Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

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(1990): Rogerson SJ+, BMJ 301, 345 (1989): Goolsby PL, NEnglJMed321, 1198 Gianotti–Crosti syndrome (2007): Karakas M+, JDermatol34(2), 117 (2001): Tay YK, Pediatr Dermatol 18(3), 262 Granuloma annulare (2004): Criado PR+, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 18(5), 603 (1998): Wolf F+, Eur J Dermatol 8(6), 435 (generalized) Herpes zoster Lichen nitidus (2004): Fetil E+, Int J Dermatol 43(12), 956 Lichen planus (2004): Calista D+, Int J Dermatol 43(8), 562 (2004): Criado PR+, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 18(5), 603 (2002): Calista D+, World Congress Dermatol Poster, 0090 (2002): Schuh T+, Hautarzt 53(10), 650 (2001): Al-Khenaizan S, JAmAcadDermatol45(4), 614 (2001): Aron-Moar A+, Lupus 10(3), 237 (2000): Agrawal S+, JDermatol27(9), 618 (1999): Rebora A+, Dermatology 198(1), 1 (1999): Schupp P+, Int J Dermatol 38(10), 799 (1998): Ferrando MN+, Br J Dermatol 139(2), 350 (1998): Merigou D+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 125(6-7), 399 (1997): Gisserot O+, Presse Med 26(16), 760 (1995): Lefort A+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 122(10), 701 (1994): Aubin F+, Arch Dermatol 130(10), 1329 (1993): Trevisan G+, Acta Derm Venereol 73(1), 73 (1990): Ciaccio M+, Br J Dermatol 122, 424 Lichenoid eruption (2004): Fetil E+, Int J Dermatol 43(12), 956 (2001): Usman A+, Pediatr Dermatol 18(2), 123 (1997): Saywell CA+, Australas J Dermatol 38(3), 152 Lupus erythematosus (2005): Geier DA+, Autoimmunity 38(4), 295 (2000): Maillefert JF+, Arthritis Rheum 43(2), 468 (1999): Senecal JL+, Arthritis Rheum 42(6), 1307 (1998): Grotto I+, Vaccine 16(4), 329 (1996): Grezard P+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 123(10), 657 (1996): Guiserix J, Nephron 74(2), 441 (1994): Mamoux V+, Arch Pediatr 1(3), 307 (1992): Tudela P+, Nephron 62(2), 236 Morphea (2000): Schmutz JL+, Presse Med 29(19), 1046 Petechiae Purpura (2004): Nuevo H+, Pediatr Infect Dis J 23(2), 183 (2002): Chave TA+, World Congress Dermatol Poster, 0093 (2001): Conesa V+, Haematologica 86(3), E09 (1999): Lliminana C+, Med Clin (Barc) 113(1), 39 (1999): Muller A+, Eur J Pediatr 158 Suppl 3, S209 (1998): Ronchi F+, Arch Dis Child 78(3), 273 (3 cases) (1994): Poullin P+, Lancet 344(8932), 1293 Rash (sic) Raynaud’s phenomenon (1990): Cockwell P+, BMJ 301, 1281 Sclerotic plaques (1998): Gout O+, Rev Neurol (Paris) 154(3), 205 Stevens–Johnson syndrome Urticaria (2000): Barbaud A+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 127(6-7), 662 (1998): Barbaud A+, Br J Dermatol 139(5), 925 (1998): Grotto I+, Vaccine 16(4), 329 Vasculitis (2005): Geier DA+, Autoimmunity 38(4), 295 (2001): Saadoun D+, Rev Med Interne 22(2), 172 (1999): Le Hello C, Pathol Biol (Paris) 47(3), 252 (1999): Le Hello+, J Rheumatol 26(1), 191 (3 cases) (1998): Bui-Quang D+, Presse Med 27(26), 1321 (1998): Grotto I+, Vaccine 16(4), 329 HEPATITIS B VACCINE 269 (1998): Masse I+, Presse Med 27(20), 965 (1997): Kerleau JM+, Rev Interne Med 18(6), 491 (necrotizing) (1993): Allen MB+, Thorax 48(5), 580 (1990): Cockwell P+, BMJ 301, 1281 Mucosal Aphthous stomatitis (1996): Grezard P+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 123(10), 657 Oral lichenoid eruption (2000): Pemberton MN+, Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 89(6), 717 Hair Hair – alopecia (2005): Geier DA+, Autoimmunity 38(4), 295 (1997): Wise RP+, JAMA 278(14), 1176 (46 cases) Nails Nails – lichen planus (2005): Miteva L, Int J Dermatol 44(2), 142 Eyes Optic neuropathy (2005): Geier DA+, Autoimmunity 38(4), 295 (2004): Geier MR+, Clin Exp Rheumatol 22(6), 749 White dot syndrome (1996): Baglivo E+, Am J Ophthalmol 122(3), 431 Other Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis (2004): Prescrire Int 13(74), 218 (rare) (2000): Prescrire Int 9(46), 59 (1998): Grotto I+, Vaccine 16(4), 329 (1996): MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 45(RR-12), 1 (1994): Stratton KR+, JAMA 271(20), 1602 Chills Death (1999): Niu MT+, Pediatr Adolesc Med 153(12), 1279 Erythromelalgia (1999): Rabaud C+, J Rheumatol 26(1), 233 Hypersensitivity Injection-site ecchymoses Injection-site edema (2005): Chowdhury A+, World J Gastroenterol 11(7), 1037 Injection-site erythema (2005): Chowdhury A+, World J Gastroenterol 11(7), 1037 Injection-site induration Injection-site nodules Injection-site pain (22%) (2005): Chowdhury A+, World J Gastroenterol 11(7), 1037 Injection-site pruritus Injection-site reactions (2005): Saenger R+, Vaccine 23(9), 1135 (2.3%) Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity (2004): Geier MR+, Clin Exp Rheumatol 22(6), 749 Nephrotoxicity (2007): Santoro D+, Clin Nephrol 67(1), 61 Pain (2003): Jastaniah WA+, JPediatr143(6), 802 Polyarteritis nodosa (2004): Begier EM+, J Rheumatol 31(11), 2181 (9 cases) (2003): Bourgeais AM+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 130(2), 205 (2001): Saadoun D+, Rev Med Interne 22(2), 172 (1988): Le Goff P+, Presse Med 17, 1763 Pseudolymphoma (2005): Maubec E+, JAmAcadDermatol52(4), 623 Serum sickness (2002): Arkachaisri T, J Med Assoc Thai 85, S607

270 HEROIN HEROIN Trade name: Heroin Indications: Recreational drug Category: Opiate agonist Half-life: N/A Reactions Skin Abscess (1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351 (1987): Muller F+, Infection 15, 201 (1987): Podzamczer D+, JAmAcadDermatol16, 386 (1984): O’Sullivan M+, Ir Med J 77, 68 (1980): Espiritu MB+, Laryngoscope 90, 1111 (neck) Acanthosis nigricans Acne Angioedema Bullous impetigo Burning (24%) (2002): Warner-Smith M+, Addiction 97(8), 963 (24%) Cellulitis (1988): O’Rourke MG+, Med J Aust 148, 54 (1984): Alguire PC, Cutis 34, 93 (necrotizing of the scrotum) Dermatitis Ecthyma (1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351 Ecthyma gangrenosum Edema (1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351 Exanthems Excoriations (1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351 Fixed eruption (1983): Westerhof W+, Br J Dermatol 109, 605 (tongue) Folliculitis (candidal) (1987): Cristobal-Rodriguez P+, Med Cutan Ibero Lat Am (Spanish) 15, 411 (1986): Darcis JM+, Am J Dermatopathol 8, 501 (with septicemia) (1986): Leclerc G+, Int J Dermatol 25, 100 (1985): Calandra T+, Eur J Clin Microbiol 4, 340 Glucagonoma syndrome (necrolytic migratory erythema) (1994): Bencini PL+, Dermatology 189, 72 Kaposi’s sarcoma (1986): Schofer H+, Hautarzt (German) 37, 159 Necrosis (2002): Oehler U+, Pathologe 23(4), 318 (1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351 Necrotizing fasciitis (1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351 Necrotizing vasculitis (tongue) (1995): Jurgensen O+, Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed (German, French) 105, 54 Pemphigus (1989): Civatte J, Dermatol Monatsschr (German) 175, 1 Pemphigus erythematodes Pemphigus vegetans (1998): Downie JB+, JAmAcadDermatol39, 872 Perforating collagenosis (1989): Bank DE+, JAmAcadDermatol21, 371 Photosensitivity Pigmentation (1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351 Pruritus (1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351 Purpura Pustules (1993): Badillet G+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French) 110, 691 (candidal) (1992): Gallais V+, Presse Med (French) 21, 677 (candidal) (1990): Altes J+, Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin (Spanish) 8, 464 (1985): Cabre L+, Med Clin (Barc) (Spanish) 84, 542 (candidal) (1984): Pinilla-Moraza J+, Med Clin (Barc) (Spanish) 83, 557 Side effects (sic) (85%) Toxic epidermal necrolysis (1990): Llibre LM+, Med Clin (Barc) (Spanish) 94, 799 Ulcerations (1990): Abidin MR+, Ann Plast Surg 24, 268 (1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351 Urticaria (1990): Shaikh WA, Allergy 45, 555 Vasculitis (1984): Rosman JB+, Neth J Med 27, 50 Vesiculation (arms) (1995): Mielke-Ibrahim R+, Dtsch Med Wochenschr (German) 120, 55 Mucosal Oral ulceration (tongue) (1983): Westerhof W+, Br J Dermatol 109, 605 Tongue pigmentation (fixed eruption) (1983): Westerhof W+, Br J Dermatol 109, 605 Eyes Diplopia (2005): Firth AY, Addiction 100(1), 46 Eyelid edema Other Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis (2006): Gooch I+, Resuscitation 70(3), 470 Candidiasis (1987): Bielsa I+, Int J Dermatol 26, 314 (systemic) (1987): Puig L+, Int J Dermatol 26, 257 (1985): Calandra T+, Eur J Clin Microbiol 4, 340 (disseminated) Death (2003): Sheedy DL+, Am J Addict 12(1), 52 (2002): Darke S+, Addiction 97(8), 977 (2002): Davidson PJ+, Addiction 97(12), 1511 (1996): Amoiridis G+, Nervenarzt 67(12), 1023 Hypersensitivity (1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351 Infections (13%) (2002): Warner-Smith M+, Addiction 97(8), 963 (13%) Injection-site scarring (1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351 Injection-site ulceration (1995): Hatton MQ+, Clin Oncol R Coll Radiol 7, 268 (1982): White WB+, Cutis 29, 63 (penis) Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity (1990): Shoji S, Nippon (Rinsho) (Japanese) 48, 1517 Neurotoxicity (2006): Dabby R+, J Peripher Nerv Syst 11(4), 304 Polyarteritis nodosa (1982): Ojeda E+, Rev Clin Esp (Spanish) 167, 275 Rhabdomyolysis (2006): Gomez M+, An Sist Sanit Navar 29(1), 131 (2002): Oehler U+, Pathologe 23(4), 318 (2001): Lee BF+, Clin Nucl Med 26(4), 289 (2000): Richards JR, J Emerg Med 19(1), 51 (1996): Amoiridis G+, Nervenarzt 67(12), 1023 (fatal) (1994): Rasmussen FO+, Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 114(4), 432 (1992): Zele I+, Minerva Med 83(12), 847 (30%) (1991): Nolte KB+, Am J Forensic Med Pathol 12(3), 273

270 HEROIN<br />

HEROIN<br />

Trade name: Heroin<br />

Indications: Recreational drug<br />

Category: Opiate agonist<br />

Half-life: N/A<br />

Reactions<br />

Skin<br />

Abscess<br />

(1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351<br />

(1987): Muller F+, Infection 15, 201<br />

(1987): Podzamczer D+, JAmAcadDermatol16, 386<br />

(1984): O’Sullivan M+, Ir Med J 77, 68<br />

(1980): Espiritu MB+, Laryngoscope 90, 1111 (neck)<br />

Acanthosis nigricans<br />

Acne<br />

Angioedema<br />

Bullous impetigo<br />

Burning (24%)<br />

(2002): Warner-Smith M+, Addiction 97(8), 963 (24%)<br />

Cellulitis<br />

(1988): O’Rourke MG+, Med J Aust 148, 54<br />

(1984): Alguire PC, Cutis 34, 93 (necrotizing of the scrotum)<br />

Dermatitis<br />

Ecthyma<br />

(1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351<br />

Ecthyma gangrenosum<br />

Edema<br />

(1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351<br />

Exanthems<br />

Excoriations<br />

(1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351<br />

Fixed eruption<br />

(1983): Westerhof W+, Br J Dermatol 109, 605 (tongue)<br />

Folliculitis (c<strong>and</strong>idal)<br />

(1987): Cristobal-Rodriguez P+, Med Cutan Ibero Lat Am<br />

(Spanish) 15, 411<br />

(1986): Darcis JM+, Am J Dermatopathol 8, 501 (with septicemia)<br />

(1986): Leclerc G+, Int J Dermatol 25, 100<br />

(1985): Cal<strong>and</strong>ra T+, Eur J Clin Microbiol 4, 340<br />

Glucagonoma syndrome (necrolytic migratory erythema)<br />

(1994): Bencini PL+, Dermatology 189, 72<br />

Kaposi’s sarcoma<br />

(1986): Schofer H+, Hautarzt (German) 37, 159<br />

Necrosis<br />

(2002): Oehler U+, Pathologe 23(4), 318<br />

(1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351<br />

Necrotizing fasciitis<br />

(1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351<br />

Necrotizing vasculitis (tongue)<br />

(1995): Jurgensen O+, Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed (German,<br />

French) 105, 54<br />

Pemphigus<br />

(1989): Civatte J, Dermatol Monatsschr (German) 175, 1<br />

Pemphigus erythematodes<br />

Pemphigus vegetans<br />

(1998): Downie JB+, JAmAcadDermatol39, 872<br />

Perforating collagenosis<br />

(1989): Bank DE+, JAmAcadDermatol21, 371<br />

Photosensitivity<br />

Pigmentation<br />

(1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351<br />

Pruritus<br />

(1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351<br />

Purpura<br />

Pustules<br />

(1993): Badillet G+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French) 110, 691<br />

(c<strong>and</strong>idal)<br />

(1992): Gallais V+, Presse Med (French) 21, 677 (c<strong>and</strong>idal)<br />

(1990): Altes J+, Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin (Spanish) 8, 464<br />

(1985): Cabre L+, Med Clin (Barc) (Spanish) 84, 542 (c<strong>and</strong>idal)<br />

(1984): Pinilla-Moraza J+, Med Clin (Barc) (Spanish) 83, 557<br />

Side effects (sic) (85%)<br />

Toxic epidermal necrolysis<br />

(1990): Llibre LM+, Med Clin (Barc) (Spanish) 94, 799<br />

Ulcerations<br />

(1990): Abidin MR+, Ann Plast Surg 24, 268<br />

(1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351<br />

Urticaria<br />

(1990): Shaikh WA, Allergy 45, 555<br />

Vasculitis<br />

(1984): Rosman JB+, Neth J Med 27, 50<br />

Vesiculation (arms)<br />

(1995): Mielke-Ibrahim R+, Dtsch Med Wochenschr (German)<br />

120, 55<br />

Mucosal<br />

Oral ulceration (tongue)<br />

(1983): Westerhof W+, Br J Dermatol 109, 605<br />

Tongue pigmentation (fixed eruption)<br />

(1983): Westerhof W+, Br J Dermatol 109, 605<br />

Eyes<br />

Diplopia<br />

(2005): Firth AY, Addiction 100(1), 46<br />

Eyelid edema<br />

Other<br />

Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis<br />

(2006): Gooch I+, Resuscitation 70(3), 470<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idiasis<br />

(1987): Bielsa I+, Int J Dermatol 26, 314 (systemic)<br />

(1987): Puig L+, Int J Dermatol 26, 257<br />

(1985): Cal<strong>and</strong>ra T+, Eur J Clin Microbiol 4, 340 (disseminated)<br />

Death<br />

(2003): Sheedy DL+, Am J Addict 12(1), 52<br />

(2002): Darke S+, Addiction 97(8), 977<br />

(2002): Davidson PJ+, Addiction 97(12), 1511<br />

(1996): Amoiridis G+, Nervenarzt 67(12), 1023<br />

Hypersensitivity<br />

(1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351<br />

Infections (13%)<br />

(2002): Warner-Smith M+, Addiction 97(8), 963 (13%)<br />

Injection-site scarring<br />

(1990): Rasokat H, ZHaut(German) 65, 351<br />

Injection-site ulceration<br />

(1995): Hatton MQ+, Clin Oncol R Coll Radiol 7, 268<br />

(1982): White WB+, Cutis 29, 63 (penis)<br />

Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity<br />

(1990): Shoji S, Nippon (Rinsho) (Japanese) 48, 1517<br />

Neurotoxicity<br />

(2006): Dabby R+, J Peripher Nerv Syst 11(4), 304<br />

Polyarteritis nodosa<br />

(1982): Ojeda E+, Rev Clin Esp (Spanish) 167, 275<br />

Rhabdomyolysis<br />

(2006): Gomez M+, An Sist Sanit Navar 29(1), 131<br />

(2002): Oehler U+, Pathologe 23(4), 318<br />

(2001): Lee BF+, Clin Nucl Med 26(4), 289<br />

(2000): Richards JR, J Emerg Med 19(1), 51<br />

(1996): Amoiridis G+, Nervenarzt 67(12), 1023 (fatal)<br />

(1994): Rasmussen FO+, Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 114(4), 432<br />

(1992): Zele I+, Minerva Med 83(12), 847 (30%)<br />

(1991): Nolte KB+, Am J Forensic Med Pathol 12(3), 273

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