Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

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(1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim) Pruritus (10%) (1990): Fremont-Smith P+, Ann Rheum Dis 49, 271 (1989): Caspi D+, Ann Rheum Dis 48, 730 (1984): Grindulis KA+, Ann Rheum Dis 43, 398 (1982): Smith PJ+, Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 285, 595 Seborrheic dermatitis (1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim) (1981): Kanwar AJ+, Arch Dermatol 117, 65 (passim) Squamous cell carcinoma (1990): Miller RA+, JAmAcadDermatol23, 360 (from radioactive gold) toxic dermatitis (sic) Toxic epidermal necrolysis (1998): Pandya AG+, Arch Dermatol 134, 1104 (passim) (1982): Braun-Falco O+, MMM Munch Med Wochenschr (German) 124, 757 (with benoxaprofen) (1982): Feldman C+, Rheumatol Rehabil 21, 222 (with benoxaprofen) Toxicoderma (1985): Kalamkarian AA+, Vestn Dermatol Venerol (8), 4 Urticaria (1–10%) (1998): Pandya AG+, Arch Dermatol 134, 1104 (passim) (1994): Lizeaux-Parneix V+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French) 121, 793 (1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim) Vasculitis (1984): Hauteville D+, Rev Rhum Mal Osteoartic (French) 51, 56 (1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim) Vitiligo Xerosis (1984): Grindulis KA+, Ann Rheum Dis 43, 398 Mucosal Aphthous stomatitis (1989): Caspi D+, Ann Rheum Dis 48, 730 (1988): Tishler M+, Ann Rheum Dis 47(3), 215 Burning mouth syndrome (1994): Laeijendecker R+, JAmAcadDermatol30, 205 Cheilitis (1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim) Gingivitis (>10%) Gingivostomatitis (1982): Izumi AK, Arch Dermatol Res 272, 387 (allergic contact) Glossitis (>10%) Mucocutaneous reactions (1996): Cheatum DE, J Rheumatol 23, 944 (1995): Klinkhoff AV+, J Rheumatol 22, 1657 Oral lichen planus (1994): Laeijendecker R+, JAmAcadDermatol30, 205 (1994): Lizeaux-Parneix V+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French) 121, 793 (1993): Brown RS+, Cutis 51, 183 Oral lichenoid eruption GOLD AND GOLD COMPOUNDS 257 (1990): Vallejo-Irastorza G+, Av Odontoestomatol (Spanish) 6, 131 Oral mucosal eruption Oral pigmentation (1990): Torrelo A+, Actas Dermo-Sif (Spanish) 81, 743 (1984): Sutak J+, Prakt Zubn Lek (Czech) 32, 166 Oral ulceration (2000): Madinier I+, Ann Med Interne (Paris) (French) 151, 248 (1999): Räsänen L+, Br J Dermatol 141, 683 (1984): Glenert U, Oral Surg 58, 52 (1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim) Stomatitis (>10%) (2001): Werth V, Dermatology Times 18 (1997): Tosti A+, Semin Cutan Med Surg 16, 314 (1996): Bonnetblanc JM, Presse Med (French) 25, 1555 (1994): Laeijendecker R+, JAmAcadDermatol30, 205 (1992): Svensson A+, Ann Rheum Dis 51, 326 (1989): Caspi D+, Ann Rheum Dis 48, 730 (1987): Tumiati B+, J Rheumatol 14, 177 (1984): Glenert U, Oral Surg 58, 52 (1983): Sigler JW, Am J Med 75, 59 (1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim) Vaginitis Hair Hair – alopecia (1–10%) (1998): Pandya AG+, Arch Dermatol 134, 1104 (passim) (1984): Grindulis KA+, Ann Rheum Dis 43, 398 (1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim) Hair – pigmentation Nails Nails – dystrophy (2005): Yokozeki H+, Br J Dermatol 152(5), 1087 Nails – exfoliation Nails – lichen planus (1990): Torrelo A+, Actas Dermo-Sif (Spanish) 81, 743 Nails – loss (2000): ter Borg EJ+, Arthritis Rheum 43, 1420 Nails – onycholysis Nails – pigmentation (2001): Roest MA+, Br J Dermatol 145, 186 (1984): Fam AG+, Arthritis Rheum 27, 119 (gold nails) Other Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis Death (1991): Van Linthoudt D+, Schweiz Med Wochenschr 121(30), 1099 Hypersensitivity Injection-site pain (1984): Grindulis KA+, Ann Rheum Dis 43, 398 Nephrotoxicity (2004): Ohno I+, Nippon Rinsho 62(10), 1919 Pseudolymphoma (2002): Kim KJ+, Br J Dermatol 146, 882 (gold acupuncture) (1996): Kalimo K+, JCutanPathol23, 328 (1993): Kerl H+, Dermatology in General Medicine McGraw-Hill New York Note: Adverse reactions can occur months after therapy has been discontinued

258 GOLDENSEAL GOLDENSEAL Scientific name: Hydrastis canadensis Family: Ranunculaceae Trade and other common names: Eye balm; Goldenroot; Ground raspberry; Huanglian; Indian dye; Jaundice root; Orange root; Warnera; Yellow puccoon; Yellow root Category: Immunomodulator; Isoquinolone alkaloid Purported indications and other uses: Oral: Anorexia, fever, hemorrhoids, hemorrhage, liver disorders, menstrual disorders, rhinitis, upper respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections. Topical: Acne, conjunctivitis, dandruff, earache, eczema, eye inflammation, herpes, itching, mouthwash, rash, ringworm, tinnitus, wounds Half-life: N/A Reactions Skin Photosensitivity (2003): Palanisamy A+, J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(6), 865 (with ginseng, bee pollen) Phototoxicity (2001): Inbaraj JJ+, Chem Res Toxicol 14(11), 1529 Mucosal Mucosal irritation Other Death (overdose) GOSERELIN Trade names: Prozoladex; Zoladex (AstraZeneca) Indications: Breast and prostate carcinoma, endometriosis Category: Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist Half-life: 5 hours Reactions Skin Diaphoresis (1–10%) (2006): Nikolov A+, Akush Ginekol (Sofiia) 45(4), 13 Edema (1–10%) Rash (sic) (1–10%) Urticaria Mucosal Vaginal dryness (2006): Nikolov A+, Akush Ginekol (Sofiia) 45(4), 13 Hair Hair – alopecia (2002): Jonat W+, J Clin Oncol 20(24), 4628 Eyes Cataract (2007): Al-Enezi A+, Med Princ Pract 16(2), 161 Other Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis (2006): Lam C+, Pharmacotherapy 26(12), 1811 (recurrent) (1996): Raj SG+, Am J Med Sci 312, 187 Chills Gynecomastia (>10%) Hot flashes (>10%) (2006): Nikolov A+, Akush Ginekol (Sofiia) 45(4), 13 (2005): Franco S+, Acta Med Port 18(2), 123 (2002): Gommersall LM+, Expert Opin Pharmacother 3(12), 1685 (1993): Bressler LR+, Ann Pharmacother 27, 182 Hypersensitivity (1996): Raj SG+, Am J Med Sci 312, 187 Injection-site pain (1–10%) Injection-site papules & nodules (2002): Cunha AP+, World Congress Dermatol Poster, 0095 GRANISETRON Trade names: Kevatril; Kytril (Roche) Indications: Chemotherapy-related emesis Category: 5-HT3 antagonist; Serotonin type 3 receptor antagonist Half-life: 3–4 hours; cancer patients: 10–12 hours Reactions Skin Allergic reactions (sic) (2001): Kanny G+, J Allergy Clin Immunol 108(6), 1059 Exanthems Rash (sic) Urticaria Mucosal Xerostomia (2005): Moreno J+, Support Care Cancer 13(10), 850 (11%) Hair Hair – alopecia (3%) Other Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis Hot flashes (

(1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim)<br />

Pruritus (10%)<br />

(1990): Fremont-Smith P+, Ann Rheum Dis 49, 271<br />

(1989): Caspi D+, Ann Rheum Dis 48, 730<br />

(1984): Grindulis KA+, Ann Rheum Dis 43, 398<br />

(1982): Smith PJ+, Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 285, 595<br />

Seborrheic dermatitis<br />

(1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim)<br />

(1981): Kanwar AJ+, Arch Dermatol 117, 65 (passim)<br />

Squamous cell carcinoma<br />

(1990): Miller RA+, JAmAcadDermatol23, 360 (from<br />

radioactive gold)<br />

toxic dermatitis (sic)<br />

Toxic epidermal necrolysis<br />

(1998): P<strong>and</strong>ya AG+, Arch Dermatol 134, 1104 (passim)<br />

(1982): Braun-Falco O+, MMM Munch Med Wochenschr<br />

(German) 124, 757 (with benoxaprofen)<br />

(1982): Feldman C+, Rheumatol Rehabil 21, 222 (with<br />

benoxaprofen)<br />

Toxicoderma<br />

(1985): Kalamkarian AA+, Vestn Dermatol Venerol (8), 4<br />

Urticaria (1–10%)<br />

(1998): P<strong>and</strong>ya AG+, Arch Dermatol 134, 1104 (passim)<br />

(1994): Lizeaux-Parneix V+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French)<br />

121, 793<br />

(1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim)<br />

Vasculitis<br />

(1984): Hauteville D+, Rev Rhum Mal Osteoartic (French) 51, 56<br />

(1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim)<br />

Vitiligo<br />

Xerosis<br />

(1984): Grindulis KA+, Ann Rheum Dis 43, 398<br />

Mucosal<br />

Aphthous stomatitis<br />

(1989): Caspi D+, Ann Rheum Dis 48, 730<br />

(1988): Tishler M+, Ann Rheum Dis 47(3), 215<br />

Burning mouth syndrome<br />

(1994): Laeijendecker R+, JAmAcadDermatol30, 205<br />

Cheilitis<br />

(1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim)<br />

Gingivitis (>10%)<br />

Gingivostomatitis<br />

(1982): Izumi AK, Arch Dermatol Res 272, 387 (allergic contact)<br />

Glossitis (>10%)<br />

Mucocutaneous reactions<br />

(1996): Cheatum DE, J Rheumatol 23, 944<br />

(1995): Klinkhoff AV+, J Rheumatol 22, 1657<br />

Oral lichen planus<br />

(1994): Laeijendecker R+, JAmAcadDermatol30, 205<br />

(1994): Lizeaux-Parneix V+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French)<br />

121, 793<br />

(1993): Brown RS+, Cutis 51, 183<br />

Oral lichenoid eruption<br />


(1990): Vallejo-Irastorza G+, Av Odontoestomatol (Spanish)<br />

6, 131<br />

Oral mucosal eruption<br />

Oral pigmentation<br />

(1990): Torrelo A+, Actas Dermo-Sif (Spanish) 81, 743<br />

(1984): Sutak J+, Prakt Zubn Lek (Czech) 32, 166<br />

Oral ulceration<br />

(2000): Madinier I+, Ann Med Interne (Paris) (French) 151, 248<br />

(1999): Räsänen L+, Br J Dermatol 141, 683<br />

(1984): Glenert U, Oral Surg 58, 52<br />

(1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim)<br />

Stomatitis (>10%)<br />

(2001): Werth V, Dermatology Times 18<br />

(1997): Tosti A+, Semin Cutan Med Surg 16, 314<br />

(1996): Bonnetblanc JM, Presse Med (French) 25, 1555<br />

(1994): Laeijendecker R+, JAmAcadDermatol30, 205<br />

(1992): Svensson A+, Ann Rheum Dis 51, 326<br />

(1989): Caspi D+, Ann Rheum Dis 48, 730<br />

(1987): Tumiati B+, J Rheumatol 14, 177<br />

(1984): Glenert U, Oral Surg 58, 52<br />

(1983): Sigler JW, Am J Med 75, 59<br />

(1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim)<br />

Vaginitis<br />

Hair<br />

Hair – alopecia (1–10%)<br />

(1998): P<strong>and</strong>ya AG+, Arch Dermatol 134, 1104 (passim)<br />

(1984): Grindulis KA+, Ann Rheum Dis 43, 398<br />

(1982): Bailin PL+, Clin Rheum Dis 8, 493 (passim)<br />

Hair – pigmentation<br />

Nails<br />

Nails – dystrophy<br />

(2005): Yokozeki H+, Br J Dermatol 152(5), 1087<br />

Nails – exfoliation<br />

Nails – lichen planus<br />

(1990): Torrelo A+, Actas Dermo-Sif (Spanish) 81, 743<br />

Nails – loss<br />

(2000): ter Borg EJ+, Arthritis Rheum 43, 1420<br />

Nails – onycholysis<br />

Nails – pigmentation<br />

(2001): Roest MA+, Br J Dermatol 145, 186<br />

(1984): Fam AG+, Arthritis Rheum 27, 119 (gold nails)<br />

Other<br />

Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis<br />

Death<br />

(1991): Van Linthoudt D+, Schweiz Med Wochenschr<br />

121(30), 1099<br />

Hypersensitivity<br />

Injection-site pain<br />

(1984): Grindulis KA+, Ann Rheum Dis 43, 398<br />

Nephrotoxicity<br />

(2004): Ohno I+, Nippon Rinsho 62(10), 1919<br />

Pseudolymphoma<br />

(2002): Kim KJ+, Br J Dermatol 146, 882 (gold acupuncture)<br />

(1996): Kalimo K+, JCutanPathol23, 328<br />

(1993): Kerl H+, Dermatology in General Medicine McGraw-Hill<br />

New York<br />

Note: Adverse reactions can occur months after therapy has been<br />


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