Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

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(2002): Tothova E+, Neoplasma 49(2), 91 (2001): Werth V, Dermatology Times 18 (1998): Garcia-Porrua C+, Clin Exp Rheumatol 16, 107 (1994): Flores A+, Br J Rheumatol 33, 787 (1994): Fritzler MJ, Lupus 3, 455 (1994): Sanchez Roman J+, Med Clin (Barc) (Spanish) 102, 198 (1992): Mehta ND+, Am J Hematol 41, 141 (1992): Tolaymat A+, JPediatr120, 429 (1991): Hess EV, Curr Opin Rheumatol 3, 809 (1991): Schilling JP+, Cancer 68, 1536 Lupus syndrome (2005): Fritz M+, JPerinatol25(8), 552 (neonatal) (2002): Pouthier D+, NephrolDialTransplant17(1), 174 Malignancies (sic) (1991): Wagner RF+, Arch Dermatol 127, 272 Melanoma (1988): Bork K+, Dermatologica 177, 249 (exacerbation) Necrosis (1998): Sickler JB+, Am J Gastroenterol 93, 463 (1997): de Ledinghen V+, Gastroenterol Clin Biol 21, 523 (1995): Chang LW+, Cutis 56, 144 (1995): Trautinger F+, NEnglJMed333, 1222 (1991): Cnudde F+, Int J Dermatol 30, 147 (1989): Rasokat H+, Dtsch Med Wochenschr (German) 114, 458 Nodular eruption (painful) (1995): Chang LW+, Cutis 56, 144 Pemphigus (1995): Kirsner RS+, Br J Dermatol 132, 474 (1994): Niizeki H+, Dermatology 189 (Suppl), 129 Photo-recall (2002): Thomas R+, J Clin Oncol 20(1), 355 Photosensitivity (

300 INTERFERON ALFA (2000): Savoye G+, Gastroenterol Clin Biol 24(6-7), 679 (with ribavirin) (2000): Vallina E+, An Med Interna 17(10), 538 (1999): Pietropaoli A+, Chest 116, 569 (1998): Kikawada M+, Respirology 3(1), 41 (1996): Teragawa H+, Intern Med 35(1), 19 (1993): Blum L+, Rev Med Interne (Paris) (French) 14, 1161 Scleroderma (2004): Solans R+, Clin Exp Rheumatol 22(5), 625 Seborrheic dermatitis (2004): Guillot B+, Dermatology 208(1), 49 (3 cases) (1986): Quesada JR+, Lancet 1, 1466 Systemic sclerosis (2002): Beretta L+, Br J Dermatol 147(2), 385 Telangiectasia (1989): Dreno B+, AnnInternMed111, 95 Toxicity (sic) (1993): Miglino M+, Haematologica 78(6), 411 (1989): Dreno B+, AnnInternMed111, 95 Ulcerations (1992): Orlow SJ+, Arch Dermatol 128, 566 Urticaria (10%) (2004): Guillot B+, Dermatology 208(1), 49 (10 cases) Hair Hair – alopecia (1–10%) (2004): Guillot B+, Dermatology 208(1), 49 (48%) (2002): Alpsoy E+, Arch Dermatol 138, 467 (2001): Zucker DM+, Gastroenterol Nurs 24(4), 192 (with ribavirin) (2000): Stafford-Fox V+, Clin J Oncol Nurs 4(4), 164 (1997): Brehler R+, JAmAcadDermatol36, 983 (passim) (1995): Chang LW+, Cutis 56, 144 (1994): Czarnetzki BM+, JAmAcadDermatol30, 500 (1992): Tosti A+, Dermatology 184, 124 (1989): Olsen EA+, JAmAcadDermatol20, 395 (1987): Werter MJBP, Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd (Dutch) 131, 2081 Hair – alopecia areata (1999): Kernland KH+, Dermatology 198, 418 Hair – curly (2006): Tinio P+, Skinmed 5(1), 50 (with ribavirin) Hair – hypertrichosis (1996): Ariyoshi K+, Am J Hematol 53, 50 (eyebrows) (1990): Berglund EF+, South Med J 83, 363 (1984): Foon KA+, NEnglJMed19, 1259 (eyelashes) Hair – pigmentation (2004): Guillot B+, Dermatology 208(1), 49 (18%) (1996): Fleming CJ+, Br J Dermatol 135, 337 (1995): Bernstein D+, Am J Gastroenterol 90, 1176 (canities) Hair – straight (2003): Lanigan SW, Br J Dermatol 148, 595 (with ribavirin) (2002): Bessis D+, Br J Dermatol 147(2), 392 Eyes Eyelashes – hypertrichosis (2002): Misery L, J Interferon Cytokine Res 22, 881 (2000): Ozdogan M+, J Interferon Cytokine Res 20, 633 Retinopathy (2006): Prescrire Int 15(82), 61 (2006): Okuse C+, World J Gastroenterol 12(23), 3756 Other Candidiasis (1%) Chills (2002): Alpsoy E+, Arch Dermatol 138, 467 (2000): Cornejo P+, Arch Dermatol 136, 429 (2000): Shenefelt PD+, Arch Dermatol 136, 837 Embolia cutis medicamentosa (Nicolau syndrome) (2003): Reding EL+, JAmAcadDermatol48(3), 472 (passim) Fever (2002): Goldberg JS+, Cancer 95(6), 1220 (2 cases) (2002): Wirth S+, Hepatology 36(5), 1280 (with ribavirin) Hot flashes (1%) Hypersensitivity (2001): Beckman DB+, Allergy 56(8), 806 Infections (2002): Goldberg JS+, Cancer 95(6), 1220 (1 case) Injection-site alopecia (2000): Sparsa A+, Rev Med Interne 21(9), 756 (1999): Lang AM+, Arch Dermatol 135, 1127 Injection-site eczematous eruption (2004): Guillot B+, Dermatology 208(1), 49 (39%) Injection-site erythema (2000): Sparsa A+, Rev Med Interne 21(9), 756 (1995): Chang LW+, Cutis 56, 144 Injection-site induration (2000): Sparsa A+, Rev Med Interne 21(9), 756 (2000): Stafford-Fox V+, Clin J Oncol Nurs 4(4), 164 (1997): Siegel M, New York, NY (from Internet) (observation) (1995): Chang LW+, Cutis 56, 144 Injection-site necrosis (2000): Sparsa A+, Rev Med Interne 21(9), 756 (2000): Stafford-Fox V+, Clin J Oncol Nurs 4(4), 164 (1998): Krainick U+, J Interferon Cytokine Res 18, 823 (1997): Weinberg JM+, Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 77, 146 (1996): Konohana A+, JAmAcadDermatol35, 788 (1996): Kontochristopoulos G+, JHepatol25, 271

(2002): Tothova E+, Neoplasma 49(2), 91<br />

(2001): Werth V, Dermatology Times 18<br />

(1998): Garcia-Porrua C+, Clin Exp Rheumatol 16, 107<br />

(1994): Flores A+, Br J Rheumatol 33, 787<br />

(1994): Fritzler MJ, Lupus 3, 455<br />

(1994): Sanchez Roman J+, Med Clin (Barc) (Spanish) 102, 198<br />

(1992): Mehta ND+, Am J Hematol 41, 141<br />

(1992): Tolaymat A+, JPediatr120, 429<br />

(1991): Hess EV, Curr Opin Rheumatol 3, 809<br />

(1991): Schilling JP+, Cancer 68, 1536<br />

Lupus syndrome<br />

(2005): Fritz M+, JPerinatol25(8), 552 (neonatal)<br />

(2002): Pouthier D+, NephrolDialTransplant17(1), 174<br />

Malignancies (sic)<br />

(1991): Wagner RF+, Arch Dermatol 127, 272<br />

Melanoma<br />

(1988): Bork K+, Dermatologica 177, 249 (exacerbation)<br />

Necrosis<br />

(1998): Sickler JB+, Am J Gastroenterol 93, 463<br />

(1997): de Ledinghen V+, Gastroenterol Clin Biol 21, 523<br />

(1995): Chang LW+, Cutis 56, 144<br />

(1995): Trautinger F+, NEnglJMed333, 1222<br />

(1991): Cnudde F+, Int J Dermatol 30, 147<br />

(1989): Rasokat H+, Dtsch Med Wochenschr (German) 114, 458<br />

Nodular eruption (painful)<br />

(1995): Chang LW+, Cutis 56, 144<br />

Pemphigus<br />

(1995): Kirsner RS+, Br J Dermatol 132, 474<br />

(1994): Niizeki H+, Dermatology 189 (Suppl), 129<br />

Photo-recall<br />

(2002): Thomas R+, J Clin Oncol 20(1), 355<br />

Photosensitivity (

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