Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

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(1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173 (1987): Katsanis E+, Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 9, 204 (1984): Flynn TC+, JAmAcadDermatol11, 584 Petechiae (1998): Taverna C+, Schweiz Med Wochenschr (German) 128, 1117 Photo-recall (2006): Kaya TI+, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 20(3), 353 Pruritus (1–10%) Rash (sic) (>10%) (2002): Cetkovska P+, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 16(5), 481 (40–73%) Seborrheic keratoses (inflammation of) (Leser–Trélat syndrome) (1999): Williams JV+, JAmAcadDermatol40, 643 Squamous syringometaplasia (1990): Bhawan J+, Am J Dermatopathol 12, 1 Toxic epidermal necrolysis (2001): Özkan A+, Pediatr Dermatol 18(1), 38 (1998): Figueiredo MS+, Rev Assoc Med Bras (Portuguese) 44, 53 Ulcerations Urticaria (2002): Cetkovska P+, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 16(5), 481 Vasculitis* (1998): Ahmed I+, Mayo Clin Proc 73, 239 (1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173 (1989): Williams SF+, Br J Haematol 73, 274 Mucosal Oral lesions (1986): Morant R+, Schweiz Med Wochenschr (German) 116, 1415 (1–5%) Oral ulceration (>10%) Perianal ulcerations (>10%) Stomatitis (1988): Benson PM+, J Assoc Military Derm XIV, 28 (passim) Hair Hair – alopecia (1–10%) (1988): Benson PM+, J Assoc Military Derm XIV, 28 (passim) (1986): Morant R+, Schweiz Med Wochenschr (German) 116, 1415 (100%) Nails Nails – leukonychia (1990): Bader-Meunier B+, Ann Pediatr Paris (French) 37, 337 Nails – Mees’ lines (1982): Jeanmougin M+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French) 109, 169 Eyes Conjunctivitis (2006): Matteucci P+, Haematologica 91(2), 255 Other Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis (1997): Blanca M+, Allergy 52, 1009 (1989): Williams SF+, Br J Haematol 73, 274 (1980): Rassiga AL+, Arch Intern Med 104, 425 Hypersensitivity (1992): Weiss RB, Semin Oncol 19, 458 Infections (1997): Whitlock JA+, Leukemia 11(2), 185 (39%) (with etopside) Injection-site cellulitis (1–10%) Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity (1–10%) Neurotoxicity (2006): Nakajima D+, No To Hattatsu 38(3), 195 (2006): Saito T+, J Infect Chemother 12(3), 148 Rhabdomyolysis (2002): Truica CI+, Am J Hematol 70(4), 320 (1997): Morales-Polanco M+, Arch Med Res 28(3), 377 (5 cases) (1987): Margolis D+, Cancer Treat Rep 71(12), 1325 Thrombophlebitis (>10%) *Note: Vasculitis, a part of the cytarabine syndrome, consists of fever, malaise, myalgia, conjunctivitis, arthralgia and a diffuse erythematous maculopapular eruption that occurs from 6 to 12 hours following the administration of the drug DACARBAZINE Synonym: DIC Trade names: D.T.I.C; Dacatic; Deticene; Detimedac; DTIC- Dome (Bayer) Indications: Malignant melanoma, carcinomas Category: Alkylating agent; Antineoplastic Half-life: initial: 20–40 minutes Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: aldesleukin Reactions DACARBAZINE 159 Skin Actinic keratoses (1987): Johnson TM+, JAmAcadDermatol17(2 Pt 1), 192 Angioedema (1981): Wassilew SW+, Hautarzt (German) 32 (Suppl 5), 453 Erythema Exanthems (1981): Wassilew SW+, Hautarzt (German) 32 (Suppl 5), 453 Fixed eruption (1982): Koehn GG+, Arch Dermatol 118, 1018 Photosensitivity (

160 DACARBAZINE (2001): Ramanathan RK+, Ann Oncol 12(8), 1139 Fever (2004): Buesa JM+, Cancer 101(10), 2261 (with gemcitabine) Hypersensitivity (2006): Levy A+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 133(2), 157 (20%) (1992): Weiss RB, Semin Oncol 19, 458 Injection-site burning (>10%) Injection-site cellulitis (1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173 Injection-site dermatitis (1987): Dufresne RG, Cutis 39, 197 Injection-site necrosis (>10%) (1987): Dufresne RG, Cutis 39, 197 Injection-site pain (>10%) Injection-site phlebitis (1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173 Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity (1–10%) Rhabdomyolysis (1995): Anderlini P+, Cancer 76(4), 678 DACLIZUMAB Trade name: Zenapax (Roche) Indications: Transplant rejection Category: Immunosupressant; Monoclonal antibody Half-life: N/A Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: corticosteroids, cyclosporine, hemophilus B vaccine, methylprednisolone, mycophenolate, prednisolone Reactions Other Application-site reactions Hypersensitivity Infections (2004): Huang XS+, Di Yi Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao 24(2), 126 DACTINOMYCIN Synonyms: ACT; actinomycin D Trade names: Ac-De; Cosmegen (Merck); Cosmegen Lyovac; Lyovac Indications: Melanomas, sarcomas Category: Antibiotic, anthracycline Half-life: 36 hours Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: aldesleukin Reactions Skin Acne (>10%) (1993): Blatt J+, Med Pediatr Oncol 21, 373 (1983): Bronner AK+, JAmAcadDermatol9, 645 (1982): Dunagin WG, Semin Oncol 9, 14 Actinic keratoses (1987): Johnson TM+, JAmAcadDermatol17(2 Pt 1), 192 Bullous pemphigoid (1982): Amer MH+, Int J Dermatol 21, 32 Cellulitis (1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173 Dermatitis Erythema (1997): Coppes MJ+, Med Pediatr Oncol 29, 226 Erythema multiforme Exanthems Folliculitis (1981): Henkes J+, Actas Dermosifiliogr (Spanish) 72, 469 Keratoses (reactivation of) (1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173 Lichenoid eruption (2006): Ridola V+, Pediatr Dermatol 23(5), 503 Photo-recall (>10%) (1997): Coppes MJ+, Med Pediatr Oncol 29, 226 Pigmentation (2000): Marcoux D+, JAmAcadDermatol43, 540 (with vincristine) (1995): Kanwar VS+, Med Pediatr Oncol 24, 329 Pruritus (2006): Ridola V+, Pediatr Dermatol 23(5), 503 (1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173 Pustules (1983): Bronner AK+, JAmAcadDermatol9, 645 Toxic epidermal necrolysis Urticaria Mucosal Cheilitis Oral lesions (1983): Bronner AK+, JAmAcadDermatol9, 645 (>5%) Stomatitis (ulcerative) (>5%) Hair Hair – alopecia (>10%) Other Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis (10%) (1997): Coppes MJ+, Med Pediatr Oncol 29, 226 Injection-site necrosis (>10%) (1987): Dufresne RG, Cutis 39, 197 Injection-site phlebitis (>10%) Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity Phlebitis (1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173 DALTEPARIN Trade names: Fragmin (Pfizer); Fragmine Indications: Prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis Category: Heparin, low molecular weight Half-life: 4–8 hours Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: butabarbital, danaparoid Reactions Skin Allergic reactions (sic) (1–10%) (2003): Myers B+, Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 14(5), 485 (1999): Ensom MH+, Pharmacotherapy 19(9), 1013 (1993): Phillips JK+, Br J Haematol 84(2), 349 Bullous dermatitis (1–10%) (1999): Tong, M, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia (from Internet) (observation) Exanthems (


(2001): Ramanathan RK+, Ann Oncol 12(8), 1139<br />

Fever<br />

(2004): Buesa JM+, Cancer 101(10), 2261 (with gemcitabine)<br />

Hypersensitivity<br />

(2006): Levy A+, Ann Dermatol Venereol 133(2), 157 (20%)<br />

(1992): Weiss RB, Semin Oncol 19, 458<br />

Injection-site burning (>10%)<br />

Injection-site cellulitis<br />

(1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173<br />

Injection-site dermatitis<br />

(1987): Dufresne RG, Cutis 39, 197<br />

Injection-site necrosis (>10%)<br />

(1987): Dufresne RG, Cutis 39, 197<br />

Injection-site pain (>10%)<br />

Injection-site phlebitis<br />

(1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173<br />

Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity (1–10%)<br />

Rhabdomyolysis<br />

(1995): Anderlini P+, Cancer 76(4), 678<br />


Trade name: Zenapax (Roche)<br />

Indications: Transplant rejection<br />

Category: Immunosupressant; Monoclonal antibody<br />

Half-life: N/A<br />

Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions<br />

with: corticosteroids, cyclosporine, hemophilus B vaccine,<br />

methylprednisolone, mycophenolate, prednisolone<br />

Reactions<br />

Other<br />

Application-site reactions<br />

Hypersensitivity<br />

Infections<br />

(2004): Huang XS+, Di Yi Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao 24(2), 126<br />


Synonyms: ACT; actinomycin D<br />

Trade names: Ac-De; Cosmegen (Merck); Cosmegen Lyovac;<br />

Lyovac<br />

Indications: Melanomas, sarcomas<br />

Category: Antibiotic, anthracycline<br />

Half-life: 36 hours<br />

Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions<br />

with: aldesleukin<br />

Reactions<br />

Skin<br />

Acne (>10%)<br />

(1993): Blatt J+, Med Pediatr Oncol 21, 373<br />

(1983): Bronner AK+, JAmAcadDermatol9, 645<br />

(1982): Dunagin WG, Semin Oncol 9, 14<br />

Actinic keratoses<br />

(1987): Johnson TM+, JAmAcadDermatol17(2 Pt 1), 192<br />

Bullous pemphigoid<br />

(1982): Amer MH+, Int J Dermatol 21, 32<br />

Cellulitis<br />

(1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173<br />

Dermatitis<br />

Erythema<br />

(1997): Coppes MJ+, Med Pediatr Oncol 29, 226<br />

Erythema multiforme<br />

Exanthems<br />

Folliculitis<br />

(1981): Henkes J+, Actas Dermosifiliogr (Spanish) 72, 469<br />

Keratoses (reactivation of)<br />

(1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173<br />

Lichenoid eruption<br />

(2006): Ridola V+, Pediatr Dermatol 23(5), 503<br />

Photo-recall (>10%)<br />

(1997): Coppes MJ+, Med Pediatr Oncol 29, 226<br />

Pigmentation<br />

(2000): Marcoux D+, JAmAcadDermatol43, 540 (with<br />

vincristine)<br />

(1995): Kanwar VS+, Med Pediatr Oncol 24, 329<br />

Pruritus<br />

(2006): Ridola V+, Pediatr Dermatol 23(5), 503<br />

(1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173<br />

Pustules<br />

(1983): Bronner AK+, JAmAcadDermatol9, 645<br />

Toxic epidermal necrolysis<br />

Urticaria<br />

Mucosal<br />

Cheilitis<br />

Oral lesions<br />

(1983): Bronner AK+, JAmAcadDermatol9, 645 (>5%)<br />

Stomatitis (ulcerative) (>5%)<br />

Hair<br />

Hair – alopecia (>10%)<br />

Other<br />

Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis (10%)<br />

(1997): Coppes MJ+, Med Pediatr Oncol 29, 226<br />

Injection-site necrosis (>10%)<br />

(1987): Dufresne RG, Cutis 39, 197<br />

Injection-site phlebitis (>10%)<br />

Myalgia/Myositis/Myopathy/Myotoxicity<br />

Phlebitis<br />

(1989): Kerker BJ+, Semin Dermatol 8, 173<br />


Trade names: Fragmin (Pfizer); Fragmine<br />

Indications: Prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis<br />

Category: Heparin, low molecular weight<br />

Half-life: 4–8 hours<br />

Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions<br />

with: butabarbital, danaparoid<br />

Reactions<br />

Skin<br />

Allergic reactions (sic) (1–10%)<br />

(2003): Myers B+, Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 14(5), 485<br />

(1999): Ensom MH+, Pharmacotherapy 19(9), 1013<br />

(1993): Phillips JK+, Br J Haematol 84(2), 349<br />

Bullous dermatitis (1–10%)<br />

(1999): Tong, M, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia (from Internet)<br />

(observation)<br />

Exanthems (

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