Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

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Other Abdominal pain (2006): Preutthipan S+, Fertil Steril 86(4), 990 (2006): Ruangchainikhom W+, J Med Assoc Thai 89(7), 928 (2006): Stojnic J+, Vojnosanit Pregl 63(6), 558 (2002): Tang OS+, Hum Reprod 17(7), 1738 (89%) (with mifepristone) Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis (2002): Meuleman C+, Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss 95(12), 1230 (with diclofenac) Chills (2006): Derman RJ+, Lancet 368(9543), 1248 (2002): Tang OS+, Hum Reprod 17(7), 1738 (38%) (with mifepristone) Fever (2006): Derman RJ+, Lancet 368(9543), 1248 (2006): Preutthipan S+, Fertil Steril 86(4), 990 (7%) (2006): Ruangchainikhom W+, J Med Assoc Thai 89(7), 928 (2006): Stojnic J+, Vojnosanit Pregl 63(6), 558 (2002): Tang OS+, Hum Reprod 17(7), 1738 (79%) (with mifepristone) Gynecomastia (1994): Garcia-Rodriguez LA+, BMJ 308, 503 MISTLETOE Scientific names: Phoradendron flavescens; Phoradendron leucarpum; Phoradendron macrophyllum; Phoradendron rubrum; Phoradendron serotinum; Phoradendron tomentosum; Viscum album Family: Loranthacae; Viscaceae Trade and other common names: ABNOBA viscum; All-heal; Devil’s fuge; Eurixor; Folia Visci; Helixor; Herbe de la Croix; Iscador (Weleda); Isorel (Novipharm); Lektinol; Lignum Crucis; Stipites Visci; VaQuFrF (Labor Hiscia); Vysorel Category: Immunomodulator Purported indications and other uses: Injected: adjuvant tumor therapy. Oral: abortifacient, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, colds, depression, headache, HIV infection, hypertension, hypotension, hysteria, labor pain, lumbago, metrorrhagia, muscle spasms, otitis, whooping cough, hemorrhoids, internal bleeding, gout, sleep disorders, amenorrhea, liver and gallbladder conditions Half-life: N/A Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: bepridil, corticosteroids, digoxin, diltiazem, immunosuppressants, MAO inhibitors, squill, verapamil Note: Purified extracts injected intramuscularly, subcutaneously or by intravenous infusion. Unless otherwise indicated, side effects listed are from injected preparations. The FDA considers Viscum album unsafe Reactions Skin Adverse effects (sic) (2005): Augustin M+, Arzneimittelforschung 55(1), 38 (12.8%) (1999): Stein GM+, Eur J Med Res 4(5), 169 (1994): Stein G+, Eur J Clin Phamacol 47(1), 33 Allergic reactions (sic) (2000): Büssing A, Mistletoe: The Genus Viscum Harwood Academic Publishers (1994): Stein G+, Eur J Clin Pharmacp; 47(1), 33 (1991): Pichler WJ+, Dtsch Med Wochenschr (German) 116(35), 1333 Dermatitis (2000): Büssing A, Mistletoe: The Genus Viscum Harwood Academic Publishers Edema of lip (1998): Hagenah W+, Dtsch Med Wochenschr (German) 123(34), 1001 Erythema (2001): Hutt N+, Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 29(5), 201 (1999): Stoss M+, Arzneimittelforschung 49(4), 366 (1999): van Wely+, Am J Ther 6(1), 37 Nodular eruption (1998): Hagenah W+, Dtsch Med Wochenschr (German) 123(34), 1001 Pruritus (1999): Stoss M+, Arzneimittelforschung 49(4), 366 Mucosal Gingivitis (1999): Gorter RW+, Altern Ther Health Med 5(6), 37 (1999): van Wely+, Am J Ther 6(1), 37 Other Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis (28%) (2005): Bauer C+, Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 94(1), 86 (1 case) (2001): Hutt N+, Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 29(5), 201 (1996): Friess H+, Anticancer Res 16(2), 915 (28%) Chills (2000): Büssing A, Mistletoe: The Genus Viscum Harwood Academic Publishers (1995): Murray MT, The Healing Power of Herbs 253 Prima Publishing Death (low incidence – accidental ingestion) (1997): Krenzelok EP+, Am J Emerg 15(5), 516 (1996): Spiller HA+, J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 34(4), 405 (1995): Murray MT, The Healing Power of Herbs 253 Prima Publishing (1986): Hall AH+, Annals Emergency Med 15, 1320 Injection-site edema (1999): Stoss M+, Arzneimittelforschung 49(4), 366 Injection-site inflammation (1999): Stein GM+, Eur J Med Res 4(5), 169 (1999): Stoss M+, Arzneimittelforschung (German) 49(4), 366 (1998): Gorter RW+, Am J Ther 5(3), 181 (1998): Stoss M+, Nat Immun 16(5), 185 (1995): Murray MT, The Healing Power of Herbs 253 Prima Publishing (1990): Kast A+, Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax (German) 79(10), 291 Systemic reactions (2005): Augustin M+, Arzneimittelforschung 55(1), 38 (3.3%) *Note: The well-known mistletoe is an evergreen parasitic plant, growing on the branches of some tree species **Note: Shakespeare calls it ‘the baleful mistletoe,’ an illusion to the Scandinavian legend that Balder, the god of Peace, was slain with an arrow made of mistletoe MITHRAMYCIN (See PLICAMYCIN) MITHRAMYCIN 373

374 MITOMYCIN MITOMYCIN Synonyms: mitomycin-C; MTC Trade names: Ametycine; Mitomycin; Mitomycin-C; Mitomycine; Mutamycin (Bristol-Myers Squibb) Indications: Carcinomas Category: Alkylating agent; Antibiotic, anthracycline Half-life: 23–78 minutes Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: aldesleukin Reactions Skin Angioedema Bullous dermatitis (1984): Ritch PS+, Cancer 54, 32 Dermatitis (2006): Kureshi F+, JAmAcadDermatol55(2), 328 (1997): Gomez Torrrijos E+, Allergy 52, 687 (1993): Wahlberg JE+, Lakartidningen (Swedish) 90, 158 (1992): Vidal C+, Dermatology 184, 208 (1990): Colver GB+, Br J Dermatol 122, 217 (1987): Sala F+, G Ital Dermatol Venereol (Italian) 122, 265 (1984): Neild VJ+, JRSocMed77, 610 (1981): Nissenkorn I+, JUrol126, 596 Edema Erythema Erythema multiforme (1984): Spencer HJ, JSurgOncol26, 47 Exanthems (1995): Echechipia S+, Contact Dermatitis 33, 432 (1987): Sala F+, G Ital Dermatol Venereol (Italian) 122, 265 Exfoliative dermatitis (1987): Sala F+, G Ital Dermatol Venereol (Italian) 122, 265 (1985): Bencini PL+, Int J Dermatol 24, 472 Hand–foot syndrome (2004): Rao S+, Br J Cancer 91(5), 839 (19.7%) (with capecitabine) Necrosis (2000): Neulander EZ+, JUrol164(4), 1306 (glans penis) Palmar desquamation (1981): Nissenkorn I+, JUrol126, 596 Photo-recall (2002): Stratman EJ, JAmAcadDermatol46(5), 797 (passim) Photosensitivity (1981): Fuller B+, AnnInternMed94, 542 Pigmentation (1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173 Pityriasis rosea (1987): Sala F+, G Ital Dermatol Venereol (Italian) 122, 265 Pruritus (10%) Injection-site extravasation (2000): Kassner E, JPediatrOnconNurs17, 135 Injection-site necrosis (>10%) (1987): Aizawa H+, Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 67, 364 (1987): Dufresne RG, Cutis 39, 197 (1987): Sala F+, G Ital Dermatol Venereol (Italian) 122, 265 Injection-site thrombophlebitis Nephrotoxicity (2001): Kintzel PE, Drug Saf 24(1), 19 Thrombophlebitis (

374 MITOMYCIN<br />


Synonyms: mitomycin-C; MTC<br />

Trade names: Ametycine; Mitomycin; Mitomycin-C;<br />

Mitomycine; Mutamycin (Bristol-Myers Squibb)<br />

Indications: Carcinomas<br />

Category: Alkylating agent; Antibiotic, anthracycline<br />

Half-life: 23–78 minutes<br />

Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions<br />

with: aldesleukin<br />

Reactions<br />

Skin<br />

Angioedema<br />

Bullous dermatitis<br />

(1984): Ritch PS+, Cancer 54, 32<br />

Dermatitis<br />

(2006): Kureshi F+, JAmAcadDermatol55(2), 328<br />

(1997): Gomez Torrrijos E+, Allergy 52, 687<br />

(1993): Wahlberg JE+, Lakartidningen (Swedish) 90, 158<br />

(1992): Vidal C+, Dermatology 184, 208<br />

(1990): Colver GB+, Br J Dermatol 122, 217<br />

(1987): Sala F+, G Ital Dermatol Venereol (Italian) 122, 265<br />

(1984): Neild VJ+, JRSocMed77, 610<br />

(1981): Nissenkorn I+, JUrol126, 596<br />

Edema<br />

Erythema<br />

Erythema multiforme<br />

(1984): Spencer HJ, JSurgOncol26, 47<br />

Exanthems<br />

(1995): Echechipia S+, Contact Dermatitis 33, 432<br />

(1987): Sala F+, G Ital Dermatol Venereol (Italian) 122, 265<br />

Exfoliative dermatitis<br />

(1987): Sala F+, G Ital Dermatol Venereol (Italian) 122, 265<br />

(1985): Bencini PL+, Int J Dermatol 24, 472<br />

H<strong>and</strong>–foot syndrome<br />

(2004): Rao S+, Br J Cancer 91(5), 839 (19.7%) (with<br />

capecitabine)<br />

Necrosis<br />

(2000): Neul<strong>and</strong>er EZ+, JUrol164(4), 1306 (glans penis)<br />

Palmar desquamation<br />

(1981): Nissenkorn I+, JUrol126, 596<br />

Photo-recall<br />

(2002): Stratman EJ, JAmAcadDermatol46(5), 797 (passim)<br />

Photosensitivity<br />

(1981): Fuller B+, AnnInternMed94, 542<br />

Pigmentation<br />

(1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173<br />

Pityriasis rosea<br />

(1987): Sala F+, G Ital Dermatol Venereol (Italian) 122, 265<br />

Pruritus (10%)<br />

Injection-site extravasation<br />

(2000): Kassner E, JPediatrOnconNurs17, 135<br />

Injection-site necrosis (>10%)<br />

(1987): Aizawa H+, Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 67, 364<br />

(1987): Dufresne RG, Cutis 39, 197<br />

(1987): Sala F+, G Ital Dermatol Venereol (Italian) 122, 265<br />

Injection-site thrombophlebitis<br />

Nephrotoxicity<br />

(2001): Kintzel PE, <strong>Drug</strong> Saf 24(1), 19<br />

Thrombophlebitis (

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