Trade name: Thelin (Encysize) Indications: Pulmonary arterial hypertension Half-life: 10 hours Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: warfarin Reactions Skin Peripheral edema (9%) (2005): Widlitz AC+, Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 3(6), 985 Other Abdominal pain (>2%) Hepatotoxicity (2007): Benza RL+, J Heart Lung Transplant 26(1), 63 (2007): Wittbrodt ET+, Ann Pharmacother 41(1), 100 Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity (>2%) SMALLPOX VACCINE SMALLPOX VACCINE 499 Trade name: Dryvax (Wyeth) Indications: Prevention of smallpox (variola) Category: Vaccine Half-life: ~5 years Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: corticosteroids Reactions Skin Acne Allergic reactions (sic) Basal cell carcinoma (1988): Ribeiro R+, Med Cutan Ibero Lat Am 16(2), 137 Bullous dermatitis Carcinoma (1980): Gecht ML, JAMA 244(15), 1675 Dermatitis (2004): Gaertner EM+, Arch Pathol Lab Med 128(10), 1173 (2004): Greenberg RN+, Clin Infect Dis 38(7), 958 Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (2003): Green JJ+, JAmAcadDermatol48, S54 (in scar) Eczema (2003): Wharton M+, MMWR Recomm Rep 52(RR-7), 1 Eczema vaccinatum Erythema (2004): Greenberg RN+, Clin Infect Dis 38(7), 958 Erythema multiforme (2004): Chopra A+, Mayo Clin Proc 79(9), 1193 Erythema nodosum

500 SMALLPOX VACCINE Exanthems (2004): Greenberg RN+, Clin Infect Dis 38(7), 958 Exfoliative dermatitis Folliculitis (2005): Oh RC, Mil Med 170(2), 133 (2 cases) (2004): Greenberg RN+, Clin Infect Dis 38(7), 958 Herpes simplex (1982): Mintz L, JAMA 247(19), 2704 (recurrent) (at site) Herpes zoster Histiocytoma (1981): Slater DN+, Br J Dermatol 105(2), 215 Jadassohn–Borst epithelioma Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption Keratoacanthoma Lichen vaccinatus Lupus erythematosus (discoid) (1987): Lupton GP, JAmAcadDermatol17, 688 (in vaccination scar) Melanoma Photosensitivity Pigmentation Pruritus (2004): Greenberg RN+, Clin Infect Dis 38(7), 958 Purpura (1981): Burke PJ+, Pa Med 84(9), 49 Pyogenic granuloma Rash (sic) (2002): Frey SE+, NEnglJMed346, 1265 (site other than vaccination site) Scar (2006): Waibel KH+, Int J Dermatol 45(6), 764 (exaggerated) Side effects (sic) (0.01%) Stevens–Johnson syndrome (2004): Chopra A+, Mayo Clin Proc 79(9), 1193 (2003): Wharton M+, MMWR Recomm Rep 52(RR-7), 1 Toxic epidermal necrolysis Urticaria (2004): Greenberg RN+, Clin Infect Dis 38(7), 958 Vaccinia (2004): Kelly CD+, J Clin Microbiol 42(3), 1373 (2003): Miller JR+, Emerg Infect Dis 9(12), 1649 (2003): Wharton M+, MMWR Recomm Rep 52(RR-7), 1 (1988): Landthaler M+, Hautarzt 39, 322 (1980): Kanra G+, Cutis 26, 267 (vulva from 7–month-old daughter’s vaccination) Vaccinia gangrenosum Vaccinia necrosum (1982): MMWR Morb Mortality Wkly Rep 31(36), 501 (1981): Funk EA+, South Med J 74(3), 383 Eyes Blepharitis (2004): Fillmore GL+, Ophthalmology 111(11), 2086 Conjunctivitis (2004): Fillmore GL+, Ophthalmology 111(11), 2086 Corneal opacity (2004): Fillmore GL+, Ophthalmology 111(11), 2086 Eyelid pruritus (2004): Fillmore GL+, Ophthalmology 111(11), 2086 Iritis (2004): Fillmore GL+, Ophthalmology 111(11), 2086 Keratouveitis (1994): Lee SF+, Am J Ophthalmol 117(4), 480 (autoinoculation) Periorbital edema (2004): Fillmore GL+, Ophthalmology 111(11), 2086 Photophobia (2005): McMahon AW+, Vaccine 2005 Jan 19;23(9), 1097 Other Chills (2002): Frey SE+, NEnglJMed346, 1265 Death (2006): Kretzschmar M+, PLoS Med 3(8), e272 (2003): MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 52(39), 933 (2 cases) Fever Injection-site pain (2002): Frey SE+, NEnglJMed346, 1265 Injection-site pyoderma (2003): Wharton M+, MMWR Recomm Rep 52(RR-7), 1 Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity (2002): Frey SE+, NEnglJMed346, 1265 Tumors SODIUM CROMOGLYCATE (See CROMOLYN) SODIUM OXYBATE Synonyms: Gamma Hydroxybutyrate; GHB Trade name: Xyrem (Orphan Medical) Indications: Cataplexy (in patients with narcolepsy) Category: Anesthetic, general Half-life: 0.3–1 hour Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: alcohol, hypnotics, sedatives Reactions Skin Diaphoresis (2001): Bowles TM+, Pharmacotherapy 21(2), 254 (following withdrawal) (2001): Dyer JE+, Ann Emerg Med 37(2), 147 (following withdrawal) (2000): Craig K+, JEmergMed18(1), 65 (following withdrawal) Mucosal Sialorrhea Other Death (2002): Smith KM+, Am J Health Syst Pharm 59(11), 1067 (2001): Dyer JE+, Ann Emerg Med 37(2), 147 (following withdrawal) (2001): Kalasinsky KS+, JForensicSci46(3), 728 (2001): Nini A+, Harefuah 140(12), 1148 (2001): Okun MS+, J Pharm Pharm Sci 4(2), 167 (2001): Persson SA+, Lakartidningen 98(38), 4026 (2000): Timby N+, Am J Med 108(6), 518 (1998): Li J+, Ann Emerg Med 31(6), 729 (1995): Ferrara SD+, JForensicSci40(3), 501 (also taking IV heroin) Infections Pain Porphyria Rhabdomyolysis Upper respiratory infection Note: Sodium oxybate is a class of drugs that are also known as: ‘Designer’ drugs; Party drugs; Club drugs; Recreational drugs; ‘Rave’ drugs; Fantasy drugs; Date rape drugs; abuse drugs

(2005): Mahe E+, Transplantation 79(4), 476 (26%)<br />

Fungal dermatitis (3–20%)<br />

Hidradenitis<br />

(2005): Mahe E+, Transplantation 79(4), 476 (12%)<br />

Hypertrophy (3–20%)<br />

Peripheral edema (54–64%)<br />

Pruritus (3–20%)<br />

(2002): Gladstone GC, Worcester, MA (personal<br />

correspondence)<br />

Purpura (3–20%)<br />

(2002): Hardinger KL+, Transplantation 74(5), 739<br />

Rash (sic) (10–20%)<br />

(2000): Vasquez EM, Am J Health Syst Pharm 57, 437<br />

Scrotal edema<br />

Ulcerations (3–20%)<br />

Vasculitis<br />

(2005): Nagarajan S+, Pediatr Transplant 9(1), 97<br />

(2002): Hardinger KL+, Transplantation 74(5), 739<br />

Mucosal<br />

Aphthous stomatitis (9%)<br />

(2005): Mahe E+, Transplantation 79(4), 476 (60%)<br />

(2001): Reitamo S+, Br J Dermatol 145(3), 438 (9%) (with<br />

cyclosporine)<br />

Gingival hyperplasia/hypertrophy (3–20%)<br />

Gingivitis (3–20%)<br />

(2005): Mahe E+, Transplantation 79(4), 476 (20%)<br />

Oral c<strong>and</strong>idiasis (3–20%)<br />

Oral ulceration (3–20%)<br />

(2005): Kuypers DR, <strong>Drug</strong> Saf 28(2), 153<br />

(2004): Montalbano M+, Transplantation 78(2), 264 (24%)<br />

(2003): Fairbanks KD+, Liver Transpl 9(10), 1079<br />

Stomatitis (3–20%)<br />

Hair<br />

Hair – hirsutism (3–20%)<br />

Nails<br />

Nails – onychopathy<br />

(2006): Mahe E+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 133(6-7), 531<br />

(2005): Mahe E+, Transplantation 79(4), 476 (74%)<br />

Nails – periungual infections<br />

(2005): Mahe E+, Transplantation 79(4), 476 (16%)<br />

Eyes<br />

Eyelid edema (40%)<br />

(2001): Mohaupt MG+, Transplantation 72(1), 162 (40%)<br />

Other<br />

Abdominal pain<br />

(2005): Nagarajan S+, Pediatr Transplant 9(1), 97<br />

Chills (3–20%)<br />

Cough<br />

(2006): Champion L+, AnnInternMed144(7), 505 (23 cases)<br />

Death<br />

(2007): Burzotta F+, Am J Cardiol 99(3), 364 (1 case)<br />

Fever<br />

(2006): Champion L+, AnnInternMed144(7), 505 (16 cases)<br />

Hepatotoxicity<br />

(2004): Neff GW+, Ann Pharmacother 38(10), 1593<br />

Hot flashes<br />

(2001): Reitamo S+, Br J Dermatol 145(3), 438 (12%) (with<br />

cyclosporine)<br />

Infections<br />

(2002): Prescrire Int 11(62), 165<br />

Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity<br />

(2003): Josef F+, Transplantation 76(12), 1773<br />

Nephrotoxicity<br />

(2007): Cho ME+, Am J Kidney Dis 49(2), 310<br />

(2006): Pallet N+, Nephrol Ther 2(4), 183<br />

Serum sickness (from stent)<br />

(2007): Rana JS+, Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 98(2), 201<br />

Thrombophlebitis (3–20%)<br />

Thrombosis<br />

(2007): Kastrati A+, NEnglJMed356(10), 1030<br />

(2004): Montalbano M+, Transplantation 78(2), 264<br />

Upper respiratory infection (20–26%)<br />


Synonym: Sitaxsentan<br />

Trade name: Thelin (Encysize)<br />

Indications: Pulmonary arterial hypertension<br />

Half-life: 10 hours<br />

Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions<br />

with: warfarin<br />

Reactions<br />

Skin<br />

Peripheral edema (9%)<br />

(2005): Widlitz AC+, Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 3(6), 985<br />

Other<br />

Abdominal pain (>2%)<br />

Hepatotoxicity<br />

(2007): Benza RL+, J Heart Lung Transplant 26(1), 63<br />

(2007): Wittbrodt ET+, Ann Pharmacother 41(1), 100<br />

Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity (>2%)<br />



Trade name: Dryvax (Wyeth)<br />

Indications: Prevention of smallpox (variola)<br />

Category: Vaccine<br />

Half-life: ~5 years<br />

Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions<br />

with: corticosteroids<br />

Reactions<br />

Skin<br />

Acne<br />

Allergic reactions (sic)<br />

Basal cell carcinoma<br />

(1988): Ribeiro R+, Med Cutan Ibero Lat Am 16(2), 137<br />

Bullous dermatitis<br />

Carcinoma<br />

(1980): Gecht ML, JAMA 244(15), 1675<br />

Dermatitis<br />

(2004): Gaertner EM+, Arch Pathol Lab Med 128(10), 1173<br />

(2004): Greenberg RN+, Clin Infect Dis 38(7), 958<br />

Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans<br />

(2003): Green JJ+, JAmAcadDermatol48, S54 (in scar)<br />

Eczema<br />

(2003): Wharton M+, MMWR Recomm Rep 52(RR-7), 1<br />

Eczema vaccinatum<br />

Erythema<br />

(2004): Greenberg RN+, Clin Infect Dis 38(7), 958<br />

Erythema multiforme<br />

(2004): Chopra A+, Mayo Clin Proc 79(9), 1193<br />

Erythema nodosum

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