Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

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(2004): Scheinfeld N, J Drugs Dermatol 3(3), 273 (passim) Folliculitis (2007): Gilaberte Y+, Br J Dermatol 156(2), 368 (perforating) (2003): Devos SA+, Dermatology 206(4), 388 Granuloma annulare (2003): Devos SA+, Dermatology 206(4), 388 Herpes simplex (2001): Voigtländer C+, Arch Dermatol 137, 1571 Herpes zoster (2004): Kinder A+, Postgrad Med J 80(939), 26 (2002): Baumgart DC+, Ann Rheum Dis 61(7), 661 Impetigo (2007): Wegscheider BJ+, Eye 21(4), 547 Keratoacanthoma (2004): Esser AC+, JAmAcadDermatol50(5 Suppl), S75 Lichenoid eruption (2003): Devos SA+, Dermatology 206(4), 388 Lupus erythematosus (2006): Bratcher JM+, Expert Opin Drug Saf 5(1), 9 (passim) (2006): Chadha T+, Arthritis Rheum 55(1), 163 (2006): Pallotta P+, Rheumatology (Oxford) 45(1), 116 (2006): Perez-Garcia C+, Rheumatology (Oxford) 45(1), 114 (2006): Schneider SW+, Arch Dermatol 142(1), 115 (2005): Benucci M+, J Clin Rheumatol 11(1), 47 (2005): High WA+, JAmAcadDermatol52(4), E5 (2005): Richez C+, J Rheumatol 32(4), 760 (2005): Vabre-Latre CM+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 132(4), 349 (2004): Elkayam O+, Clin Exp Rheumatol 22(4), 502 (2004): Novak S+, Clin Exp Rheumatol 22(2), 268 (2004): Stratigos AJ+, Clin Exp Dermatol 29(2), 150 (2003): Debandt M+, Clin Rheumatol 22(1), 56 (2003): Jarrett SJ+, J Rheumatol 30(10), 2287 (8 cases) (2003): Klapman JB+, Inflamm Bowel Dis 9(3), 176 (2003): Mikuls TR+, Drug Saf 26(1), 23 (2002): Ali Y+, AnnInternMed137(7), 625 (2000): Charles PJ+, Arthritis Rheum 43(11), 2383 Lupus syndrome (2006): Pallotta P+, Rheumatology (Oxford) 45(1), 116 (2005): Atzeni F+, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 22(5), 453 (1 case) (2004): Colombel JF+, Gastroenterology 126(1), 19 (3 cases) (2003): Christopher-Stine L+, J Rheumatol 30(12), 2725 (2003): Sarzi-Puttini P+, Dig Liver Dis 35(11), 814 Lymphoma (2006): Bratcher JM+, Expert Opin Drug Saf 5(1), 9 (passim) (2005): Doty JD+, Chest 127(3), 1064 (2002): Brown SL+, Arthritis Rheum 46(12), 3151 (8 cases) (2001): Aithal GP+, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 15(8), 1101 (1992): Greenstein AJ+, Cancer 69, 1119 Molluscum contagiosum (eyelids) (2002): Cursiefen C+, Am J Ophthalmol 134(2), 270 Necrotizing fasciitis (2002): Chan AT+, Postgrad Med J 78(915), 47 Nevi (2006): Bovenschen HJ+, Br J Dermatol 154(5), 880 (Eruptive) Palmar–plantar pustulosis (2007): Roux CH+, J Rheumatol 34(2), 434 (2005): Michaelsson G+, Br J Dermatol 153(6), 1243 Peripheral edema (2003): Gottlieb AB, JAmAcadDermatol49(2), S112 Pernio (2003): Devos SA+, Dermatology 206(4), 388 Photosensitivity (2002): Smith JG, Mobile, AL (2 cases) (from Internet) (observation) Pruritus (5%) (2004): Scheinfeld N, J Drugs Dermatol 3(3), 273 (passim) (2003): Gottlieb AB, JAmAcadDermatol49(2), S112 (2001): Finkelstein RP, Stratford, NJ (from Internet) (observation) INFLIXIMAB 293 (1999): Lichenstein GR+, Biologics in Clinical Practice Symposium, Orlando, FL, May 19 Psoriasis (2007): Cavailhes A+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 134(4 Pt 1), 363 (2007): Cohen JD+, J Rheumatol 34(2), 380 (2007): Roux CH+, J Rheumatol 34(2), 434 (pustular) (2 cases) (2007): Ubriani R+, Arch Dermatol 143(2), 270 (2007): Wegscheider BJ+, Eye 21(4), 547 (pustular) (2006): Adams DR+, JDrugsDermatol5(2), 178 (2006): Gonzalez-Lopez MA+, Med Clin (Barc) 127(8), 316 (2005): Grinblat B+, Arthritis Rheum 52(4), 1333 (2005): Michaelsson G+, Br J Dermatol 153(6), 1243 (pustular) (2005): Peramiquel L+, Clin Exp Dermatol 30(6), 713 (flexural) (2005): Sfikakis PP+, Arthritis Rheum 52(8), 2513 (2004): Thurber M+, JDrugsDermatol3(4), 439 (pustular) (2004): Verea MM+, Ann Pharmacother 38(1), 54 (2002): Smith SZ, Louisville, KY (from Internet) (observation) (2001): Finkelstein RP, Stratford, NJ (from Internet) (observation) Pustules (2005): Starmans-Kool MJ+, Rheumatol Int 25(7), 550 (2 cases) (2002): Chan AT+, Postgrad Med J 78(915), 47 (2001): Finkelstein RP, Stratford, NJ (from Internet) (observation) Rash (sic) (6%) (2006): Krathen RA+, JDrugsDermatol5(3), 251 (2004): Scheinfeld N, J Drugs Dermatol 3(3), 273 (passim) (2003): Gottlieb AB, JAmAcadDermatol49(2), S112 (2002): Ljung T+, Scand J Gastroenterol 37(9), 1108 (2001): Serrano MS+, Ann Pharmacother 35(7), 823 (2000): Hyams JS+, JPediatr137(2), 192 (1999): Baert S+, Int J Colorectal Dis 14, 47 (1999): Lichenstein GR+, Biologics in Clinical Practice Symposium Orlando, FL, May 19 Red man syndrome (2003): Lobel EZ+, J Clin Gastroenterol 36(2), 186 Sarcoidosis (2006): O’Shea FD+, Arthritis Rheum 55(6), 978 Scleredema (2005): Ranganathan P, J Clin Rheumatol 11(6), 319 Squamous cell carcinoma (2004): Esser AC+, JAmAcadDermatol50(5 Suppl), S75 Stevens–Johnson syndrome (2002): Kiely PD+, Rheumatology (Oxford) 41(6), 631 Toxic epidermal necrolysis (2007): Meiss F+, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 21(5), 717 Ulcerations (foot) (2002): Conaghan P+, Skin & Allergy News June, 40 Urticaria (2004): Scheinfeld N, J Drugs Dermatol 3(3), 273 (passim) (2003): Gottlieb AB, JAmAcadDermatol49(2), S112 (2001): Schaible TF, Presse Med 30(12), 610 (17%) (1999): Lichenstein GR+, Biologics in Clinical Practice Symposium, Orlando, FL, May 19 (1997): Van Deventer SJH, Clin Nutr 16, 271 Vasculitis (2006): Saint Marcoux B+, Joint Bone Spine 73(6), 710 (2005): Srivastava MD+, Scand J Immunol 61(4), 329 (2004): Mohan N+, J Rheumatol 31(10), 1955 (15 cases) (2003): Devos SA+, Dermatology 206(4), 388 (2003): Jarrett SJ+, J Rheumatol 30(10), 2287 (8 cases) (2003): McIlwain L+, J Clin Gastroenterol 36(5), 411 Vitiligo (2005): Ramirez-Hernandez M+, Dermatology 210(1), 79 Mucosal Oral candidiasis (2005): Doty JD+, Chest 127(3), 1064 Oral mucositis (2002): Kugathasan S+, Am J Gastroenterol 97(6), 1408 Ulcerative stomatitis

294 INFLIXIMAB (2003): Gottlieb AB, JAmAcadDermatol49(2), S112 Hair Hair – alopecia areata (2004): Ettefagh L+, Arch Dermatol 140(8), 1012 Eyes Orbital cellulitis (2006): Roos JC+, Am J Ophthalmol 141(4), 767 Other Abdominal pain (2003): Gottlieb AB, JAmAcadDermatol49(2), S112 Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis (2005): Chavez-Lopez MA+, Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 33(5), 291 (2004): Scheinfeld N, JDrugsDermatol3(3), 273 (passim) (2004): Stallmach A+, Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 16(6), 627 (2002): Diamanti A+, JPediatr140(5), 636 (2002): O’Connor M+, Dig Dis Sci 47(6), 1323 (2002): Sample C+, Can J Gastroenterol 16(3), 165 (2000): Soykan I+, Am J Gastroenterol 95(9), 2395 Application-site reactions (

(2004): Scheinfeld N, J <strong>Drug</strong>s Dermatol 3(3), 273 (passim)<br />

Folliculitis<br />

(2007): Gilaberte Y+, Br J Dermatol 156(2), 368 (perforating)<br />

(2003): Devos SA+, Dermatology 206(4), 388<br />

Granuloma annulare<br />

(2003): Devos SA+, Dermatology 206(4), 388<br />

Herpes simplex<br />

(2001): Voigtländer C+, Arch Dermatol 137, 1571<br />

Herpes zoster<br />

(2004): Kinder A+, Postgrad Med J 80(939), 26<br />

(2002): Baumgart DC+, Ann Rheum Dis 61(7), 661<br />

Impetigo<br />

(2007): Wegscheider BJ+, Eye 21(4), 547<br />

Keratoacanthoma<br />

(2004): Esser AC+, JAmAcadDermatol50(5 Suppl), S75<br />

Lichenoid eruption<br />

(2003): Devos SA+, Dermatology 206(4), 388<br />

Lupus erythematosus<br />

(2006): Bratcher JM+, Expert Opin <strong>Drug</strong> Saf 5(1), 9 (passim)<br />

(2006): Chadha T+, Arthritis Rheum 55(1), 163<br />

(2006): Pallotta P+, Rheumatology (Oxford) 45(1), 116<br />

(2006): Perez-Garcia C+, Rheumatology (Oxford) 45(1), 114<br />

(2006): Schneider SW+, Arch Dermatol 142(1), 115<br />

(2005): Benucci M+, J Clin Rheumatol 11(1), 47<br />

(2005): High WA+, JAmAcadDermatol52(4), E5<br />

(2005): Richez C+, J Rheumatol 32(4), 760<br />

(2005): Vabre-Latre CM+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 132(4), 349<br />

(2004): Elkayam O+, Clin Exp Rheumatol 22(4), 502<br />

(2004): Novak S+, Clin Exp Rheumatol 22(2), 268<br />

(2004): Stratigos AJ+, Clin Exp Dermatol 29(2), 150<br />

(2003): Deb<strong>and</strong>t M+, Clin Rheumatol 22(1), 56<br />

(2003): Jarrett SJ+, J Rheumatol 30(10), 2287 (8 cases)<br />

(2003): Klapman JB+, Inflamm Bowel Dis 9(3), 176<br />

(2003): Mikuls TR+, <strong>Drug</strong> Saf 26(1), 23<br />

(2002): Ali Y+, AnnInternMed137(7), 625<br />

(2000): Charles PJ+, Arthritis Rheum 43(11), 2383<br />

Lupus syndrome<br />

(2006): Pallotta P+, Rheumatology (Oxford) 45(1), 116<br />

(2005): Atzeni F+, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 22(5), 453 (1 case)<br />

(2004): Colombel JF+, Gastroenterology 126(1), 19 (3 cases)<br />

(2003): Christopher-Stine L+, J Rheumatol 30(12), 2725<br />

(2003): Sarzi-Puttini P+, Dig Liver Dis 35(11), 814<br />

Lymphoma<br />

(2006): Bratcher JM+, Expert Opin <strong>Drug</strong> Saf 5(1), 9 (passim)<br />

(2005): Doty JD+, Chest 127(3), 1064<br />

(2002): Brown SL+, Arthritis Rheum 46(12), 3151 (8 cases)<br />

(2001): Aithal GP+, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 15(8), 1101<br />

(1992): Greenstein AJ+, Cancer 69, 1119<br />

Molluscum contagiosum (eyelids)<br />

(2002): Cursiefen C+, Am J Ophthalmol 134(2), 270<br />

Necrotizing fasciitis<br />

(2002): Chan AT+, Postgrad Med J 78(915), 47<br />

Nevi<br />

(2006): Bovenschen HJ+, Br J Dermatol 154(5), 880 (Eruptive)<br />

Palmar–plantar pustulosis<br />

(2007): Roux CH+, J Rheumatol 34(2), 434<br />

(2005): Michaelsson G+, Br J Dermatol 153(6), 1243<br />

Peripheral edema<br />

(2003): Gottlieb AB, JAmAcadDermatol49(2), S112<br />

Pernio<br />

(2003): Devos SA+, Dermatology 206(4), 388<br />

Photosensitivity<br />

(2002): Smith JG, Mobile, AL (2 cases) (from Internet)<br />

(observation)<br />

Pruritus (5%)<br />

(2004): Scheinfeld N, J <strong>Drug</strong>s Dermatol 3(3), 273 (passim)<br />

(2003): Gottlieb AB, JAmAcadDermatol49(2), S112<br />

(2001): Finkelstein RP, Stratford, NJ (from Internet) (observation)<br />

INFLIXIMAB 293<br />

(1999): Lichenstein GR+, Biologics in Clinical Practice Symposium,<br />

Orl<strong>and</strong>o, FL, May 19<br />

Psoriasis<br />

(2007): Cavailhes A+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 134(4 Pt 1), 363<br />

(2007): Cohen JD+, J Rheumatol 34(2), 380<br />

(2007): Roux CH+, J Rheumatol 34(2), 434 (pustular) (2 cases)<br />

(2007): Ubriani R+, Arch Dermatol 143(2), 270<br />

(2007): Wegscheider BJ+, Eye 21(4), 547 (pustular)<br />

(2006): Adams DR+, J<strong>Drug</strong>sDermatol5(2), 178<br />

(2006): Gonzalez-Lopez MA+, Med Clin (Barc) 127(8), 316<br />

(2005): Grinblat B+, Arthritis Rheum 52(4), 1333<br />

(2005): Michaelsson G+, Br J Dermatol 153(6), 1243 (pustular)<br />

(2005): Peramiquel L+, Clin Exp Dermatol 30(6), 713 (flexural)<br />

(2005): Sfikakis PP+, Arthritis Rheum 52(8), 2513<br />

(2004): Thurber M+, J<strong>Drug</strong>sDermatol3(4), 439 (pustular)<br />

(2004): Verea MM+, Ann Pharmacother 38(1), 54<br />

(2002): Smith SZ, Louisville, KY (from Internet) (observation)<br />

(2001): Finkelstein RP, Stratford, NJ (from Internet) (observation)<br />

Pustules<br />

(2005): Starmans-Kool MJ+, Rheumatol Int 25(7), 550 (2 cases)<br />

(2002): Chan AT+, Postgrad Med J 78(915), 47<br />

(2001): Finkelstein RP, Stratford, NJ (from Internet) (observation)<br />

Rash (sic) (6%)<br />

(2006): Krathen RA+, J<strong>Drug</strong>sDermatol5(3), 251<br />

(2004): Scheinfeld N, J <strong>Drug</strong>s Dermatol 3(3), 273 (passim)<br />

(2003): Gottlieb AB, JAmAcadDermatol49(2), S112<br />

(2002): Ljung T+, Sc<strong>and</strong> J Gastroenterol 37(9), 1108<br />

(2001): Serrano MS+, Ann Pharmacother 35(7), 823<br />

(2000): Hyams JS+, JPediatr137(2), 192<br />

(1999): Baert S+, Int J Colorectal Dis 14, 47<br />

(1999): Lichenstein GR+, Biologics in Clinical Practice Symposium<br />

Orl<strong>and</strong>o, FL, May 19<br />

Red man syndrome<br />

(2003): Lobel EZ+, J Clin Gastroenterol 36(2), 186<br />

Sarcoidosis<br />

(2006): O’Shea FD+, Arthritis Rheum 55(6), 978<br />

Scleredema<br />

(2005): Ranganathan P, J Clin Rheumatol 11(6), 319<br />

Squamous cell carcinoma<br />

(2004): Esser AC+, JAmAcadDermatol50(5 Suppl), S75<br />

Stevens–Johnson syndrome<br />

(2002): Kiely PD+, Rheumatology (Oxford) 41(6), 631<br />

Toxic epidermal necrolysis<br />

(2007): Meiss F+, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 21(5), 717<br />

Ulcerations (foot)<br />

(2002): Conaghan P+, Skin & Allergy News June, 40<br />

Urticaria<br />

(2004): Scheinfeld N, J <strong>Drug</strong>s Dermatol 3(3), 273 (passim)<br />

(2003): Gottlieb AB, JAmAcadDermatol49(2), S112<br />

(2001): Schaible TF, Presse Med 30(12), 610 (17%)<br />

(1999): Lichenstein GR+, Biologics in Clinical Practice Symposium,<br />

Orl<strong>and</strong>o, FL, May 19<br />

(1997): Van Deventer SJH, Clin Nutr 16, 271<br />

Vasculitis<br />

(2006): Saint Marcoux B+, Joint Bone Spine 73(6), 710<br />

(2005): Srivastava MD+, Sc<strong>and</strong> J Immunol 61(4), 329<br />

(2004): Mohan N+, J Rheumatol 31(10), 1955 (15 cases)<br />

(2003): Devos SA+, Dermatology 206(4), 388<br />

(2003): Jarrett SJ+, J Rheumatol 30(10), 2287 (8 cases)<br />

(2003): McIlwain L+, J Clin Gastroenterol 36(5), 411<br />

Vitiligo<br />

(2005): Ramirez-Hern<strong>and</strong>ez M+, Dermatology 210(1), 79<br />

Mucosal<br />

Oral c<strong>and</strong>idiasis<br />

(2005): Doty JD+, Chest 127(3), 1064<br />

Oral mucositis<br />

(2002): Kugathasan S+, Am J Gastroenterol 97(6), 1408<br />

Ulcerative stomatitis

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