Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

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388 NEOMYCIN NEOMYCIN Trade names: Cortosporin; Dexacine; Gemicina; Maxitrol (Falcon); Myciguent; Neomicina; Neomycine Diamant; Neosporin (Pfizer) (Monarch); Neosulf; Nivemycin; Poly-Pred Indications: Various infections caused by susceptible organisms Category: Antibiotic, aminoglycoside Half-life: 3 hours Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: aldesleukin, aminoglycosides, atracurium, bumetanide, doxacurium, ethacrynic acid, furosemide, methoxyflurane, pancuronium, penicillin V, polypeptide antibiotics, rocuronium, succinylcholine, torsemide, vecuronium Reactions Skin Allergic reactions (sic) Angioedema Bullous dermatitis Dermatitis (1–10%) (2006): Garcia-Rubio I+, J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 16(4), 264 (2000): Hillen U+, Hautarzt 51, 239 (1999): Giordano-Labadie F+, Contact Dermatitis 40, 192 (2.6%) (in atopics) (1999): Lestringant GG+, Int J Dermatol 38, 181 (5.1%) (1998): Katsarou-Katsari A+, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 11, 9 (1998): Kimura M+, Contact Dermatitis 39, 148 (1997): Dasaraju P+, Clin Infect Dis 25, 33 (1996): Sheretz EF, Arch Dermatol 132, 461 (1994): Fisher AA, Cutis 54, 300 (1993): Lipozencic J+, Arh Hig Rada Toksikol (Serbo-Croatian- Roman) 44, 173 (1991): Barros MA+, Contact Dermatitis 25, 156 (1991): Mariani R+, Contact Dermatitis 24, 227 (1990): Bouffioux B+, Nouv Dermatol (French) 9, 25 (1990): Grandinetti PJ+, JAmAcadDermatol23, 646 (1990): Smith IM+, Clin Otolaryngol 15, 155 (1989): Guin JD+, Cutis 43, 564 (1989): Massone L+, Contact Dermatitis 21, 344 (1988): Shupp DL+, Cutis 42, 528 (1987): Abdul-Gaffoor PM, Indian J Dermatol 32, 102 (1986): Bajaj AK+, Int J Dermatol 25, 103 (1986): Baldinger J+, Ann Ophthalmol 18, 95 (1986): Rebandel P+, Contact Dermatitis 15, 92 (1985): Fisher AA, Cutis 35, 315 (1985): Fraki JE+, Acta Otolaryngol Stockh 100, 414 (1985): Frenzel U+, Phlebologie (French) 38, 389 (1985): Szarmach H+, Przegl Dermatol (Polish) 72, 521 (disseminated) (1984): Menne T+, Hautarzt (German) 35, 319 (1983): Macdonald RH+, Clin Exp Dermatol 8, 249 (1982): Fisher AA, Ann Allergy 49, 97 (1981): Fisher AA+, Cutis 28, 491 (1981): Gordon W, SAfrMedJ 59, 212 (1981): LeRoy R+, Derm Beruf Umwelt (German) 29, 168 (1980): Epstein E, Contact Dermatitis 6, 219 Eczema Erythema multiforme (1986): Fisher AA, Cutis 37, 158 Exanthems (1990): Bouffioux B+, Nouv Dermatol (French) 9, 25 Fixed eruption (1985): Gomez B+, Allergol Immunopathol Madr (Spanish) 13, 87 Pruritus Rash (sic) (1–10%) Toxic epidermal necrolysis Ulcerations Urticaria (1–10%) Hair Hair – alopecia Other Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis (1986): Goh CL, Australian J Dermatol 27, 125 Hypersensitivity (2001): Le Coz CJ, Ann Dermatol Venereol 128(12), 1359 NEPAFENAC Trade name: Nevanac (Alcon) Indications: Pain and inflammation associated with cataract surgery Category: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Half-life: N/A Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: None Eyes Conjunctival edema (1–5%) Epiphora (1–5%) Ocular hemorrhage (1–5%) Ocular pain (1–5%) Ocular pressure (5–10%) Ocular pruritus (1–5%) Photophobia (1–5%) Vision blurred (5–10%) NESIRITIDE Reactions Trade name: Natrecor (Scios) Indications: Acutely decompensated congestive heart failure Category: Hormone, polypeptide; Natriuretic Half-life: 18 minutes Reactions Skin Diaphoresis (>1%) Pruritus (>1%) Rash (sic) (>1%) Other Cough (>1%) Death (2006): Stampfli T+, Rev Med Suisse 2(50), 295 (2005): Sackner-Bernstein JD+, JAMA 293(15), 1900 Hepatotoxicity (2006): Mallolas J, AIDS Rev 8(4), 238 Nephrotoxicity (2006): Stampfli T+, Rev Med Suisse 2(50), 295 Phlebitis

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Hair – alopecia (

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