Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

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Mucosal Aphthous stomatitis (2003): Yoshida T+, J Rheumatol 30(9), 2082 Gingivitis (>10%) Glossitis (>10%) Mucositis (2005): Mazokopakis EE+, Phytomedicine 12(1-2), 25 (2005): Tonanont M+, J Med Assoc Thai 88(10), 1349 (6%) (2000): Alfaro J+, Rev Med Chil (Spanish) 128, 315 Oral mucositis (1997): Plevova P+, J Natl Cancer Inst 89, 326 (1996): Moe PJ, Pediatr Hematol Oncol 13, 313 (1996): Rask C+, Pediatr Hematol Oncol 13, 359 (1996): Zackheim HS+, JAmAcadDermatol34, 626 Oral ulceration (2005): Deeming GM+, Br Dent J 2005 Jan 22;198(2), 83 (2003): Prescrire Int 12(64), 59 (2001): Litt JZ, Beachwood, OH (severe) (personal case) (observation) (2001): Werth V, Dermatology Times 15 (2000): Madinier I+, Ann Med Interne (Paris) (French) 151, 248 (1986): Barrett AP, JPeriodontol57, 318 Stomatitis (3–10%) (1998): Roenigk HH+, JAmAcadDermatol38, 478 (ulcerative) (1998): Zieglschmid ME+, JAmAcadDermatol38, 130 (1997): Kasteler JS+, JAmAcadDermatol36, 67 (passim) (1996): Vonderheid EC+, JAmAcadDermatol34, 470 (1995): Zieglschmid-Adams ME+, JAmAcadDermatol32, 754 (1994): Montecucco C+, Arthritis Rheum 37, 777 Hair Hair – alopecia (1–6%) (2006): Weisman MH+, Arthritis Rheum 54(2), 607 (2000): Emery P+, Rheumatology (Oxford) 39, 655 (1998): Roenigk HH+, JAmAcadDermatol38, 478 (1998): Zieglschmid ME+, JAmAcadDermatol38, 130 (1997): Kasteler JS+, JAmAcadDermatol36, 67 (passim) (1996): Zackheim HS+, JAmAcadDermatol34, 626 (1995): Zieglschmid-Adams ME+, JAmAcadDermatol32, 754 (1989): Fehlauer CS+, J Rheumatol 16, 307 (1988): Weinblatt ME+, Arthritis Rheum 31 (Suppl), s115 (1982): Bachman DM, Arthritis Rheum 25, s65 (1982): Bertino JR, Med Pediatr Oncol 10, 401 Hair – pigmented bands (1983): Wheeland RG+, Cancer 51, 1356 Nails Nails – discoloration Nails – onycholysis (1987): Chang JC, Arch Dermatol 123, 990 Nails – paronychia (1983): Wantzin GL+, Arch Dermatol 119, 623 Nails – pigmentation (1998): Malka N+, Dermatology 197(3), 276 (yellow) (1981): Nixon DW+, Cutis 27, 181 Eyes Optic neuropathy (2005): Clare G+, J Neuroophthalmol 25(2), 109 (2002): Balachandran C+, Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 30(6), 440 Scotoma (2006): Sbeity ZH+, JMedLiban54(3), 164 Visual disturbances (2004): Johansson B, Acta Ophthalmol Scand 2004 Oct;82(5), 625 Other Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis (1–10%) (2006): Houtman PM+, J Clin Rheumatol 12(6), 321 (with etanercept) METHOTREXATE 357 (2003): Prescrire Int 12(64), 59 (2003): MacGinnitie AJ+, Pediatr Allergy Immunol 14(5), 409 (1996): Alkins SA+, Cancer 77, 2123 (1995): Lobelle C+, Pediatr Hematol Oncol 12, 213 Candidiasis Cough (2006): Weisman MH+, Arthritis Rheum 54(2), 607 Death (2006): Kelly H+, Obstet Gynecol 107(2), 439 (2005): Kinder AJ+, Rheumatology (Oxford) 44(1), 61 Gynecomastia (2006): Pandhi D+, Clin Exp Dermatol 31(1), 138 (2004): Schmutz JL+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 131(11), 1024 (1995): Finger DR+, J Rheumatol 22, 796 (1995): Thomas E+, J Rheumatol 22, 2189 (1983): Del Paine DW+, Arthritis Rheum 26, 691 Hepatotoxicity (2006): Berends MA+, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 24(5), 805 (2006): Boey O+, Acta Clin Belg 61(4), 166 (2006): Tilling L+, Clin Drug Investig 26(2), 55 (2005): Nieminen U+, Duodecim - Duodecim 121(24), 2680 (2005): Tonanont M+, J Med Assoc Thai 88(10), 1349 (6%) (1998): Hakim NS+, Int Surg 83(3), 224 (1997): Cuellar ML+, Rheum Dis Clin North Am 23(4), 797 Hypersensitivity (2003): Prescrire Int 12(64), 59 Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) (1988): Frahm H+, Z Gesamte Inn Med 43(15), 411 Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity Nephrotoxicity (2006): Widemann BC+, Oncologist 11(6), 694 (2004): Widemann BC+, Cancer 100(10), 2222 (%) (2003): Kinoshita A+, Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 51(3), 256 (2003): Miyazaki J+, Nippon Rinsho 61(6), 973 (2002): Saland JM+, Pediatr Nephrol 17(10), 825 (2002): Sauer M+, Pediatr Hematol Oncol 19(2), 135 (2001): Kintzel PE, Drug Saf 24(1), 19 (2000): Abrey LE+, J Clin Oncol 18(17), 3144 (1999): Krackhardt A+, Leuk Lymphoma 35(5–6), 631 (1998): Kepka L+, Leuk Lymphoma 29(1–2), 205 (1998): Koch Nogueira PC+, Pediatr Nephrol 12(7), 572 (1997): Tesar V+, Cas Lek Cesk 136(7), 205 (1997): Widemann BC+, J Clin Oncol 15(5), 2125 Neurotoxicity (2006): Haykin ME+, J Neurooncol 76(2), 153 (2006): Nakajima D+, No To Hattatsu 38(3), 195 Panniculitis (2002): Nezondet-Chetaille AL+, Joint Bone Spine 69(3), 324 Peyronie’s disease (1992): Phelan MJI, Br J Rheumatol 31, 425 Porphyria cutanea tarda (1983): Malina L+, ZHautkr(German) 58, 241 Pseudolymphoma (1997): Flipo RM+, J Rheumatol 24, 809 (1995): Delaporte E+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French) 122, 521 (20 cases) (1994): Zimmer-Galler I+, Mayo Clin Proc 69, 258 (1993): Kamel OW+, NEnglJMed328, 1317 (1993): Kerl H+, Dermatology in General Medicine McGraw-Hill, New York (1993): Shiroky JB+, NEnglJMed329(22), 1657 (1993): Taillan B+, Rev Rhum Ed Fr 60(3), 248 (1992): Kingsmore SF+, J Rheumatol 19(9), 1462 (1991): Ellman MH+, J Rheumatol 18(11), 1741 (1991): Shiroky JB+, J Rheumatol 18(8), 1172 Tendinopathy/Tendon rupture (2001): Toverud EL+, Med Pediatr Oncol 37(2), 156 (Achilles; repeated)

358 METHOXSALEN METHOXSALEN Trade names: 8-MOP (Valeant); Geroxalen; Meladinine; Oxsoralen (Valeant); Oxsoralon; Puvasoralen; Ultra-MOP Indications: Psoriasis, vitiligo Category: Psoralen; Repigmenting agent Half-life: 1.1 hours Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: caffeine, chloroquine, cyclosporine, fluoroquinolones, phenothiazines, sulfonamides Reactions Skin Acne Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) (2002): Morant C+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 129(2), 234 Basal cell carcinoma (1996): Stern RS+, JPediatr129, 915 (1995): Gritiyarangsan P+, Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 11, 174 Bowen’s disease Bullous dermatitis (with UVA) (1982): Stüttgen G, Int J Dermatol 21, 198 Bullous pemphigoid (1996): Perl S+, Dermatology 193, 245 Burning (1–10%) (1996): Geary P, Burns 22, 636 (1991): Boucaud C+, Presse Med (French) 20, 1945 (1982): Stüttgen G, Int J Dermatol 21, 198 (passim) (1–10%) Carcinoma (1995): Halder RM+, Arch Dermatol 131, 734 (1984): Halprin KM+, Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 66, 185 Dermatitis (1994): Korffmacher H+, Contact Dermatitis 30, 283 (1991): Takashima A+, Br J Dermatol 124, 37 (1980): Weissmann I+, Br J Dermatol 102, 113 Eczema Edema (1–10%) Ephelides (1–10%) (1995): Gritiyarangsan P+, Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 11, 174 (1995): Pierard GE+, Dermatology 190, 338 (1984): Kietzmann E+, Dermatologica 168, 306 (1983): Kanerva L+, Dermatologica 166, 281 (1983): Kietzmann H+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French) 110, 63 Erythema (1–10%) Exanthems (2001): Ravenscroft J+, JAmAcadDermatol45, S2118–9 (1986): Gisslen P+, Photodermatol 3, 308 Exfoliative dermatitis Granuloma annulare Herpes simplex (1982): Stüttgen G, Int J Dermatol 21, 198 Herpes zoster (1982): Stüttgen G, Int J Dermatol 21, 198 Hypomelanosis (1–10%) Lichen planus (2003): Nanda S+, JDermatol30(2), 151 Lichen planus pemphigoides (2000): Kuramoto N+, Br J Dermatol 142(3), 509 Lupus erythematosus (1985): Bruze M+, Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 65, 31 Miliaria Pemphigus Photosensitivity (2001): Tanew A+, JAmAcadDermatol44, 638 (1998): Clark SM+, Contact Dermatitis 38, 289 (1992): Jeanmougin M+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French) 119, 277 (1991): Boucaud C+, Presse Med (French) 20, 1945 (1991): Takashima A+, Br J Dermatol 124, 37 (1990): Cox NH+, Clin Exp Dermatol 15, 75 (1989): Cox NH+, Photodermatol 6, 96 Phototoxicity (1997): Morison WL+, JAmAcadDermatol36, 183 (1993): Calzavara-Pinton PG+, JAmAcadDermatol28, 657 (1989): Morison WL, Arch Dermatol 125, 433 (topical) (1985): Berakha GJ+, Ann Plast Surg 14, 458 (1984): Meffert H+, Photodermatol 1, 191 Pigmentation (1989): Weiss E+, Int J Dermatol 28, 188 (1987): Bruce DR+, JAmAcadDermatol16, 1087 (1986): MacDonald KJS+, Br J Dermatol 114, 395 Porokeratosis (actinic) (1988): Beiteke U+, Photodermatol 5, 274 (1985): Hazen PG+, JAmAcadDermatol12, 1077 (1980): Reymond JL, Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 60, 539 Prurigo (1982): Stüttgen G, Int J Dermatol 21, 198 (passim) Pruritus (>10%) (1982): Stüttgen G, Int J Dermatol 21, 198 (passim) Purpura (1981): Barriere H+, Nouv Presse Med (French) 10, 337 Rash (sic) (1–10%) Scleroderma Seborrheic dermatitis (1983): Tegner E, Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) Suppl 107, 5 Squamous cell carcinoma (1998): Stern RS+, Arch Dermatol 134, 1582 (with UVA) (1986): Kahn JR+, Clin Exp Dermatol 11, 398 Urticaria (1994): Bech-Thomsen N+, JAmAcadDermatol31, 1063 Vasculitis (1981): Barriere H+, Presse Med (French) 10, 37 Verrucae (1982): Stüttgen G, Int J Dermatol 21, 198 Vitiligo (1983): Tegner E, Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) Suppl 107, 5 Xerosis Mucosal Cheilitis (1–10%) Hair Hair – hypertrichosis (1983): Rampen FHJ, Br J Dermatol 109, 657 Nails Nails – photo-onycholysis (1990): Baran R+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French) 117, 367 (1984): Balato N+, Photodermatol 1, 202 Nails – pigmentation (1990): Trattner A+, Int J Dermatol 29, 310 (1989): Weiss E+, Int J Dermatol 28, 188 (1986): MacDonald KJS+, Br J Dermatol 114, 395 (1982): Naik RPC+, Int J Dermatol 21, 275 Other Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis (2003): Park JY+, Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 19(1), 37 (2001): Legat FJ+, Br J Dermatol 145(5), 821 Lymphoproliferative disease (1989): Aschinoff R+, JAmAcadDermatol21, 1134 Pain

Mucosal<br />

Aphthous stomatitis<br />

(2003): Yoshida T+, J Rheumatol 30(9), 2082<br />

Gingivitis (>10%)<br />

Glossitis (>10%)<br />

Mucositis<br />

(2005): Mazokopakis EE+, Phytomedicine 12(1-2), 25<br />

(2005): Tonanont M+, J Med Assoc Thai 88(10), 1349 (6%)<br />

(2000): Alfaro J+, Rev Med Chil (Spanish) 128, 315<br />

Oral mucositis<br />

(1997): Plevova P+, J Natl Cancer Inst 89, 326<br />

(1996): Moe PJ, Pediatr Hematol Oncol 13, 313<br />

(1996): Rask C+, Pediatr Hematol Oncol 13, 359<br />

(1996): Zackheim HS+, JAmAcadDermatol34, 626<br />

Oral ulceration<br />

(2005): Deeming GM+, Br Dent J 2005 Jan 22;198(2), 83<br />

(2003): Prescrire Int 12(64), 59<br />

(2001): Litt JZ, Beachwood, OH (severe) (personal case)<br />

(observation)<br />

(2001): Werth V, Dermatology Times 15<br />

(2000): Madinier I+, Ann Med Interne (Paris) (French) 151, 248<br />

(1986): Barrett AP, JPeriodontol57, 318<br />

Stomatitis (3–10%)<br />

(1998): Roenigk HH+, JAmAcadDermatol38, 478 (ulcerative)<br />

(1998): Zieglschmid ME+, JAmAcadDermatol38, 130<br />

(1997): Kasteler JS+, JAmAcadDermatol36, 67 (passim)<br />

(1996): Vonderheid EC+, JAmAcadDermatol34, 470<br />

(1995): Zieglschmid-Adams ME+, JAmAcadDermatol32, 754<br />

(1994): Montecucco C+, Arthritis Rheum 37, 777<br />

Hair<br />

Hair – alopecia (1–6%)<br />

(2006): Weisman MH+, Arthritis Rheum 54(2), 607<br />

(2000): Emery P+, Rheumatology (Oxford) 39, 655<br />

(1998): Roenigk HH+, JAmAcadDermatol38, 478<br />

(1998): Zieglschmid ME+, JAmAcadDermatol38, 130<br />

(1997): Kasteler JS+, JAmAcadDermatol36, 67 (passim)<br />

(1996): Zackheim HS+, JAmAcadDermatol34, 626<br />

(1995): Zieglschmid-Adams ME+, JAmAcadDermatol32, 754<br />

(1989): Fehlauer CS+, J Rheumatol 16, 307<br />

(1988): Weinblatt ME+, Arthritis Rheum 31 (Suppl), s115<br />

(1982): Bachman DM, Arthritis Rheum 25, s65<br />

(1982): Bertino JR, Med Pediatr Oncol 10, 401<br />

Hair – pigmented b<strong>and</strong>s<br />

(1983): Wheel<strong>and</strong> RG+, Cancer 51, 1356<br />

Nails<br />

Nails – discoloration<br />

Nails – onycholysis<br />

(1987): Chang JC, Arch Dermatol 123, 990<br />

Nails – paronychia<br />

(1983): Wantzin GL+, Arch Dermatol 119, 623<br />

Nails – pigmentation<br />

(1998): Malka N+, Dermatology 197(3), 276 (yellow)<br />

(1981): Nixon DW+, Cutis 27, 181<br />

Eyes<br />

Optic neuropathy<br />

(2005): Clare G+, J Neuroophthalmol 25(2), 109<br />

(2002): Balach<strong>and</strong>ran C+, Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 30(6), 440<br />

Scotoma<br />

(2006): Sbeity ZH+, JMedLiban54(3), 164<br />

Visual disturbances<br />

(2004): Johansson B, Acta Ophthalmol Sc<strong>and</strong> 2004 Oct;82(5), 625<br />

Other<br />

Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis (1–10%)<br />

(2006): Houtman PM+, J Clin Rheumatol 12(6), 321 (with<br />

etanercept)<br />


(2003): Prescrire Int 12(64), 59<br />

(2003): MacGinnitie AJ+, Pediatr Allergy Immunol 14(5), 409<br />

(1996): Alkins SA+, Cancer 77, 2123<br />

(1995): Lobelle C+, Pediatr Hematol Oncol 12, 213<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idiasis<br />

Cough<br />

(2006): Weisman MH+, Arthritis Rheum 54(2), 607<br />

Death<br />

(2006): Kelly H+, Obstet Gynecol 107(2), 439<br />

(2005): Kinder AJ+, Rheumatology (Oxford) 44(1), 61<br />

Gynecomastia<br />

(2006): P<strong>and</strong>hi D+, Clin Exp Dermatol 31(1), 138<br />

(2004): Schmutz JL+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 131(11), 1024<br />

(1995): Finger DR+, J Rheumatol 22, 796<br />

(1995): Thomas E+, J Rheumatol 22, 2189<br />

(1983): Del Paine DW+, Arthritis Rheum 26, 691<br />

Hepatotoxicity<br />

(2006): Berends MA+, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 24(5), 805<br />

(2006): Boey O+, Acta Clin Belg 61(4), 166<br />

(2006): Tilling L+, Clin <strong>Drug</strong> Investig 26(2), 55<br />

(2005): Nieminen U+, Duodecim - Duodecim 121(24), 2680<br />

(2005): Tonanont M+, J Med Assoc Thai 88(10), 1349 (6%)<br />

(1998): Hakim NS+, Int Surg 83(3), 224<br />

(1997): Cuellar ML+, Rheum Dis Clin North Am 23(4), 797<br />

Hypersensitivity<br />

(2003): Prescrire Int 12(64), 59<br />

Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)<br />

(1988): Frahm H+, Z Gesamte Inn Med 43(15), 411<br />

Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity<br />

Nephrotoxicity<br />

(2006): Widemann BC+, Oncologist 11(6), 694<br />

(2004): Widemann BC+, Cancer 100(10), 2222 (%)<br />

(2003): Kinoshita A+, Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 51(3), 256<br />

(2003): Miyazaki J+, Nippon Rinsho 61(6), 973<br />

(2002): Sal<strong>and</strong> JM+, Pediatr Nephrol 17(10), 825<br />

(2002): Sauer M+, Pediatr Hematol Oncol 19(2), 135<br />

(2001): Kintzel PE, <strong>Drug</strong> Saf 24(1), 19<br />

(2000): Abrey LE+, J Clin Oncol 18(17), 3144<br />

(1999): Krackhardt A+, Leuk Lymphoma 35(5–6), 631<br />

(1998): Kepka L+, Leuk Lymphoma 29(1–2), 205<br />

(1998): Koch Nogueira PC+, Pediatr Nephrol 12(7), 572<br />

(1997): Tesar V+, Cas Lek Cesk 136(7), 205<br />

(1997): Widemann BC+, J Clin Oncol 15(5), 2125<br />

Neurotoxicity<br />

(2006): Haykin ME+, J Neurooncol 76(2), 153<br />

(2006): Nakajima D+, No To Hattatsu 38(3), 195<br />

Panniculitis<br />

(2002): Nezondet-Chetaille AL+, Joint Bone Spine 69(3), 324<br />

Peyronie’s disease<br />

(1992): Phelan MJI, Br J Rheumatol 31, 425<br />

Porphyria cutanea tarda<br />

(1983): Malina L+, ZHautkr(German) 58, 241<br />

Pseudolymphoma<br />

(1997): Flipo RM+, J Rheumatol 24, 809<br />

(1995): Delaporte E+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French) 122, 521<br />

(20 cases)<br />

(1994): Zimmer-Galler I+, Mayo Clin Proc 69, 258<br />

(1993): Kamel OW+, NEnglJMed328, 1317<br />

(1993): Kerl H+, Dermatology in General Medicine McGraw-Hill,<br />

New York<br />

(1993): Shiroky JB+, NEnglJMed329(22), 1657<br />

(1993): Taillan B+, Rev Rhum Ed Fr 60(3), 248<br />

(1992): Kingsmore SF+, J Rheumatol 19(9), 1462<br />

(1991): Ellman MH+, J Rheumatol 18(11), 1741<br />

(1991): Shiroky JB+, J Rheumatol 18(8), 1172<br />

Tendinopathy/Tendon rupture<br />

(2001): Toverud EL+, Med Pediatr Oncol 37(2), 156 (Achilles;<br />


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