Life changing Testimonials - Mangosteen

Life changing Testimonials - Mangosteen

Life changing Testimonials - Mangosteen


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I believe that Xango is truly that miracle gift from God. And I think my husband and I<br />

are out to prove it. We are feeling better than ever after almost 2 weeks of juice.<br />

Dave has had to cut his diabetes med by 2/3 and the blood sugar is staying stable.<br />

We won't know about his leukemia until we get another lab report but his energy level<br />

tells me he is better. I haven't had pain or anti-inflammatory meds since I started<br />

the Xango and I know my Rheumatoid Arthritis is better. Thanks for staying in<br />

touch.<br />

Sharon<br />

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From: "Mashubi Rochell" <br />

Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004; Subject: Mashubi's product testimonial - arthritis<br />

For the last 15 years I have suffered with arthristis pain in my hands, elbows and knees.<br />

It has gotten progressively worse as I get older, and always got worse in the springtime.<br />

I had tried everything... nutrition, herbs, vitamins, medicine, acupuncture, and nothing<br />

seemed to help. I pretty much had given up on finding any solution!<br />

A friend of mine told me about <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice and initially I didn't notice any changes...<br />

until my third bottle when I discovered that lo and behold, my arthritis pain had all but disappeared!! At<br />

first I thought it was the placebo effect, so I stopped drinking the juice for a few days, and the pain went<br />

back up... so I resumed taking <strong>Mangosteen</strong> and I am now virtually pain free! Mashubi<br />

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My husband had rotator cuff surgery on the 2nd of June. He has been taking<br />

Xango since Feb. for his RA, and after the surgery, the surgeon commented<br />

that based on the damage he found, he was amazed there was minimal<br />

inflamation, and my husband didn't have the pain that he expected.<br />

I gave my husband 6 oz. of Xango once he was out of recovery, and once we<br />

were home, I gave him another megadose. He had his 10 day followup last<br />

Friday, and the doctor was amazed again because the entry wounds were<br />

completely healed, and my husband's range of motion was much better than he<br />

expected. His diagnosis of physical therapy, while normally would be 3-4<br />

months, was changed to 5 weeks!! I am now using my husband as my own<br />

personal "poster boy" for testimonials. HA!! It's helped his RA, and now it<br />

has helped tremendously for his surgery. gloria in Utah<br />

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I was taking Celebrex and since I'm on mangosteen juice, I no longer take Tylenol or<br />

Celebrex. I have a 2 month supply of Celebrex that is sitting in my old prescription bottle<br />

unused. Just before I started on "THE JUICE" I got a 3-month refill on my Celebrex<br />

prescription -- if only I had known that in less than a month I'd no longer be taking it,<br />

I could have saved myself $200. (It was $300 for the 3 month Rx refill, but I figure that<br />

I used $100 worth of it -- but according to the article below -- to damage my body.)<br />

I thank God for Xango mangosteen juice! Donna Kromer<br />


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