Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW


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S-2 epinephrine<br />

Sabril vigabatrin<br />

Sacbexyl lindane<br />

Saccharin saccharin<br />

Safitex tolmetin<br />

Saizen somatropin<br />

Salagen pilocarpine<br />

Salazopyrin sulfasalazine<br />

Salbulin albuterol<br />

Salflex salsalate<br />

Salgesic salsalate<br />

Salina salsalate<br />

Salisulf sulfasalazine<br />

Salmagne labetalol<br />

Salmeter salmeterol<br />

salmeterol Advair, Salmeter, Serevent, Serobid, Zantirel<br />

Salofalk mesalamine<br />

salsalate Argesic-SA, Artha-G, Atisuril, Disalgesic, Marthritic,<br />

Mono-Gesic, Nobegyl, Salflex, Salgesic, Salina,<br />

Umbradol<br />

Saluretil chlorothiazide<br />

Saluric chlorothiazide<br />

Sanctura trospium<br />

S<strong>and</strong>immun cyclosporine<br />

S<strong>and</strong>immune cyclosporine<br />

S<strong>and</strong>oglobulin immune globulin I.V.<br />

S<strong>and</strong>oglobulina immune globulin I.V.<br />

S<strong>and</strong>oglobuline immune globulin I.V.<br />

S<strong>and</strong>ostatin octreotide<br />

S<strong>and</strong>ostatina octreotide<br />

S<strong>and</strong>ostatine octreotide<br />

Sanoma carisoprodol<br />

Sansert methysergide<br />

saquinavir Invirase<br />

Sarafem fluoxetine<br />

Sarconyl lindane<br />

Saridine sulfasalazine<br />

Saroten amitriptyline<br />

SAS-500 sulfasalazine<br />

Satric metronidazole<br />

Savamine promazine<br />

Saventrine isoproterenol<br />

Savlon chlorhexidine<br />

Scabecid lindane<br />

Scabene lindane<br />

Scabex lindane<br />

Scabi lindane<br />

Scabisan lindane<br />

Scitropin somatropin<br />

Scopace scopolamine<br />

Scopase scopolamine<br />

Scopoderm-TTS scopolamine<br />

scopolamine Isopto Hyoscine Ophthalmic, Scopace, Scopase,<br />

Scopoderm-TTS, Transderm-Scop Patch,<br />

Transdermal-V<br />

Secanal secobarbital<br />

secobarbital Immenoctal, Novo-Secobarb, Secanal, Seconal<br />

Seconal secobarbital<br />

secretin Secretin-Ferring<br />

Secretin-Ferring secretin<br />

Sectral acebutolol<br />

Sedanazin gentamicin<br />

Sedapran prazepam<br />

Sedaraupin reserpine<br />

Sediat diphenhydramine<br />

Sedizine trifluoperazine<br />

Sedural phenazopyridine<br />

liii<br />


Sefril cephradine<br />

Seftem ceftibuten<br />

Sefulken diazoxide<br />

Seglor dihydroergotamine<br />

Selax docusate<br />

Selectin pravastatin<br />

selegiline Apo-Selegiline, Carbex, Eldeprine, Eldepryl, Emsam,<br />

Jumex, Movergan, Novo-Selegiline, Plurimen<br />

Selektine pravastatin<br />

Selenate selenium<br />

Selenite selenium<br />

selenium Bio-Active Selenium, Exsel Shampoo, Head & Shoulders<br />

Intensive Treatment D<strong>and</strong>ruff Shampoo, Selenate,<br />

Selenite, selenium dioxide, selenium sulfide,<br />

selenocysteine, SelenoMax, selenomethionine, Selsun<br />

Blue, Selsun Shampoo, Vpak51<br />

selenium dioxide selenium<br />

selenium sulfide selenium<br />

selenocysteine selenium<br />

SelenoMax selenium<br />

selenomethionine selenium<br />

Selepam quazepam<br />

Selipran pravastatin<br />

Seloken-Zok metoprolol<br />

Selozok metoprolol<br />

Selsun Blue selenium<br />

Selsun Shampoo selenium<br />

Sendoxan cyclophosphamide<br />

Sensipar cinacalcet<br />

Sensorcaine bupivacaine<br />

Sepan cinnarizine<br />

Septra sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, co-trimoxazole<br />

Ser-Ap-Es hydralazine, reserpine<br />

Seranace haloperidol<br />

Serax oxazepam<br />

Serenace haloperidol<br />

Serentil mesoridazine<br />

Serepax oxazepam<br />

Serevent salmeterol<br />

sermorelin Geref, Gerel<br />

Serobid salmeterol<br />

Serocryptin bromocriptine<br />

Seromycin cycloserine<br />

Serophene clomiphene<br />

Seroquel quetiapine<br />

Serostim somatropin<br />

Serozide etoposide<br />

Serpalan reserpine<br />

Serpasil reserpine<br />

Serpasol reserpine<br />

Serpatabs reserpine<br />

sertaconazole Ertaczo Cream<br />

Sertan primidone<br />

sertraline Atruline, Zoloft<br />

Serzone nefazodone<br />

Setamine hyoscyamine<br />

sevoflurane Sevorane, Ultane<br />

Sevorane sevoflurane<br />

Sevredol morphine<br />

Shiosol gold <strong>and</strong> gold compounds<br />

sibutramine Meridia<br />

Siciton tranylcypromine<br />

Sicorten halometasone<br />

Sideril trazodone<br />

Sigacefal cefaclor<br />

Sigafam famotidine<br />

Sigloton cyproheptadine

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