Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW Drug Eruption and Interactions - PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW

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(2006): Gonzalez-Delgado P+, Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 34(2), 76 (2006): Hernandez-Salazar A+, Arch Med Res 37(7), 899 (2001): Perez A+, Contact Dermatitis 44, 113 (with allopurinol) (1999): Benjamin S+, Ann Pharmacother 33, 109 (1999): Wakelin SH+, Clin Exp Dermatol 24, 71 (1996): Webster GF, Philadelphia, PA (from Internet) (observation) (1995): Wolkenstein P+, Arch Dermatol 131, 544 (1992): Gross AS+, JAmAcadDermatol27, 781 (1990): Chan HL+, Arch Dermatol 126, 43 (1990): Escallier F+, Rev Med Interne (French) 11, 73 (1989): Chopra R+, Can Med Assoc J 140, 921 (in children) (1988): Massullo RE+, JAmAcadDermatol19, 358 (1988): Platt R, JInfectDis158, 474 (1986): Davidson NJ+, BMJ 292, 380 (1986): Dikland WJ+, Pediatr Dermatol 3, 135 (1982): Freeman T, Can Med Assoc J 127, 818 Exanthems (>5%) (2006): Hernandez-Salazar A+, Arch Med Res 37(7), 899 (2005): Reig Rincon de Arellano I+, Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 33(5), 282 (2003): Leung AK+, Int J Dermatol 42(7), 553 (2003): Zhang YM+, Zhonghua Er Ke Za Zhi 41(2), 135 (2 cases) (2002): Renn CN+, Br J Dermatol 147(6), 1166 (4 cases, all with infectious mononucleosis) (1999): Wakelin SH+, Clin Exp Dermatol 24, 71 (flexural) (1997): Barbaud AM+, Arch Dermatol 133, 481 (1997): Blumenthal HL, Beachwood, OH (personal case) (observation) (1995): Romano A+, Allergy 50, 113 (1995): Wolkenstein P+, Arch Dermatol 131, 544 (1994): Litt JZ, Beachwood, OH (personal case) (observation) (1993): Fellner MJ, Int J Dermatol 32, 308 (1993): Romano A+, J Invest Allergol Clin Immunol 3, 53 (1990): Pauszek ME, Indiana Med 83, 330 (1989): Battegay M+, Lancet 2, 1100 (1989): Chopra R+, Can Med Assoc J 140, 921 (in children) (1989): Kennedy C+, Contact Dermatitis 20, 313 (1986): Bigby M+, JAMA 256, 3358 (5.14%) (1986): de Haan P+, Allergy 41, 75 (1986): Sonntag MR+, Schweiz Med Wochenschr (German) 116, 142 (7%) (1985): Levine LR, Pediatr Infect Dis 4, 358 (1981): Odegaard OR, Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen (Norwegian) 101, 1973 Exfoliative dermatitis Fixed eruption (2001): Agnew KL+, Australas J Dermatol 42(3), 200 (reproducible) (2000): Brabek E+, Dtsch Med Wochenschr 125(42), 1260 (1998): Mahboob A+, Int J Dermatol 37, 833 (1997): Jimenez I+, Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 25, 247 (glans penis) (1997): Zabawski E, Dallas, TX (from Internet) (observation) (1995): Arias J+, Clin Exp Dermatol 20, 339 (1995): Dhar S+, Pediatr Dermatol 12, 51 (tongue) (1994): Gil-Garcia JF+, Med Clin (Barc) (Spanish) 102, 438 (1989): Shuttleworth D, Clin Exp Dermatol 14, 367 (pustular) (1982): Chowdhury FH, Practitioner 226, 1450 (penile) Fungal dermatitis (2004): Leophonte P+, Respir Med 98(8), 708 Hematomas Intertrigo (1992): Wolf B+, Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 72, 441 Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction (2003): Leblebicioglu H+, Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 22(10), 639 (1998): Maloy AL+, J Emerg Med 16, 437 Keratosis pilaris AMOXICILLIN 31 (1997): Kay M, North Hollywood, CA (from Internet) (observation) Pemphigus (1997): Brenner S+, JAmAcadDermatol36, 919 (1997): Landau M+, Am J Dermatopathol 19, 411 (1991): Escallier F+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French) 118, 381 (1983): Toan ND+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French) 110, 917 Perleche (1982): Arata J+, Jpn J Antibiot (Japanese) 35, 394 Petechiae (Rumpel–Leede sign) (1992): Gross AS+, JAmAcadDermatol27, 781 Pigmentation (2003): Zhang YM+, Zhonghua Er Ke Za Zhi 41(2), 135 (2 cases) Pruritus (2005): Reig Rincon de Arellano I+, Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 33(5), 282 (2000): Blumenthal HL, Beachwood, OH (personal case) (observation) (1996): Drouet M+, Allerg Immunol Paris (French) 28, 311 (1995): Shelley WB+, Cutis 55, 202 (observation) (1993): Fellner MJ, Int J Dermatol 32, 308 (1989): Battegay M+, Lancet 2, 1100 Psoriasis (1993): Litt JZ, Beachwood, OH (from internet) (observation) (1987): Katz M, JAmAcadDermatol17, 918 Purpura Pustules (2000): Whittam LR+, Clin Exp Dermatol 25, 122 (1995): Wolkenstein P+, Arch Dermatol 131, 544 (1992): Trueb R+, Hautarzt (German) 43, 595 (1991): Armster H+, Hautarzt (German) 42, 713 (1991): Roujeau J-C+, Arch Dermatol 127, 1333 (1990): Guy C+, Nouv Dermatol (French) 9, 540 (1989): Epelbaum S+, Pédiatrie (French) 44, 387 (1989): Shuttleworth D, Clin Exp Dermatol 14, 367 Rash (sic) (1–10%) (1997): Van Buchem FL+, Lancet 349, 683 (1989): Battegay M+, Lancet 2, 1100 (1982): Arata J+, Jpn J Antibiot (Japanese) 35, 394 (1982): Millard G, Scott Med J 27, S35 (1980): Porter J+, Lancet 1, 1037 Side effects (sic) (1994): Paparello SF+, AIDS 8, 276 Stevens–Johnson syndrome (1999): Limauro DL+, Ann Pharmacother 33, 560 (1996): Cullimore KC, Westminster, CO (from Internet) (observation) (1992): Martin Mateos MA+, J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2, 278 (1988): Platt R, JInfectDis158, 474 Toxic epidermal necrolysis (2004): Najem JC+, Middle East J Anesthesiol 17(6), 1079 (2001): Spies M+, Pediatrics 108, 1162 (1996): Blum L+, JAmAcadDermatol34, 1088 (1996): Surbled M+, AnnFrAnesthReanim(French) 15, 1095 (1993): Correia O+, Dermatology 186, 32 (1993): Romano A+, J Invest Allergol Clin Immunol 3, 53 (1988): Massullo RE+, JAmAcadDermatol19, 358 (1984): Herman TE+, Pediatr Radiol 14, 439 Toxic pustuloderma (1992): Trueb R+, Hautarzt (German) 43, 595 (1991): Armster H+, Hautarzt (German) 42, 713 Urticaria (1–5%) (2006): Hernandez-Salazar A+, Arch Med Res 37(7), 899 (2005): Blumenthal H, Beachwood, OH (personal communication) (observation) (2003): Zhang YM+, Zhonghua Er Ke Za Zhi 41(2), 135 (2 cases) (2001): Torres MJ+, Allergy 56(9), 850

32 AMOXICILLIN (2000): Blumenthal HL, Beachwood, OH (personal case) (observation) (1998): Minguez MA+, Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) (Spanish) 26, 43 (1997): Delpre G+, Dig Dis Sci 42, 728 (1997): Thaler D, Monona, WI (from internet) (observation) (1995): Litt JZ, Beachwood, OH (personal case) (observation) (1994): Vega JM+, Allergy 49, 317 (1990): Fraj J+, Clin Exp Allergy 20, 121 (1989): Battegay M+, Lancet 2, 1100 (1989): Chopra R+, Can Med Assoc J 140, 921 (in children) (1985): Goolamali SK, Postgrad Med J 61, 925 Vasculitis (1999): Garcia-Porrua C+, J Rheumatol 26, 1942 Vesiculation Mucosal Glossitis Glossodynia Oral candidiasis Stomatitis (1996): Drouet M+, Allerg Immunol Paris (French) 28, 311 Stomatodynia Tongue black Vaginitis (1%) (2004): Leophonte P+, Respir Med 98(8), 708 (1996): Drouet M+, Allerg Immunol Paris (French) 28, 311 Xerostomia (1995): Hautekeete ML+, JHepatol22(1), 71 Eyes Visual hallucinations (1996): Stell IM+, Br J Clin Pract 50(5), 279 Other Anaphylactoid reactions/Anaphylaxis (2007): Del Furia F+, Int J Cardiol 117(1), e37 (2003): Gei AF+, Obstet Gynecol 102(6), 1332 (2001): Torres MJ+, Allergy 56(9), 850 (1999): Salgado Fernandez J+, Rev Esp Cardiol (Spanish) 52, 622 (1998): Rich MW, Tex Heart Inst J 25, 194 (1994): Vega JM+, Allergy 49, 317 (1993): van der Klauw MM+, Br J Clin Pharmacol 35, 400 (1990): Fraj J+, Clin Exp Allergy 20, 121 (1988): Blanca M+, Allergy 43, 508 Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome (2006): Gaig P+, J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 16(5), 321 Hepatotoxicity (2007): Cundiff J+, Am J Otolaryngol 28(1), 28 (2006): Andrade RJ+, Hepatology 44(6), 1581 (2006): Lucena MI+, Hepatology 44(4), 850 (2005): Fontana RJ+, Dig Dis Sci 50(10), 1785 (2005): Solano Remirez M+, An Med Interna 22(7), 350 (2002): Jordan T+, Gastroenterol Hepatol 25(4), 240 (2001): Ersoz G+, J Clin Pharm Ther 26(3), 225 (1998): Julve R+, Gastroenterol Hepatol 21(2), 92 (1998): Nathani MG+, Am J Gastroenterol 93(8), 1363 (1995): Hautekeete ML+, JHepatol22(1), 71 Hypersensitivity (2000): da Fonseca MA, Pediatr Dent 22(5), 401 (1995): Mokry C, NEnglJMed333, 1151 (1993): Romano A+, Contact Dermatitis 28, 190 (1989): Kennedy C+, Contact Dermatitis 20, 313 Injection-site pain Nephrotoxicity (2006): Huang SF+, Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi 28(3), 254 Rhabdomyolysis (2004): Bhatia V, JPostgradMed50(3), 234 (with simvastatin) Serum sickness (1–10%) (1995): Martin J+, NZMedJ108, 123 (1992): Stricker BH+, J Clin Epidemiol 45, 1177 (1990): Heckbert SR+, Am J Epidemiol 132, 336 (1989): Chopra R+, Can Med Assoc J 140, 921 (in children) (1988): Platt R+, JInfectDis158, 474 AMPHOTERICIN B Trade names: Abelcet (Wyeth); AmBisome (Astellas); Ampho- Moronal; Amphocin (Pfizer); Fungilin; Fungizone Indications: Potentially life-threatening fungal infections Category: Antimycobacterial Half-life: initial: 15–48 hours; terminal: 15 days Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: adefovir, aminoglycosides, astemizole, cephalothin, cidofovir, cyclosporine, digoxin, fluconazole, flucytosine, ganciclovir, griseofulvin, hydrocortisone, itraconazole, ketoconazole, probenecid, terbinafine Reactions Skin Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) (2007): Heinemann C+, JAmAcad57(2), S61 Angioedema Burning (from topical) Dermatitis Diaphoresis Erythema Erythema multiforme (2006): Hernandez-Salazar A+, Arch Med Res 37(7), 899 Exanthems (

(2006): Gonzalez-Delgado P+, Allergol Immunopathol (Madr)<br />

34(2), 76<br />

(2006): Hern<strong>and</strong>ez-Salazar A+, Arch Med Res 37(7), 899<br />

(2001): Perez A+, Contact Dermatitis 44, 113 (with allopurinol)<br />

(1999): Benjamin S+, Ann Pharmacother 33, 109<br />

(1999): Wakelin SH+, Clin Exp Dermatol 24, 71<br />

(1996): Webster GF, Philadelphia, PA (from Internet)<br />

(observation)<br />

(1995): Wolkenstein P+, Arch Dermatol 131, 544<br />

(1992): Gross AS+, JAmAcadDermatol27, 781<br />

(1990): Chan HL+, Arch Dermatol 126, 43<br />

(1990): Escallier F+, Rev Med Interne (French) 11, 73<br />

(1989): Chopra R+, Can Med Assoc J 140, 921 (in children)<br />

(1988): Massullo RE+, JAmAcadDermatol19, 358<br />

(1988): Platt R, JInfectDis158, 474<br />

(1986): Davidson NJ+, BMJ 292, 380<br />

(1986): Dikl<strong>and</strong> WJ+, Pediatr Dermatol 3, 135<br />

(1982): Freeman T, Can Med Assoc J 127, 818<br />

Exanthems (>5%)<br />

(2006): Hern<strong>and</strong>ez-Salazar A+, Arch Med Res 37(7), 899<br />

(2005): Reig Rincon de Arellano I+, Allergol Immunopathol (Madr)<br />

33(5), 282<br />

(2003): Leung AK+, Int J Dermatol 42(7), 553<br />

(2003): Zhang YM+, Zhonghua Er Ke Za Zhi 41(2), 135 (2 cases)<br />

(2002): Renn CN+, Br J Dermatol 147(6), 1166 (4 cases, all with<br />

infectious mononucleosis)<br />

(1999): Wakelin SH+, Clin Exp Dermatol 24, 71 (flexural)<br />

(1997): Barbaud AM+, Arch Dermatol 133, 481<br />

(1997): Blumenthal HL, Beachwood, OH (personal case)<br />

(observation)<br />

(1995): Romano A+, Allergy 50, 113<br />

(1995): Wolkenstein P+, Arch Dermatol 131, 544<br />

(1994): Litt JZ, Beachwood, OH (personal case) (observation)<br />

(1993): Fellner MJ, Int J Dermatol 32, 308<br />

(1993): Romano A+, J Invest Allergol Clin Immunol 3, 53<br />

(1990): Pauszek ME, Indiana Med 83, 330<br />

(1989): Battegay M+, Lancet 2, 1100<br />

(1989): Chopra R+, Can Med Assoc J 140, 921 (in children)<br />

(1989): Kennedy C+, Contact Dermatitis 20, 313<br />

(1986): Bigby M+, JAMA 256, 3358 (5.14%)<br />

(1986): de Haan P+, Allergy 41, 75<br />

(1986): Sonntag MR+, Schweiz Med Wochenschr (German)<br />

116, 142 (7%)<br />

(1985): Levine LR, Pediatr Infect Dis 4, 358<br />

(1981): Odegaard OR, Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen (Norwegian)<br />

101, 1973<br />

Exfoliative dermatitis<br />

Fixed eruption<br />

(2001): Agnew KL+, Australas J Dermatol 42(3), 200<br />

(reproducible)<br />

(2000): Brabek E+, Dtsch Med Wochenschr 125(42), 1260<br />

(1998): Mahboob A+, Int J Dermatol 37, 833<br />

(1997): Jimenez I+, Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 25, 247 (glans<br />

penis)<br />

(1997): Zabawski E, Dallas, TX (from Internet) (observation)<br />

(1995): Arias J+, Clin Exp Dermatol 20, 339<br />

(1995): Dhar S+, Pediatr Dermatol 12, 51 (tongue)<br />

(1994): Gil-Garcia JF+, Med Clin (Barc) (Spanish) 102, 438<br />

(1989): Shuttleworth D, Clin Exp Dermatol 14, 367 (pustular)<br />

(1982): Chowdhury FH, Practitioner 226, 1450 (penile)<br />

Fungal dermatitis<br />

(2004): Leophonte P+, Respir Med 98(8), 708<br />

Hematomas<br />

Intertrigo<br />

(1992): Wolf B+, Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 72, 441<br />

Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction<br />

(2003): Leblebicioglu H+, Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis<br />

22(10), 639<br />

(1998): Maloy AL+, J Emerg Med 16, 437<br />

Keratosis pilaris<br />


(1997): Kay M, North Hollywood, CA (from Internet)<br />

(observation)<br />

Pemphigus<br />

(1997): Brenner S+, JAmAcadDermatol36, 919<br />

(1997): L<strong>and</strong>au M+, Am J Dermatopathol 19, 411<br />

(1991): Escallier F+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French) 118, 381<br />

(1983): Toan ND+, Ann Dermatol Venereol (French) 110, 917<br />

Perleche<br />

(1982): Arata J+, Jpn J Antibiot (Japanese) 35, 394<br />

Petechiae (Rumpel–Leede sign)<br />

(1992): Gross AS+, JAmAcadDermatol27, 781<br />

Pigmentation<br />

(2003): Zhang YM+, Zhonghua Er Ke Za Zhi 41(2), 135 (2 cases)<br />

Pruritus<br />

(2005): Reig Rincon de Arellano I+, Allergol Immunopathol (Madr)<br />

33(5), 282<br />

(2000): Blumenthal HL, Beachwood, OH (personal case)<br />

(observation)<br />

(1996): Drouet M+, Allerg Immunol Paris (French) 28, 311<br />

(1995): Shelley WB+, Cutis 55, 202 (observation)<br />

(1993): Fellner MJ, Int J Dermatol 32, 308<br />

(1989): Battegay M+, Lancet 2, 1100<br />

Psoriasis<br />

(1993): Litt JZ, Beachwood, OH (from internet) (observation)<br />

(1987): Katz M, JAmAcadDermatol17, 918<br />

Purpura<br />

Pustules<br />

(2000): Whittam LR+, Clin Exp Dermatol 25, 122<br />

(1995): Wolkenstein P+, Arch Dermatol 131, 544<br />

(1992): Trueb R+, Hautarzt (German) 43, 595<br />

(1991): Armster H+, Hautarzt (German) 42, 713<br />

(1991): Roujeau J-C+, Arch Dermatol 127, 1333<br />

(1990): Guy C+, Nouv Dermatol (French) 9, 540<br />

(1989): Epelbaum S+, Pédiatrie (French) 44, 387<br />

(1989): Shuttleworth D, Clin Exp Dermatol 14, 367<br />

Rash (sic) (1–10%)<br />

(1997): Van Buchem FL+, Lancet 349, 683<br />

(1989): Battegay M+, Lancet 2, 1100<br />

(1982): Arata J+, Jpn J Antibiot (Japanese) 35, 394<br />

(1982): Millard G, Scott Med J 27, S35<br />

(1980): Porter J+, Lancet 1, 1037<br />

Side effects (sic)<br />

(1994): Paparello SF+, AIDS 8, 276<br />

Stevens–Johnson syndrome<br />

(1999): Limauro DL+, Ann Pharmacother 33, 560<br />

(1996): Cullimore KC, Westminster, CO (from Internet)<br />

(observation)<br />

(1992): Martin Mateos MA+, J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol<br />

2, 278<br />

(1988): Platt R, JInfectDis158, 474<br />

Toxic epidermal necrolysis<br />

(2004): Najem JC+, Middle East J Anesthesiol 17(6), 1079<br />

(2001): Spies M+, Pediatrics 108, 1162<br />

(1996): Blum L+, JAmAcadDermatol34, 1088<br />

(1996): Surbled M+, AnnFrAnesthReanim(French) 15, 1095<br />

(1993): Correia O+, Dermatology 186, 32<br />

(1993): Romano A+, J Invest Allergol Clin Immunol 3, 53<br />

(1988): Massullo RE+, JAmAcadDermatol19, 358<br />

(1984): Herman TE+, Pediatr Radiol 14, 439<br />

Toxic pustuloderma<br />

(1992): Trueb R+, Hautarzt (German) 43, 595<br />

(1991): Armster H+, Hautarzt (German) 42, 713<br />

Urticaria (1–5%)<br />

(2006): Hern<strong>and</strong>ez-Salazar A+, Arch Med Res 37(7), 899<br />

(2005): Blumenthal H, Beachwood, OH (personal<br />

communication) (observation)<br />

(2003): Zhang YM+, Zhonghua Er Ke Za Zhi 41(2), 135 (2 cases)<br />

(2001): Torres MJ+, Allergy 56(9), 850

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