Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

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142 CO-TRIMOXAZOLE Angioedema (2006): Ruscin JM+, Am J Geriatr Pharmacother 4(4), 325 (1988): Fihn SD+, AnnInternMed108, 350 (1–5%) Bullous dermatitis (1995): Roholt NS+, JAmAcadDermatol32(2 Pt 2), 367 (1989): Caumes E+, Presse Med (French) 18, 1708 Dermatitis (1989): Atahan IL+, Br J Radiol 62, 1107 (at previously irradiated area) (1987): Vukelja SJ+, Cancer Treat Rep 71, 668 (at previously irradiated area) (1984): Shelley WB+, JAmAcadDermatol11, 53 (at site of previous sunburn) Erythema multiforme (1999): Lehman DF+, J Clin Pharmacol 39, 533 (1998): Siegfried EC+, JAmAcadDermatol39, 797 (passim) (1997): Rieder MJ+, Pediatr Infect Dis J 16, 1028 (70% in children with HIV) (1995): Jick H+, Pharmacotherapy 15, 428 (1991): Tilden ME+, Arch Ophthalmol 109, 67 (1990): Chan HL+, Arch Dermatol 126, 43 (1989): Alanko K+, Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 69, 223 (1988): Hira SK+, JAmAcadDermatol19, 451 (1988): Platt R+, JInfectDis158, 474 (1987): Penmetcha M, BMJ 295, 556 (1987): Schöpf E, Infection 15 (Suppl 5P), S254 (1985): Heer M+, Gastroenterology 88, 1954 (1982): Brettle RP+, JInfect4, 149 Erythema nodosum Erythroderma Exanthems (2006): Eastern JS, NJ (from Internet) (observation) (2005): Beer AM+, Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 12(1), 32 (1999): Iborra C+, Arch Dermatol 135, 350 (1998): Blumenthal HL, Beachwood, OH (personal case) (observation) (1998): Hattori N+, JDermatol25, 269 (1998): Litt JZ, Beachwood, OH (personal case) (observation) (1997): Blumenthal HL, Beachwood, OH (personal case) (observation) (1997): Palau LA+, Infect Med 14, 846 (1996): Caumes E, Rev Mal Respir (French) 13, 101 (passim) (1995): Hertl M+, Br J Dermatol 132, 215 (1995): Wolkenstein P+, Arch Dermatol 131, 544 (1994): Litt JZ, Beachwood, OH (personal case) (observation) (1993): Agarwal BR+, Indian Pediatr 30, 1026 (1993): Litt JZ, Beachwood, OH (personal case) (observation) (1993): Malnick SDH+, Ann Pharmacotherapy 27, 1139 (1990): Medina I+, NEnglJMed323, 776 (47% in AIDS) (1988): DeRaeve L+, Br J Dermatol 119, 521 (1988): Fihn SD+, AnnInternMed108, 350 (1–5%) (1988): Sattler FR+, AnnInternMed109, 280 (44% in AIDS) (1988): Weinke T+, Dtsch Med Wochenschr (German) 113, 1129 (25% in AIDS) (1987): Goa KL+, Drugs 33, 242 (65% in AIDS) (1987): Schöpf E, Infection 15 (Suppl 5P), S254 (1986): Sonntag MR+, Schweiz Med Wochenschr (German) 116, 142 (1985): DeHovitz JA+, AnnInternMed103, 479 (1985): Maayan S+, Arch Intern Med 145, 1607 (1984): Gordon FM+, AnnInternMed100, 495 (51% in AIDS) (1984): Kovacs JA+, AnnInternMed100, 663 (29% in AIDS) (1983): Mitsuyasu R+, NEnglJMed308, 1535 (69% in AIDS) (1982): Goetz MB+, JAMA 247, 3118 (1980): Fennell RS+, Clin Pediatr 19, 124 Exfoliative dermatitis (1990): Ponte CD+, Drug Intell Clin Pharm 24, 140 (feet) Fixed eruption (2006): Nnoruka EN+, Int J Dermatol 45(9), 1062 (2006): Rasi A+, Dermatol Online J 12(6), 12 (non-pigmenting) (2006): Ruscin JM+, Am J Geriatr Pharmacother 4(4), 325 (2004): Ozkaya-Bayazit E, JAmAcadDermatol51(2 Suppl), S102 (2004): Zawar V+, IntJSTDAIDS15(8), 560 (3 cases) (2002): Litt JZ, Beachwood, OH (glans penis) (recurrent) (personal case) (2001): Bayazit-Ozkaya E+, JAmAcadDermatol45(5), 712 (2000): Ozkaya-Bayazit E+, Eur J Dermatol 10, 288 (1999): Mohamed KB, JPediatr135, 396 (1999): Morelli JG+, JPediatr134, 365 (1999): Ozkaya-Bayazit E+, Contact Dermatitis 41(4), 185 (27 cases) (1998): Lee AY, Contact Dermatitis 38(5), 258 (1998): Mahboob A+, Int J Dermatol 37, 833 (1998): Ozkaya-Bayazit E+, Contact Dermatitis 39, 87 (trimethoprim) (1997): Gruber F+, Clin Exp Dermatol 22, 144 (1997): Ozkaya-Bayazit E+, Br J Dermatol 137, 1028 (linear) (trimethoprim) (1996): Sharma VK+, JDermatol23, 530 (1995): Wolkenstein P+, Arch Dermatol 131, 544 (1993): Oleaga JM+, Contact Dermatitis 29, 155 (1993): Ramam M+, Indian Pediatr 30, 110 (in an infant) (1992): Arifhodzic F+, Vojnosanit Pregl 49(1), 30 (1992): Lim JT+, Ann Acad Med Singapore 21, 408 (1991): Jain VK+, Ann Dent 50, 9 (oral mucous membrane) (1991): Smoller BR+, JCutanPathol18, 13 (1991): Thankappen TP+, Int J Dermatol 30, 867 (36.3%) (1990): Gaffoor PMA+, Cutis 45, 242 (genitalia) (1989): Basomba A+, J Allergy Clin Immunol 84, 409 (1989): Bharija SC+, Australas J Dermatol 30, 43 (1989): Gupta R, Indian J Dermatol 55, 181 (in an infant) (1989): Varsano I+, Dermatologica 178, 232 (1988): Baird BJ+, Int J Dermatol 27, 170 (bullous and generalized) (1988): Bharija SC+, Dermatologica 176, 108 (in an infant) (1987): Amir J+, Drug Intell Clin Pharm 21, 41 (1987): Hughes BR+, Br J Dermatol 116, 241 (1987): Van Voorhees A+, Am J Dermatopathol 9, 528 (1986): Kanwar AJ+, Dermatologica 172, 230 (1985): Gomez B+, Allergol Immunopathol Madr (Spanish) 13, 87 (1984): Pandhi RK+, Sex Transm Dis 11, 164 (1982): Gibson JR, BMJ 284, 1529 (1980): Talbot MD, Practitioner 224, 823 Hand–foot syndrome (1999): van Rooijen MM+, Hautarzt 50(4), 280 Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction (2001): Peschard S+, Presse Med 30(31), 1549 Lichenoid eruption (1994): Berger TG+, Arch Dermatol 130, 609 Linear IgA dermatosis (2002): Cohen LM+, JAmAcadDermatol46, S32 (passim) (1997): Paul C+, Br J Dermatol 136, 406 (1994): Kuechle MK+, JAmAcadDermatol30, 187 Lupus erythematosus (1985): Stratton MA, Clin Pharm 4, 657 Photo-recall (1990): Leslie MD+, Br J Radiol 63, 661 (1987): Vukelja SJ+, Cancer Treat Rep 71, 668 (at previously irradiated area) (1984): Shelley WB+, JAmAcadDermatol11, 53 (at site of previous sunburn) Photosensitivity (1994): Berger TG+, Arch Dermatol 130, 609 (in HIV-infected) (4 cases) (1994): Shelley WB+, Cutis 53, 162 (observation) (1987): Schöpf E, Infection 15 (Suppl 5P), S254 (1986): Chandler MJ, JInfectDis153, 1001 Pruritus (1997): Caumes E+, Arch Dermatol 133, 465

Eczema (

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