Life changing Testimonials - Mangosteen

Life changing Testimonials - Mangosteen

Life changing Testimonials - Mangosteen


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<strong>Mangosteen</strong> grows in sub-tropical climates in southeast Asia.<br />

It contains xanthones, the highest concentration of anti-oxidants found in nature.<br />

Local folklore has recognized its medical benefits for thousands of years, but no one knew how to<br />

preserve the nutritional benefits and market the total fruit commercially.<br />

It took American and German ingenuity to come up with the answer.<br />

A botanical expert from Utah ran across the fruit 3 years ago in a Thailand restaurant.<br />

It tasted delicious.<br />

After researching the benefits of the fruit, he contacted the world’s most respected botanical<br />

beverage company, Wild Flavors, Inc. ( producers of well known brands such as So Be’, Capri Sun,<br />

etc.) They are a multi billion dollar company based in Heidelberg, Germany. They could solve the<br />

manufacturing challenge. Wild Flavors Inc. partnered with Xango LLC. of Utah to market the botanical<br />

as a health beverage.<br />

The following personal experiences you are about to read, are the personal testimonials of<br />

users of this mangosteen based product with some references and notations to some publicly<br />

published abstracts.<br />

No implication is being made whatsoever, that you or others may have the same<br />

results.<br />

Disclaimer: The company XanGo LLC. , makes no medical or therapeutic claims about its<br />

product, XanGo .<br />

The company Xango LLC. has no implied affiliation with this printed document.<br />

The product XanGo is made with the whole fruit puree of the mangosteen fruit, which is rich<br />

with xanthones and is patented.<br />

XANTHONES have been researched by independent scientists and medical doctors who have<br />

no affiliation with XanGo LLC.<br />

Many of the abstracts of their papers can be found at www.pubmed.com<br />

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