Life changing Testimonials - Mangosteen

Life changing Testimonials - Mangosteen

Life changing Testimonials - Mangosteen


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My sister has adult onset diabetes. I encouraged her to try the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice stating that it might<br />

help lower her blood sugar. We took her blood sugar about 3 hours after she had eaten and it was 166.<br />

She drank an ounce of mangosteen juice and we took her blood sugar after 1/2 hour and it was 135.<br />

(normal is 70-110) Needless to say we are very excited about this. Also she had not yet taken her<br />

medication. Harriette<br />

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From: "richard sims" Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] Diabetes Types . . .<br />

My stepfather is a diabetic 52 yrs old and a yankee from maine (HARD HEAD). I left a bottle of<br />

mangosteen for my mother but she didn't like the taste and gave it to stepdad.<br />

Before Xango, he had a hard time keeping his sugar below 200, while watching his diet. With<br />

mangosteen and the same diet his sugar stays around 80. He calls every few days to tell me he's<br />

getting low. (beleive it or not). Richard<br />

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My sister is 60, overweight and takes oral insulin. When she started on mangosteen juice, I cautioned<br />

her to start with an ounce and monitor it the next morning, she found no change and added an ounce a<br />

night until she hit 4 ounces and her blood sugar was great and has remained so. Needless to say, she is<br />

very faithful about taking it. She also had digestive problems that have been a nuisance since her gall<br />

bladder surgery, seesawing between constipation and diarrhea. These have also leveled out. She's very<br />

glad to have mangosteen juice in her life! And she's become a distributor! Sandi Etheredge<br />

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Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2004; From: "Tyrone Medina" <br />

Subject: Re: Blood Sugar Levels / Diabetes / Gastric Bypass Surgery<br />

Hello I am Tyrone from Puerto Rico, my mother a diabetic for over 18 years and 71 on the 6th of July<br />

has been taking the mangosteen juice and has been medication free for a long time. It has helped her<br />

with her arthritis, now med. free and has helped her system lower her cholesterol from over 300 to 151.<br />

It has given her hope in life.<br />

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From: jason@x... Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 15:52:13 +1000<br />

Subject: [xango] ZINGO?<br />

I encouraged my 84 year old grandma to start taking Xango about a month ago and today I called in to<br />

have a cup of tea and see how she was.<br />

She very proudly told me that her visiting nurse had told her that her sugar levels (type 2<br />

diabetic) are much better and her high blood pressure of many years is coming down. She's taking<br />

1oz (30mls), 3 times a day before meals.<br />

"Yesterday I did all my washing and vacuumed the house all in the same day! ... I haven't done that in<br />

years!" she said. "I love<br />

the taste and all the extra energy ... it's all because of ZINGO!" Jason Haks<br />

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Jim, thanks for the testimonial. I believe that Xango is truly that miracle gift from God myself. And I think<br />

my husband and I are out to prove it. We are feeling better than ever after almost 2 weeks of juice. Dave<br />

has had to cut his diabetes med by 2/3 and the blood sugar is staying stable. We won't know<br />

about his leukemia until we get another lab report but his energy level tells me he is better. I haven't had<br />

pain or anti-inflammatory meds since I started the Xango and I know my RA is better. I signed up my<br />

first person today. She and her husband have so many ailments - especially him. Sharon<br />

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Hi Kirstin,<br />

My experience with Xango and diabetes has been from the first bottle I received I worked with various<br />

doses of Xango. I quit all medication and wanted to see what would happen. I'm not recommending this

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