Life changing Testimonials - Mangosteen

Life changing Testimonials - Mangosteen

Life changing Testimonials - Mangosteen


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<strong>Mangosteen</strong> grows in sub-tropical climates in southeast Asia.<br />

It contains xanthones, the highest concentration of anti-oxidants found in nature.<br />

Local folklore has recognized its medical benefits for thousands of years, but no one knew how to<br />

preserve the nutritional benefits and market the total fruit commercially.<br />

It took American and German ingenuity to come up with the answer.<br />

A botanical expert from Utah ran across the fruit 3 years ago in a Thailand restaurant.<br />

It tasted delicious.<br />

After researching the benefits of the fruit, he contacted the world’s most respected botanical<br />

beverage company, Wild Flavors, Inc. ( producers of well known brands such as So Be’, Capri Sun,<br />

etc.) They are a multi billion dollar company based in Heidelberg, Germany. They could solve the<br />

manufacturing challenge. Wild Flavors Inc. partnered with Xango LLC. of Utah to market the botanical<br />

as a health beverage.<br />

The following personal experiences you are about to read, are the personal testimonials of<br />

users of this mangosteen based product with some references and notations to some publicly<br />

published abstracts.<br />

No implication is being made whatsoever, that you or others may have the same<br />

results.<br />

Disclaimer: The company XanGo LLC. , makes no medical or therapeutic claims about its<br />

product, XanGo .<br />

The company Xango LLC. has no implied affiliation with this printed document.<br />

The product XanGo is made with the whole fruit puree of the mangosteen fruit, which is rich<br />

with xanthones and is patented.<br />

XANTHONES have been researched by independent scientists and medical doctors who have<br />

no affiliation with XanGo LLC.<br />

Many of the abstracts of their papers can be found at www.pubmed.com<br />

Type Words such as: <strong>Mangosteen</strong> or Xanthones In the Search Box.


Condition Titles are listed in alphabetical order…<br />

and may be indexed accordingly when printed.<br />


Acne; Scar Tissue; Warts<br />

Attention Deficit Disorder (child’s brain fog)<br />

Allergic Rhinitis (in Spanish)<br />

Allergies; Asthma (Allergic Rhinitis in English)<br />

Alzheimer’s & Memory<br />

Anxiety<br />

Apnea<br />

Arthritis<br />

Autism<br />

Blood Thinners, Coumadin, Warfarin<br />

Body Building<br />

Bone Density<br />

Breast Cancer, Chemo and Radiation<br />

Breast Cancer and Anti-inflammatories<br />

Bursitis<br />

Cancer<br />

Cancer and Dr. Templeman (an M.D.’s Input)<br />

Cancer and Radiation<br />

Cataracts and Vision<br />

Cholesterol Lowering<br />

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)<br />

Crohn’s Disease<br />

Cystic Fibrosis<br />

Dental<br />

Depression (Mild to Moderate)<br />

Depression and Inflammation Connection (By Dr. Julian Whitaker, MD)<br />

Detox Reaction<br />

Diabetes<br />

Dialysis<br />

Diverticulosis<br />

Emphysema, Endometriosis<br />

Fibromyalgia<br />

Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease – GERDS<br />

Glaucoma<br />

Gout<br />

Hepatitis C<br />

continued next page

High Blood Pressure<br />

Hormonal Imbalances<br />

Hypothyroidism<br />

Irritable Bowel Syndrome<br />

Kidneys<br />

Knee Pain<br />

Leukemia<br />

Lou Gehrig’s Disease<br />

Lupus<br />

Lyme’s Disease<br />

Meningitis, West Nile Virus<br />

Mental Clarity, More Energy<br />

Migraines<br />

Multiple Myeloma<br />

Multiple Sclerosis<br />

Ovarian Tumors<br />

Parkinson’s<br />

Pets<br />

PMS, hot flashes, bleeding menstrual<br />

Pregnancy<br />

Psoriasis, Eczema<br />

Rheumatoid Arthritis<br />

Sciatic Problems<br />

Shingles<br />

Sinus, sinusitis, sinus headaches; Harvard MD<br />

Sjogren’s Syndrome<br />

Skin (poison ivy, herpes, facing scars, warts shingles)<br />

Sleep Disorders<br />

Smoking Cessation<br />

Stroke<br />

Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)<br />

Ulcers<br />

Vericose Veins<br />

Vertigo<br />

Vioxx, Celebrex<br />

Warts<br />

Weight Loss<br />

West Nile Virus, Meningitis<br />



SUBJECT: Acne (Feb. 7, 2005)<br />

I am 25 years old with no health conditions or problems. I started taking the [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice] because<br />

I knew it was healthy and it couldn't hurt. I have been taking it since August.<br />

I have always seemed to be lucky enough to have a couple of pimples on my face. After I started<br />

taking [original <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice] I started getting breakouts (really bad) and after a month my face still<br />

hadn't cleared up - looking back now, the breakouts fluctuated with the amount of [original <strong>Mangosteen</strong><br />

juice] I was taking, one, two or three ounces a day. The more consistently I took, the worse it became.<br />

I started putting 2 and 2 together. I was SCARED to take it. I complained my friends about how terrible it<br />

was. I kept hearing about other testemonies and my friends' dad was having such success that I<br />

decided to started taking it again, just a little slower. I started taking 1 ounce then a week later 2 ounces<br />

a day.<br />

In January I asked my mother and my younger sister when the last time they saw a pimple on my face<br />

and neither one could remember. My sister had to laugh at herself because she is a teenager and is<br />

now getting them and has always given my a bad time. She wants a bottle now.<br />

I am still SURPRISED and EXCITED to have clear skin.<br />

Later in January I read a testimony on someone who had success with [original <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice] and<br />

warts.<br />

I looked down at my thumb which I have had a small wart on my thumb for at least 10 years and have<br />

always been sub- concious of it. No one else knew it was there -- Guess what! it was gone. I couldn't<br />

believe it! It is such a small problem in the scope of things but I had bought everything to get rid of it and<br />

nothing had worked!<br />

Natalie from North Dakota natalie satek natalieasatek@yahoo.com<br />

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Sent : Saturday, January 29, 2005 12:38 PM From: Dell Church Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004<br />

><br />

I started giving my 2 year old half ounce of juice and with in three days, skin was clear of patches of dry<br />

skin. we were using elidel from the doctor ...camilla grenadier<br />

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I have someone in my downline who is in her 70's, that has had a scar on her face since she was<br />

a young girl after being in a fire. She has tried many things over the years and nothing worked for her.<br />

She started using the mangosteen as a paste and applying it to the scar and after a couple months is<br />

was almost gone. Heather Almer thealmers@yahoo.com; Feb. 12, 2005


child’s brain fog<br />

Hi Jack,<br />

I don't have the medical evidence, however, I do have a child that is a long-term ADHD<br />

ritalin user, that is now totally into taking Xango with good results. While an adolescent,<br />

keeping him on meds has been a challenge to say the least. The good part is he doesn't<br />

like to take meds. The bad part is he needs something to assist him with focus and<br />

emotional upheavals associated with the disorder. For the past month he has been using<br />

Xango and been especially leveled out (you may understand what I mean), and has found<br />

he is maintaining attention in school. He is exhibiting less frustration in his life and is not<br />

experiencing highs and lows associated with ritalin use.<br />

My son is a big guy, 6' and 210, so he starts his day with about 2 ounces of Xango on an<br />

empty stomach. It appears that he is also taking another ounce or two later in the<br />

afternoon some days.<br />

Additional benefits for this adolescent include improved moods following quite a bout of<br />

depression and improving sleeping patterns. Huge bonus at this time in his life. BTW, we<br />

have been dealing with this disorder now for 10 years.<br />

I don't know how this will work for you, but suggest you try it--you may like the results! :-<br />

) Believe, Cathie<br />

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Brain Fog –<br />

Stephanie White who does neurofeedback in Virginia emailed this to me yesterday<br />

Hi Heather - I hope that all is well with you I hope that Ethan is doing well. I just wanted to send you a<br />

quick note to let you know how we (my daughter 10, son 14, and I) are responding to the [mangosteen<br />

juice].<br />

We are all taking 6 oz. per day. On day 4 my son (who has a terrible time sustaining attention) said that<br />

he had an easier time paying attention. In class he is very focused now when he does his homework -<br />

more focused then ever before.<br />

He still has terrible fatigue and moodiness, but I feel hopeful that these symptoms<br />

will decrease or disappear over time.<br />

My daughter - .......all I can say is woah!!!!!! She had such terrible fatigue and brain fog prior to taking<br />

the [mangosteen juice]. It took at least a week if not longer<br />

(I was terrible about not keeping anecdotal notes) and then all of a sudden she's alert and focused and<br />

working near her true potential. The difference in her has been dramatic. She is taking 2 oz. -3 X's per<br />

day. It seems crucial for her to get the dosage split up into these 3 times - if I'm not home and the 2nd<br />

dose was skipped, she's falling pretty fast back into fatigue and brain fog. Her eyes are alert and her<br />

energy seems NORMAL!!!!!! I'm walking on clouds!!<br />

I'm just now (after approx. 2 weeks) noticing an increase in energy – but it is not constant / consistent<br />

from day to day. But on my good days - it's very good compared to anything that I've felt in 20 years +.<br />

The first week that I starting taking it - I noticed improved attention, attention to detail, sequential<br />

thinking improved, and energy.<br />

Stephanie White (Virginia) - Tue, 28 Sep 20


http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MB-TeamSupport/files/FOLDER%20-<br />

%20Foreign%20Language/FOLDER%20-%20Spanish/Mangostan%20y%20Rinitis%20Alergica.doc<br />

Mangostán y Rinitis Alérgica, debilitantes Dolores de cabeza y<br />

repetidas infecciones por Sinusitis.<br />

De Louis A. Dr. ( Entrenado en la Escuela de medicina de la Universidad de Yale; Maestría en Salud<br />

Pública en la Universidad de Harvard y anterior miembro de la Facultad Médica de Harvard. ).<br />

“Estoy enviándole este correo par ainformarle que yo considero tener una verdadera respuesta<br />

terapéutica al usar Mangostán.<br />

Como un médico que se entrenó en la Escuela de Medicina de Harvard y como anterior miembro de la<br />

Facultad de Medicina en la Escuela Médica de Harvard, yo he sido algo escéptico de las afirmaciones<br />

de muchos suplementos nutricionales.<br />

A diferencia de la mayoría de los médicos, sin embargo, Yo siempre estaba enterado de la tremenda<br />

importancia de la nutrición como un factor de tantas de las enfermedades más comunes, y yo conseguí<br />

un grado de Maestría en Salud Pública en la Universidad de Harvard a fin de aprender más acerca de<br />

nutrición y el papel de tratamientos alternativos en mantener una salud óptima.<br />

Siempre he estado abierto a usar tratamientos naturales no tóxicos, de manera que cuando yo me puse<br />

en contacto con un colega acerca del Mangostán y el hecho de que contenía Xantonas. Estaba muy<br />

intrigado porque había estado enterado del hecho de que St. John’s Wort, un antidepresivo popular en<br />

Europa, contenia Xantonas, los que eran en parte responsables por su capacidad de elevar el humor y<br />

efectos energetizantes.<br />

Por años yo sufrí de un desorden medico conocido como Rinitis alérgica el cual ocasionaba Dolores de<br />

cabeza muy debilitantes, repetidas infecciones de los senos nasales y requería tratamiento con<br />

antibióticos. Yo había consultado con varios médicos y especialistas en alergias y me recetaban una<br />

variedad de agentes antihistamínicos ( Allegara, Zyrtec, Claritin, Nasacort, Flonase ) con solo alivio<br />

marginal de mis síntomas. Yo decidí probar el Mangostán para mis síntomas de alergia y después<br />

revisé alguna literatura científica y me sorporendió descubrir gran evidencia de que las Xantonas en la<br />

garcinia mangostana L., realmente inhibía la emisión de histamin y también reducía la síntesis de la<br />

prostaglandina E-2 la cual se sabe que media las reacciones alérgicas y pude descontinuar todos mis<br />

medicamentos antihistamínicos.<br />

Sintiendo que esto era “ demasiado bueno para ser verdad” yo entonces inicié mi propia investigación<br />

dejando de tomar mangostán por un día. Para mi asombro, al siguiente día, estaba sintiendo mis<br />

antiguos síntomas de alergia y los molestos Dolores de cabeza, congestion y estornudos , los cuales<br />

de nuevo se quitaron después de iniciar tomando el jugo de Mangostán. Es extremadamente<br />

gratificante saber que hay fuerte prueba científica para los beneficios en la salud que yo experimenté<br />

con Mangostán.<br />

La validación de este producto identificando el papel científico de los Xantones me permite refutar a<br />

muchos escépticos que argumentan contra el uso de todos los tratamientos naturales no tóxicos para<br />

enfermedades médicas y en su lugar veneran el altar de la gran farma y compran en establecimientos<br />

médicos cuando todo lo que necesitamos son medicamentos mas fuertes para eliminar todas las<br />

enfermedades del mundo, no obstante el hecho de que el Instituto de la Medicina reporta reacciones<br />

adversas a medicamentos que matan al menos 108,000 personas por año.

A través de mi carrera médica he estado desalentado a observer que en los Estados Unidos tenemos<br />

mas medicinas pero menos salud y estoy inmensamente agradecido en que existe un producto natural<br />

tal como el Mangostán el cual eleva la salud y no es tóxico”. Dr. Louis A., M.D.<br />


From: Kristin@xo[mangosteen juice].com Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 14:50:08 -0700<br />

Subject: Asthma<br />

Xango <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice has been incredibly helpful to me with my asthma. Remember,<br />

asthma is an inflammatory problem, so it may take a little time. But I am off all<br />

medication, and can tell a huge difference if I go even a day without. Kristin Taylor<br />

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Date: Mon Jul 26, 2004 6:39 pm Subject: Allergies / Asthma / Pain / Acid Reflux / Arthritis /<br />

Energy<br />

From: XANGOKAT@a... Date: Sat, 17<br />

Hi,.... I have a drinking problem. I'm a Xango "[<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice]-aholic." I cannot go a day without<br />

my "juice"! I have a neck injury, allergies and acid reflux. I'm not taking any anti inflammatory<br />

medication, nor Allegra for allergies or Prevacid for acid reflux anymore.<br />

I will always have these conditions. I'm happy to say, I'm taking one supplement, [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice].<br />

My daughter who is 8 years old, takes one ounce a day, which controls her allergies and her<br />

proneness to asthma. Since taking [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice], she has not had to take medication.<br />

My favorite remedy of [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice] is for prevention. I take 3 - 5 additional ounces on a day If<br />

feel a virus coming on, it knocks the germs right out!<br />

P.S. I can't take it after 3:00 P.M. because it keeps me awake to late. I rarely experience that lull after<br />

lunch anymore either. Lisa Morgan 863-648-0516<br />

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From: "Laurie Kristensen" <br />

Date: Thu May 6, 2004 8:57 pm<br />

Subject: Pain / Hip Surgery / Asthma<br />

Mildred Smith, age 81, Indianapolis - [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice] has given Mildred<br />

her life back. After hip surgery in 2003, Mildred had to take painful $400<br />

pain shots, but now she is pain free! Her asthma symptoms are gone, she doesn't<br />

need her walker any more and she is no<br />

longer a recluse. -Carol Green INDY<br />

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<br />

Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 10:05:24 -0700 (PDT)<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease<br />

Hi W.<br />

I have COPD myself, and I have been taking the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice for about 4

months now,<br />

and went to my Dr. and, to tell you the truth, she was totally amazed! My<br />

breathing is<br />

better... I had a breathing test done, and it came back better than the last<br />

one I had.<br />

I do not have to take may inhalers or breathing treatments much anymore.<br />

Xango is really<br />

helping me in that area. Terry<br />

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I am sending you this e-mail as a recently enrolled Xango distributor to inform you of what I consider to<br />

be a truly remarkable therapeutic response from using Xango.<br />

As a physician who trained at the Yale University School of Medicine and is a former member of the<br />

Faculty of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, I have been somewhat skeptical of the health claims of<br />

many nutritional supplements. Unlike most other physicians, however, I was always aware of the<br />

tremendous importance of nutrition as a factor in many of the most common illnesses and I pursued a<br />

Master of Public Health degree at Harvard University in order to learn more about nutrition and the role<br />

of alternative treatments in maintaining optimal health.<br />

I have always been open to using natural non-toxic treatments so when I was contacted by my sponsor<br />

about Xango and the fact that it contained xanthones I was very intrigued because I had been aware of<br />

the fact that St. John's Wort a popular antidepressant in Europe contained xanthones which were<br />

in part felt to be responsible for its mood-elevating and energizing effects.<br />

For years I suffered from a medical disorder known as allergic rhinitis which resulted in<br />

debilitating headaches, repeat sinus infections and required treatment with antibiotics. I<br />

had consulted with several ENT and Allergy specialists and was prescribed a variety of antihistaminic<br />

agents (Allegra, Zyrtec, Claritin, Nasacort, Flonase) with only marginal relief of my symptoms.<br />

I decided to try Xango for my allergy symptoms after I reviewed some scientific literature and was<br />

surprised to discover robust evidence that the xanthones in garcinia mangostana L. actually inhibited<br />

histamine release and also reduced prostaglandin E-2 synthesis which is known to mediate allergic<br />

reactions in the human body. To my utter amazement, I can bear witness to the fact that within 2 days<br />

of ingesting only one ounce of Xango twice a day I had almost complete resolution of my allergic<br />

symptoms and was able to discontinue all of my antihistaminic medications.<br />

Feeling that this was "too good to be true" I then initiated my own washout protocol by stopping the<br />

Xango for one day. To my astonishment, the following day I was re-introduced to my former allergy<br />

symptoms of pounding headaches, congestion, and sneezing, which again resolved after restarting the<br />

Xango.<br />

It is extremely gratifying to know that there is strong scientific proof for the health benefits I<br />

experienced with Xango. The validation of this product by identifying the scientific role of xanthones<br />

allows me to refute the many skeptics who are biased against the use of all natural non-toxic<br />

treatments for medical illnesses and would rather worship at the altar of Big Pharma and buy into the<br />

medical establishment's view that all we need are stronger medications to vanquish all of the world's<br />

diseases, notwithstanding the fact that the Institute of Medicine reports that adverse reactions to<br />

medications kill at least 108,000 people a year.<br />

Throughout my medical career I have been disheartened to observe that in the U.S. we have more<br />

medicines but less health and I am immensely grateful that there exists a natural product such as<br />

Xango which is health enhancing and non-toxic. LOUIS A., MD, MPH<br />

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Diabetes / Allergies / Energy Levels / Sleep Patterns

For the past thirty years I have been a pastor, evangelist and chaplain. I have a Masters Degree and<br />

PhD in Psychology from the University of Arizona, and a PhD in Theology from Fuller Theological<br />

Seminary. Today my main focus is in counseling and I remain pretty busy in that.<br />

Last Saturday, January 8th,2005, I met Ed Johnson at a men's fellowship breakfast at our church. Ed<br />

and I spoke about what we were doing in life; I told him I am a Pastoral Care Counselor, and that I also<br />

sell Pre-Paid Legal.<br />

I remarked about how the seasonal high cedar pollen in San Antonio is seriously affecting my<br />

allergies. He told me about the many all natural health qualities of mangosteen and I decided to try it<br />

that day. I obtained a bottle from Ed ...<br />

WOW!! Was I quickly blessed by the quick results!! I then learned that our pastor and his family are<br />

drinking mangosteen juice, with good results.<br />

The very first thing I noticed is that I was not feeling any allergic effects of Mountain Cedar,<br />

which for many years has bothered me in the late winter.<br />

Next, I noted my sleeping pattern had greatly improved. I seemed to sleep better, and in 4 days, I had<br />

lost four pounds. I have also noticed that my energy level is much higher, and that I feel about ten years<br />

younger...not bad for a 64 year old!<br />

But next came the biggest surprise of all. I had not even mentioned my diabetes to Ed when we met. Ed<br />

asked me why I had asked him about diabetes, and I then told him of my serious case of diabetes. I met<br />

with my doctor on Thursday; he just called to tell me of the very positive results of the semi-annual tests<br />

performed the day before.<br />

I explained to Ed that for the past 15 years I have suffered from diabetes and that at one time I took<br />

insulin four times daily. The doctor said, "Paul, you are healed from diabetes." I had never heard<br />

anything like that!! I was actually rather shocked, as doctors usually say that diabetes will go "into<br />

remission," but never say "healed." I cannot say with medical certainty that the mangosteen juice is<br />

what brought about this wonderful change in my life, but I can say that drinking mangosteen juice is<br />

the only change I have made in my diet and in my life.<br />

Inasmuch as I have also suffered several heart attacks and have suffered from congestive heart failure,<br />

as well as asthma, and high blood pressure, I am always looking for ways to improve my health and my<br />

life. The mangosteen juice certainly seems to have done<br />

something wonderful for me. Paul E. Weimeschkirch, PhD<br />

San Antonio, Texas; systemsrule systemsrule@yahoo.com; Feb. 20, 2005<br />

SUBJECT: Chemical Allergies March 15, 2005<br />

In April of 1995 I had put on some insect repellent. Within two minutes I was so sick that I could hardly<br />

stand, coughing so hard I all most blacked out. I realized that it was the repellent and showered. I was<br />

sick for a few days then got better.<br />

Then I began noticing that every time I was around people or tried to clean I would get sick the same<br />

way. Our family life began to change. We could no longer wear perfume or after shave, scented<br />

deodorant, hair spray my husband couldn't even use shaving cream and the list goes on..<br />

Everything we would buy had to be scent free or I would become sick. This allergic reaction controlled<br />

where I could go and what people could wear or not wear in my house, I called my safe zone.I sought<br />

help from my physician, Allergy doctor, health food store and friends. Nothing could be done because<br />

my allergies were to chemicals.

I heard about the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice on 1-1-2005 and began to do research. I hadn't read any thing<br />

about my kind of allergies but since I can't take drugs to lower my cholesterol I decided to give it a try. I<br />

started taking the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice on 1- 22- 2005 one oz in the morning and one in the afternoon. By<br />

the 5th day I noticed that I could go to the store and no scents bothered me. The following<br />

Sunday I went to church and to my surprise I didn't cough one time, in fact I went around to all<br />

my friends that wear strong perfumes and sniffed their neck.<br />

Praises go to God for creating this miracle fruit that has set me free from a 9 year bondage.<br />

Frances WallBrazoria, Texas joyismine2002 joyismine2002@yahoo.com<br />


(At end of these testimonials is a short summary of Time Magazine’s comment<br />

about the possible relationship between inflammation and Alzheimer’s.<br />

Xango mangosteen juice is a powerful anti-inflammatory.)<br />

Unreal Results with Mom in nursing home w/Memory Loss<br />

Well, the [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice] experience took a new turn today. As you are aware my 92 year old<br />

mother is in a home in Turlock and has given us lots to worry about.<br />

She thinks that I am her young child and is still going to school. Also she has contended<br />

that my father has left her for another woman. Plus several other thing that she has done<br />

which results in her thinking that she is living in the past.<br />

In order to try and help her ease back into the present or at least not get any worse we had made<br />

arrangements with the nurses to give her [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice] during the day to try and help her to<br />

combat further mental problems.<br />

Well, the results we saw today have gone beyond our greatest hopes. Today she told us that she<br />

had been , in her mind, living in a fantasy world, thinking of me as her young child, and Dad cheating on<br />

her. She said that she thought she had a stove, freezer, and refrig. in her room, but she now knows<br />

these thing not to be true. She acts like she just came out of a bad dream. Both Arlette and I are sure<br />

that the [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice] has made this happen. I for one still have a hard time thinking that a fruit<br />

drink can help that much but it sure has.<br />

For the first time in several months she can hold a logical conversation, and she acts like a new<br />

person. She gets 3 oz twice a day. No other changes that we are aware of in her treatment. She<br />

seems to think more clearly but that is major for us. Russ Joe - Sun, 5 Sep 2004<br />

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Sharon heard an interesting testimonial today. Doctor George Herald told her about a fellow in his<br />

downline in Texas whose wife has Alzheimer's. She resides in an assisted living facility and can no<br />

longer speak or respond to conversation. Her husband took some XanGo into her room and gave her<br />

one teaspoonful a day for four days...On the fourth day, she began to speak! (1-30-04)<br />

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Hello Sharon and Sherman,<br />

I'm so excited that I can hardly tell you what happened today. I first tasted XanGo on Sept 4th.

We had been going through quite a crisis with my 81 year old Mother. She was told that previous week<br />

that she failed some competency tests with the doctor and was told she could no longer drive and would<br />

be tested for medication to stop her dementia. This was traumatic to say the least.<br />

After reading the literature I decided XanGo might be beneficial for my Moms memory. Three days later<br />

my Mom called with a whole new attitude about life. She decided on her own that it might be time to<br />

move to a retirement community as she did not want us to worry about her. That was great! But that is<br />

not the best part. Today my brother and I took her for her follow-up visit with the doctor and asked to<br />

retest her.<br />


The doctor was amazed. She refused to put my mother on any medication and signed a note to the<br />

DMV stating that she could continue driving. The joy we shared is not able to be expressed in words.<br />

She has her energy, a sound mind, and her attitude is renewed on life.<br />

My Mom told the doctor about XanGo. She was very supportive and told her to keep on taking it. By the<br />

way, the retirement community idea is put on hold. Thank you, Norma Eckblad (9-25-03)<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From Wayne Houghtjon; Jan. 24, 2005 about Alzheimer's<br />

My mother is 87 and has had alzheimer's for more than ten years. Aricept was helpful for about a year<br />

and a half. The dr. had to increase her dosage several times then switched her to Exelon twice a day<br />

and Paxil once a day for it. It basically kept her from geting worse. Two months after she began taking<br />

mangosteen juice her doctor was able to discontine the Paxil… have seen a great deal of improvement<br />

in her! Wayne H. warpspeed3@cox.net<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From : <br />

Sent : Saturday, September 4, 2004 1:06 PM<br />


My name is Barbara Gjnbalaj. I am General Manager of an adult care home in Arizona. A few months<br />

ago, one of our residents' daughters brought a bottle of mangosteen juice to our adult care home to try<br />

on her mother who has Alzheimer's disease. This resident is 86 years old. The results were amazing.<br />

Prior to taking mangosteen juice, she was sleeping most of the day and it was very difficult to carry on a<br />

conversation with her. Now, after taking mangosteen juice for approximately three months, she is alert<br />

during the day, vibrant and easy to communicate with. Since her results were so exciting, we began<br />

giving mangosteen juice to four of our other residents with outstanding results.<br />

Resident 1 is a 72 year old Alzheimer's patient who prior to taking mangosteen juice was sleeping all<br />

day, would not communicate and could not feed herself. Now after two months on mangosteen juice,<br />

she does not sleep all day, she is alert, communicates with others and feeds herself.<br />

Resident 2 is an 86 year old Alzheimer's patient, is blind, has very stiff muscles, she has not talked or<br />

opened her eyes for several years and is bed bound. After being on mangosteen juice for approximately<br />

two months, she now talks at times, moves her arms and legs occasionally and communicates without<br />

screaming. She now opens her eyes and is aware of her surroundings.<br />

Resident 3 is a 76 year old who has Parkinson's disease. Prior to taking mangosteen juice she was very<br />

quiet, stayed in her room all day. Now after two months on mangosteen juice, she comes out of her<br />

room for meals, is a lot stronger, her appetite has increased, and she now walks with minimal<br />

assistance.<br />

Resident 4 is a 94 year old who is very frail, has transfusions every three months, has a poor appetite<br />

and is anemic. Now, after being on mangosteen juice for almost two months, she is eating well, much<br />

stronger and very happy.

After seeing the wonderful results that the residents were experiencing, I started taking mangosteen<br />

juice myself. I was suffering from migraine headaches. I have now gone several months with no<br />

migraine headaches. When I begin to feel the symptoms of a migraine, I double up on the mangosteen<br />

juice dosage and do not have migraines. My energy level has<br />

also increased since being on mangosteen juice.<br />

I am also giving mangosteen juice to my nine year old son who suffers from asthma and sinus infections<br />

year round. After taking mangosteen juice his asthma medications have been decreased. When a sinus<br />

infection flares up, I double the dosage of mangosteen juice and his sinus infection is gone in two to<br />

three days.<br />

Also, my four year old niece had no appetite, would vomit at the sight of food, was very skinny and pale.<br />

She has been on mangosteen juice for several months. She is now eating very well, has gained weight,<br />

has rosy cheeks and less sinus infections.<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice has truly been a miracle in a short period of time for my family and for the residents at<br />

the facility I manage.<br />

Sincerely, Barbara Gjnbalaj, General Manager, Adult Care Home<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Subject: Future Hope for Alzheimer's<br />

My Father at the young age of 64 started having problems at work and had to retire early. He was then<br />

diagnosed with a very aggressive form of Alzheimer's. He is now in a home because my mother couldn't<br />

handle him anymore. He worked as a very successful Autobodyman and may have ingested a lot of<br />

chemicals. A friend of mine gave me a bottle of [mangosteen juice] and I had read that it may help with<br />

Alzheimer's. We thought we would have nothing to lose as he is now in a very vegetative state. He<br />

didn't know anyone, He couldn't feed himself and he couldn't even talk anymore.<br />

We got him on 1 oz of [mangosteen juice] per day and on the 5th day he called my son by<br />

his name. We were all shocked! He continued taking 1 oz per day and he has now been<br />

feeding himself consistently for 25 days!<br />

He is more alert and happy. He even looks and smiles at me when I visit him. He is now<br />

even communicating with us a little. We are now increasing his dosage to 2 oz per day with<br />

his doctors' blessing and we are all excited to see what happens<br />

This product has created much excitement for our family! I wish we would have had this product 5 years<br />

ago. I want people to understand that my father is pretty far gone but has had somewhat amazing<br />

results due to taking this product. I truly believe this product offers new hope to other people.<br />

I would like to say a special thanks to Grace D. for sharing this product with our family. Many thanks to<br />

XanGo as well. Coleen Melsted<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Genie,<br />

My mother is 87 and has had alzheimer's for more than ten years. Aricept was helpful for about a year<br />

and a half. The dr. had to increase her dosage several times then switched her to Exelon twice a day<br />

and Paxil once a day for it. It basically kept her from geting worse.<br />

Two months after she began taking mangosteen juice her doctor was able to discontine the Paxil. We<br />

have seen a great deal of improvement in her ! Nina<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Nina Harrison" <br />

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 07:52:14 -0800 (PST) Subject: Re: question re Alzheimers<br />

My mother has alzheimers. She is 88 years young now. She was diagnosed ten years ago. We had

tried several different meds for this and periodically had had to increase the dosage due to an increase<br />

in her agressiveness. The last one we tried was Exelon ( she was taking 2 a day before starting the<br />

mangosteen juice). The Exelon worked better than the others for her. After she was on an ounce of<br />

mangosteen juice three timea a day before each meal for three of months, we were able to<br />

decrease it to just one Exelon a day. She has also been able to stop taking Paxil for the<br />

depression since being on mangosteen juice. She is NOT AGRESSIVE any longer, sleeps much<br />

better , eats better, and her memory is improving! Please feel free to contact me if you would lilke to<br />

know more about her progress.<br />

Nina in Georgia<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

My mother, who is 77, has been suffering from dementia for the past year and a half. She was<br />

diagnosed with a form of paranoid schizophrenia. She was put on anti-psychotic meds and as the<br />

dosage increased, became more and more foggy headed and almost completely disconnected from life.<br />

She was unable to carry on a phone conversation as she just couldn't maintain a complete thought. My<br />

sister and I were afraid she would have to be put into a care home.<br />

I sent her a case of mangosteen juice last August in the hopes that it would help with her many physical<br />

health issues, but never thought it would improve her mental health. After she had been on the juice for<br />

about 3 weeks, I noticed in our telephone conversations that she was becoming more lucid. Since my<br />

brother was going to visit her for a week, I just figured it was the human interaction that was doing it and<br />

worried that she would regress when he left.<br />

However, that didn't happen. She continued to improve. It was like coming out of a fog. My aunt told<br />

her she was like her old self again (which was a very independent woman). She has stayed on the<br />

mangosteen juice and was able to decrease her dosage of anti-psychotic meds. She stopped having<br />

her episodes of fantasy and although she still can't separate what was real from what was imagined,<br />

she isn't consumed with it anymore.<br />

When she visited her primary care doctor in December, he was impressed with her general<br />

improvement and told her to 'keep doing whatever she was doing'. We are no longer feeling the need to<br />

move her as she is now able to care for herself. We visited her in January and were impressed with her<br />

improvement too.<br />

Kathy Erickson; kerickson@shaw.ca; Feb. 12, 2005<br />

SOURCE: Time Magazine; Feb. 23, 2004.<br />

The Secret Killer: INFLAMMATION (the fire within)<br />

"Suddenly, inflammation has become one of the hottest areas of medical research. Hardly a week goes<br />

by without the publication of yet another study uncovering a new way that chronic inflammation does<br />

harm to the body. . . .It chews up nerve cells in the brains of Alzheimer's victims.<br />

"Instead of different treatments for, say, heart disease, Alzheimer's and colon cancer, there might be a<br />

single, inflammation-reducing remedy that would prevent all three.<br />

"When doctors treating Alzheimer's patients took a closer look at who seemed to be succumbing to the<br />

disease, they uncovered a tantalizing clue: those who were already taking anti-inflammatory drugs<br />

for arthritis or heart disease tended to develop the disorder LATER than those who weren't.<br />

Perhaps the immune system mistakenly saw the characteristic plaques and tangles that build up in the<br />

brains of Alzheimer's patients as damaged tissue that needed to be cleared out. If so, the ensuing<br />

inflammatory reaction was doing more harm than good. Blocking it with anti-inflammatories might limit,<br />

or at least delay, any damage to cognitive functions."<br />



<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice XANGO & Obsessive Compulsive Disorder<br />

I was diagnosed five years ago with obsessive disorder (anxiety, panic) etc. The doctor<br />

wanted to put me on 50 mg of Paxil, I'm not into taking medication and I stumbled upon<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong>. Now, I don't have panic attacks, my mind is clear, I don't have obtrusive, obsessive<br />

thoughts, I don't have negative thought patterns, I wish I could say it was all in my head, but it<br />

wasn't, it's true that <strong>Mangosteen</strong> works and I would recommend it for anyone in this situation. Regards,<br />

Martin Ramirez - 13 Aug 2004<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: sonneman@c... Date: Wed Feb 25, 2004 7:01 am<br />

Subject: Re: [xangopros] ANXIETY and Depression<br />

Mark, Xango works a couple different ways. Drugs like Celexa, prozac, paxil are what are called<br />

selective seratonin re-uptake inhibitors or SSRI. Seratonin is the "feel good" hormone. When it is<br />

release into the brain, there is a receptor that is there to take it back up. These delay this from<br />

happening so the seratonin has more time in the brain.<br />

There is a study on www.pubmed.com on the effects of mangosteen about how it was shown effective<br />

to block seratonin receptors. It is titled "Histaminergic and seratonergic receptor blocking substances<br />

from the medicinal plant Garcinia mangostana".<br />

The other effects is the xanthones. I don't know what effect this has, but this is the basis of St. Johns<br />

wart.<br />

I have been on Celexa at 40 mg for years. I have slowly cut my doses down for over the past 6 weeks. I<br />

am down to 10 mg now and hope to be completely off in another week. I was using this more for<br />

anxiety and stress. I still have stress, but I have 7 kids, trying to bring one child home from Haiti,<br />

homeschool, started a new and very exciting business and we are trying to sale our house! I feel I am<br />

coping just as well as when I was on 40 mg. Lisa<br />

---------------------------------------<br />

About 5 years or more ago, I was told to take Novasc for high blood pressure. About 2 years ago a<br />

brother of mine died during Thanksgiving and another died a couple months later on Jan 7th. I thought<br />

that I am the oldest now, then it was my time to die so I could not sleep but maybe 2 to 4 hours a night. I<br />

had anxiety attacks. I could not keep my eyes closed for long while saying prayers or even giving<br />

blessings.<br />

I started taking Xango [mangosteen juice] at the beginning of November 2002 and within 6 weeks, I was<br />

sleeping like a baby and my doctor's nurse on May 7th took my blood pressure which was 117/74.<br />

My fat in my blood was high but after my physical in Jan, my fat content went from over 300 to 114. I<br />

feel better and thank the Lord for His help and [mangosteen juice]. My blood pressure from the<br />

beginning of April until now is about 117/64, pulse rate 62. Bobby Kauo

Joseph Cacchiani takemangosteen@yahoo.com<br />

SUBJECT: sleep apnia<br />

Hi,<br />

APNEA<br />

I have Sleep Apnia and since I started taking the juice I have noticed much better sleeping patterns and<br />

more energy waking up and throughout the day. Whether or not I get 5 hours of sleep or 8, it is still the<br />

same. I feel great. Joseph<br />

__________________________________________________________________________________<br />


From : Nina Harrison <br />

Reply-To : xango@yahoogroups.com<br />

Tuesday, December 28, 2004 5:42 PM<br />

Sent :<br />

Subject: Osteoarthritis, Crohns Disease<br />

I joined the XanGo family in September 2004. I was diagnosed with Crohns’ Disease and<br />

osteoarthritis eight years ago. Since I have been drinking [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice] I no longer have to take<br />

medication for either. I am pain free and sleep like a log.<br />

I have so much more mobility and energy than I have had in the past ten years! I had been lactose<br />

intolerant since 1992. Products with lactose in them no longer bother me. My digestive problems are<br />

tremendously improved!<br />

All my friends have noticed the miraculous improvement in my healthand have asked me 'What has<br />

happened? I tell them MANGOSTEEN JUICE came into my life! Artie in Georgia<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

A good friend of mine (age 70) has had severe athritus in his kness for years; other<br />

preparations, (motrin, Herbalife, ect.) haven't helped. I gave him a bottle of Xango mangosteen juice,<br />

and he reports "within three days, the pain and stiffness were just GONE!<br />

My wife's Chiropractor was a major skeptic until he gave a bottle to one of his clients who suffers from<br />

depression. Nothing has ever really helped. She took 2 oz.a day of Xango and in four days, her<br />

depresssion lifted. She ran out, and came to him for another bottle, and HE was out; her symptoms<br />

returned while awaiting a new shipment, then immediately subsided when she was back on the product.<br />

David Hoye, Arkansas<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

My husband was diagnosed with RArthritis a month ago, and the rhumatologist that we<br />

went to asked for a follow up today. He had prescribed Methotrexate and a small dosage of steroids to<br />

get him started to help alleviate the pain until the first one kicked in. As soon as we walked out of the<br />

office, he drank 4oz of Xango, and has been on it ever since. We never did take the prescriptions.<br />

Today, when we told the doctor about not being on the meds, and after he examined my husband and<br />

verified that the swelling and inflamation were indeed diminished, he asked what we were doing. My<br />

husband told him about Xango,and the doctor told us he had other patients that were also getting<br />

some great results from it too...

gloria in Utah<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I have osteoarthritis in my right knee and am limited in my ability to walk. Whenever<br />

I sit down for any length of time, I have a difficult time standing up as my knee "locks" and<br />

I have to rise slowly until it unlocks and I have to walk slowly at first. It has been like this for three<br />

years years.<br />

After one week on Xango (5 oz. daily) I suddenly realized I was standing up and walking<br />

normally. I have taken Celebrex ever since my knee scope almost three years<br />

ago. I take it once a day, but I am going to see how I do without it for a few days.<br />

I have also been able to discontinue my antibiotic for my skin, another plus.<br />

Loene A.<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I've been plagued for over 30 years with: Anklyosing Spondilitis, Fibromyalgia / Myofacial<br />

Pain Syndrome, Hashimoto's Disease , Shjogrens Syndrome, I.B.S. Just to name a few...... I'm so very<br />

Thankful that my sister Valenda Bartosh introduced me to the MANGOSTEEN FRUIT.<br />

The inflamation throughout my body has calmed down. The meds.I was on I've been able to<br />

cut from 7 perscriptions to 3. The point is to keep the inflammation down. Your immune<br />

system up. If you have any ??? would love to hear from you. Happy to be alive again....<br />

Shan Glover<br />

I must add this : After the first 24 hrs. consuming 2 ~ 4oz. of Xango MANGOSTEEN JUICE<br />

That was Feb. 4,2004 My husband and I had finished our dinner did our Bible<br />

Readings discussed the days accomplishments. We went in to watch the news ~ an<br />

hour latter while lying down watching the news together I reached over and touched my<br />

husbands arm and said " Jim!!! I have no pain..!!!"; I again repeated myself... Louder though... I rolled<br />

off the bed stood up and said AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!! I have no pain..........I walked to the foot of our bed and<br />

started to cry....just a little because of the joy...FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SO VERY MANY YEARS...I<br />

HAD NO PAIN Please keep in mind, No pain between doses of pain killers.....One of which WAS ~<br />

Methadone. I was perscribed 6 methodone a day. Marty<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I experienced an amazing relief of bursitis pain after my fourth day of this regimen - - -<br />

pain I had experience for three years without relief. It felt " as sweet as honey" in my<br />

shoulders for four days straight, and then the pain returned and stayed as usual for a week.<br />

The good news is that now that I'm starting my fourth week on XanGo, I'm slowly<br />

feeling less and less pain, not only in my shoulders but in a troublesome right hip (anti-inflammatory<br />

effects of mangosteen). I think my body's initial totally pain free reaction to XanGo was a "sign" of the<br />

healings to come more slowly, and perhaps permanently.<br />

When you take XanGo, be sure to "saturate" your body when you start taking it<br />

(or at any point if you haven't done it already) by taking dosage of 4 to 6 ounces per day for about a five<br />

day period. Then you can drop back down to 3 ounces per day. There is a concept called "therapeutic<br />

dosage" in play here. Many times when treating with natural foods (or for some medicines for that fact),<br />

one has to push the initial dosage considerably higher than usual to have the body begin it's response<br />

to what's being presented to it.<br />

An analogy that may apply here would be the greater effort it takes to get a freight train moving as it<br />

overcomes inertia. Once it's going, it takes far l ess energy for the sustained effect. Paul<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />


I believe that Xango is truly that miracle gift from God. And I think my husband and I<br />

are out to prove it. We are feeling better than ever after almost 2 weeks of juice.<br />

Dave has had to cut his diabetes med by 2/3 and the blood sugar is staying stable.<br />

We won't know about his leukemia until we get another lab report but his energy level<br />

tells me he is better. I haven't had pain or anti-inflammatory meds since I started<br />

the Xango and I know my Rheumatoid Arthritis is better. Thanks for staying in<br />

touch.<br />

Sharon<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Mashubi Rochell" <br />

Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004; Subject: Mashubi's product testimonial - arthritis<br />

For the last 15 years I have suffered with arthristis pain in my hands, elbows and knees.<br />

It has gotten progressively worse as I get older, and always got worse in the springtime.<br />

I had tried everything... nutrition, herbs, vitamins, medicine, acupuncture, and nothing<br />

seemed to help. I pretty much had given up on finding any solution!<br />

A friend of mine told me about <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice and initially I didn't notice any changes...<br />

until my third bottle when I discovered that lo and behold, my arthritis pain had all but disappeared!! At<br />

first I thought it was the placebo effect, so I stopped drinking the juice for a few days, and the pain went<br />

back up... so I resumed taking <strong>Mangosteen</strong> and I am now virtually pain free! Mashubi<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

My husband had rotator cuff surgery on the 2nd of June. He has been taking<br />

Xango since Feb. for his RA, and after the surgery, the surgeon commented<br />

that based on the damage he found, he was amazed there was minimal<br />

inflamation, and my husband didn't have the pain that he expected.<br />

I gave my husband 6 oz. of Xango once he was out of recovery, and once we<br />

were home, I gave him another megadose. He had his 10 day followup last<br />

Friday, and the doctor was amazed again because the entry wounds were<br />

completely healed, and my husband's range of motion was much better than he<br />

expected. His diagnosis of physical therapy, while normally would be 3-4<br />

months, was changed to 5 weeks!! I am now using my husband as my own<br />

personal "poster boy" for testimonials. HA!! It's helped his RA, and now it<br />

has helped tremendously for his surgery. gloria in Utah<br />

------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I was taking Celebrex and since I'm on mangosteen juice, I no longer take Tylenol or<br />

Celebrex. I have a 2 month supply of Celebrex that is sitting in my old prescription bottle<br />

unused. Just before I started on "THE JUICE" I got a 3-month refill on my Celebrex<br />

prescription -- if only I had known that in less than a month I'd no longer be taking it,<br />

I could have saved myself $200. (It was $300 for the 3 month Rx refill, but I figure that<br />

I used $100 worth of it -- but according to the article below -- to damage my body.)<br />

I thank God for Xango mangosteen juice! Donna Kromer<br />


Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 11:50 AM<br />

Subject: Re: Xango [mangosteen juice] and autism<br />

AUTISM<br />

At two years of age, our son Camron was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Since then he has<br />

been in early intervention and preschool and is now in kindergarten where he is integrated into a normal<br />

classroom of his peers.<br />

It was always a challenge for Camron to not only communicate but also interact with other children and<br />

engage his family. He had made some progress with being in early intervention and preschool but he<br />

was still not able to take direction, play with others, sit in a group<br />

and whenever he wanted something he would take your hand and pull you to it because<br />

he was unable to talk. He would become so frustrated to the point that he would hit himself and cry.<br />

We started with [mangosteen juice] for my husband who had acid reflux and myself for energy but we<br />

also started giving it to our kids to try. We noticed a difference a couple of days later when my husband<br />

was playing race cars with the kids and my husband had asked my oldest son, Kyle and myself where<br />

the yellow car was. Kyle and I did not have any clue where it could have gone but Camron found it and<br />

gave it to my husband. We were so excited because he would be always off doing something by himself<br />

or playing next to the kids but not with them so we always thought that he was in his own world and not<br />

able to understand enough to take direction but this was an indication that he knew exactly what was<br />

going on.<br />

Also, Camron's senses seem to be hightened, so too much noise would bother him or putting shoes on<br />

or even a hat would be a challenge.<br />

Camron is now not bothered by this anymore. Camron now is adding more and more words to<br />

his vocabulary and is able to take direction more. He even looks forward to learning more words<br />

because he will give you eye contact and put his hand on your throat and say "hear you talk."<br />

I used to worry all the time that Camron would wander off when we were outside or get into<br />

danger, like dart off into the street because he didn't understand certain dangers but now I notice he will<br />

take direction from us alot better and I can tell him to "stop" or "hot" and he would understand.<br />

Xango has helped his sleeping habits also and he is doing well in a full day kindergarten program. In a<br />

recent IEP meeting we were amazed at how much progress Camron has made. He is able to sit during<br />

a task and is willing to play with the other kids.<br />

We are so grateful to Xango [mangosteen juice] and the way that it has facilitated in Camron's progress.<br />

In the past we have tried so many supplements in order to help Camron function better but he would<br />

refuse to take it because of the taste or texture of the vitamins but we don't have to fight him to take<br />

Xango. In fact all of our kids ask for it several times a day and it is getting harder to keep a supply in our<br />

house.<br />

We know Xango will continue to help our family especially Camron. It has helped him better<br />

communicate and focus on the different activities in school. In the past the teachers would not be able<br />

to get him to sit still and participate in activities.<br />

He is able to transition better from one activity to the next and he has started to interact more with the<br />

kids. One time Camron was crying and my husband asked him what was wrong and Camron said "you<br />

tell me." This is just one of many surprises we have encountered while Camron has been taking Xango.<br />

We would be happy to share many more testimonials of Camron's progress because<br />

[mangosteen juice] has helped us in so many ways.

Chester and Christine Green<br />

(413)737-0131<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Hi Bradys,<br />

Our little boy (3 at the time) was diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)<br />

in December '03 and when we got started in this business in January this year, started taking approx.<br />

30mls (1oz) of our Xango mangosteen product at breakfast.<br />

We noticed an improvement in his speech during the first few days and our doctor was so<br />

impressed with his improvement after two months, he suggested we increase the dosage to<br />

30mls x 3 times a day. To date he has improved incredibly in all areas ... speech, digestion, eye<br />

contact, motor skills, general understanding, increased energy levels, playing with other children ...<br />

during this time he started calling out for us by name and a few weeks ago even answered the<br />

telephone when it rang!! Our excitement with these improvements will make perfect sense to all the<br />

parents out there that have Autistic children :).<br />

Autism has a huge range of conditions and issues so results will vary just as widely I'm sure. Starting<br />

March/April this year, our boy also has been attending a special needs pre-school, weekly speech<br />

therapy sessions, occupational therapy sessions every two weeks and, more recently, started on a low<br />

gluten/low casein, low salicylate/low amine diet.<br />

Due to his older brother's condition, our new son (10 months now) has an increased chance of<br />

developing ASD. Our Doctor, an Autism specialist, has suggested a number of preventative measures<br />

for us with the inclusion of our Xango mangosteen product in his daily diet high on the list.<br />

We are thrilled with the improvement that taking our mangosteen product has had<br />

with our little boy and share our mangosteen product with every parent we can.<br />

~Cathy & Jason Haks, Australia 866.663.9776<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Tue Jul 6, 2004 5:35 am<br />

Subject: Autism / ASD - MORE FROM THE HAKS<br />

There are so many reasons we've found that the mangosteen juice can help our ASD (Autism Spectrum<br />

Disorder) son ... one of the main ones is the normalising effect it has on his intestinal flora - ie.<br />

helping the "good" bacteria and depleting the "bad" ones in the gut.<br />

We should share a word of caution - As the "bad" bacteria get knocked out, they can give off some<br />

nasty toxins which can have a nasty short-term affect. This is called the "die-off" effect<br />

and generally occurs/starts somewhere between say 3 and 10. On 1 ounce (30ml) a day, it<br />

shouldn't be a problem but if someone reports that the child's behaviour and how they look is improving<br />

and then suddenly deteriorates sometime after day 3 (eg develop (more) hyperactivity / dark circles<br />

under the eyes), then it may be because of this "die-off" effect. It's our understanding that this is a sign<br />

you're on the right track, but just cut back the dose or spread it out over multiple doses during the day<br />

during this period. Our little boy came through this "die-off" with flying colors.<br />

Please be sure to consult your 'good' doctor when introducing anything new to your child's treatment.<br />

~Cathy & Jason Haks -<br />

866.663.9776<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Please note the highlighted section below that talks about inflammation and autism. Maybe this explains<br />

in part why some autistic children have shown improvement with Xango since it's a strong natural antiinflammatory.<br />

Jim Kosglow (11/15/04)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

SANCHEZ: Welcome back to AMERICAN MORNING. I'm Rick Sanchez.<br />

Autism affects more than 400,000 children in America. We all know so many parents who suddenly<br />

have to deal with this situation. It almost seems like more and more seeming all the time. Well, what's<br />

new? What do we know about this.<br />

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, you know, a couple things, Rick. First<br />

of all, good morning.<br />

There have been some concern that the numbers of autistic cases have actually been increasing, a lot<br />

of researchers paying attention now, trying to figure out not only why, but what the causes is as well.<br />

Researchers at John Hopkins University specifically tried to measure what they call<br />

neuroinflammatory cells. These are cells that are present in the brain and the fluid surrounding<br />

the brain, and trying to figure out, are they any different than those with autism. You can see<br />

there in fact, they found out that the neuroinflammatory cells overactive in autistic people.<br />

Interesting, these are the same inflammatory cells that produce brain function as a<br />

neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinsons or Alzheimer's disease.<br />

The important thing about this, Rick, and what sorts of exciting about this, is that they may be one step<br />

closer to figuring out a cause for an autism. That has really been something scientists have struggled<br />

with for some time. Also being able to diagnose autism has been difficult as well.<br />



Hi Marianne,<br />

I was taking 10 mg coumadin when I started taking mangosteen juice in November 2003. I get<br />

my levels checked very regularly. I am now down to 5 mg coumadin a day. Dr. Templeman<br />

recommends having your levels checked about three days after starting the juice to see what<br />

effect , if any it has on your levels. Everyone is different ...so you need to see how it works with<br />

you. Keep in touch and let me know how it works for you.<br />

Nina in GA<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: Brsissy@c...<br />

Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 02:36:47 EDT<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] Warfarin and Xango <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice.<br />

Wayne, I am taking <strong>Mangosteen</strong> 6 oz. per day and taking Warfarin 2.8 mg / day and have not had any<br />

changes required to my Warfarin dosage so in my case it has no effect on Warfarin. I go in once a<br />

month for lab test. Bob Nabors<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Tue Aug 24, 2004 2:52 pm<br />

Subject: Warfarin / Coumadin From: "Nina Harrison" <br />

Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 09:24:42 -0700 (PDT)<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] Warfarin and Xango <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice.<br />

Wayne,<br />

I was taking 10 mg Warfarin (Coumadin). At the last blood test my doctor cur my dosage<br />

back to 5 mg each day and on Wed. I take 10 mg. I have been taking Warfarin for almost<br />

two years now. The dosages have varied at each blood test.<br />

I have been taking two ounces of mangosteen juice since the last week of November 2003.<br />

I increase the juice to three times a day when I feel I need more. That is a very subjective thing.<br />

Nina in Georgia<br />

---------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Nina Harrison" <br />

Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 18:15:26 -0700 (PDT)<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] Coumadin...high blood pressure<br />

I take 10 mg of Coumadin a day and I take 2 ounces of mangosteen twice a day. The only<br />

effect I have seen is that I have not needed as much Coumadin as I was taking before I<br />

started drinking mangosteen. I have not had to change the schedule for my PT and INR<br />

checks to monitor blood clotting....<br />

I also have high blood pressure and take 50 mg Cozaar. My blood pressure has consistently been much<br />

better. Today it was 138/78 and I had not taken my meds this morning before going for my check-up!<br />

Before going on mangosteen, when I had to leave my meds until the afternoon, my blood pressure<br />

would always be 175/90 and upwards to 205/115 at checkups.<br />

One of the meds I have NOT taken since January is 40 mg of Lortabs a day! NO more pain from<br />

fibromyalgia and arthritis...no more shopping in a wheel chair.... I can push a cart just like other<br />

shoppers now! I also got the results from my new bone density test today! I am NO longer at HIGH<br />


Nina Harrison

__________________________________________________________________________________<br />


Do you have any stories on body building that I can forward on to my friend in London training for the<br />

iron man competition? He received the pack of info and is interested, however, not sure if he wants to<br />

try before the competition since he's on a program already.<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I'm a bodybuilder and I have to say that my recovery has improved considerably. I don't get as sore<br />

after days after a training session which means that my body is recovering from tissue damage<br />

at a faster rate due to the antioxidants removing waste product in the muscle during training.<br />

Best of luck to your buddy in London! Marty Ramirez III<br />

sundevil1971@yahoo.com<br />

480-250-1044<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Kat,<br />

David here in WV. I have noticed a tremendous difference in my workouts since taking Xango. Much<br />

more endurance, shorter recovery time, I can breath deeper, my explosions at the top of my rep are<br />

incredible, and the resting time between sets is 1/2 of what it was before. I am twice as excited today to<br />

go and do my lifts, than I was a month ago.<br />

I work out three times a week now, but I am sure that if I were back into competition, which is one<br />

reason for my diligence in building this business, I would not hesitate to tell your friend that the<br />

mangosteen will be just one of the edges he'll have on his side.<br />

When your going from one event to another such as the iron man competition, he can not afford not to!!<br />

For athletes, this product is going to increase performance to new levels.<br />

My cardiovascular workout is incredible, I have cut at least 4 minutes off my the time in my 2 mile walks,<br />

it seems that my legs and breath increase with each session. Physique wise, I can tell a difference in<br />

my definition, more defined and the pump seems to last longer. Of course, I am sure there are more<br />

qualified folks to answer your question.<br />

If your friend does use the product, we would all be very interested in watching his performance. I hope<br />

this helps<br />

David Mitchem<br />

__________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Date: Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:22 pm<br />


Cholesterol / HBP / GERD / Degenerative Disc Disease / Arthritis /<br />

Rheumatoid Arthritis / Peripheral Neuropathy / Bone Density<br />

This is from my mother. I am so blessed that this juice has changed her

health!<br />

I am 71 years of age and have many health issues - high cholesterol, high<br />

blood pressure, GERD (acid reflux), degenerative disc disease, arthritis,<br />

rheumatoid arthritis, pacemaker (AV heart block) and peripheral neuropathy. I<br />

am not a diabetic.<br />

At my last physical in August my doctor ordered an additional cholesterol<br />

medication. I did have it filled but have not started taking it. My desire<br />

for months has been to delete the Lipitor, not add another one!<br />

My 34 year old daughter, Kris, was getting pretty excited about a <strong>Mangosteen</strong><br />

juice she had been taking for a few weeks. She literally bounces in and out<br />

of our house and has energy I long for. Her concern for my health caused my<br />

husband and me to attend a very informative [mangosteen juice] meeting. I<br />

started with a bottle the next day drinking 2oz. 3 times a day. The third day<br />

I felt bad, achy and tired.<br />

I remembered what I had heard at the meeting and had read. I realized my body<br />

was getting rid of toxins, so I continued with the juice. Symptoms were gone<br />

the next day. The next several days I noticed some great changes - peaceful<br />

rested sleep, nighttime post nasal drainage stopped relieving the need for<br />

continuous swallowing, and renewed energy. When I vacuumed my entire house, I<br />

did not have a bad back ache! I stopped taking Tylenol PM totally. I stopped<br />

taking Colace 2xs/day totally.<br />

I had surgery on hammer toes (each foot) involving bones, pins and sutures in<br />

mid–September. I healed beautifully with no swelling or bruising and no pain.<br />

My doctor was amazed and very pleased. After walking on my heels for two<br />

weeks, I had no back pain. My chiropractor is amazed at how well I am doing<br />

and is now looking at [mangosteen juice] too. I am now drinking one ounce<br />

three times per day and anticipating more good results. THANKS, KRIS!<br />

12/5/04 Update: In November, my mom had multiple tests run at Mayo Clinic.<br />

Her blood pressure has come down into normal range. Her cholesterol has<br />

dropped from 217 to 191, including a drop of 90 points in her triglycerides.<br />

Her bone density has improved since her previous test in 2002. Her<br />

doctor's report reads: "Since your previous analysis dated August 28,<br />

2002, you actually have an increase in your bone<br />

density of 7.6% in the spine and of 2.6% in the hip. This is very good<br />

news, as at your age we typically mainly see stability or decrease in<br />

the bones and rarely see actual increases in the bone density…<br />

At this time, I would not start the liquid Fosamax therapy as it does seem<br />

like your bones have improved…we do not need to add any more medications at<br />

this time."<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

-------------------<br />

From: "Nina Harrison" <br />

Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 18:15:26 -0700 (PDT)<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] Coumadin...high blood pressure

I take 10 mg of Coumadin a day and I take 2 ounces of mangosteen twice a day.<br />

I am one of the lucky ones whose medical doctor is taking mangosteen... He is<br />

in my downline! As a matter of fact , I have not<br />

needed half the meds I was taking! My doctor has taken me off several meds<br />

and cut others in half.<br />

I also have high blood pressure and take 50 mg Cozaar. My blood pressure has<br />

consistently been much better. Today it was 138/78 and I had not taken my<br />

meds this morning before going for my check-up! Before going on mangosteen,<br />

when I had to leave my meds until the afternoon, my blood<br />

pressure would always be 175/90 and upwards to 205/115 at checkups.<br />

One of the meds I have NOT taken since January is 40 mg of Lortabs a day! NO<br />

more pain from fibromyalgia and arthritis...no more shopping in a wheel<br />

chair.... I can push a cart just like other<br />

shoppers now! I also got the results from my new bone density test<br />

today! I am NO longer at HIGH RISK FOR BROKEN BONES.... I am not<br />

at the MODERATE LEVEL of RISK!<br />

I love my mangosteen juice and will NEVER be without it again!<br />

Nina Harrison<br />

__________________________________________________________________________________<br />


From: "eveh" eveh@sbcglobal.net Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 18:27:03 -0700<br />

Subject: Re: Xango mangosteen during chemo?<br />

I was in my second round of chemo for breast cancer when I first started drinking mangosteen juice. I<br />

only drank the minimum dose of 2 oz a day because I asked my oncologist about taking it during<br />

chemo. He said anti-oxidants should not be taken in large doses because it could make the chemo<br />

ineffective, but he also said I could get my anti-oxidants naturally by just eating the right foods. That is<br />

why I only drank 2 oz a day until I finished chemo.<br />

Then, I started drinking 6 oz a day and I really recovered fast from the chemo. Also, I never got a cold or<br />

flu during chemo and am still in great health now 4 months post chemo and radiation. I smile all the time<br />

now, and I call it my "happy juice!" Eve H.<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Xango & Lymphoma cancer and increasing white blood cell counts<br />

I have a friend who has lymphoma cancer – it had been in remission. As is common after chemo her<br />

white blood count was too low for chemo again. She started on <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice, her white blood<br />

count went up to normal, and she had her second chemo right on schedule. Freda Douglas - Wed,<br />

28 Jul 2004<br />


From: "Dell Church" Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 00:00:09 -0400<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] cancer, chemotherapy, [Xango <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice]<br />

Yes, I do know of a lady who is taking chemo and she takes 9 ozs of mangosteen juice per day .She<br />

has seen her CA125 lowered by 600 points this month . She was diagnosed with breast cancer in<br />

May of this year and she is doing great on the juice !!<br />

Elizabeth Church<br />

--------------------------------------------------------<br />

Subject: Breast Cancer and Xango<br />

From: "Bill Hart" Wed, 21 Apr 2004 00:27:08 -0400<br />

I have a contractor in my downline who has a personal friend that has fought cancer for five years now.<br />

5 years ago she had one of her breasts removed. 2 years ago she found out the cancer was back in the<br />

other breast.<br />

She had a carcinogen level of 800 in her blood at that time. She has been under radiation therapy since<br />

that time. She has gone through the vigorous routine that includes hair loss, vomiting after therapy<br />

sessions, decreased immune system so she is sick all the time, not to mention all of the other perks that<br />

come along with the treatment. Her carcinogen level has fluctuated between 125-80 during this time<br />

frame. Never showing concrete signs of remission.<br />

20 days ago the contractor introduced the Xango mangosteen juice to her. She begin an increased<br />

doseage regiman that included 3 oz/3 times per day. After the first ten days she saw her physician.<br />

During this 10 day period she had only one radiation therapy. Her carcinogen level in her blood was<br />

110. The next ten days there were no radiation therapies , only mangosteen juice in the mentioned<br />

doseage regime.<br />

Yesterday after seeing her doctor her carcinogen level in her blood was 8. Her oncologist was<br />

EXTREMELY interested in the mangosteen juice, where he could get more info about it, and if he could<br />

speak to the person who introduced it to her. William Hart<br />

-------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 10:16:43 -0700<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] cancer, chemotherapy, [mangosteen juice]<br />

I had recurrent breast cancer, and I was going through my third round of chemotherapy (Taxol and<br />

Carboplatin) when I was introduced toXango [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice] back in January 2004.<br />

I took only 2 ounces (a maintenance dose) a day during chemo and radiation treatments. Once I started<br />

taking Xango, I had no more nausea and I never got a cold or the flu which was going around at that<br />

time even though my blood counts were low. I did still experience the severe body aches and fatigue<br />

from the chemo, however. Once my therapies were over, I went to drinking 6 ounces a day, and I have<br />

recovered nicely from both therapies and regained my blood counts within one month.<br />

I have come out of the depression I was in during this recurrence of cancer. I had acid reflux<br />

and was on Prevacid for the past 5 years, and now I do not need the Prevacid. I also had borderline<br />

high blood pressure, which is now normal. I had high cholesterol, which is now below normal.<br />

I am a believer in drinking Xango for the rest of my life! I feel great! Eve Heltzel eveh@s...<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Here's a quote from <strong>Mangosteen</strong>, the X-Factor by Dr. F. Templeman, MD, page 31:<br />

"In Novermber 2002,scierntsts at the National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine in Taiwan tested<br />

the mangosteen xanthone Garcinone E against human cancer cell lines for primary liver cancer<br />

(hepatoma), stomach cancer and lung cancer. The results were astounding. The xanthone was also<br />

compared to several other anticancer chemo-therapeutic drugs already in use. Garcinone E was

capable of killing all cancer cell lines but one. In fact, the xanthone was more efficient than<br />

cisplatin, methotrexate, vincristine, mitoxantrone and 5 FU." - footnote 37 in Templeman's book.<br />


Date: Tue Jun 1, 2004 10:47 am<br />

Subject: Gout / Bursitis / Virus / Cold Sore / Stomach Problems<br />

When I started taking Xango mangosteen juice, I had been bothered by a really stubborn case of gout.<br />

The doctor prescribed all different types of medication and it seemed that nothing was working.<br />

After taking Xango for 3 weeks the inflammation in my big toe joint started to subside and I finally felt<br />

some relief. I have been taking [mangosteen juice] faithfully and the gout has not returned.<br />

I also had a painful case of bursitis in my left shoulder...the inflammation has decreased<br />

considerably. Linda<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Wed Feb 25, 2004 1:24 am<br />

Subject: RE: [xangopros] Bursitis, Depression<br />

I experienced an amazing relief of bursitis pain after my fourth day - - - pain I had experience for<br />

three years without relief. It felt "as sweet as honey" in my shoulders for four days straight, and<br />

then the pain returned and stayed as usual for a week. I thought; "Ah foohey!"<br />

The good news is that now that I'm starting my fourth week on Xango, I'm slowly feeling less and less<br />

pain, not only in my shoulders but in a troublesome right hip (anti-inflammatory effects of mangosteen). I<br />

think my body's initial totally pain free reaction to Xango was a "sign" of the healings to come more<br />

slowly, and perhaps permanently. Paul<br />

------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 04:58:58 EST<br />

Subject: Re: [xangopros] about bursitis and"gout"<br />

MaryAnn,<br />

This is Kim from Redding, and my Father has been completely relieved from his gout in his feet and<br />

ankles from taking Xango. He tried all the prescription medicines last year and still did not have a lot of<br />

relief like mangosteen.<br />

He is feeling great now on mangosteen and it also totally relieved his bursitis in his shoulder.<br />

Kim<br />



I have a contractor in my downline who has a personal friend that has fought<br />

cancer for five years. 5 years ago she had one of her breasts removed. 2<br />

years ago she found out the cancer was back in the other breast. She had a<br />

carcinogen level of 800 in her blood at that time. She has been under<br />

radiation therapy since that time.<br />

She has gone through the vigorous routine that includes hair loss, vomiting after therapy sessions,<br />

decreased immune system so she is sick all the time, not to mention all of the other perks that come<br />

along with the treatment. Her carcinogen level has fluctuated between 125-80 during this time frame.<br />

Never showing concrete signs of remission.<br />

20 days ago the contractor friend introduced the mangosteen juice to her. She begin an<br />

increased doseage regimen that included 3 oz/3 times per day. After the first ten days she saw her<br />

physician. During this 10 day period she had only one radiation therapy. Her carcinogen level in her<br />

blood was 110.<br />

The next ten days there were no radiation therapies , only mangosteen juice in the mentioned doseage<br />

regime.<br />

Yesterday after seeing her doctor her carcinogen level in her blood was 8. Her oncologist was<br />

EXTREMELY interested in the mangosteen juice, where he could get more info about it, and if he could<br />

speak to the person who introduced it to her. The contractor will be educating the physician about<br />

mangosteen next week.<br />


Here's a quote from <strong>Mangosteen</strong>, the X-Factor by Dr. F. Templeman, MD, about the<br />

mangosteen's (Xango's) Antitumor Properties, page 37:<br />

"The anticancer activity of phytoceuticals (plant-derived flavonoids) has been well<br />

documented. Catechins, tannin derivatives, found in many plants and in high amounts<br />

in mangosteen, have been shown to protect from cancer in at least three different<br />

ways:<br />

1. Catechins prevent the formation of carcinogenic compounds by blocking co-<br />

carcinogens.<br />

2. Catechins turn up the body's natural detoxofication defenses.<br />

3. Catechins directly suppress cancer promotion or growth.<br />

"In Novermber 2002, scientists at the National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine<br />

in Taiwan tested the mangosteen xanthone Garcinone E against human cancer cell<br />

lines for primary liver cancer (hepatoma), stomach cancer and lung cancer. The<br />

results were astounding.

"The xanthone was also compared to several other anticancer chemo-therapeutic<br />

drugs already in use. Garcinone E was capable of killing all cancer cell lines but<br />

one. In fact, the xanthone was more efficient than cisplatin, methotrexate,<br />

vincristine, mitoxantrone and 5 FU." - footnote 37 in Templeman's book.<br />

"Also in the fall of 2002 a study was conducted in Japan investigating the effects of<br />

xanthones isolated from the manogsteen pericarp against human leukemia cell lines.<br />

The study showed that, 'the pericarp oif the mangosteen contains a variety of<br />

xanthones which exhibit antiproliferative activity against human leukemia.'<br />

Templeman concludes, "As with the protection against microbes, a small daily dose of<br />

phytoceuticals, capable of directly suppressing cancer or stimulating our immune<br />

system makes good sense."<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice- Ovarian tumor and Eczema<br />

CANCER<br />

December 23, 2003, I had a large ovarian tumor removed. Because of the size and the way the tumor<br />

looked additional blood tests were done. One of the test they ran was to check my CA 125 levels.<br />

(Woman with high levels of CA 125, a tumor maker that may indicate the presence of ovarian cancer<br />

cells, have a higher than average risk of developing ovarian cancer) In Dec. my CA 125 level was at 93,<br />

the normal high is 35. Anything 35 and over they start looking and treating for possible ovarian cancer.<br />

April 7, 2004 , I took the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice twice a day. The amounts varied.<br />

On June 23, 2004 , in my 6 month follow, I had the CA 125 blood test done. When my Dr. said the test<br />

results looked great I was very anxious to know how much the level had dropped. My levels today are at<br />

24 !!!!!!!!!!!. He was very excited about the drop and mentioned that some times it takes up to 2 years to<br />

see the levels drop that much. I told him what I was doing the past 2 months or more, he just waved his<br />

hand indicating that had nothing to do with the levels dropping, & went on talking. I took ave. of 3 oz 2X<br />

/ day.<br />

I KNOW what I just experienced was mangosteen juice.<br />

Another story. A Lady I work with had eczema really really bad. She has this skin problem for years.<br />

She has been using a prescription suave on her hands. From time to time it would get better, other<br />

times it was so bad her hand would get really raw and red and lots of blisters and was now between her<br />

fingers. A few weeks ago I had the courage to tell her about [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice]. She went off on me,<br />

stating nothing like that would ever work.<br />

I spoke with Johanna about my experience, Johanna suggested that I give her one more<br />

piece of information and then make a statement of confidence on the [mangosteen juice] product, but<br />

also let her know that it is entirely up to her what she wants to do. I had barly stated my statement when<br />

she said, "Bring me a case of 'that' juice you have, I will do anything to get rid of this pain." She was<br />

taking 2 oz twice a day.

I brought her a case on a Thursday, she started taking it as soon as she got the<br />

product. The following Wed we talked about the results she’s had. In less than a week, her hand was no<br />

longer raw, only red but looked healing, the eczema was no longer between her fingers. She had such<br />

great results that she is a believer of the product. Laughingly she said, "the day before I started on the<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice I paid a stinkin' $51.00 dollars on a suave that never worked." Fern Bontrager<br />

from Indiana – June 24, 2004<br />

________________________________<br />

Cancer, chemotherapy, & [mangosteen juice]<br />

I had recurrent breast cancer, and I was going through my third round of chemotherapy (Taxol and<br />

Carboplatin) when I was introduced to [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice] back in January 2004. I asked my oncologist<br />

about this, and he also said not to take an excess of anti-oxidants for the same reasons mentioned<br />

below. But, he said I could get all my anti-oxidants only from the "food" I eat.<br />

So, since mangosteen is a food, I took only 2 ounces (a maintenance dose) a day during chemo and<br />

radiation treatments. Once I started taking the mangosteen, I had no more nausea and I never got a<br />

cold or the flu which was going around at that time even though my blood counts were low. I did still<br />

experience the severe body aches and fatigue from the chemo, however.<br />


From: "Nina Harrison" <br />

Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 08:14:13 -0700 (PDT)<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] Cataracts<br />

Jack,<br />

I heard a tape interview I think between Dr. Morton and Dr. Templeman several months ago. The tape<br />

was orange in color. There was a lady on the tape testifying that she had cateracts and was facing<br />

surgery. She said that within a couple of months after drinking mangosteen juice her cateracts had<br />

shrunk to the point of surgery no longer beong necessary and was hoping for a full recovery. Nina<br />

thexangoguysandgals2005@y...<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

When I first heard about Xango [mangosteen juice] I was very skeptical that it could have health<br />

benefits in so many different areas. However, I bought a bottle and my husband and I started drinking 2<br />

ounces a day. My husband had the first results.<br />

First his back pain disappeared and then his eyesight improved. We had bought 2 different<br />

mattresses in six months and after taking the [mangosteen juice] he had no more back pain.<br />

Next, he related to me that he could see detail on things that were before only blurry from a<br />

distance. Later, [mangosteen juice] cleared a patch of dry skin on his face. All his previous attempts to<br />

heal this skin on his face had failed, but [mangosteen juice] turned it around in about a month. Kelly Y.<br />

------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Johanna & Jim Baker" Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 6:44 PM<br />

Subject: Depression/eyesight/diabetes/fungus/athlete'sfoot<br />

Dear Johanna,<br />

I was suffering from a severe depression, that left me exhausted, and non-functional for 6 months.<br />

Then, my dear friend, Johanna Baker introduced me to <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice. It took 3 weeks of drinking

the product and then my depression lifted. I have now been 45 days depression free. What a relief it is<br />

to be up and functioning again thanks to this Juice!!!<br />

Also, my eyesight has improved so I don't have to wear my eye-glasses anymore. My blood<br />

sugar has gone down into the normal range so I don't have to take diabetic medication.<br />

Also, I have had a bad case of athlete's foot since 7 years old, nothing would cure it. I also, had fungus<br />

on two of my toenails. Now, the athlete's foot is healed and so is my toenail fungus. Barbara, 209 722-<br />

0070<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

I was having severe back problems - numbness in my legs etc. - sciatic problems. I was getting epidural<br />

shots to help with the pain. I was afraid of losing my job as I had to miss work. My son had to miss work<br />

to drive me to get the shots and back home.<br />

I started taking [mangosteen juice] and now I am pain free and not getting any shots and can walk<br />

normally! I was also afraid I was losing my hearing and might need a hearing aide. I went to church.<br />

Usually I sit in the front so I can hear. However, one Sunday I was late for church and had to sit in the<br />

back and I heard everything crystal clear. I have also lost<br />

about 10 lbs. I am so enthusiastic! I can also see a big difference in my skin tone, my memory and<br />

my vision. Helen<br />


Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2004 21:15:49 -0700 (PDT)<br />

From: "Tyrone Medina" <br />

Subject: Re: [mangosteenstories] Blood Sugar Levels / Diabetes / cholesterol<br />

Hello I am Tyrone from Puerto Rico, my mother a diabetic for over 18 years and 71 on the 6th of July<br />

has been taking the mangosteen juice and has been medication free for a long time. It has helped her<br />

with her arthritis, now med. free and has helped her system lower her cholesterol from over 300 to 151.<br />

It has given her hope in life.<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------<br />

To: dorlocke1@m...<br />

Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 8:40 AM<br />

Subject: A Great Big Thank You<br />

Thank you so much for the testimonial. It is so great to hear from people who lives have<br />

been touched by drinking mangosteen juice. I also have a wonderful story for you. I was<br />

going to save it until I saw you but I just can't wait any longer to tell you.<br />

Among all my other health issues, my cholesterol was high, 357 in 2003. My doctor put me on Lescol to<br />

help lower my cholesterol. I have been taking it for a little over a year. Four months ago, I did not have<br />

health insurance due to the fact of <strong>changing</strong> jobs. Anyway I could not afford the medication.<br />

I am now on my seventh bottle of mangosteen juice and I had lab work done last week and<br />

my cholesterol was 177!!!!<br />

And I am not through. I had a bunionectomy over a year ago and from that I had three large bumps<br />

(xanthoma tendon) on my right foot. The largest one is totally gone, the other two are getting smaller. I<br />

feel so blessed that I met Georgia and she told me about this miracle juice. Suzi<br />


Sandi;<br />

Also, I had been taking Lipitor for years to lower my cholesterol. It has never been under 200. After<br />

consulting my Cardiologist I lowered my Lipitor from 40mg to 10mg and then began using angosteen<br />

Juice]. 90 days later my cholesterol was 195 and I am now off the Lipitor!- Ann & Gregg Adair<br />

----------------------------------------<br />

Dear Debbie, My name is Thomas E. Lowe Jr.M.D., and as you know I was a bit skeptical when I<br />

started using Xango <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice one ounce three times a day on July 12,2004.<br />

I've had Moderately severe Psoriasis for 15 years. One week later I noticed a very definite improvement<br />

in my Psoriasis. I am not on any drugs for Psoriasis.<br />

I also noted a definite drop in my blood pressure. My usual average BP checked 3 times a day<br />

was 144/90 (No BP meds.). After I started the mangosteen juice, my Bp averaged 117/70 taken<br />

morning, Noon & Nite.<br />

I was also having a lot of arthralgia in my hips, knees, & back, which is completely gone now.<br />

I am currently on Zocor 20mg a day for cholesterol. After my next Lipid Panel I may drop the Zocor if my<br />

levels are lower than usual to see if the mangosteen juice will KEEP it down by itself.<br />

Your Friend , Dr.Tom Lowe<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

1/17/05<br />

SUBJECT: <strong>Mangosteen</strong> and Cholesterol, Neck Pain, Headaches<br />

I have been been taking Zocor, a cholesterol lowering drug, for well over 10 years. My cholesterol levels<br />

have been in the 235-250 range. Both of my parents also had high cholesterol levels. After being on<br />

mangosteen juice for the past several months, the effects have now apparently kicked in,<br />

because my latest blood test came in this week at 194!! That's a 50 point drop from my last test,<br />

at a level of 244.<br />

The only thing different that I have done in my daily intake is to introduce mangosteen juice into my daily<br />

diet (I take 4oz, 2x a day on a regular basis.) I have taken this amount of mangosteen to help handle the<br />

pain and headaches following neck surgery in which 3 vertebrae in my neck were fused, 3<br />

disintegrated discs were replaced with bone from my hip, and the 3 fused vertebrae were<br />

secured with a titanium plate and 4 screws.<br />

The mangosteen has done a better job of handling my neck pain and headaches than the prescription<br />

and over the counter drugs that were prescribed. Prior to my pain relief experience, I had been very<br />

skeptical of what mangosteen might do for my pain, and that is a big understatement. This latest result<br />

of having a 50 point drop (from 244 to 194) in my cholesterol level has made me a big believer. Yvonne<br />

Johnson<br />

COPD / Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease<br />

Date: Thu Sep 16, 2004 11:28 am<br />

Subject: COPD / Breathing Problems / Blood Pressure<br />

Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 21:23:18 EDT; from Brsissy@c...<br />

Subject: [xango] COPD<br />

I am Bob Nabors & have had COPD for several years. Last week I had a physical my blood pressure

120/78 the Doctor said that my lungs sounded very good. I am pleased with my overall results. I have<br />

been taking 6oz. of mangosteen daily for 3 months.<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "terry Howell" <br />

Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 10:05:24 -0700 (PDT)<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] COPD<br />

Hi W.<br />

I have COPD myself, and I have been taking the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice for about 4 months now, and went to<br />

my Dr. and, to tell you the truth, she was totally amazed! My breathing is better... I had a breathing test<br />

done, and it came back better than the last one I had. I do not have to take may inhalers or breathing<br />

treatments much anymore. <strong>Mangosteen</strong> is really helping me in that area. Terry<br />

---------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Sat Oct 2, 2004 8:01 pm - see Jerry's update below.<br />

Parkinsons / COPD/Congestive Heart Failure / High Blood Pressure / High Cholesterol<br />

I was 59 years old when I was released from a hospital at the end of October 2003 with<br />

some serious health problems. The doctors had told me that I had Parkinsons, rapid eye<br />

movement disorder associated with Parkinsons, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, high<br />

cholesterol, diabetes, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), angina, and renal problems.<br />

I was sent home on four liters of oxygen and a suit case full of drugs. These are medications<br />

that I was on: Atenolol 25mg, Candesartan Cilexetil 16mg, Nitroglycerin 0.4mg tab.,<br />

Nitrogycerin 0.4mg/hr patch, Lovastatin 20mg, Carbidopa 25/Levodopa 250mg, Entacone 200mg,<br />

Clonazepam 1mg, Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg, Glyburide 8mg, Albuterol 90mcg., Advair 500mg. Foradil<br />

Aerolizer, Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.083%.<br />

I would wake up every morning and walk from my bedroom to the couch, a distance of about 30 feet. I<br />

literally fell to the couch because I was completely out of breath. My skin color was turning to an ashen<br />

color and the skin under my finger nails was dark blue.<br />

A friend came over to see me and brought me a case of [mangosteen juice]. He told me to<br />

take it and said that it might help me. He was telling me all the helpful things that this<br />

product would or could do. I was very skeptical at first because how could a fruit have so much healing<br />

power and work on all the organs in the body at the same time. I asked my doctors about it and they<br />

never heard of the fruit. They told me that it would not hurt me to try.<br />

I started taking three ounces three times a day and was hoping for an instant cure. It did not<br />

happen! I did not feel anything at all until I had finished my third bottle. I noticed that<br />

I was sleeping the whole night through and that a little energy was coming back. I could<br />

walk from the bedroom to the couch and was not huffing and puffing.<br />

After a month on Xango [mangosteen juice], my blood sugar was back down into the 140-150s which<br />

was not bad since a month before it was in the 300s.<br />

My blood pressure was dropping from 180/90 to 120/70 and my tremors had stopped! I was also<br />

checking my oxygen absorption rate everyday and noticed that is was climbing up which is a<br />

good thing. I would be getting readings of 88-89 at rest and when I moved around the level<br />

dropped to 80-81 before any [mangosteen juice]. At the end of a month on [mangosteen juice],<br />

my readings were 94-95% at rest and when moving the level stayed the same!!<br />

I began cutting back on all my medication gradually and was taking readings from all my<br />

machines. I noticed that when I was cutting back on my medications that I was feeling less<br />

and less fatigued. By Christmas time, I was off ALL my medication and oxygen and I had<br />

reduced my [mangosteen juice] to only two ounces three times a day. I am still taking two

ounces three times a day.<br />

To me this is a miracle fruit. I will be glad to talk to anybody about this product.<br />

Jerry Smith - Lacey, WA. - see update below:<br />

-----------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Dianna Whitmer" <br />

To: mangosteenstories-owner@yahoogroups.com<br />

Subject: Re: Parkinsons / Congestive Heart Failure /High BP & Cholesterol /<br />

I just followed up with Jerry the other day, and he reports that he's going to the gym 5<br />

times/week, feeling great, and using 2 oz. of mangosteen juice 3 times a day.<br />

Dianna Whitmer, grannypooh@c...<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Sun Jan 16, 2005 12:40 pm<br />

Subject: Diabetes / Breathing Problems (COPD) / Edema<br />

I received the below email from my stepmother, and I'm so happy to share it! Her testimonial also<br />

speaks to the fact that anyone who thinks trying only 1 bottle or even 1 case is a fair trial is just plain<br />

wrong. Here we see that, even AFTER 3 months, significant improvements can be achieved! Also note,<br />

without the doctor's<br />

tests, Jan may never have even known she had diabetes, or that it improved.<br />

The first thing that our juice did for Jan last June was improve her severe breathing problems<br />

(COPD). She has also mentioned to me that her edema (foot and ankle swelling) improved<br />

significantly.<br />

And, although she has still had some severe bouts with her breathing problems, she has said to me<br />

many times she hates to think about how much sicker she might have been WITHOUT taking our juice.<br />

Laurie Kristensen; Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "reliableresiduals" <br />

Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 22:19:36 -0000<br />

Subject: [xangopros] Re: EMPHYSEMA ~ Any <strong>Testimonials</strong> in regard to Emphysema? COPD?<br />

My mom suffers COPD and 9 ozs of [mangosteen juice] a day gave her clear breathing after FOUR<br />

DAYS. INCREDIBLE!! We even took her off of [mangosteen juice] to test and without [mangosteen<br />

juice] she suffers. She is now back on and drinks 3 - 6 ozs. a day and is fine.<br />

-------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Fri Apr 9, 2004 3:08 am<br />

Subject: Fibromyalgia / COPD / Migraines / I.B.S. / Stomach<br />

Originally From: http://www.health-champions.com/testimonials.html<br />

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 3<br />

years ago. Prior to that the only health problem that I had was migraine headaches.<br />

In the fall of 2001, my condition became much worse. I was unable to sleep more<br />

than an hour at a time and was up and down all night. I awoke each morning extremely<br />

stiff throughout my complete body. I would run hot water over my hands until I was<br />

able to actually turn the shower on to take a hot shower massage or take a hot<br />

bath. I tried everything that I could think of and anything that anyone suggested.<br />

Finally in Oct, my doctors put me on disability from work because I could not stand up straight or walk<br />

without holding on to a wall or rail, scooting up and down stairs in my home, and walking with a cane<br />

when away from home.<br />

Additional medicines were added. I was now taking 13 medicines and not getting<br />

very much relief. I was taking anti-inflammatories, 2 different anti-depressants, medicine for Irritable

Bowel Syndrome, muscle relaxants, 3 different pain medications, medicine to<br />

put and keep me asleep at night and 2 different inhalers for the COPD plus<br />

migraine medicines and finally medicine to overcome the stomach problems all the<br />

other medications had caused.<br />

After 1 month on [MANGOSTEEN JUICE], I'm no longer taking any prescribed<br />

medication. I use <strong>Mangosteen</strong> ([MANGOSTEEN JUICE]) only. I am pain free. My depression<br />

is gone. I sleep all night every night instead of fighting to fall asleep and<br />

waking constantly all night and have so much energy! Thanks, Mary<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong>'s Role in Pulmonary Disease.<br />

Whole fruit mangosteen intervenes at several points in the disease process of emphysema and chronic<br />

bronchitis:<br />

1. The antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effects of the mangosteen fruit can reduce the<br />

frequency of lung infections, thereby reducing cumulative lung tissue damage. As a result, fewer<br />

courses of antibiotic therapy are required.<br />

2. The anti-inflammatory effects of the xanthones in whole fruit mangosteen decrease both<br />

inflammation and cell damage while helping prevent the onset of deadly pulmonary<br />

hypertension.<br />

3. Since mangosteen extract also has potent antioxidant effects, it intervenes in every process<br />

where free radical damage, whether from inflammation of chronic bronchitis or the destruction of<br />

elastic recoil of the alveoli in emphysema.<br />


Date: Mon Jan 3, 2005 6:56 pm<br />

Subject: Crohn's Disease / Osteoarthritis / Energy / Lactose Intolerant<br />

From: "Nina Harrison" <br />

Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 16:42:18 -0800 (PST)<br />

I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease and osteoarthritis eight years ago. Since I have been drinking<br />

[<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice] I no longer have to take medication for either. I am pain free and sleep like a log.<br />

I have so much more mobility and energy than I have had in the past ten years! I had been lactose<br />

intolerant since 1992. Products with lactose in them no longer bother me. My digestive problems are<br />

tremendously improved!<br />

All my friends have noticed the miraculous improvement in my health and have asked me 'What has<br />

happened? I tell them MANGOSTEEN JUICE came into my life!<br />

Artie in Georgia<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Mon Dec 27, 2004 3:38 pm<br />

Subject: Crohn's Disease<br />

From: "elaine hartley" <br />

Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 05:38:19 -0800 (PST)<br />

A friend of mine has a 10-year-old who was diagnosed with Crohn's. She was taking 6 pills 3 times a

day. One was a steroid, which made her gain weight and the kids at School started to tease her. Now<br />

the only thing she uses is mangosteen juice.<br />

She Started out with one ounce a day the first week, 2 ounces the second week, and now she takes 3<br />

ounces a day. Last time I spoke with them, she had already lost 6 pounds and she does not complain of<br />

any pain.<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

SUBJECT: Info on Crohn's Disease; Feb. 10, 2005<br />

Have him start out slowly - as little as a tablespoon three times a day for the first week. My former<br />

neighbor suffered from crohn's disease for years also. He started out taking 3 ounces a day. By the<br />

end of his first bottle he hated me because he suffered flu-like symptoms the first week; but by the<br />

end of the second bottle he was feeling better than he had felt in years. Elaine<br />

DENTAL<br />

Mark, I would swish with the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> for at least 30 seconds if you could after brushing and<br />

flossing. It is a very strong antibacterial, and I know a lady here in Redding that had eight teeth<br />

extracted and only used the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice as an antibiotic. She went back to the Oral Surgeon<br />

a week later and they were amazed with her tissues and how they healed. I work as an RDA in<br />

Dentistry now for 18 years and I love to recommend this to patients.<br />

Kim, Redding, CA<br />

Ps. I had two four millimeter pockets last time I had my pockets checked last year, then I had them<br />

checked last week and my hygienist said, nope, no fours this time. The juice had to do it because I<br />

brush three times and day and flossed before the juice and I had fours, now I do the same routine and<br />

no fours.<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Lisa,<br />

My wife just had 12 teeth extracted 2 weeks and 2 days ago. We strained out the pericarp, before she<br />

drank the xango, later we used the pericarp in a gauze to help with the swelling and the soreness.<br />

Amazingly, it also helped with the pain, enough so that she could sleep.<br />

Most wonderful benefit was her attitude and emotions. I am as her husband, very thankful for the<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong>, what a wonderful product. She, as of yesterday, was able to get her top teeth in, we are<br />

just waiting for a couple of sorE places to go down so she can wear her bottom plate. David<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

A little story on my success with Xango and oral health!!<br />

About a month ago, I realized that my gums/teeth in the upper right quadrant were really sore and my<br />

cheek was tender to the touch. I couldn't chew on that side of my mouth. Being in a week of chaos, I<br />

had no time for dentist's visit and any of the follow-up I was anticipating (not new to gum disease<br />

issues). Recalled Dr. Templeman's advice to a patient with a dry socket, and thought why not try it.<br />

So, I saturated a sheath of gauze with mangosteen juice and stuck up in that area of my mouth. Kept it<br />

there as long as I could tolerate it, and it dried out - sort of! Probably 10 mins or so. When I removed<br />

the gauze, I kid you not, all the pain was gone and my face felt like new.<br />

I had never experienced anything like it. By the way, the problem has not returned. Now I do take care<br />

to get a good little gargle of Xango in the back of my mouth daily, but I am still amazed at the speed in<br />

which this seemed to be eliminated.<br />

Cathie Gingivectomy Queen<br />


– Dr. J. Whitaker, MD<br />

Dr. Julian Whitaker wrote about depression and inflammation in the July, 2004, issue<br />

of his newsletter, Health and Healing. Xango has powerful anti-inflammatory properties<br />

and many Xango users have experienced relief from mild to moderate depression.<br />

Here's a summary of Whitaker's artilce followed by some testimonials of Xango users.<br />

Whitaker wrote in his article titled A New Approach to Depression:

"Do you feel tired and sluggish? Are you apathetic and unfocused? Do you have to<br />

drag yourself out of bed in the morning? Have you lost your appetite? These are<br />

classic signs of depression.<br />

"A couple months ago I wrote about inflammation and how it is a primary factor in<br />

heart disease. Well, inflammation also rears its ugly head in depression. New research<br />

on inflammation helps explain why neurotransmitters may become imbalanced - and<br />

why conventional treatment isn't always successful.<br />

"Depression is linked with excessive production of 'proinflammatory' cytokines that<br />

impair normal brain function. This often results in poor appetite, greater requirements<br />

for sleep, lethargy, reduced activity - in other words, the classic symptoms of<br />

depression.<br />

"What increases production of cytokines in the brain? Infectious illnesses, heart<br />

disease, cancer, obesity, prolonged mental and emotional distress - can elevate levels<br />

of inflammatory chemicals in the body that prompt their production.<br />

"However, in people suffering with depression, inflammation takes on a life of its<br />

own. Levels of proinflammatory cytokines remain elevated, and symptoms<br />

become chronic."<br />

Many Xango users have found relief from mild to<br />

moderate depression at the same time as they experience other<br />

health benefits linked to inflammation.<br />


Hello, This is Kim from California, my mother-in-law has been on Prosac for about 20 years now and<br />

is lowering her dosages every month. She suffers from depression awfully. She has been taking Xango<br />

since Thankgiving 2003.<br />

Also my brother-in-law has completely dropped his Zoloft and is doing great on Xango. The Zoloft made<br />

him groggy and tired all the time. Kim<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I tested XanGo on a relative who is Bi-Polar and on so many meds that she is over medicated. I saw<br />

results in four days. Drinking 3 ozs 3 times a day. After two bottles I took this person off XanGo for two<br />

weeks to see if there was a difference. And what an immediate<br />

decline this person had. So, with XanGo this person is upbeat, more realistic about life and able to deal<br />

with reality and much more focused. Additionally this person suffers from COPD and the XanGo blew<br />

that away too pretty immediately. XanGo works and is awesome!!!<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Mark, Yes! I have heard a lot of testimonials about how it has helped with depression.<br />

Drugs like Celexa, prozac, paxil are what are called selective seratonin re-uptake<br />

inhibitors or SSRI. Seratonin is the "feel good" hormone. When it is release into the

ain, there is a receptor that is there to take it back up. These delay this from<br />

happening so the seratonin has more time in the brain. There is a study on<br />

www.pubmed.com on the effects of mangosteen about how it was shown effective to<br />

block seratonin receptors. It is titled "Histaminergic and seratonergic receptor blocking<br />

substances from the medicinal plant Garcinia mangostana".<br />

The other effects is the xanthones. I don't know what effect this has, but this is the basis of St. Johns<br />

Wart.<br />

The thing to remeMber with anti-depressants, is that you usually need to come off of them slowly.<br />

Consult your doctor for a schedule of how to cut down. Let him know you are trying a nutritional<br />

supplement and give him the research to show why you think it is effective. I have been on Celexa at 40<br />

mg for years. I have slowly cut my doses down for over the past 6 weeks. I am down to 10 mg now and<br />

hope to be completely off in another week. I was using this more for anxiety and stress. I still have<br />

stress, but I have 7 kids, trying to bring one child home from Haiti, homeschool, started a new and very<br />

exciting business and we are trying to sale our house! I feel I am coping just as well as when I was on<br />

40 mg. Lisa<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

[mailto:biobaker@e...] Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 6:44 PM<br />

subject: Depression/eyesight/diabetes/fungus/ athlete'sfoot<br />

Dear Johanna,<br />

I was suffering from a severe depression, that left me exhausted, and non-functional<br />

for 6 months.Then, my dear friend, Johanna Baker introduced me to <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice. It<br />

took 3 weeks of drinking the product and then my depression lifted. I have now been 45 days<br />

depression free.What a relief it is to be up and functioning again thanks to this Juice!!!<br />

Also, my eyesight has improved so I don't have to wear my eye-glasses anymore. My<br />

blood sugar has gone down into the normal range so I don't have to take diabetic medication.<br />

Also, I have had a bad case of athlete's foot since 7 years old, nothing would<br />

cure it. I also, had fungus on two of my toenails. Now, the athlete's foot is healed<br />

and so is my toenail fungus. I feel Terrific!!! Barbara; 209 722-0070<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Subject: Laurie here is my testamonial on PMS<br />

Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 21:39:55 -0700<br />

Although we are in mixed company I feel this information will help, We're all adults here and are either<br />

women or have women in our lives that we care about some who suffer from the<br />

monthly challenge known as PMS, I will give you my experience with this challenge,<br />

When this time of the month came along my hormones would be so unbalanced that I would be so<br />

emotional that I would have to stay in bed for a full day not wanting to deal with anything, it was like a<br />

stage of depression which I am also familiar with, I have been drinking <strong>Mangosteen</strong> since the middle of<br />

February [2004] and I can honesty say from my heart PMS is NO Longer an issue with me, I have not<br />

suffered with that problem since being on the <strong>Mangosteen</strong>. I also suffer from allergies and they are<br />

totally gone. I'm in my mid 40s I drink around 6oz of <strong>Mangosteen</strong>, Monica Lyons, Oregon<br />

-----------------------------------------------<br />

Major Depression, RSD, Heartburn, Arthritis<br />

I am female, 53 & need to lose 70 lbs.<br />

I was visiting a friend on Sept. 16, 2004...she told me about this juice she was drinking and pulled it out<br />

of the refrigerator & gave me 1/2 a mug full to try. I could almost immediately feel it doing "something"

within my body...I ended up asking if she had a bottle I could buy from her to take home & try out. (This<br />

was Thursday.)<br />

On Friday morning I felt GOOD when I got up. I got signed up on Saturday at 9 am,<br />

and have been improving ever since!<br />

I have been treated with different meds for 20 years for Moderate Depression – which worked on and off<br />

for me--and in September (after a year of moderate to severe depression that wouldn't lift with new<br />

meds, etc) my specialist told me I NOW have Major Depressive Disorder.<br />

She put me on another new med, and it had taken away the lowest part of the depression,<br />

but I was still feeling just so-so. So feeling GOOD was a turnaround! (Now, with just less than 3 weeks<br />

of [mangosteen juice] in my body, I feel normal in my moods. I feel GOOD with much more energy than<br />

before.)<br />

I was on 3 depression meds total, and was able to stop the one that helps me go to<br />

sleep just last week, after receiving permission from my specialist.<br />

I quit taking Lipitor, Celebrex & Zantac about 6 months ago JUST BECAUSE I knew<br />

they weren't doing my liver any good...and was just toughing it out with the arthritis & stomach. I figured<br />

I'd just see what happened when I had my next blood work with the cholesterol.<br />

With <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice my heartburn is all but gone.<br />

My knees don't hurt when I go up & down stairs now, and I notice my hands are<br />

improving & losing some of the stiffness & aches. I have RSD in the right hand, and it's always just<br />

kinda ached & been very stiff.<br />

The best thing is I FEEL so good...where as I spent the past year sitting in the<br />

house not really wanting to do much, I actually got in a 20-minute walk, last week was elected to a seat<br />

on the Board of Directors of our HOA, and cook again!<br />

I've lost 6 lbs. since starting to drink <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice, I don't crave sweets &<br />

chocolate anymore, and find my self enjoying the healthy foods like vegetables &<br />

my morning oatmeal.<br />

I have high hopes for the future with <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice, and am truly enjoying my<br />

energy & positive outlook!! Dianna Whitmer - Tue, 05 Oct 2004<br />


--- In xango@yahoogroups.com, Joseph Cacchiani

stop drinking mangosteen at this point and that is a mistake. They don't understand that the diarrhea is<br />

actually helping them; although awful to go through. Tracy Ryan<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Hello,<br />

Dr. Sam Walters here in Arizona is a leading Cancer NMD and Biomedical researcher. He and his<br />

patients come to our meetings regularly and speak of phenomenal healing and sometimes healing crisis<br />

before healing.<br />

He speaks frequently about "healing Crisis." This happens when the body which is Organic, is<br />

introduced to another Organic substance which has much needed nutrients that the body can<br />

immediately use. 15ml(cc) is one half oz. It can be enough if taken at least 3x/day.<br />

There is a half life of anything introduced into the body. This is the reason that we need to eat and drink<br />

more than once. The more nutrients the body gets, the more it can then use.<br />

With systemic/chronic inflammation such as cancer, the body is craving<br />

nutrients to help it fight and return to its natural balance. A one once serve per day is not enough to give<br />

the body a chance to incorporate the nutrients in the Xanthones and anti-oxidant juices. A proliferation<br />

of white cells is a classic sign of inflammation as these are the body's army to fight off and protect the<br />

tissues and organs against invaders;cancer in this case.<br />

There are numerous studies of cancer cells and apoptosis (killing off) using the Xanthones in the<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong> fruit. There also needs to be a significant increase in water intake so that the juice can<br />

travel through the body faster and more efficiently.<br />

The fastest way to get something into the body is IV. Then IM (shot). The easiest way to introduce<br />

something into the body system is by DRINKING it. This is why we can drink something such as tea or<br />

juice and be immediately relieved.(see orange juice for immediate balance of diabetes symptoms) The<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice starts to get into the body through the mucous membranes of the mouth!<br />

Since she is still willing to receive the benefits of the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice, have her go to 3 oz (90 ml) 3x a<br />

day. There are numerous testimonials on this site in the archives, of cancer being helped with 12 and<br />

25.35 oz/day. These successful encouragement will assist her with keeping to her goals of health and<br />

balance.<br />

Yours in Love and Light,<br />

Khabira Raheem, Khabira TeaPreneur@cox.net; Feb. 13, 2005<br />

"Because Wealth and Health are Synonymous"<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I know my sister-in-law and my nephew, when they first started, both broke out with a sever rash and it<br />

scared her and she almost stopped taking the juice.<br />

Then I read in one of the books about the detoxification effects. It stated that if you have an<br />

existing problem it may get worse before it gets better as the body is getting rid of the toxins.<br />

She stayed on it since both she and her son had a problem with ecsema and after about a week the<br />

rash was gone and so was the ecsema.<br />

It could be a similar situation of detoxification. Heather<br />

--- "Marcia L. Keppy" wrote:" href="mailto:33angels@earthlink.net wrote:"33angels@earthlink.net><br />

wrote:<br />

> Does anyone have an idea why someone, after drinking > the juice for 4 days, has outbreaks on her<br />

face and > has a canker sore in mouth? Are these toxins coming

though? This person is not allergic to > strawberries. Might also add this individual has<br />

> had chemo and radiation treatments for bladder > cancer. She wants desperately to drink the juice ><br />

and has asked me to find out what she needs to do to > eliminate the outbreaks.<br />

> Marcia Keppy 33angels@earthlink.net<br />

-------------------------------------------------<br />

The Healing Crisis<br />

AKA: The Cleansing Reaction, The Detox Reaction, and The Herxheimer Reaction<br />

What is it?<br />

Also known as the "Herxheimer Reaction", this reaction occurs when the body tries to<br />

eliminate toxins at a faster rate than they can be properly disposed of. The more toxic<br />

one's bodily systems are, the more severe the detoxification, or healing crisis. It is<br />

characterized by a temporary increase in symptoms during the cleansing or detox<br />

process which may be mild or severe. You may feel worse and therefore conclude that<br />

the treatment is not working. But these reactions are instead signs that the treatment is<br />

working and that your body is going through the process of cleaning itself of impurities,<br />

toxins and imbalances.<br />

Such reactions are temporary and can occur immediately -- or within several<br />

days, or even several weeks, of a detox. Symptoms usually pass within 1-3 days,<br />

but on rare occasions can last several weeks. If you are suffering from a major illness,<br />

the symptoms you experience during the healing crisis may be identical to the disease<br />

itself. Sometimes discomfort during the healing crisis is of greater intensity than when<br />

you were developing the chronic disease. This may explain why there may be a brief<br />

flare-up in one's condition. Often the crisis will come after you feel your very best. Most<br />

people feel somewhat ill during the first few days of a cleanse because it is at that<br />

point that your body dumps toxins into the blood stream for elimination. With a more<br />

serious condition there may be many small crises to go through before the final one is<br />

possible. In any case, a cleansing & purifying process is underway, and stored wastes<br />

are in a free-flowing state.<br />

Cause:<br />

The healing crisis is the result of every body-system, in concert, working to eliminate<br />

waste products through all elimination channels and set the stage for regeneration.<br />

The end result: old tissues are replaced with new. When any treatment or cleansing<br />

program causes a large scale die-off of bacteria, a significant amount of endotoxins<br />

(toxins within the bacteria itself) are released into the body. The more bacteria present,<br />

and the stronger their endotoxins, the stronger the cleansing reaction. When any<br />

treatment or detox causes the organs of the body (particularly the liver, which is a<br />

storehouse of drug and poison residues) to release their stored poisons and toxins, a<br />

cleansing reaction may occur. Any program, such as fasting, which causes a rapid<br />

breakdown of fat cells (which are a storehouse for toxins), can cause a healing crisis<br />

as toxins previously lodged in the fat cells are released into the blood stream.<br />

Symptoms:<br />

The healing crisis will usually bring about past conditions in whatever order the body is<br />

capable of handling at that time. People often forget the diseases or injuries they have<br />

had in the past, but are usually reminded during the crisis. There are a wide variety of<br />

reactions that may manifest during a healing crisis, the most common are:<br />

Increased joint or muscle pain<br />

Diarrhea<br />

Extreme fatigue and/or its opposite, restlessness<br />

Cramps<br />

Headache (believed to be caused by buildup of toxins in the blood)<br />

Aches, Pains

Arthritic flair up<br />

Insomnia<br />

Nausea<br />

Sinus congestion<br />

Fever (usually low grade) and/or chills<br />

Frequent urination and/or urinary tract discharges<br />

Drop in blood pressure<br />

Skin eruptions, including: boils, hives, and rashes.<br />

Cold or flu-like symptoms<br />

Strong emotions: anger, despair, sadness, fear, etc.<br />

Suppressed memories arise<br />

Anxiety<br />

Mood swings<br />

New phobias develop<br />

Easing Your Way Through the Healing Crisis:<br />

Drink plenty of fresh water (especially water), juices, and herbal teas to flush the body of<br />

toxins. Some professionals recommend distilled water as the best. Drink from 2 to 4<br />

quarts(liters) per day. This will help flush the toxins out of your system and speed along the<br />

detoxification.<br />

• If you are feeling fatigued, or sleepy, your body is talking to you, and telling you to rest.<br />

Be kind to yourself, and get the rest that you need.<br />

• Symptoms frequently disappear immediately after a good bowel movement, use an<br />

enema to provide relief.<br />

• For other symptoms, meditation, EFT, acupuncture or a good massage might be<br />

helpful to speed up the healing process, and reduce the discomfort.<br />

• And, on rare occasions, a reduction of the dosage or temporary cessation may be<br />

required.<br />


(See the quote below from Dr. F. Templeman, MD, <strong>Mangosteen</strong> and Type II Diabetes)<br />

SUBJECT: my mother's sugar levels with Xango; Sunday, February 6, 2005<br />

Hello! I started my Mom on the [original <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice] just over 1 week ago. From day 1 her sugar<br />

levels have been lowered tremendously! The first night before taking the juice her levels were 173, that<br />

morning after not taking insulin last night, her sugar level was 108 the very first time after taking the<br />

Juice. Since then then her levels have been going down ( as low as 76). She is really excited. Cyndi;<br />

cynthiagn@aol.com<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

My husband was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes more than ten years ago and always had trouble<br />

keeping his blood glucose level within the normal range, even with medications and watching his diet<br />

closely. He always checks his blood sugar first thing in the morning. After drinking mangosteen juice<br />

(1 oz. twice a day) for less than three weeks, he noticed that his blood sugar was considerably<br />

lower and well within the normal range in the mornings. He has been drinking it since the first week<br />

in May and his sugar levels remain within the normal range. He still takes the medications, too, but is<br />

very pleased (as is his doctor) that it is under control having added mangosteen juice.<br />

I wish we had been drinking mangosteen juice in the years before we developed health problems (had it<br />

been available then, of course), but am so happy to have it now! Judy Hunt<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "harrietteblye" hblye@earthlink.net Date: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 03:03:36 -0000<br />

Subject: Blood sugar dropped 31 points with Xango <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice

My sister has adult onset diabetes. I encouraged her to try the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice stating that it might<br />

help lower her blood sugar. We took her blood sugar about 3 hours after she had eaten and it was 166.<br />

She drank an ounce of mangosteen juice and we took her blood sugar after 1/2 hour and it was 135.<br />

(normal is 70-110) Needless to say we are very excited about this. Also she had not yet taken her<br />

medication. Harriette<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "richard sims" Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] Diabetes Types . . .<br />

My stepfather is a diabetic 52 yrs old and a yankee from maine (HARD HEAD). I left a bottle of<br />

mangosteen for my mother but she didn't like the taste and gave it to stepdad.<br />

Before Xango, he had a hard time keeping his sugar below 200, while watching his diet. With<br />

mangosteen and the same diet his sugar stays around 80. He calls every few days to tell me he's<br />

getting low. (beleive it or not). Richard<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

My sister is 60, overweight and takes oral insulin. When she started on mangosteen juice, I cautioned<br />

her to start with an ounce and monitor it the next morning, she found no change and added an ounce a<br />

night until she hit 4 ounces and her blood sugar was great and has remained so. Needless to say, she is<br />

very faithful about taking it. She also had digestive problems that have been a nuisance since her gall<br />

bladder surgery, seesawing between constipation and diarrhea. These have also leveled out. She's very<br />

glad to have mangosteen juice in her life! And she's become a distributor! Sandi Etheredge<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2004; From: "Tyrone Medina" <br />

Subject: Re: Blood Sugar Levels / Diabetes / Gastric Bypass Surgery<br />

Hello I am Tyrone from Puerto Rico, my mother a diabetic for over 18 years and 71 on the 6th of July<br />

has been taking the mangosteen juice and has been medication free for a long time. It has helped her<br />

with her arthritis, now med. free and has helped her system lower her cholesterol from over 300 to 151.<br />

It has given her hope in life.<br />

-------------------------------------<br />

From: jason@x... Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 15:52:13 +1000<br />

Subject: [xango] ZINGO?<br />

I encouraged my 84 year old grandma to start taking Xango about a month ago and today I called in to<br />

have a cup of tea and see how she was.<br />

She very proudly told me that her visiting nurse had told her that her sugar levels (type 2<br />

diabetic) are much better and her high blood pressure of many years is coming down. She's taking<br />

1oz (30mls), 3 times a day before meals.<br />

"Yesterday I did all my washing and vacuumed the house all in the same day! ... I haven't done that in<br />

years!" she said. "I love<br />

the taste and all the extra energy ... it's all because of ZINGO!" Jason Haks<br />

--------------------------------------------------<br />

Jim, thanks for the testimonial. I believe that Xango is truly that miracle gift from God myself. And I think<br />

my husband and I are out to prove it. We are feeling better than ever after almost 2 weeks of juice. Dave<br />

has had to cut his diabetes med by 2/3 and the blood sugar is staying stable. We won't know<br />

about his leukemia until we get another lab report but his energy level tells me he is better. I haven't had<br />

pain or anti-inflammatory meds since I started the Xango and I know my RA is better. I signed up my<br />

first person today. She and her husband have so many ailments - especially him. Sharon<br />

--------------------------------------------------------<br />

Hi Kirstin,<br />

My experience with Xango and diabetes has been from the first bottle I received I worked with various<br />

doses of Xango. I quit all medication and wanted to see what would happen. I'm not recommending this

to you, I'm telling you what I did. I was on HiBloodPressure, Cholesterol and diabetes meds.<br />

I took Xango about 1-2 ozs in the morn and in the eve. At first my sugar went down then it started up<br />

again. I was not real good with the diet aspect because I live alone and do not eat "properly." I tried this<br />

because I had an appt to have my blood checked. The blood work showed (according to the doctor) that<br />

I needed to get back on all meds. I want to say one thing here, I felt pretty good without meds and just<br />

taking Xango.<br />

I agreed to start meds again but I cut my diabetes meds in half. Instead of taking them morn and night I<br />

took them at noon. I watched my diet a little better and did not eat much after 6pm. I work out three days<br />

a week.<br />

I find that going back on the meds (HBP and Zocor) that I feel the side effects of those drugs, however<br />

my sugar readings, by taking Xango 1 1/2 oz morn and same dose before bed, were interesting.<br />

I have had a 210 reading at night and in the morning the reading would be 105 or less. After blood<br />

testing I take my Xango, and at noon the diabetic dosage, do whatever for the day and check sugar<br />

reading in eve during the time frame of 8-12pm. Depending on what I<br />

have for dinner is the reading. For dining out and not being cautious my sugar could read 230 but the<br />

Xango always brings it down overnight.<br />

I do not take insulin.<br />

I have noticed changes in my feet. While they still hurt and burn nearly all the time, the feelings<br />

change immediately when I eat anything. Before Xango I was at the point where I could walk or<br />

stand for 20 minutes or so but could not walk any distance without great discomfort and<br />

sometime I would have to sit down and wait for the pain to subside.<br />

NOW, I still have pain and burining but I actually went to a shopping mall, walked all around AND<br />

made it back to the car. That is something I could NOT do before Xango.<br />

I don't have the feeling of walking on a roll of something under my toes and I have more feeling in my<br />

toes. Again, no matter what I eat, I feel it in my feet. As far as the hbp and cholesterol, I believe in<br />

Xango. I don't feel my arteries clogging. I do feel awful when I take the medication for that. I don't feel<br />

my blood pressure rising (well sometimes, ha) and I feel awful when I take that medication. I get upset<br />

when someone tells me they don't "feel"<br />

anything when they taste Xango. I ask them if they feel their arteries clogging? Then suggest that<br />

perhaps they don't feel all the good effect that are happening to them now.<br />

I am 67 years old and obviously somewhat of a rebel when it come to medication. I have made my<br />

peace with the Lord and I do not intend to spend my last days feeling as bad as I did when I took the<br />

medication MY doctor prescribed.<br />

I am not being flippant about the seriousness of this disease. Especially to those who are on insulin.<br />

Perhaps that is where I am heading but just my experiences with the side effects of the medicines I have<br />

been put on are frightening. I'm not just talking about zocor and metformin or any hpb. One doctor put<br />

me on a diabetic medication which had respitory side effects. Cost me $10K and a week in the hospital<br />

because no one would listen to me about the meds. It also had side effects to circulation of the feet.<br />

I listen to my body. I don't always do what it says but I do hear it.<br />

--------------------------------------------------------<br />

Bob, here is a written testimony about Daryl's friend Jack.<br />

Daryl envited a friend over that he knew had Diabetes ll. He asked him to take his sugar<br />

test. It was 421. He gave him 3 oz of [mangosteen juice] and they waited. They checked his sugar at<br />

different intervals. First, it was 399, then a lower number each time he took it. Forty minutes later, his

lood sugar was down to 300. That is a total of 121 with only 3 oz of [mangosteen juice] juice in such a<br />

short time. This appears to work wonders on diabetics! Love, Donna<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Hi Nicole,<br />

Yes, I have type II diabetes and the product has really helped mine. I have cut back on my medication<br />

and have my blood sugar under control.<br />

For the last several years my blood sugar stayed around 250 to 350. It now stays<br />

between 100 to 140 which is good. Also at : http://mangosteenmd.com there are several questions<br />

about diabetes and Dr. Templeman's answers. BigJim<br />

When I first started taking Xango juice I was very skeptical. I had tried another juice … for 8 months with<br />

no results. I started taking Xango juice and for the first 5 days I could not tell much difference.<br />

One evening I was at a meeting and heard a Doctor share a few patient experiences when I realized<br />

that I had no pain in my right leg. I have a bulging disc in my lower back that is hitting a nerve and it cuts<br />

off circulation to my leg. It feels like pain X’s 10!!! It hurts badly every day. For the past week and a half<br />

now I have had no pain in my right leg. It probably went away ever sooner than I realized but I was just<br />

so used to the pain that I assumed that it was still there.<br />

This Doctor also told about a patient’s wife who had diabetes and the drop in her sugar level after<br />

drinking Xango at the suggestion of her husband. Being a diabetic, I realized that it is hard to tell what<br />

level the blood sugar is unless one is really high or really low. After hearing about this woman, I wanted<br />

to try it on myself. The next morning I tested my blood sugar level and because I hadn’t taken my insulin<br />

that night before it was a little high at 171. I took 2 ounces of Xango and then went and lay down for 1<br />

hour. I tested one and a half hours later and it was 132. I dipped almost 40 points in that short time!<br />

From that day, I was sold on this juice and will be grateful to those who brought this to my family and I.<br />

My father in law who has emphysema is on oxygen 24 hours a day has an increased energy level now<br />

that he also takes Xango juice. My wife also takes Xango and has eczema on her skin. She has<br />

received several comments at work about how beautiful her skin looks lately (it’s only been a week). I<br />

know it is the XANGO!!!<br />

Hello all,<br />

I have several diabetics who have had taken Xango and reported good results.<br />

The first is a lady who was taking some prescribed pill once a day that was giving her many undesirable<br />

side effects--so much that she could barely climb stairs.<br />

After taking Xango she does not take that medication anymore and has better blood sugar levels than<br />

she did with the medication--she also has high blood pressure which is better under control with Xango.<br />

The second lady is taking insulin but dropped from 10 units/day to only needing 6 units/day. She also<br />

says it makes her feel much better.<br />

I have sold to other diabetics who have purchased 2nd bottles but did not get the details of their story.<br />

Ken Richmond,VA 804-439-1246<br />

Jim - There is a testimony on <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Miracle audio. My self I have type 2 diabetes and before<br />

Xango my blood sugar was between 300-400 now the highest it's been lately is just a touch over 200 but<br />

I was a bad boy that day, my sweettooth was on a runaway train. Try it and see if it helps, I know it did<br />

mine. Jim Alexander<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------<br />

In xango@yahoogroups.com, "Nancy Rising" wrote:<br />

><br />

> Anyone know of anyone who has used Xango and had good results with peripheral neuropathy (in

feet- mainly toes). Nancy Rising<br />

I was suffering nightly and couldn't sleep because of this problem with my feet and toes!<br />

It kept me awake most of the night and of course miserable the next day because of the lack of sleep<br />

because my feet and toes hurt so bad with this problem - but thanks to our awesome product<br />

mangosteen its a thing of the past!<br />

ZZZZZZZZ sleep is good ZZZZZZ Bonnie J Pozycki<br />

--------------------------------------------------------<br />





winningsum wrote:<br />

Urgent!<br />

Does anyone have any info regarding the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> product helping<br />

someone with Neuropathy Parathesias? I have a friend that's<br />

suffering with this disease that doctor's are diagonising as the<br />

worse case they've seen. He's interested in mangosteen but would like<br />

some success history. Eva Reaves<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Diabetes / Allergies / Energy Levels / Sleep Patterns<br />

For the past thirty years I have been a pastor, evangelist and chaplain. I have a Masters Degree and<br />

PhD in Psychology from the University of Arizona, and a PhD in Theology from Fuller Theological<br />

Seminary. Today my main focus is in counseling and I remain pretty busy in that.<br />

Last Saturday, January 8th, 2005, I met Ed Johnson at a men's fellowship breakfast at our church. Ed<br />

and I spoke about what we were doing in life; I told him I am a Pastoral Care Counselor, and that I also<br />

sell Pre-Paid Legal.<br />

I remarked about how the seasonal high cedar pollen in San Antonio is seriously affecting my<br />

allergies. He told me about the many all natural health qualities of mangosteen and I decided to try it<br />

that day. I obtained a bottle from Ed ...<br />

WOW!! Was I quickly blessed by the quick results!! I then learned that our pastor and his family are<br />

drinking mangosteen juice, with good results.<br />

The very first thing I noticed is that I was not feeling any allergic effects of Mountain Cedar,<br />

which for many years has bothered me in the late winter.<br />

Next, I noted my sleeping pattern had greatly improved. I seemed to sleep better, and in 4 days, I had<br />

lost four pounds. I have also noticed that my energy level is much higher, and that I feel about ten years<br />

younger...not bad for a 64 year old!<br />

But next came the biggest surprise of all. I had not even mentioned my diabetes to Ed when we met.<br />

Ed asked me why I had asked him about diabetes, and I then told him of my serious case of diabetes. I<br />

met with my doctor on Thursday; he just called to tell me of the very positive results of the semi-annual<br />

tests performed the day before.<br />

I explained to Ed that for the past 15 years I have suffered from diabetes and that at one time I<br />

took insulin four times daily. The doctor said, "Paul, you are healed from diabetes." I had never<br />

heard anything like that!! I was actually rather shocked, as doctors usually say that diabetes will go "into<br />

remission," but never say "healed." I cannot say with medical certainty that the mangosteen juice is<br />

what brought about this wonderful change in my life, but I can say that drinking mangosteen juice is<br />

the only change I have made in my diet and in my life.<br />

Inasmuch as I have also suffered several heart attacks and have suffered from congestive heart failure,<br />

as well as asthma, and high blood pressure, I am always looking for ways to improve my health and my

life. The mangosteen juice certainly seems to have done<br />

something wonderful for me.<br />

Paul E. Weimeschkirch, PhD<br />

San Antonio, Texas; systemsrule systemsrule@yahoo.com; Feb. 20, 2005<br />

March 15, 2005 SUBJECT: Diabetic Neuropathy<br />

I have diabetes Type II and my neuropathy is much better as a result of the mangosteen juice. And<br />

lately my blood pressure has been doing very well also. Michael Holloman hollomonster1@yahoo.com<br />

Dr. J. F. Templeman, MD, stated in <strong>Mangosteen</strong> and Type II Diabetes, "I can only speculate as<br />

to the several modes of action of mangosteen since no relevant laboratory experiments or<br />

human trials exist yet. However, I am convinced by clinical results that the xanthones act to<br />

reduce insulin resistance, the core defect in type II diabetes. Additionally, the Germans treat<br />

peripheral neuropathy with antioxidants, and all diabetic complications, without exception,<br />

involve free radical damage. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the antioxidant<br />

power of the mangosteen is also evident in the results reported."<br />

--- In xango@yahoogroups.com :<br />


> I have a friend with a son on dialysis. She is fearful to have him use the mangosteen juice and would<br />

like to talk to someone that is using it or > a doctor that recommends it. She also has concerns about<br />

some ingredients too (phosphorous and magnesium?)<br />

Thank you for any help, MaryLou<br />

My father-in-law is on dialysis now going on 3 years, he is 83. we started him on<br />

mangosteen about 1 1/2 months ago. It has helped with sleep, energy level<br />

increased, & has had no side effects. he drinks 3 oz's a day. lcmcwhill<br />

She has arthritis and she told me a week ago that her fingers don't hurt anymore. Her fingers are<br />

knobby and crooked. But NO pain! It's a miracle. She also has severe vertigo (dizzy and unbalanced<br />

everyday.) No help with that condition yet.<br />

cherylwithu4u@aol.com<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

--- In xangopros@yahoogroups.com, "Daniel Baronio" <br />

wrote:<br />

> Would really appreciate any testimonials in regard to emphysema. My<br />

> next door neighbor has had this terrible affliction for about 8<br />

> years now. And time is running out for her.<br />

My mom suffers chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - COPD and 9 ozs of XanGo a day gave her<br />

clear breathing after FOUR DAYS. INCREDIBLE!! We even took her off of XanGo to test and without<br />

XanGo she suffers. She is now back on and drinks 3 - 6 ozs. a day and is fine.<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong>'s Role in Pulmonary Disease<br />

Whole fruit mangosteen intervenes at several points in the disease process of emphysema and chronic<br />

bronchitis:<br />

1. The antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effects of the mangosteen fruit can reduce the<br />

frequency of lung infections, thereby reducing cumulative lung tissue damage. As a result, fewer<br />

courses of antibiotic therapy are required.<br />

2. The anti-inflammatory effects of the xanthones in whole fruit mangosteen decrease both<br />

inflammation and cell damage while helping prevent the onset of deadly pulmonary<br />

hypertension.<br />

3. Since mangosteen extract also has potent antioxidant effects, it intervenes in every process<br />

where free radical damage, whether from inflammation of chronic bronchitis or the destruction of<br />

elastic recoil of the alveoli in emphysema.<br />

The Xanthones in whole fruit mangosteen are fat-soluble. Therefore, for maximum benefit from the<br />

Xanthones, remember to take any mangosteen product with a meal or snack, either just before, during,<br />

or just after a meal.<br />



Endometriosis is the lining of the uterus grows outside of it in the body cavity and causes great pain and<br />

infertility. I have had a few surgeries and horrible drugs to try and stop it. The only cure is menopause or<br />

a complete hysterectomy. For the first time I have forgotten about it, my pain is gone. I have been<br />

on the mangosteen juice for almost two months and have not felt this great since I was 15!!! I'm more<br />

than twice that now and in pain the whole time til. now. Thankyou Bill Z.<br />

Becca Bse to"normal" as it has in the past 6 months. On top of that, it tastes wonderful!<br />

I have been so impressed with Xango, that I just ordered a case and am sure I will be<br />

ordering more as the months go by. Thank you so much for suggesting I give it a try.<br />

James Shroyer<br />

Woodstock, Georgia<br />


My 83 year old mother has had Emphysema for at least 30 years. Hard time<br />

breathing. She coughed up phlegm every morning and throughout the day.<br />

After 1 month of taking mangosteen juice (1oz x 3 daily) she doesn't cough up anymore. Nothing!!!<br />

She has arthritis and she told me a week ago that her fingers don't hurt anymore. Her fingers are<br />

knobby and crooked. But NO pain! It's a miracle. She also has severe vertigo (dizzy and unbalanced<br />

everyday.) No help with that condition yet.<br />

cherylwithu4u@aol.com<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

--- In xangopros@yahoogroups.com, "Daniel Baronio" <br />

wrote:<br />

> Would really appreciate any testimonials in regard to emphysema. My<br />

> next door neighbor has had this terrible affliction for about 8<br />

> years now. And time is running out for her.<br />

My mom suffers chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - COPD and 9 ozs of XanGo a day gave her<br />

clear breathing after FOUR DAYS. INCREDIBLE!! We even took her off of XanGo to test and without<br />

XanGo she suffers. She is now back on and drinks 3 - 6 ozs. a day and is fine.<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong>'s Role in Pulmonary Disease<br />

Whole fruit mangosteen intervenes at several points in the disease process of emphysema and chronic<br />

bronchitis:<br />

1. The antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effects of the mangosteen fruit can reduce the<br />

frequency of lung infections, thereby reducing cumulative lung tissue damage. As a result, fewer<br />

courses of antibiotic therapy are required.<br />

2. The anti-inflammatory effects of the xanthones in whole fruit mangosteen decrease both<br />

inflammation and cell damage while helping prevent the onset of deadly pulmonary<br />


3. Since mangosteen extract also has potent antioxidant effects, it intervenes in every process<br />

where free radical damage, whether from inflammation of chronic bronchitis or the destruction of<br />

elastic recoil of the alveoli in emphysema.<br />

The Xanthones in whole fruit mangosteen are fat-soluble. Therefore, for maximum benefit from the<br />

Xanthones, remember to take any mangosteen product with a meal or snack, either just before, during,<br />

or just after a meal.


Hello. I have been ill since my childhood and have seen my health continually deteriorate, particularly<br />

rapidly over the last few years. I have seen many doctors and specialists throughout my life, and have<br />

been clinically diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, GERD's (gasto-esophageal reflux disease), IBS (irritable<br />

bowel syndrome), Migraine Headaches, Tinnitus, Allergies, Endometriosis and Reynauds Syndrome, to<br />

name but a few. Additionally, I<br />

suffer from depression, anxiety, bronchitis and high cholesterol.<br />

Here's a list of SOME of the medications that I have taken over the last several years:<br />

Wellbutrin, Ambien, Donatal, Lipitor, Pravachol, Nexium, Prevacid, Premarin, Toradol, Percocet,<br />

Darvocet, Imitrex, Zomig, Fioricet, Tylenol 3, Naproxen, Allegra, Zyrtec, Claritin, Benadryl, Motrin,<br />

Valium Celebrex,<br />

Vioxx, Medigesic, Flexeril<br />

And, let's not forget Mylanta for the heartburn I would get from taking all of these medications.<br />

For many years, every day has been a struggle to get though. Just getting up in the mornings was a<br />

major accomplishment. I would lay in bed wondering if someone got the plate number of the truck that<br />

MUST have run over me.<br />

The end of the day was even worse. I would get home from work and promptly fall asleep. The next<br />

day, the same scenario would begin again, no matter how many hours of sleep I had gotten the<br />

previous night.<br />

It was to the point where I no longer had any quality of life. I could do nothing but got to work, then come<br />

home and go to sleep. I had no quality time with my husband or son. Every day I had to struggle to<br />

convince myself not to just drive the car off a bright. I was just so sick and tired of always being such<br />

and tired.<br />

Now to the reason I am writing this letter. About 5 weeks ago, my son was getting married. Needless to<br />

say, I was much stressed out. My back and neck were killing me. My boss sent me to his chiropractor,<br />

Dr. Clay S. Not sure what else to do with me, he adjusted me and suggested that I try a new natural<br />

product he had just received.<br />

In the five weeks that I have been "drinking my juice" the change in my life is overwhelming. If I were not<br />

the one experiencing these changes, I would not have ever believed it possible. For the first time that I<br />

can recall, I am PAIN-FREE and HEADACHE-FREE I have accomplished more at work and at home<br />

this last month than in the previous six months combined!!!<br />

Now I have a spring in my step and a smile on my face, thanks to Dr. S- for introducing me to this<br />

product. The only medication that I now take is Premarin, which I hope to eventually cease using as<br />

well.<br />

This "juice" has not only changed my life, it has given me the chance to HAVE A LIFE!!!<br />

Nikki<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Cathy Rammage<br />

To: Tina Little / CFL<br />

Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 1:18 PM<br />

Subject: Testimonial of <strong>Mangosteen</strong> and Fibromyalgia<br />

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in June of 2003 and had been virtually bed ridden for 8 months. I<br />

had no energy and my body ached constantly. More like a feeling of being hit by a Mack truck. I felt that<br />

because of my declining health, this was pretty much the end for me. Doctor's couldn't give me answers

although between my main doctor and the "specialists" they referred me to I was taking approximately<br />

13 different meds. I felt as if I was losing my mind.<br />

My husband came home and told me about Xango with <strong>Mangosteen</strong> on 6/4/2004. I started taking it<br />

6/7/04 and with in 4 days I noticed I could get out of the bed with a little more ease and actually had<br />

energy. I found as the days went on I gradually got better because I wasn't sleeping all day. Without the<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong>, I was more apt to take naps and with the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> I was up and active.<br />

On rainy days with the Fibromyalgia, I would be curled up under an electric blanket. With <strong>Mangosteen</strong><br />

Juice I'm going virtually all day, with energy and not curled up with a blanket on the rainy days. Each<br />

day progressivly gets better and I have my life back.<br />

My husband has Type 2 Diabetes and takes several medications. He started taking the <strong>Mangosteen</strong><br />

juice approximately 2 weeks after me. Since that time his sugar level has dropped 60 points and he has<br />

a lot of energy. Another bonus to that is he's dropped 2 pant sizes. I'm telling everyone I know and come<br />

into contact about Xango.<br />

Cathy Rammage<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I have had Fibromyalgia for 8 years. I've been having success with the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice called Xango.<br />

I have been on many pain pills, muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories. I took all of these before I was<br />

introduced to more natural and healthy ways a couple of years ago.<br />

I started seeing a chiropractor and he started me on different supplements. The supplements and the<br />

adjustments helped but I was still having some issues. The issues I was having were a severe case of<br />

irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, chronic headaches, sore stomach, leg aches and leg cramping,<br />

abdominal cramping, sleep disorders and always being tired and never having enough energy. I also<br />

have an ovarian disease. Polycystic ovarian disease. I was having excessive bleeding and cramping<br />

and my cycle was very irregular.<br />

My Ob/gyn told me that this disease is linked to my insulin and my blood not being balanced. Being<br />

young and single you can imagine this puts a big damper on things. Dr. Lindberg my chiropractor<br />

introduced me to <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice about two months ago.<br />

I was very skeptical. I have tried so many vitamin supplements and natural things. But having tried just<br />

about everything I figured why not.<br />

I started taking <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice and within a couple of days I noticed a difference. My stomach wasn't<br />

sore. I didn't have the burning acid come up my throat. My abdominal cramping and irritable bowels<br />

were almost gone. My chronic headaches started disappearing. I wasn't having all the aches and pains<br />

and leg cramping. Also my blood was being neutralized and my insulin was as well so my cycle became<br />

regular and not so heavy and I wasn't cramping as much.<br />

WOW - I learned from one of my doctors that with Fibro your body is too acidic and that<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice helps neutralize the blood and helps your body to not be so acidic. The great<br />

thing about this product is It's natural, It's safe, It has medical and scientific background, it<br />

tastes great - and it works. Becky T.; Orem, UT<br />



Hi there, I have GERD and have been taking mangosteen for 7 months now, I didn't see much of a<br />

result for about 3 months. After that I noticed some relief during the day, but at night I still had to take<br />

some medication for relief.<br />

It has been 7 months now and with proper diet (no pastries and wine.. darn) I am basically symptom<br />

free. It does take time and proper diet to manage this problem. Mine was very severe and took a lot<br />

time. I was taking 2 oz 2x per day. I now take 1 oz 3x per day. Helped with arthritic shoulder and ankles<br />

as well, not to mention a number of other things.<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I am the most skeptical person I know when it comes to taking supplements and only take medication<br />

that is absolutely necessary. I will try to 'outlast' a migraine headache rather than take medicine that can<br />

mess up my stomach, liver, kidneys and all the other side effects from aspirin, NSAIDs, and<br />

acetaminophen.<br />

After a month of doing research on the Internet about mangosteen and xanthones, I started taking the<br />

mangosteen juice in September 2004--two ounces twice a day mixed with grape juice (I have acid reflux<br />

and was concerned that the juice alone might upset my stomach).<br />

Within three days, I was sleeping more deeply, waking up rested and having more energy--this is great<br />

since I work and am a full-time college student.<br />

I have also been able to cut way back on my acid reflux medicine. Within 10 days of starting on the<br />

juice, I went out to lunch with two of my girlfriends. I told them I thought maybe the mangosteen juice is<br />

helping my serotonin levels because I am sleeping better, have more energy and I was in the best mood<br />

all day. Cindy Donnell<br />

Nashville, Tennessee; tazpublicprofile tazdonnell@yahoo.com; Nov. 10, 2004<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

My four-year-old granddaughter had severe acid reflux. Since age one, she did not sleep through a<br />

night because she was awakened by the acid in her throat, gagging and often vomiting. The doctors<br />

tried, with only partial success, to control it.<br />

XanGo stopped the reflux in her almost immediately, and she has slept through the night ever<br />

since. – Mike T.<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Scott's Story<br />

About 5 years ago, I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia, Esopageal Reflux Disease, and other problems<br />

that had developed from an extremely high acidity level in my stomach. My symptoms included acid<br />

reflux and extreme heartburn, ranging from at least three times a week minimum to every night. Many<br />

nights I would sit straight up in bed with acid burning my throat and search for anything that would help.<br />

Over the past 5 years, I have tried every remedy that has been offered to me. These remedies have<br />

ranged from vitamins to a change in eating habits to drugs such as Zantac, Tagamet, Prevacid,<br />

Prilosec, Nexium, and even Mylanta or Tums in high dosages and quantities. Each had some effect, but<br />

no remedy stopped my acid reflux during the nights.<br />

The closest thing to relief that I had felt was taking Prilosec every day and Tagamet every other day to<br />

supplement. Naturally, I became concerned about what long-term affect this ritual might have on my<br />

body, but the short-term, semi-relief was worth it for the time being. However, even with this everyday<br />

ritual, my acid reflux kept me leaping from bed at least twice a week on average.<br />

I started taking XanGo in November 2002 after seeing that my wife was experiencing some meaningful<br />

and exciting results while on the juice. I was the world's biggest skeptic of XanGo as a "functional<br />

beverage," and my original intent was to prove to myself that the effects others were seeing were the<br />

result of placebo effect.

I started myself on a regimen of 3 oz per day without letting my wife know that I was taking more than<br />

the 1 oz she had suggested for a "wellness" program. After 2 weeks of being on my XanGo experiment,<br />

I realized that I had not been waking up during the night from acid reflux during the previous week and a<br />

half! I decided to take the experiment a little further and went off all my medications without telling<br />

anyone. I wanted to see how I would feel and see if my wife would notice anything.<br />

After another two weeks passed, I told my wife about the experiment. She hadn't noticed that I stopped<br />

taking my drugs and was quite upset with my stealthy decision until she realized that she also had not<br />

been awakened during the last several weeks by my race to find relief in the night.<br />

After being on XanGo for a little over 2 months, I had not experienced the many effects of acid<br />

reflux disease that I used to suffer weekly and sometimes nightly. Had I not experienced this for<br />

myself, I never would have believe it was possible. But XanGo worked for me!<br />

Scott Bishop<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: <br />

To: <br />

Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 3:27 PM Subject: Acid reflux<br />

I have suffered with my stomach most of my life but in the past year, it got worse. I feel that when I am<br />

distressed or have too many problems it all goes to my stomach.<br />

On July 4th I had a colonoscopy done because the doctor wanted to see what was going on. Praise<br />

God nothing major was wrong but I continued with the problems; constant acid and stomach pain. I was<br />

introduced to <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice in June, but was hesitant to use it due to the price and of course a lot of<br />

skepticism.<br />

Yet after the tests were done and I seemed to get worse I decided to try <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice. What a<br />

blessing. The first effect was I had more energy. My stomach was still upset most of the time but after 2<br />

weeks of using it, I realized, I was eating everything I could and I was not suffering from acid reflux<br />

anymore.<br />

I have been using <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice since then and I am so happy that I can eat and not regret it later.<br />

Thanks, Noe in El Paso tango_time@yahoo.com 2/14/05<br />

__________________________________________________________________________________<br />

SUBJECT: Glaucoma<br />


Prior to taking mangosteen, I was being monitored regularly for glaucoma<br />

because of high pressure in my eyes. Since starting the mangosteen<br />

juice in 1/04, my pressure tests have consistently gone down. I am no<br />

longer considered high risk for Glaucoma because my last two tests have<br />

come back normal. I attribute this improvement with the mangosteen juice.

Therese DeTolla

1. First normal blood pressure readings since his twenties.<br />

2. Even after injuring his toe falling down stairs, no gout.<br />

3. Mouth condition has cleared up.<br />

4. Last night when he went to the hospital for non-stop bleeding from an eardrum injury, he<br />

was told to cut his cumidin in half. His blood level was a "4" (too thin)<br />

Belinda Robinson<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From : <br />

Sent : Friday, December 24, 2004 1:01 AM<br />

Subject : Re: [xango] Gout - Pain recurrence<br />

Hi GoldNart :),<br />

I have a local friend who's been suffering with gout for years. He started taking 3 - 2oz daily and<br />

quickly started receiving amazing relief.<br />

A few weeks ago he downed about 6-7oz in one go and soon after felt very bad gout pain. He feels this<br />

was due to a rush of detox caused from the high single dose and so he's gone back to his regular 3x2oz<br />

daily and has not had the intense pain again.<br />

Sincerely ~Jason

Hepatitis C<br />

I’m a 48 year old housewife & mother. In 1995 I started losing my health. I became very fatigued &<br />

started experiencing chronic pain in my joints. After seeing many doctors I was diagnosed with hepatitis<br />

C. I had a liver biopsy and was told at that time that I had liver disease and a high viral level. Interferon<br />

treatment was recommended. I responded to the interferon, but it caused a lot of negative side effects.<br />

Laying on the couch or the bed became the difference between my days and nights while on treatment.<br />

This flu like condition lasted through the whole year of treatment & along with foot & elbow surgery; the<br />

quality of my life was poor.<br />

When I finished the treatment it was only 3 months till I had back surgery because of chronic back pain.<br />

I was just home from my surgery and the call came from my hepatologist with the results of my blood<br />

test for the hepatitis C. I was told that the virus was replicating again and that I would need to go on<br />

treatment again. This time there was a study going on with interferon and ribavirin combined. I waited 2<br />

months to recover a little more from the back surgery and then started the study. It was so hard to stay<br />

on this treatment for another year and this time it was worse. The anemia was too much to deal with<br />

and the bed ridden state was too familiar. The pain that I experienced was tormenting and the fever and<br />

flu like symptoms just continued on again for that next year.<br />

After the second year's treatment was over I was in remission of the hepatitis C and have continued in<br />

remission, thank God, for 5 years now. However my energy level and quality of life never came back. I<br />

battle pain and fatigue continually and felt like optimal health was something that was just out of my<br />

reach. Now I was dealing with aging & that brought on a new problem. My estrogen level started<br />

decreasing causing me to develop frequent urinary tract infections so my health was not getting any<br />

better even though I seemed to have gotten the hepatitis under control.<br />

My daughter had many serious health issues too and she was the first to hear about the mangosteen<br />

juice. She started on the juice with amazing results and I was very happy for her and was encouraged<br />

that it might be able to help me too. I started on the juice and soon noticed an increase in my energy.<br />

My mind has always been very active and wanting to accomplish things, but after the illness, my body<br />

would always argue and win and I'd do very little.<br />

All of a sudden I found myself doing just about anything that I wanted to do. I had a great sense<br />

of well being and I had forgotten what that felt like for so long. I would have been overjoyed to<br />

have just that one improvement in my health but soon I found myself being able to breathe again<br />

without taking massive doses of allergy medicine which I had taken since my early thirties.<br />

It wasn't long until I noticed the arthritis pain was gone in my hands & I wasn't having any<br />

urinary infections anymore. I can hardly comprehend how drastically my life has improved just<br />

by consuming this <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice for last 5 months.<br />

One very unexpected result that I just realized last week is that there is new hair growing where I have<br />

always had a receding hairline. I couldn't believe it. There was half inch hair growing where there had<br />

been no hair. What a bonus after all the health improvements that I have experienced to get new hair<br />

growth too. Thanks so much for being introduced to this amazing product that has changed my life and<br />

given me so much hope for the future.<br />

Glenna Wood<br />

XANGO, HEPATITIS C AND LEUKEMIA - Nov. 28, 2004; from Shawnette<br />

MD, of Arizona about Xango. I explained to him that I was hospitalized with leukemia July 3, 2003<br />

for 14 days, and had received 8 pints of blood. My doctor had told me that I was 2 to 4 weeks from<br />

being dead. I had lost 80% of my red blood cell count. I told Armando that I went through the chemo<br />

therapy, but I did not want to go through that again. I also told him that my messed up immune system<br />

had activated my hepatitis C.<br />

The treatment for hepatitis C lasts 48 weeks of taking one shot ($170 each) of interferon per week and<br />

one chemo pill ($17 each) every day. Since I did not want to do that, I looked for alternatives. I was<br />

invited to a seminar by a friend if mine on alternative healing I even considered going to the Gerson<br />

Clinic in Mexico.<br />

Dr. De Guzman advised me to take 3 ounces of <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice 3 times a day. I started April 15,<br />

2004. There were several things that I did not tell them, such as the 4 lesions in my spleen and the 3<br />

lesions in my liver. The lesions were from the leukemia.<br />

I also had 2 nodules under my right arm pit and 1 under my left arm pit. The side effects of hepatitis C<br />

made me feel like I had the flu 24 hours a day. I had fever all of the time, my joints ached and my eyes<br />

always felt hot. I had 2 to 3 migraines a week, and I always had this feeling that I had a cotton ball in my<br />

ear. My viral load count was 270,000. I had no energy, and I was always asleep by 9 PM. Just to try to<br />

feel better, I took 2,500 mg of Tylenol, but I did not consider the potential side effects.<br />

After 2 weeks of taking <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice, symptoms began to go away. My energy level was back to<br />

how I felt 3 years ago. On Nov16, 2004, I went for a CAT scan and blood test. I am pleased to say that<br />

the nodules under my arm pits are gone. All of my lesions are gone.<br />

My viral load count is down to 40,000 from 270,000, and my enzyme count is down to 30(normal) from a<br />

high of 90. My liver is functioning normal. My blood count is up to 14.9 from 12.0, and my platelet count<br />

is up to 295,000 from 100,000.<br />

I learned from a CD by Dr. Frederic Templeman that the mangosteen fruit has some thing that excites<br />

the bone marrow to generate red and white blood cells.<br />

It took 6 months, but I finally came around. I will never give up on my friends that have health<br />

challenges because I know that the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice can help. Edwin Comer<br />

Here’s the update as of March, 2005:<br />

> Date of Tests Viral loadct/ platlet ct / blood ct/ liver<br />

> Jan 2004 270,000 100,000 12.05 95<br />

> May 2004 190,000 140,000 2.9 45<br />

> Aug 2004 140,000 185,000 3.8 45<br />

> Oct 2004 90,000 225,000 14.7 normal<br />

> Nov 2004 40,000 245,000 15.4 normal<br />

> Dec 2004 31,000 395,000 15.8 normal<br />

> Jan 2005 19,000 435,000 16.9 normal<br />

> Feb 2005 8,500 75,000 17.4 normal<br />

> Mar 4,2005 13 513,000 18.6 normal


(see article below about c-reactive protein)<br />

Please note the great article bottom of next page about C-Reactive Protein,<br />

inflammation, hi blood pressure from Health News.<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 From: "lacuestajoni" <br />

Subject: "super high" blood pressure<br />

My husband started using mangosteen juice on Sept.1, 2004. My sister wanted him to try it becausehis<br />

blood pressure is "un-manageable". His doctor kept on increasing his dose of various drugs. Lately he<br />

developed a peptic ulcer and going to the Emergency clinic is very expensive.<br />

He started taking the Xango mangosteen juice 1 oz 3 times a day, and we were amazed that only<br />

after 5 doses (less than 2 days) his blood pressure reading was 122/89. That reading never<br />

happened in the past 2 years. I am still monitoring his blood pressure and the best reading we got was<br />

110/70.<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Poppa, I saw results within two days when I first started taking it. I had a bp of 193/120 and boy did I get<br />

scared. It was on the weekend and I didn't want to go to the hospital since my doctor wasn't in so I just<br />

drank 4 oz right away and later that day I drank 2 more then the next day repeated it and when I took<br />

my bp again it had gone down to 135/85 This I could deal with.<br />

When my heart races, I take 8 oz and my heart calms right down. Who knows why it works for some<br />

and not for others. I have been taking the juice for 8 months now and don't ever want to be without it.<br />

Have a happy day.<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Hi Monica, I have high blood pressure and some other heart issues but I take 3 oz 3 times a day. My<br />

last bp reading was 130/73 Not bad. I have had a heart condition that caused my heart to race and go<br />

out of rhythm and at that time I drank 8 oz 3 times a day and guess what? My heart calmed right down.<br />

My doctor is a distributor and the first thing he asked me was, are you drinking your mangosteen juice? I<br />

know he knows the benefit of anti-oxidants. Basically, he said any time you have a problem going on in<br />

your body you need to load up on anti-oxidants.<br />

Jo from Toledo<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Hi Susan,<br />

Got me when my heart was out of sync racing with a pulse rate of 120 Xango was the<br />

only thing that calmed my heart down and got rid of my chest pains. I went thru 3 bottles in a week but<br />

let me tell you it was worth it. The intersting thing is that the cardiologist that I go to is a Distributor of<br />

this wonderful mangosteen juice and the first thing he asked me was," Are you drinking XanGo?"<br />

He knows the benefits that come from it. I love it. Jo from Toledo<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Hi Susan,<br />

I am an RN and have atrial fibrillation, which makes my heart beat very, very rapidly with a very irregular<br />

rhythm. I had a procedure done this summer to correct it but still have occasional episodes. I had one of<br />

these episodes last week and was feeling really rotten.<br />

I took 8 ounces of XanGo and in less than 5 minutes and I was back in normal sinus rhythm. Theresa<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

June 2, 2004 My husband, Steve Robinson, had a life threatening heart attack 1.5 years ago. He had<br />

suffered with uncontrolled high blood pressure for many years, despite several changes in medication.<br />

The damage caused by the heart attack required him to receive an ICD (fancy pacemaker) to keep his<br />

heart regulated. He also was placed on cumadinn and aspirin to thin his blood enough to prevent<br />


He also has a serious case of precancer in his mouth that has been biopsied many times in the last 10<br />

years. He suffers from gout.<br />

Since February, when he started using [mangosteen juice], we've seen so many changes it's hard to<br />

believe.<br />

1. First normal blood pressure readings since his twenties.<br />

2. Even after injuring his toe falling down stairs, no gout.<br />

3. Mouth condition has cleared up.<br />

4. Last night when he went to the hospital for non-stop bleeding from an eardrum injury, he<br />

was told to cut his cumidin in half. His blood level was a "4" (too thin)<br />

Belinda Robinson<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

It's the powerful anti-inflammatory capability of Xango that might help lower blood pressure in<br />

many people. I've quoted below a few paragraphs from a recent Nealth News article titled,<br />

"Inflammation Protein Linked to High Blood Pressure:"<br />

"HEALTH NEWS (12/9/03) — In recent years, doctors have come to believe that high levels of<br />

inflammation in the bloodstream raise the risk of a heart attack. Now a study suggests they also<br />

contribute to high blood pressure.<br />

In a study of nearly 21,000 women, researchers found that healthy women with high levels of C-reactive<br />

protein, or CRP, in their blood were about 50 percent more likely to develop high blood pressure over<br />

the next eight years or so.<br />

The findings could lead to better prevention of high blood pressure well before it starts, researchers<br />

said. CRP is necessary to fight infection. Elevated levels can be detected in blood tests and indicate<br />

disease or inflammation somewhere in the body.<br />

Doctors believe chronically elevated levels of CRP can damage blood vessel walls and cause fatty<br />

buildups to burst and trigger heart attacks. High CRP levels also can make blood vessel walls less<br />

flexible, which may explain the effect on blood pressure, said American Heart Association<br />

spokeswoman Dr. Nieca Goldberg."<br />

Full article is available at:<br />

http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/health/120903_hs_inflamation_bloodpressure.html<br />


(At the bottom of these testimonials is a comment by Dr. Sam Walters and it offers a theoretical<br />

explanation of why mangosteen juice might work for hormonal problems.)<br />

Subject: Menstrual Spotting/Reproductive System (May 20, 2004)<br />

For several years I have been experiencing almost constant spotting between my regular periods. A<br />

constant irritation and expense. I would have an occasional break, lasting 24-36 hrs. but it would always<br />

start up again. My Dr. was not able to do much for me. We tried a few different types of birth control to<br />

try and regulate my hormones, but it only made it worse and had too many other side effects.

My mother had a similar condition that ended with a hysterectomy in her early thirties. I had been<br />

trying to avoid that route as long as I could due to the undesirable side effects of such a drastic action.<br />

In late March 2004, I had been told about Xango [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice]. I had my first taste of the juice<br />

and drank approx. 4 oz. The very next day I had stopped spotting, but didn't think much of it until the<br />

third day of no spotting. At that point I wondered to myself if it could be due to the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice.<br />

I'm a skeptic, so I decided to just wait and see what happened. I had ordered my supply of<br />

juice and was anxiously awaiting it's arrival. The shipment took six days and I didn't spot<br />

again until the day my shipment arrived.<br />

I immediately started taking my own supply of [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice], & I haven't had the<br />

problem again. It has been such a relief to feel normal again. Having a hysterectomy has just been put<br />

on hold indefinitely. My allergies are much better and right now is the height of allergy season. Wendy<br />

Agner<br />

-----------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Roy & Monica" Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004<br />

Subject: PMS, Hormoness. Menstrual Cycle Problems. Depression<br />

I will give you my experience with PMS. When this time of the month came along my hormones would<br />

be so unbalanced that I would be so emotional that I would have to stay in bed for a full day not wanting<br />

to deal with anything. It was like a stage of depression which I am also familiar with. I have been<br />

drinking <strong>Mangosteen</strong> since the middle of February [2004] and I can honesty say from my heart<br />

PMS is NO Longer an issue with me. I have not suffered with that problem since being on the<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong>.<br />

I also suffer from allergies and they are totally gone. I'm in my mid 40s I drink around 6oz of<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong>, I probably don't need that much but I love the taste and Love how I feel Monica Lyons,<br />

Oregon<br />

-------------------------------------------------<br />

From: dbhairdiva@c... Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 Subject: [xango] Menopause and Hormonal Issues<br />

hello there - A client of mine has started into the menapause stage and she said it took about a month<br />

to see a difference. She takes 3 oz a day [of mangosteen juice]. She said that she did not notice a<br />

difference right away but over a period of time her symptoms just started to go away... Debbie<br />

------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Paul and Becca Blankestijn" Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] Endometriosis<br />

Endometriosis is the lining of the uterus grows outside of it in the body cavity and causes great pain and<br />

infertility. I have had a few surgeries and horrible drugs to try and stop it. The only cure is menopause or<br />

a complete hysterectomy.<br />

For the first time I have forgotten about it, my pain is gone. I have been on the mangosteen juice for<br />

almost two months and have not felt this great since I was 15!!! I'm more than twice that now and in pain<br />

the whole time til now. Becca B<br />

---------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Kris LaRose" Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004<br />

Subject: Balanced Blood Sugar/Depression/Allergies/PMS<br />

I am 34 years of age. In July of 2004, my friend gave me a bottle of mangosteen juice to try. Little did I<br />

know that mangosteen juice would change my life!

I've lacked a lot of energy and have had a mild depression for many years . Every day by 2 p.m. I<br />

was ready for a nap. So to perk myself up, I ate chocolate..a fair amount of it every day. Then I started<br />

drinking mangosteen juice. I started taking four ounces a day. At the end of the fourth day, as I was<br />

getting rea dy to leave work, I looked at the candy dish on my desk and realized I hadn't eaten ANY of it<br />

all day! This was highly unusual for me! I thought it was a fluke.<br />

The next thing I noticed was increased energy! At 10:30pm one night I was ironing my clothes. I looked<br />

at the clock in amazement that I still had this energy that late at night! I was usually in bed by 9 pm! And<br />

the thing is, I was also waking up alert and ready to go…no more dragging myself out of bed in the<br />

morning.<br />

I've stopped using my homeopathic allergy nasal spray because allergies aren't a problem for me<br />

anymore. I rarely use Advil and am totally off any OTC sleep aids.<br />

It has also leveled out my monthly cycles and gotten rid of my PMS – my co-worker said she<br />

doesn't even know when that time of the month comes around for me anymore.<br />

(Every man alive will be getting this juice for his wife when they read that! J) I truly believe in<br />

mangosteen juice!<br />

---------------------------------------------------<br />

I usually get a migraine headache around my menstrual cycle. And this month it was no different. But,<br />

we had just received his first shipment of [mangosteen juice] and my husband suggested I try a couple<br />

ounces of [mangosteen juice]. After _ hour, he asked me how my headache was ? and it was gone! In _<br />

hour I got rid of a headache that no anti-inflammatory was able to relieve. [mangosteen juice] is going to<br />

change my life!! Cathy C.<br />

--------------------------------------------<br />

From: Jeffched@a... Date: Fri, 29 Subject: hormonal balance; MS<br />

A friend has been seeing her doctor off and on for a year now for multiple sclerosis with no<br />

improvement. Her last visit the blood test showed a lot of bacteria in her blood, her cells weren't<br />

functioning properly and she was hormonally imbalanced. Nothing prescribed was working for her.<br />

Two months on Xango and and she told me that it's given her...her life back. She feels great and she's<br />

regular again. Two months on the product and she went back to the doctor to be re-evaluated. The<br />

doctor was amazed. Her cells were normal. She's hormonally balanced and 3/4 of the bacteria was<br />

gone from her blood. She's feeling better than she's felt in years....and all that she's added to her<br />

life was the mangosteen juice. Tina<br />

Quote from Dr. Sam Walters' brochure, <strong>Mangosteen</strong> and the Hormone Balancing Act:<br />

"The main cells/glands that make hormones are the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal,<br />

pancreas, and sexual organs. If these glands don't function correctly, they will not make the correct<br />

levels of hormones.<br />

"What causes these glands not to function? Stress on the cells in the form of free radical<br />

damage and infection. <strong>Mangosteen</strong> is effective in helping with both of these potential problems."


Hi Shelley,<br />

I was diagnosed w/hypothyroidism. Went on medication and then<br />

some of the numbers were too high. Got tested again and it was low.<br />

Then, I went on <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice and my arthritis greatly improved<br />

and I have not had any up and down readings on thyroid tests. I typically<br />

take 1 oz., three times a day.<br />

Sandy Kuyper; Columbus., OH: Sandra Kuyper<br />

msandy4u@yahoo.com; 2/16/05

Hi Tia :<br />


(see quote below frjom Templeman’s X-Factor booklet)<br />

I have suffered with Irritable Bowel Syndrome for over 25 years. I am excited<br />

to share with you that Xango has brought back my life.<br />

I have unfortunately gone through 10 abdominal surgeries and when it comes to<br />

the bowel, I don't fool around.<br />

It took about 2 wks. 4oz a day to notice a difference after taking Xango. The constant burning in the<br />

lower abdomen calmed down. The running back and forth to the restroom after eating that caused me to<br />

stay home began to slow down. As one of my many Dr's said, "I have an overactive abdomenal<br />

problem."<br />

Xango has calmed both my husband and me with Heartburn & Acid Reflux. These are no longer<br />

problems.<br />

My medical history is a novel within itself. I've had so many friends honestly say, "I am surprised you are<br />

still alive with all you've gone through." shan Glover<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From Xango's patent: the subject was a 55-year-old male suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.<br />

After a regiment of the mangosteen nutraceutical composition, the subject experienced regularization of<br />

bowel movements.<br />

Templeman's (MD) book, <strong>Mangosteen</strong>, the X-Factor, states page 40,<br />

"By blocking histamine-1 receptors, an anti-allergic effect is<br />

produced. By blocking H-2 receptors, the production of stomach<br />

acid is reduced. This ability of the xanthones (in mangosteen) may<br />

partially account for the observation in another university study that<br />

showed an anti-stomach ulcer effect in rats. When serotonin is blocked<br />

in the gut, conditions of disordered motility like irritable bowel should be<br />

affected favorably."


From: "Apostle William Humphrey" <br />

Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2004 07:53:46 -0000<br />

Subject: Kidneys, Kidney Disease<br />

My name is WIlliam Humphrey. I was diagnoised with Renal Kidney Disease in March 2004. I started<br />

drinking Xango [our <strong>Mangosteen</strong> product] in May 2004. I had an appointment to see the Kidney Doctor<br />

on September 20, 2004, he told me of the percentage of Kidney function I had left.<br />

In March they told me it was 24% kidney function left, after drinking the mangosteen juice up to<br />

September 20, 2004, the doctor said my Kidney function was at 28%. This is at Parkland Hospital<br />

in Dallas Texas. I have a 4 percent increase in Kidney function, and I did nothing but drink the<br />

juice. I received no kidney medication during that time.<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

D McAllister wrote: anyone have experience with the juice and people on<br />

dialysis/kidney failure? Is it recommended? Mac<br />

Hi there,<br />

My husband has had a kidney transplant and he is using the juice. No problems to report with the antirejection<br />

drugs. I actually have seen his ankles reduce in fluid and he has lots more energy. I feel it has<br />

been a good supplement for him to use. Elaine<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From : dktrjoy <br />

Sent : Friday, November 19, 2004 3:37 PM<br />

Subject : [xango] Re: <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice and Kidney Failure w/dialysis<br />

Hi Mac,<br />

Not only have dialysis patients had FANTASTIC results using the mangosteen juice, but a local renal<br />

MD signed up so all his kidney patients could be on the juice!! Share with confidence! DrJoy<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Subject: Kidney Stones From: "Wayne Houghton" <br />

Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 20:25:11 -0700<br />

Subject: RE: [xango] Kidney stones and <strong>Mangosteen</strong><br />

go to this exact URL [ website address]<br />

http://sun.ars-grin.gov:8080/npgspub/xsql/duke/pl_act.xsql?taxon=1228<br />

this is Dr. James A. Duke's site on the listed benefits of the mangosteen... mangosteen is an Anticalculic<br />

[kidney stones] the listing is there...<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I've been on dialysis for 10 1/2 yrs. For about 8yrs I wasn't able to sleep more than 3 hours a night and<br />

so I was always very tired and restless. In July, I think dialysis had taken its toll on my body. I was tired<br />

all the time and just constantly sick with one thing or another.<br />

I was introduced to Xango late September, that day I had a bad headache and was actually<br />

contemplating on going to the Emergency Room because I felt like I was ready to collapse. My friend

gave me a bottle … what was there to lose. I decided to take 1 oz. of Xango and what happened to me<br />

was amazing. My headache and body ache went away and I slept for about 8 hrs that night.<br />

Since I've been on Xango, I've been able to sleep 6 - 8 hrs a night and during the day, even dialysis<br />

days I've been very energetic. My labs and dialysis accuracy have also come back very positive. Since<br />

I've been on dialysis I've been in a couple of studies to test one thing or another. Diana P., Anaheim, CA<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From : dktrjoy <br />

Reply-To :<br />

Sent : Sunday, December 26, 2004 9:56 PM<br />

SUBJECT: <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice and kidney failure<br />

Hi Jeff,<br />

The following information was shared at a XanGo training event:<br />

"He (the patient) had been essentially bed ridden except for his trips to his dialysis. He had no energy,<br />

no quality of life at all. He was depressed and felt hopeless. After taking the mangosteen juice he<br />

was able to get up and do things for himself. He was excited and hopeful about his future and had<br />

enough energy to start builing his XanGo business. The doctor was so impressed with his (the patient)<br />

improved energy and his activity level that he (the doctor) signed up as a XanGo distributor just so that<br />

he could provide mangosteen juice for his other dialysis patients."<br />

Jeff, those of us who are relatively healthy might not think that increased energy and mproved quality of<br />

life were "FANTASTIC" results, but for that individual they were. He didn't say he was cured, or any<br />

such thing. Sometimes it's the little things which change our lives. DrJoy<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 22:49:39 EST<br />

To: X1Kat@aol.com<br />

Subject: Peripheral Neuropathy, Diabetes and Kidney Function<br />

During a routine physical examination given last April by Dr. Gary Dickinson in Edmond, Oklahoma, it<br />

was discovered through a lab report that I was developing a kidney problem. I was immediately referred<br />

to Dr. Kerry Owens, a Nephrologist, who after thorough<br />

testing found that I was developing a serious problem in my creatine level.<br />

I was given various prescription medicines to take in an effort to thwart the worsening of this condition. I<br />

am 70 years old and a Type II Diabetic and it was felt by Dr. Owens that these were the two main<br />

factors for my kidney deterioration. The creatin level continued to get worse and it reached the point<br />

where Dr. Owens, with the concurrence of Dr. Dickinson, had me take home two videos on kidney<br />

dialysis in an effort to mentally prepare me for going through this invasive procedure.<br />

After viewing the videos with my wife I went the next day to the local Dialysis treatment center that is not<br />

far from my home. I had a tour of the facility with the Director and found that I could adjust to the<br />

regimen of having to go to three hours per session three times per week. I was resigned to my fate as;<br />

after all, "Modern Medicine" certainly could not be wrong after all the testing that I had gone through to<br />

qualify to be a dialysis patient. I was also informed by my doctor as to how to start the procedure<br />

for a kidney transplant if it became necessary.<br />

I also have had the condition of peripheral neuropathy for a little over four years, which was a result of<br />

my onset diabetes. I was fortunate in that I had the kind that made my legs and lower limbs become<br />

numb and did not have terrible sharp pains that so many people go through who have this disease. The<br />

doctors could do nothing for me and said I should get<br />

as much exercise as I could to maintain circulation. Being an amputee the only hard physical aerobic<br />

exercise that I could get was swimming.

About three weeks ago my wife had an old girlfriend that told her that I should be taking this new<br />

product called <strong>Mangosteen</strong>. I started taking two ounces, twice a day with my morning and evening<br />

meals. Within about four days I began to start noticing astounding results. My numbness started to go<br />

away and when I visited my acupuncturist later in the week, I<br />

received the needles and for the first time received sharp pains in my legs! The acupuncturist, Dr.<br />

Mahler, was very excited as this is the result he was searching for, was for me to receive pain!<br />

About two weeks after starting the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> I went for my appointment with Dr. Owens who<br />

reviewed my current lab reports and found that all kidney indicators, including the creatin level, were<br />

completely normal. She couldn't understand how this happened and when I explained to her about<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong> she couldn't understand it and just told me to continue to do whatever I was doing and not<br />

change a thing.<br />

So, the acupuncture along with the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> might have made a difference in solving my problem of<br />

peripheral neuropathy. But, I absolutely know that the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> was the key factor that got my<br />

kidneys back to normal. I should also mention that besides the aerobic swimming I get massage<br />

treatments about once a week that certainly helps in improving my overall health. Also, as a result of<br />

taking <strong>Mangosteen</strong>, I no longer have to take Lipitor, as my cholesterol level is normal with both<br />

the HDL and the LDL levels within the proper parameters for my age.<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong>, thanks for taking me from almost certainly going into lifelong dialysis into a land of vibrant<br />

health and vitality for a 70 year old Great-Grandfather who now has a lot more to live for in the future.<br />

Carl C. Beyrer, OK<br />

623-879-7231<br />

SUBJECT: knee/.joint pain<br />


I started taking the product on December 18th. I have had 2 knee surgeries. After three days of taking<br />

mangosteen juice, I felt a difference in my knee. The aches I have felt for years was lessening and the<br />

stiffness was easing. After being on the product for 3 weeks, I have to say my knee has not felt<br />

this good since high school ( and that was many years ago).<br />

Upon sharing my positive experience with a fit 21 year old who does manual labor, he bought a case of<br />

mangosteen juice. Three days after taking the product he said he felt like all his joints had been<br />

"shot" with W-D 40.<br />

WOW, what an experience this mangosteen juice is! Randy<br />

from: tkmeyer2001: tkmeyer@netnitco.net


First is a testimonial from a Xango user, then immediately after Mr. Comer's testimonial is a research<br />

abstract that talks about alpha mangostin and leukemia.<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

XANGO AND LEUKEMIA - Nov. 28, 2004; from Shawnette Date of Tests Viral loadct/ platlet ct / blood ct/ liver<br />

> Jan 2004 270,000 100,000 12.05 95<br />

> May 2004 190,000 140,000 2.9 45<br />

> Aug 2004 140,000 185,000 3.8 45<br />

> Oct 2004 90,000 225,000 14.7 normal<br />

> Nov 2004 40,000 245,000 15.4 normal<br />

> Dec 2004 31,000 395,000 15.8 normal<br />

> Jan 2005 19,000 435,000 16.9 normal

Feb 2005 8,500 75,000 17.4 normal<br />

> Mar 4,2005 13 513,000 18.6 normal<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

J Nat Prod. 2003 Aug;66(8):1124-7.<br />

Induction of apoptosis by xanthones from mangosteen in human leukemia cell lines.<br />

Matsumoto K, Akao Y, Kobayashi E, Ohguchi K, Ito T, Tanaka T, Iinuma M, Nozawa Y.<br />

Gifu International Institute of Biotechnology, 1-1 Naka-Fudogaoka, Kakamigahara, Gifu 504-0838,<br />

Japan. kmatsumoto@giib.or.jp<br />

We examined the effects of six xanthones from the pericarps of mangosteen, Garcinia<br />

mangostana, on the cell growth inhibition of human leukemia cell line HL60. All xanthones<br />

displayed growth inhibitory effects. Among them, alpha-mangostin showed complete inhibition<br />

at 10 microM through the induction of apoptosis.<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Here's a more extensive discussion of the above study:<br />

Preferential target is mitochondria in α-mangostin-induced apoptosis in human leukemia HL60<br />

cells<br />

a<br />

Gifu International Institute of Biotechnology, 1-1 Naka-Fudogaoka, Kakamigahara, Gifu 504-0838,<br />

Japan<br />

b<br />

Gifu Prefectural Institute of Health and Environmental Sciences, 1-1 Naka-Fudogaoka, Kakamigahara,<br />

Gifu 504-0838, Japan<br />

c<br />

Gifu Pharmaceutical University, 5-6-1 Mitahora-higashi, Gifu 502-5858, Japan<br />

Received 7 July 2004; revised 26 August 2004; accepted 26 August 2004. Available online 16<br />

September 2004.<br />

Graphical abstract<br />

α-Mangostin, xanthone derivative from the pericarps of mangosteen, preferentially targets mitochondria,<br />

resulting in induction of apoptosis in human leukemia HL60 cells.<br />

Abstract<br />

Our previous study has shown that α-mangostin, a xanthone from the pericarps of mangosteen, induces<br />

caspase-3-dependent apoptosis in HL60 cells. In the current study, we investigated the mechanism of<br />

apoptosis induced by α-mangostin in HL60 cells. α-Mangostin-treated HL60 cells demonstrated<br />

caspase-9 and -3 activation but not -8, which leads us to assume that α-mangostin may mediate the<br />

mitochondrial pathway in the apoptosis. Parameters of mitochondrial dysfunction including swelling, loss<br />

of membrane potential (ΔΨm), decrease in intracellular ATP, ROS accumulation, and cytochrome c/AIF<br />

release, were observed within 1 or 2 h after the treatment. On the other hand, α-mangostin-treatment<br />

did not affect expression of bcl-2 family proteins and activation of MAP kinases. These findings indicate<br />

that α-mangostin preferentially targets mitochondria in the early phase, resulting in indication of<br />

apoptosis in HL60 cells. Furthermore, we examined the structure–activity relationship between<br />

xanthone derivatives including α-mangostin and the potency of ΔΨm-loss in HL60 cells. Interestingly,<br />

replacement of hydroxyl group by methoxy group remarkably decreased its potency. It was also shown<br />

that the cytotoxicity substantially correlated with ΔΨm decrease. These results indicate that αmangostin<br />

and its analogs would be candidates for preventive and therapeutic application for cancer<br />

treatment.<br />

Keywords: α-mangostin; Xanthone; Mitochondrial dysfunction

Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 8:41 PM<br />

Subject: Lou Gehrigs Disease<br />


The info below from this web site: http://www.evenbetternow.com/als.html Lou Gehrigs disease is<br />

technically amyotropic lateral sclerosis. You can read about it at this web site. A doc wrote a book about<br />

ALS and I quoted a section below.<br />

I don't have any testimonials on this disease with Xango but there's a strong theoretical basis for using<br />

Xango. Note bolded areas that I highlighted below - references to<br />

1. free-radical damage (Xango is a powerful anti-oxidant),<br />

2. viral infections (Xango is anti-viral),<br />

3. environmental toxins (Xango is a natural detoxin).<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Cause of ALS<br />

The actual cause of ALS remains unknown. However, there are several theories presently being put<br />

forward. Among these are: An excess of the brain chemical called glutamate in the motor neurons, an<br />

excess of free radicals which damage the nerve cells, viral infections, physical trauma, and<br />

environmental toxins such as toxic metals and chemicals.<br />

---------------------------------------------<br />

A Doctor's Personal Statement<br />

Here is an excerpt from the Introduction of Eric's book written by Eric's personal physician, Dr. Neal<br />

Rouzier, M.D.:<br />

"I am a conventional physician, yet there is no conventional treatment that helped Eric. I too am an<br />

alternative physician because that's all that has worked for Eric...The various treatments and regimens<br />

that Eric recommends are not specific for ALS or any other disease entity. He practices simple, basic<br />

preventive medicine, which should be practiced by all humans and taught by physicians...".<br />

"The ravaging effects of chronic inflammation and toxins in the body will continue to wreak havoc<br />

and result in degenerative illness for millions in spite of simple therapies which can prevent this. It is my<br />

hope that this book will enlighten many so that they may not suffer the consequences of a degenerative<br />

illness. Don't just treat the disease; build up the body so it can put up a good fight...".<br />

Neil Rouzier, M.D.<br />

Palm Springs, CA<br />

Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2004 19:38:51 -0700<br />

Subject: RE: [xango] <strong>Mangosteen</strong> for Lupus<br />

LUPUS<br />

Terry .. you may want to verify this, but it is my understanding that Xango mangosteen<br />

"MODULATES" the immune system, so it helps it do what it needs to do whether that is boosting<br />

or slowing it down, AND it is also my understanding that Lupus is an inflammatory disease ..<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong> helps with inflammation and therefore should help her both ways!<br />

Good luck! Margaret and Dennis Edwards<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Kathy Goebel" <br />

Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2004 22:19:46 -0400<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] <strong>Mangosteen</strong> for Lupus

I understand the thought pattern here. I had an autoimmune disease, and thought it might<br />

not be a good idea to build up the immune system because it could cause me to get worse.<br />

Well, I was wrong. I took the Xango, and within a month, my autoimmune disease<br />

seemed to have gone. My second month's check-up after that showed no auto immune<br />

disease.<br />

But that is my experience. If your friend has a good natural type of doctor, talk to him/ her.<br />

I am sure there is a way to explain this.<br />

I feel mangosteen has literally saved my life in many ways. It is what my body needed/needs.<br />

-----------------------------------------<br />

Date: Thu Jul 29, 2004 9:20 pm<br />

Subject: Lupus / Chronic Fatigue / Weight / Energy<br />

I was diagnosed with lupus two years ago. I suffered with chronic fatigue and loss of weight.<br />

My family told me I looked very pale and tired all the time. Some days, going to work<br />

took great effort. I could barely complete 9 holes of golf.<br />

A close friend introduced me to the mangosteen fruit beverage Xango. After approximately 45 days of 3<br />

ounces a day, I regained my weight, my color and my energy. I actually was able to play 18 holes of golf<br />

2 days in a row! Sue Fernley, Nevada<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Hi Greg,<br />

I have Lupus (was diagnosed years ago with epstein barr) and the Xango juice has relieved me<br />

of fatigue and muscle/joint pains. I also suffer from migraines with vertigo and after taking<br />

mangosteen for 2 months I no longer need my medicines for either of those. Lauri<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 15:41:21 -0800 (PST)<br />

Subject: Re: [xangopros] <strong>Mangosteen</strong> vs. Lupus ?<br />

Hi Martin : Awesome question; There are 3 types of Lupus that of which needs to be defined. I've done<br />

extensive research pertaining to autoimmune diseases. Myself being if you will a layman in learning why<br />

my body is reacting against itself as if it allergic to itself. I've retrieved quite a bit of information from<br />

http://www.webmd.com<br />

Lupus is of the Rheumatic Diseases family. Inflamation throughout the entire body is not rare. The<br />

inflammation is quite painful causing a flood of other complications. Normally the immune system ( the<br />

bodies defense system ) protects the body from infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and<br />

viruses.<br />

With Lupus ~ The immune system triggers an inflammatory response when there are no foreign<br />

substances to fight off . The inflammatory response causes the bodies white blood cells to attack and<br />

destroy the body itself.<br />

I've been plagued for over 30 years with: Anklyosing Spondilitis , Fibromyalgia /Myofacial Pain<br />

Syndrome, Hashimoto's Disease , Sjogrens Syndrome , I.B.S. Just to name a few......along with the side<br />

effects from each of these. I've kept myself in the loop if you will via http://www.webmd.com knowing<br />

that the diseases & new findings the site is always updating including the meds. the Dr.'s have found to<br />

assist those patients who dare to read the side effects.<br />

I'm so very Thank-ful that my sister Valenda Bartosh introduced me to the MANGOSTEEN<br />

FRUIT. The inflamation throughout my body has calmed down. The meds. I was on I've<br />

been able to cut from 7 perscriptions to 3. The point is to keep the inflammation down.<br />

Your immune system up. If you have any ??? would love to hear from you. Happy to be<br />

alive again.... Shan Glover

I must add this : After the first 24 hrs. consuming 2 ~ 4oz. of MANGOSTEEN JUICE<br />

That was Feb. 4,2004 My husband and I had finished our dinner did our Bible Readings<br />

discussed the days accomplishments. We went in to watch the news ~ an hour latter<br />

while lying down watching the news together I reached over and touched my husbands arm<br />

and said " Jim!!! I have no pain..!!!"; I again repeated myself... Louder though... I rolled<br />

off the bed stood up and said AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!! I have no pain..........I walked to the foot of<br />

our bed and started to cry....just a little because of the joy...<br />


Please keep in mind, No pain between doses of pain killers.....One of which WAS ~ Methadone. I was<br />

perscribed 6 methodone a day. From that day forward I called my sister inquiring how can we obtain<br />

more juice. My hubby signed up A.S.A.P. Oh, as of<br />

2-5-04 went from 2 meth every 8 hrs. to ZERO on the 22nd of Feburary. I must<br />

reassure you that this is my testamony and I am so very thankful for the opportunity<br />

to share it with you and to any who would inquire.<br />


From : chris luedtke <br />

Reply-To : xango@yahoogroups.com<br />

Sent : Saturday, December 4, 2004 4:17 PM Lyme's Disease<br />

My mother had lyme's disease three years ago. The disease gave her spinal meningitis, and paralyzed<br />

the right side of her face. Everything healed except she had pain that radiated from her spine around to<br />

front of her chest. She couldn't even stand to wear a bra. Since she started taking mangosteen juice 5<br />

weeks ago that pain has stopped. Hope this helps. She is taking three ounces a day.. She also has<br />

diabetes that the mangsteen juice seems to be working on. Chris, Tomah WI<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From : Dawn T. Perdue <br />

Reply-To : xango@yahoogroups.com<br />

Monday, December 6, 2004 5:57 AM<br />

Sent :<br />

Hi, my brother-in-law started using mangosteen 2 weeks ago specifically for his Lyme's disease issues.<br />

He attracted the disease 5 years ago and it is taking its toll on him, his life and his family life. He is<br />

currently on a cocktail of various medications to help with his fatique and his extream joint pain. He says<br />

it is so difficult to get up in the mornings due to the stiffness of his joints and then the constant pain.<br />

He decided to try the mangosteen juice skeptically hoping that it may do something for him. After 7 days<br />

of him on the product, he called me so ecstatic. He said that he was able to get up in the mornings with<br />

no pain. And this is only in the first 7 days on the product. I will follow up with him in another week to<br />

see how his other aliments from the Lyme's disease are going (see below, next testimonial). Dawn T.<br />

Perdue<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

UPDATE FROM DAWN PERDUE above, March 1, 2005:<br />

My brother-in-law (above) was diagnosed with Lyme disease ~4 years ago (which had gone undetected<br />

for many months). He suffered terribly from chronic joint pain, so much so that he was unable to work<br />

for periods of time. I introduced him to the mangosteen juice in December 2004. He takes 1 oz 3 times a<br />

day. In less than 3 weeks he called me and said that he got out of bed and had no pain! He was<br />

astonished how quickly he had results. He also said that he is going to quit his job and be the newest<br />

mangosteen juice poster guy for those who suffer from Lyme disease.

I urge you to get your loved ones on the juice. Please make sure that they drink lots of water too,<br />

(this aides in the toxins leaving the body once the mangosteen juice starts to do its thing). Dawn<br />

Perdue<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: waylenb@h...<br />

Date: Thu Sep 16, 2004 12:46 am<br />

Subject: Xango <strong>Mangosteen</strong> for Lyme Disease!!<br />

I had Lyme disease myself for over five years and at several points during that time period I was in a<br />

pretty serious bedridden condition. Through stubborn persistence I have found the things that helped<br />

me get rid of this condition. I now feel 500% better then I was when I had it, and it is such a blessing<br />

because I know at this point that there will be no relapse.<br />

Lyme disease (systemic bacterial infection) can become very serious for people who have had it for a<br />

long period of time, even fatal in some cases, so its very important for anyone who has this health<br />

challenge to take a multifaceted approach. If you know of some one with Lyme disease please do them<br />

a favor and let them know about the many benefits of Xango.<br />

This single product can help Lyme sufferers tremendously!! Conventional<br />

treatment falls short for most people, especially anyone who has had Lyme untreated or undiagnosed<br />

for more then a few months. Conventional treatment entails very high doses of antibiotics for a very long<br />

period of time in an attempt to basically destroy all of the spirochete bacteria. This sometimes works but<br />

often times doesn't, what often times happens is that some of them are missed and or become<br />

increasingly resistant to antibiotics thus making a stronger more resistant strain of bacteria.<br />

Long term antibiotic use can also be draining to the body and destroys the beneficial bacteria of the<br />

digestive tract so it is very important to nourish the body as best as possible if one chooses to have the<br />

antibiotics as part of their recovery plan.<br />

This Xango mangosteen product that we are involved with is really a phenomenal product. I haven't<br />

seen anything like it. It seems to address a multitude of issues that we can have with our health.<br />

I love this juice, I drink it every day to continue rebuilding my immunity, and I highly recommend it for<br />

any condition. It seems like most people with a health condition derive some benefit from taking this<br />

juice and thats really exiting!!<br />

It can help people challenged with Lyme disease specifically for -Critical ongoing Immune support<br />

-Anti inflammation from the damage and toxicity the bacteria cause<br />

-Antioxidant protection to the cells<br />

Waylen Brucker waylenb@h...<br />

--------------------------------------------------<br />

From: Kathy Goebel Date: Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:42 pm<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] Lyme Disease<br />

I had decided to get mangosteen juice months before I did. Once I was able to order it, I did. I had an<br />

appointment with my naturapthic doctor 2 days later. I always prefer to take my supplements to be<br />

tested.<br />

He found I had Lyme's disease. I asked him to test me to see how the mangosteen did with the Lyme's<br />

disease. It was a definite match. I took some other things, collidial silver, and cat's claw for the Lyme's<br />

also. He had explained this was a hard disease to get out of the body because it mutates in the body.

So, after one month I went back. He could find no trace of Lyme's but suggested I continue treatment for<br />

another month. I took the Xango mangosteen faithfully, at least 3 oz a day. The other stuff, I took<br />

whenever I remembered, which wasn't that often.<br />

I went back for a 2 month check up. He found no trace of Lyme's disease. He said I was a member of<br />

a very small elite group of people to recover from Lyme's.<br />

I will not tell you it cure's Lyme's disease. What I will say is that mangosteen juice was what MY body<br />

needed and helped me get rid of Lyme's. I still take it. It has helped me in many ways.

Meningitis, West Nile<br />

My name is Shanon Wood. By the time I was 19 years old, I experienced more health problems than the<br />

average 80 year old. At age 13, my appendix ruptured and I had an emergency appendectomy. When I<br />

was 14, I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse and Mitral Regurgitation of the heart. Later that<br />

year, I had an emergency surgery to remove a softball-size cyst from my left ovary.<br />

After the surgery, my Dr. prescribed a medicine that made me extremely nauseated & fatigued. I had<br />

vision black outs, fainting spells, weight gain, & depression so bad that I had suicidal thoughts.<br />

After two years of being sick, I quit taking the medicine. One year later, I was back in the operating room<br />

with another large, hemorrhaging cyst. The cyst had caused ovarian damage so severe that my surgeon<br />

had to remove most of the ovary.<br />

I attended only three months of my senior year of high school because I started having serious digestive<br />

problems. Just eating food caused excruciating pain, so I quit eating regularly. After consuming at least<br />

10 prescription pills / day, & having hospital test done weekly, it appeared to my gastroenterologist that<br />

my digestive system was shutting down & I’d be dependent on the prescriptions.<br />

My cardiologist referred me to a certified chiropractor named Stuart White. I immediately started taking<br />

Dr. White's supplements. I was taking about 75 capsules per day and the cost was over $400 per<br />

month. Within a couple of weeks, I was able to tolerate eating food again. Even though Dr. White saved<br />

my life and my health was improving, I still suffered with chronic bladder infections, a low energy level,<br />

and stomach pains that would come and go.<br />

The following summer, I woke up one day extremely ill. I went to the emergency room & was diagnosed<br />

with Meningitis. After a week in the hospital, the test results came back positive for the West Nile Virus.<br />

Even though the virus was gone within a few weeks, my body did not fully recover for months.<br />

Until the day someone gave me a CD about <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice. I listened to Dr. Templeman discuss the<br />

science behind the juice along with several testimonies. I was still very skeptical of how one product<br />

could benefit so many people in so many ways.<br />

I started drinking 1-2 ounces 3 times per day and was very impressed by the taste. I noticed an<br />

improvement within 5 days. I had more energy and less pain, my sleep was solid and I was maintaining<br />

a positive attitude. Then after a couple of weeks, I noticed the bladder and kidney infections were gone<br />

and my immune system continued to improve! Before I was introduced to the juice, my "monthly"<br />

cramps were so painful that I would take 16-20 pills of Advil in one day. Within 3 months, the cramps<br />

turned into minor aches & I was down to 1-2 pills per day as needed.<br />

Because of my great results, Dr. White signed up as a distributor and has had great success with his<br />

patients. He has dramatically decreased the amount of supplements I take. I cannot remember the last<br />

time I felt this good. Thanks to the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice, I finally have my health back!<br />

Taking this product was the best decision I ever made. If you would like to better your current health<br />

condition, or just prevent illness and disease, give <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice a try!<br />

Please feel free to contact me if you would like more information about the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice. Shanon<br />

Wood - Sep 21, 2004 Ph. 281.799.3511


This was forwarded on behalf of Richard Noriega by Ed Johnson, J.D. Atty:<br />

Subject: <strong>Mangosteen</strong>, Mental Clarity, & More Energy.<br />

Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2005 23:23:59 -0600<br />

My name is Richard Noriega. I am a news anchorman at a CBS TV affiliate in Laredo,<br />

Texas. In late July, 2004, I learned of and began drinking mangosteen juice. I noticed<br />

an increase in energy and an overall feeling of well-being within just a few hours of drinking my first two<br />

ounces of mangosteen juice. Now, when I get up in the morning, I feel refreshed and wide awake all day<br />

long. I love the way I feel now that I have drinking this miracle juice drink. I drink only two ounces when I<br />

first wake up, and two when I get home from work after the 10pm News.<br />

I used to feel sluggish for at least a couple of hours after waking. This sluggish feeling had been going<br />

on for a number of years as I got older. However, that changed for me the very first week that I started<br />

drinking mangosteen juice. I now feel wide awake and well rested all day long, even if I only sleep for<br />

only a few hours.<br />

Another benefit I have experienced is a heightened clarity in my thinking. This has really enhanced<br />

by performance in all areas. I can work faster and don't feel stressed the way I used to.<br />

I can honestly say that mangosteen juice has made a very positive difference in my<br />

quality of life experience. I don't tire or stress out as I used to and I "feel healthier." I just feel good! I<br />

know that the mangosteen juice is the reason. I didn't begin feeling this way until after I started drinking<br />

mangosteen juice. Now, I won't be without it. If something makes you feel so good...it only makes<br />

sense to keep on drinking it.<br />

My wife also drinks mangosteen juice and it has also given her an increase in energy<br />

and has kept her hypoglycemia under control. We are sold on this amazing product and<br />

won't be without it.<br />


I have a customer who had migraines every day. The day after she first started<br />

the Xango mangosteen juice the migraine headaches stopped and as long as she takes<br />

the juice, they do not appear. If she stoppes they come back. Ed Pieksma<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Freda,<br />

I was having migraines at least 4-5 times a week with terrible vertigo which i took medicine for that was<br />

suppose to try and prevent. The medicine only helped to where i was getting them 2-3 times a week.<br />

I started drinking the Xango <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice and i started noticing that I hadn't had a migraine in over<br />

a week, so then I started to tract them. I increased my dose to 2 oz 2-3 times a day and have weined<br />

myself off medication altogether. I have had only a handful on migraines in the past 6 months. Thank<br />

you for this product!!!!!! The vertigo (dizziness) is GONE also. Lauri<br />

------------------------------------------------------------<br />

RE: Migraine headaches and mangosteen juice.<br />

My mother is 74 and has suffered from migraines that are triggered by stress, lack of sleep, or certain<br />

foods. She has had them for over 30 years.

She began taking mangosteen juice at only 1 oz. once twice per day for months.<br />

Upon hearing that she was continuing to have headaches, I urged her to up the dosage to 2 oz. 2-3<br />

times per day. She noticed at the 3 week period that there had been no headaches and has<br />

tracked this lack of headaches now for over 4 months without one.<br />

I encouraged her to take a double dose at the slightest indication that there may be an onset of a<br />

migraine which she has done. I am so glad that this problem has been mitigated or completely<br />

eliminated as she was taking pain meds that made her nauseous and created digestive problems<br />

and other undesireable side effects. Why take a drug when a food with certain powerful<br />

phytonutrients can balance the body's systems and eliminate headaches naturally?<br />

Wayne H; Phoenix, AZ; warpspeed3@cox.net<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

My mother-in-law has had migraines for years. She would get at least 2 every<br />

month and it wasn't unusual to have to go to the ER for shot. She has been on<br />

mangosteen juice (Xango) now since Jan. 24 and has not had a migraine! Lisa<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I have a customer who has had migraines almost daily for years. The day after she<br />

began to take Xango, she has not had a headache since she started, about<br />

35 days ago. Today her husband came to see me and said he was going to begin<br />

taking the juice also.<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I usually get a migraine headache around my menstrual cycle. And this month it was no different.<br />

But, we had just received his first shipment of XanGo and my husband suggested I try a couple ounces<br />

of XanGo. After _ hour, he asked me how my headache was ? and it was gone! In _ hour I got rid of a<br />

headache that no anti-inflammatory was able to relieve. XanGo is going to change my life!!<br />

Cathy C.<br />

----------------------------------------------------<br />

HI, I saw where someone is wanting testimonials.....well....I have a 9<br />

year old daughter who has been suffering from migraines for 3-4 years<br />

now..and I started her on 1 oz twice a day....she's been on XanGo for<br />

3 weeks now, and hasn't had a full blown migraine yet, last Friday,<br />

she woke up and said, Mommy, I have a headache right here(and pointed<br />

above her eye where they always start) I gave her a double dose of<br />

XanGo and a tylenol and she went to lay down....15 minutes later...she<br />

came out of her room and said...XANGO ROCKS!!<br />

She said she could literally feel the headache going away....and then it was gone!! Her<br />

migraines have ALWAYS lasted 5-6 hours, and she always ends up throwing up and being very<br />

miserable...but this time it only lasted 15 MINUTES<br />

Also..my hubby hasn't had a migraine either since he started taking XanGo, and he usually has a couple<br />

of them a week! chris mcafoos<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Hi Martha,<br />

I was in our local healthfood store and we were discussing that <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Fruit has 138 known<br />

medicinal properties. A woman overheard our conversation and asked if she could enter our<br />

conversation. Turns out she suffered from severe migraines for years and had tried everything to<br />

NO AVAIL.<br />

The healthfood store lady concurred she had really tried everything and nothing had ever helped her. I<br />

remembered hearing a lady's story on one of the recorded conference calls or audiocassettes<br />

(?<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Miracle) that her migraines were helped. So I said, "yes." I had only one bottle left (my<br />

own) and she insisted she buy it from me.

So I told her it was my last bottle and I needed it for myself but would sell it for $40! She handed over<br />

the cash. She went home, took a dose, got rid of her headache. Then a migraine tried to come on, she<br />

felt it, BUT IT NEVER MATERIALIZED! Then she gave some to her pregnant daughter with morning<br />

sickness and it took that away.<br />

We truly are sharing God's Gift with the world! Gloria J. Kovacevich, RN<br />

gloriak@volcano.net 209.296.2399 PST 209.304.1325 Cell<br />


From: ncalwoman@a...<br />

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 22:08:55 EDT<br />

Subject: Updated <strong>Testimonials</strong> from Cancer patients taking MJ<br />

Tessie Barrantes is a 74 year old retired teacher who Lives in San Francisco. While visiting her<br />

daughter in Hawaii,she was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and they also found a<br />

tumor in her hip. Her blood count was 3.8 and the doctors gave her 6 pints of b lood.<br />

Before taking [mangosteen juice],she was very weak and depressed, here is an update on her<br />

condition. We donated [mangosteen juice] bottles to her.<br />

Marlene L. Balingit<br />

510-427-1174<br />

HERE'S THE UPDATE ABOUT TESSIE - I was at the Anaheim Convention Center this last weekend for<br />

the Catholic Family Conference. There were about 7,000 people who attended the conference and it<br />

was almost impossible to find the person(s) one might be looking for. The only easy way to do is by<br />

asking one of the coordinators to announce over a microphone or display the name in the projector in<br />

order to find the person(s).<br />

But the Holy Spirit directed me and my friend to an area where I ran into one of the cancer<br />

patients I know personally, who is taking the mangosteen juice. When I saw her I exclaimed,<br />

"Tessie Barrantes, what are you doing here? 2 months ago, you looked terrible; almost<br />

dying! Look at you now and you made it here?"<br />

She was laughing. She told me they drove from S.F to L.A. last Friday, the day after she had<br />

her chemo. And she looked fine, although a little bit tired and pale. Imagine that? She<br />

said her doctor allowed her to travel, but her doctor insisted she be given blood transfusion<br />

before her travel.<br />

She lasted the whole weekend; tired but still looking better than 2 months ago. A parishioner<br />

from San Bruno church saw her on our last day there and she was shocked to see her<br />

there and alive because the last time this person talked to Tessie, she thought she was<br />

not going to make it; she was dying! When she heard the story from Tessie, she asked me<br />

and my friend for a case of mangosteen juice to be sent to her uncle who has prostate cancer.


(See the quote below from Dr. F. Templeman, MD, <strong>Mangosteen</strong> and Multiple Sclerosis.)<br />

Oct. 29, 2004<br />

I have a customer with multiple sclerosis who has had much success with the<br />

mangosteen juice. She has been seeing her doctor off and on for a year now, with no<br />

improvement. Her last visit the blood test showed alot of bacteria in her blood, her cells weren't<br />

functioning properly and she was hormonally imbalanced.<br />

Nothing prescribed was working for her. Two months on the product and and she told me that it's given<br />

her...her life back. She feels great and she's regular again. Two months on the product and she went<br />

back to the doctor to be re-evaluated. The doctor was amazed. Her cells were normal. She's<br />

hormonally balanced and 3/4 of the bacteria was gone from her blood. She's feeling<br />

better than she's felt in years....and all that she's added to her life was the Xango mangosteen<br />

juice. Sincerely, Tina<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Day" Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2004 22:39:25 -0000<br />

Subject: [xango] [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice] and MS<br />

Hi, my name is Day, I'm recently married, and was diagnosed with MS in December of 2002.<br />

I recived a bottle of Xango [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice] for a wedding present and now I can say truthfully that I<br />

couldn't have gotten a better gift. I had to wear glasses because of vision problems and I had insomnia<br />

and no matter how tired I was, I still had troubles falling asleep.<br />

Thanks to the mangosteen juice, and after only one week of using the product, my vision is lots better<br />

and sleep comes so quickly now, it's incredible. ~Day<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "David Dupuis" <br />

Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 22:09:31 -0400 (EDT) Subject: RE: [xango] ms<br />

Hello, I have MS. My name is David Dupuis. Since using [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice] I'm<br />

not as tired, I have alot more energy. And I'm getting around a lot better<br />

also.<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

------<br />

Subject: [xangopros] AWESOME MS Testimonial<br />

I have a friend who has multiple sclerosis. She has had it for over 25 years. I gave her some<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong> product on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 for the first time. She started drinking 3 ozs a day on<br />

Wednesday, March 31, 2004.<br />

Today is Friday, April 2, 2004 and she left me an answering machine message telling<br />

that she has not "walked this well in years". I write this with tears of gratitude streaming<br />

down my face. I'm so glad the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> product helped my friend so soon. I told her I thought it<br />

would take a year.<br />

~~~<br />

From: "reliableresiduals" Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 22:13:04 -0000<br />

Subject: [xangopros] ADDENDUM to AWESOME MS Testimonial<br />

I found out she was actually drinking about 9 oz a day, which explains the rapid<br />

improvement. This stuff works! :)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: llpastorlynn@a...<br />

Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 12:26:38 EDT Subject: Re: [xango] ms<br />

Hi,Yes, I have had EXCELLENT results from the mangosteen with my MS. My eyesight has<br />

improved, including, no more double vision, no more blurred vision, no more problems<br />

with depth perception and vision that fluctuates.<br />

I have also had improvement in the "pins and needles" sensation in my legs, top of my head,<br />

upper right abdomen area, arms and hands. I still have a few occassional bouts in the feet.<br />

I also had terrible cramping in my toes and feet... would happen several times a days --<br />

excrutiating pain. That has decreased dramitically, only happens rarely now.<br />

A numb patch in my right upper thigh has completely disappeared. And all migraines have stopped. I<br />

would get a pain behind my left eye area when an episode would come on....and I have only had 1<br />

since starting the mangosteen.<br />

I also have rheumatic arthritis, and the swelling in my joint areas has greatly reduced along with the<br />

pain.....and I was scheduled for stomach surgery on June 21.... which I did not have because the<br />

GERD, acid reflux and heartburn ceased when I started on mangosteen (totally unexpected and<br />

pleasantly surprising!)<br />

I have been able to sleep at nights now...because before I had to try to sleep sitting up because of the<br />

stomach problems. MS has been linked to a vitamin D deficiency.....and the latest research in<br />

autoimmune diseases is suggesting a link to bacterial infection. I researched to put together the natural,<br />

nutritional program I am on.....which I designed through trial and error on my own.<br />

I am excited and thrilled to have the results. Lynn Leach<br />

PS: Please understand that I have several products I am taking....extra vitamin D and other nutritional<br />

products....I have a complete regime that I follow. I am now taking 8 oz of mangosteen per day. 2oz in<br />

morning, lunch time, dinner and at bedtime. I feel the anti inflamatory effects and the antibacterial<br />

properties of the mangosteen have greatly improved the quality of my life<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoarthritis, GERD, Nerve-Root Compression from<br />

a Shattered Lumbar-Sacro Fusion & 4 Missing pinal Discs<br />

When I took my first dose of mangosteen juice on July 1, 2004, my training and experience as a<br />

psychotherapist in private practice inclined me to be very reserved in my expectations of what a fruit<br />

juice could do for someone such as I who had rather serious and complex health problems. .<br />

Beginning with 1 ounce taken 15 minutes before each meals, I did not experience any reduction in the<br />

severe pain for which I'd been medicated with large doses of morphine medications in the form of<br />

Oxycontin and later MS Contin.<br />

When I increased the dosage of juice to 2 ounces taken 15 minutes prior to each of my three meals, I<br />

rapidly began to notice marked improvements in several ways. I first experienced a healing crisis in the<br />

area of my upper GI tract. Moderate pain over a 6-hour period then ended.<br />

GERD symptoms disappear:<br />

Subsequently, I began to realize that the Gastric Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) from which I'd<br />

suffered since 1985 had totally abated. Having taken Pepcid nightly for more than 6 years, I have now<br />

taken none since late July 2004. I have had no incidents of reflux and now eat anything I want<br />

including tomato sauce and chocolate--two foods that previously always<br />

triggered reflux.

I next noticed a marked decrease in pain. I began to systematically reduce the level of narcotic<br />

medication I had been on since June 1998. Over the next 7 months I gradually reduced my use of<br />

morphine medication from a high of 230 mgs. daily to NONE as of 1/26/05.<br />

Other pain symptoms disappear, notably multiple sclerosis:<br />

XanGo's has drastically reduced the amount of muscle spasticity from which I have suffered as a result<br />

of having Multiple Sclerosis that has affected my spinal cord, brainstem and cerebellum. Prior to taking<br />

this juice my back, shoulder and chest muscles were so taut that I was hunched forward about 28-30<br />

degrees. I often sat and stood with my toes turned under.<br />


STRAIGHTER I WAS STANDING! Previously, just touching my sternum caused terrific pain. Today I<br />

can strike my sternum with my fist and I experience no pain! My counseling clients have all commented<br />

saying things such as, "Even your fingers aren't as crooked and you sit and stand so much straighter<br />

than before."<br />

Over the past month here in Arizona there have been three huge winter storms that have dumped much<br />

needed rain, hail and snow on nearby areas. In the past I would have been able to predict such<br />

changes in the barometric pressure far more accurately than the weather forecasters. But beginning last<br />

August I lost my ability to tell when a weather change is on the way because I NO LONGER HURT<br />


Weight loss too plus energy; blood pressure decreases:<br />

There have been other benefits. I lost 13 pounds without trying within the first 8 weeks of taking<br />

mangosteen juice. I have slept 4-6 hours straight for the first time in 15-20 years. My<br />

energy level is greatly increased. And while that can be attributed in part to the morphine reduction, just<br />

about everyone I know who takes this juice comments on their increased energy as well.<br />

My blood pressure has also fallen from the 160/95 range to 105/65.<br />

Where once I suffered from a "pain reflex" that caused my legs to buckle as a result of nerve root<br />

compression in my lower back, I no longer experience that acute pain reflex. Gone as well are the<br />

intensely painful perineal spasms that have plagued me for 25 years as a result of MS.<br />

On both New Year's Eve and the following Sunday I jitterbugged for the first time in 25 years. On<br />

Sunday I was able to do so for 15-20 consecutive minutes. All of these changes are miracles to me--the<br />

result of taking 6 ozs. daily of XanGo.<br />

On January 31, 2005 I climbed one-third of the way up Lookout Mountain. Upon returning home I then<br />

planted a flowerbed and hit golf balls onto the Mountain Preserve out back. That evening I realized that<br />

another major symptom is gone. No longer does my entire right leg from the top of the hip go<br />

numb down to all five toes and dangle uselessly after I have sat upright at a table or in a booth at<br />

a restaurant. No longer do I need to use a "tush cush" in order to sit comfortably without squirming at<br />

meetings or in restaurants.<br />

On Friday, February 4, 2005 I had the satisfaction of encountering a former client who had not seen me<br />

in 8 years. "My God, you're a miracle. You look 20 years younger than when I saw you last. You no<br />

longer look like a disabled person!" Lynn Leonard, M.C.<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I have researched it for my neice. There is lots of evidence that mangosteem will help reduce the<br />

symptons of ms . Being that ms is a neurological disorder and mangosteen is touted for being helpful for<br />

such it seems to make sense it would certianly help ms. The ms society has tested statin drugs for ms<br />

and as determined by mri, it has shown positive results. <strong>Mangosteen</strong> has been tested against the<br />

strongest statin drug and shown equal results, without any apparent side affects.It should be<br />

safe to give it a try.

Sincerely,<br />

Bob Nabors<br />

From: dimando1@msn.com<br />

Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 3:33 PM<br />

Subject: Liz is getting results!!!! Multiple Sclerosis and Fibromyalgia<br />

Hi Charlie! I just got off the phone with my sister Liz, who lives in St. Cloud Florida. She has MS and<br />

fibromyalgia. She is ecstatic!<br />

She got up this morning, went to the kitchen to pour her morning Xango, and said to herself, "Whoa!<br />

Wait a minute! Where is that pain in my legs today?" She said she realized the pain and the<br />

wobbliness in her legs were gone. She couldn't believe it! She has been on cloud nine today. She did<br />

not take her nap today, which is truly amazing because her disease usually makes her exhausted each<br />

and every day.<br />

She goes to her neurologist March 18th and can't wait to tell him about it.<br />

I have been after her for months to try to get her to try Xango. Finally Jim said we're sending Liz 2<br />

cases, and telling her we spent a lot of money on it, and want her to try it, because we want her to feel<br />

better. She promised to faithfully take 3 ounces 3 times a day (reluctantly), and now she's ecstatic! She<br />

is so grateful, she can't wait to see what else it will do for her....<br />

She only started Xango March 3rd! Nine days ago. What a miracle. Had to let you know...Carol<br />

Dimando<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong> and Multiple Sclerosis by Dr. Fred Templeman:<br />

Multiple Sclerosis is the leading cause of neurological disability in young<br />

adults....The central nervous system, meaning the brain and the spinal cord, is the<br />

target of this disease which is both inflammatory and autoimmune in nature.<br />

Autoimmune means that the body's immune system fails to recognize some specific<br />

tissue as self, and it therefore attacks that tissue as if it were a foreign invader. In the<br />

case of MS, the tissue is the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. Other diseases<br />

which belong to the autoimmune category are rheumatoid arthritis, some forms of<br />

hyperthyroidism and lupus.<br />

In examining INFLAMMATION as the major damaging process in MS, it is noteworthy<br />

that the first attack of MS is totally due to INFLAMMATION.<br />




Finally, the antimicrobial protection of MANGOSTEEN can prevent the initial<br />

infections that lead to MS as well as prevent recurrent urinary tract and bedsore<br />

infections in patients with advanced disease.


Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 19:25:40 -0800 (PST)<br />

From: "Ola Panter" Subject: Ovarian tumor<br />

I have a great one about my mother. She has ovarian cancer and is on her fifth year with it. They said<br />

she had six months to live five years ago.<br />

I started her on mangosteen juice April of 2004. I'm no sure if it has helped with the cancer or not, but<br />

will soon find out as the doctor has decided not to give her chemo any more because her body is getting<br />

weaker.<br />

My exciting story is that she had a lesion next to her vagina in the crease of her leg that the doctor said<br />

was a carcinoma tumor due to the ovarian cancer and that he would operate in his office and take it out.<br />

Well, I had six days before he was going to do the surgery so I thought I might as well put a<br />

mangosteen poultice on it. I put one on only about three times during that week, and when she went in<br />

for the surgery<br />

I told the nurse that I thought it was looking better, so she looked and said, "It does, we better have the<br />

doctor look." So her doctor checked it out and he said, "It looks like it's healing up, lets not do anything<br />

and keep doing what you were doing." It healed all up and doesn't even have a scar! I was so happy<br />

she didn't have to be cut on in that spot. I'm so sold on the health benefits of this wonderful God given<br />

juice. Ola Panter<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Hi Laurie, June 24, 2004<br />

I just got this testimonial from Fern Bontrager and you have her permission to use it in mangosteen<br />

stories. ~Johanna Baker 408 272-8116 SJ CA biobaker@e...<br />

Hi Johanna,<br />

December 23, 2003, I had a large ovarian tumor removed. Because of the size and the<br />

way the tumor looked additional blood tests were done. One of the test they ran was to<br />

check my CA 125 levels. (Woman with high levels of CA 125, a tumor maker that may<br />

indicate the presence of ovarian cancer cells, have a higher than average risk of<br />

developing ovarian cancer) In Dec. my CA 125 level was at 93, the normal high is 35.<br />

Anything 35 and over they start looking and treating for possible ovarian cancer.<br />

April 7, 2004 I began to take the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice twice a day. The amounts varied. On June 23, 2004<br />

I have a 6 month follow up Dr's appointment. I had the CA 125 blood test done prior to my appointment.<br />

When my Dr. said the test results looked great I was very anxious to know how much the level had<br />

dropped. My levels today are at 24 !!!!!!!!!!!.<br />

He was very excited about the drop and mentioned that some times it takes up to 2 years to see the<br />

levels drop that much. I took an average of 3 oz twice a day.<br />

Fern Bontrager from Indiana


Hi Wanda, I have an 84 year old friend who has parkinsons and she won't be without her <strong>Mangosteen</strong><br />

juice. She no longer has the tremors and she has found that her<br />

rigidity is less. Mind you she is 84. Just think what would happen if she were younger?<br />

WOW My father died many years ago and he developed Parkinsons and they had nothing to help him<br />

medically at that time because this was 46 years ago. Wish we could get in touch with Michael J Fox.<br />

Have a great day. Jo from Toledo.<br />

--------------------------------------------------<br />

Hey Wanda,<br />

My mother has Parkinsons also. She started taking the juice on the 6th of march. She told me that her<br />

energy level has increased and her mind is less muddled, plus getting a little clearer, every day. She not<br />

sure about the shaking , but it may be decreasing. Thats the best I can teel you at this point.<br />

BigJim<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Dell Church" <br />

Subject: Re: [xango] Parkinson's Disease<br />

Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 15:59:54 -0400<br />

Hi Dot,<br />

I have a gentleman in my downline who's wife tried the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice for parkinson's disease.<br />

She has quit shaking and she was taking 6 ozs a day. She looks so good and she feels alot better,<br />

too. Her color is great and she really looks so much healthier! Hope this helps.<br />

Elizabeth Church<br />

------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: Cathy Haks<br />

To: jason@x...<br />

Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 10:43 PM<br />

Subject: Parkinsons Disease<br />

Hi Hon,<br />

Earlier this week whilst looking up a related disorder, I came across a very interesting article on<br />

Parkinson's Disease. The lengthy and rather technical document gave (to me) a new perspective on<br />

how the disease occurs and progresses and what can be done about it. With this explanation, I could<br />

see scientifically why people are having some success with relief of symptoms by taking Xango<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice daily. Perhaps what I found even more compelling though was that every one,<br />

especially people who have a relative with Parkinson's, should be taking <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice as a<br />

preventive.<br />

~~~<br />

"Many different lines of evidence have converged to suggest Parkinsons Disease is primarily an<br />

oxidative disease, fueled by endogenous susceptibility and driven by the cumulative contributions of<br />

endogenous and exogeno<br />

us (environmental) oxidant stressors. In this review the evidence for the various<br />

oxidative contributions to PD is critiqued, from the perspective of developing a more effective and<br />

necessarily more integrative strategy for its medical management."<br />

~~~<br />

Translated into english, it means roughly that Parkinsons is now seen to be a result of oxidation of

specific parts of the brain – there is some genetic predisposition, but mostly it is caused from<br />

environmental effects and triggers. One very interesting point raised was that the drug therapy for PD<br />

(levadopa) actually increases the oxidative effect which explains why its effectiveness reduces and its<br />

side effects increase over time.<br />

The medical treatment regime they come up with in the article is quite<br />

complicated but a significant portion of it is antioxidants.<br />

And Xango <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice contains some of the most potent antioxidants<br />

around . . .<br />

This article is to be found at http://www.nutrition-education.com/100295.php<br />

Cathy :)<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Sat Oct 2, 2004 8:01 pm - see Jerry's update below.<br />

Parkinsons / Congestive Heart Failure / High Blood Pressure / High Cholesterol / Diabetes<br />

I was 59 years old when I was released from a hospital at the end of October 2003 with<br />

some serious health problems. The doctors had told me that I had Parkinsons, rapid eye<br />

movement disorder associated with Parkinsons, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, high<br />

cholesterol, diabetes, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), angina, and renal problems.<br />

I was sent home on four liters of oxygen and a suit case full of drugs. These are medications<br />

that I was on: Atenolol 25mg, Candesartan Cilexetil 16mg, Nitroglycerin 0.4mg tab.,<br />

Nitrogycerin 0.4mg/hr patch, Lovastatin 20mg, Carbidopa 25/Levodopa 250mg, Entacone 200mg,<br />

Clonazepam 1mg, Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg, Glyburide 8mg, Albuterol 90mcg., Advair 500mg. Foradil<br />

Aerolizer, Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.083%.<br />

I would wake up every morning and walk from my bedroom to the couch, a distance of about 30 feet. I<br />

literally fell to the couch because I was completely out of breath. My skin color was turning to an ashen<br />

color and the skin under my finger nails was dark blue.<br />

A friend came over to see me and brought me a case of [mangosteen juice]. He told me to<br />

take it and said that it might help me. He was telling me all the helpful things that this<br />

product would or could do. I was very skeptical at first because how could a fruit have so much healing<br />

power and work on all the organs in the body at the same time. I asked my doctors about it and they<br />

never heard of the fruit. They told me that it would not hurt me to try.<br />

I started taking three ounces three times a day and was hoping for an instant cure. It did not<br />

happen! I did not feel anything at all until I had finished my third bottle. I noticed that<br />

I was sleeping the whole night through and that a little energy was coming back. I could<br />

walk from the bedroom to the couch and was not huffing and puffing.<br />

After a month on Xango [mangosteen juice], my blood sugar was back down into the 140-150s which<br />

was not bad since a month before it was in the 300s.<br />

My blood pressure was dropping from 180/90 to 120/70 and my tremors had stopped! I was<br />

also checking my oxygen absorption rate everyday and noticed that is was climbing up<br />

which is a good thing. I would be getting readings of 88-89 at rest and when I moved<br />

around the level dropped to 80-81 before any [mangosteen juice]. At the end of a month on<br />

[mangosteen juice], my readings were 94-95% at rest and when moving the level stayed the same!!<br />

I began cutting back on all my medication gradually and was taking readings from all my<br />

machines. I noticed that when I was cutting back on my medications that I was feeling less

and less fatigued. By Christmas time, I was off ALL my medication and oxygen and I had<br />

reduced my [mangosteen juice] to only two ounces three times a day. I am still taking two<br />

ounces three times a day.<br />

To me this is a miracle fruit. I will be glad to talk to anybody about this product.<br />

Jerry Smith - Lacey, WA. - see update below:<br />

-----------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Dianna Whitmer" <br />

To: mangosteenstories-owner@yahoogroups.com<br />

Subject: Re: Parkinsons / Congestive Heart Failure /High BP & Cholesterol /<br />

I just followed up with Jerry the other day, and he reports that he's going to the gym 5<br />

times/week, feeling great, and using 2 oz. of mangosteen juice 3 times a day.<br />

Dianna Whitmer, grannypooh@c...<br />

Here are the testimonies on dogs we've collected:<br />

PETS<br />

We have an English Bulldog. She gets moisture in the folds around her nose which I have to put<br />

medication on to keep it clean and dry. She also has allergies but since starting her on mangosteen a<br />

month ago these problem areas are requiring less medication.<br />

She loves it, I say this because when we tell her it's Xango time she comes from under my desk and<br />

waits while we get it ready for her. There has been several times when my husband has gone to the<br />

fridge to drink some himself and she will get off her chair and sit at his feet as though to say "I want<br />

some".<br />

She is 7 years old and weighs 65 lbs. The dosage we started giving her was 2 eyedroppers full for<br />

about 4 to 5 days. Then increased it to 1 capful per day for 4-5 days. Then went to 2 capfuls. This is the<br />

dosage we came up, hope it helps. - - - Monica<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

My sister has an Australian Shepherd. The dog is allergic to dog food so she is on a good balanced diet<br />

of cooked human type food. She gets "Hot Spots" on her skin once in a while and the vet can't figure out<br />

why. She takes pills for this and they sometimes work for a while. We went walking on aMonday and the<br />

dog had a new hot spot that erupted Sunday. Her leg was red<br />

and she had been licking the spot. My sister decided to give her ½ teaspoonof XanGo twice a day. I<br />

saw the dog again on Wednesday and the spot had cleared up completely. The only way we could find<br />

it was to look for some missing hair. The dog continues to take that dose of XanGo and no other spots<br />

have erupted.<br />

I give my working dogs each 5cc (1 teaspoon) twice a day. The guardian dogs weigh twice as much<br />

(100#) and I give them 10cc. I use a syringe without a needle to measure because getting a teaspoon of<br />

fluid into a dog is often a problem. At their feeding I just put it on their food. My dogs are all healthy but<br />

they work all day every day in every kind of weather. I want to be sure that they get every benefit to their<br />

health that they can. I'm particularly interested in their joint health. Their legs take a beating herding<br />

sheep. The book "65 Ways to use <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice" is where I found the dosages. Nothing specific<br />

there so I took the low dose. Donna<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

My 9 ½ year old Golden Retriever Max has suffered from chronic skin<br />

conditions all his life. He has had hot spots, black flaky skin, on-going<br />

lesions. Worst of all, he was constantly itching and biting at himself, and<br />

had to sleep on cold floors for some relief. I've tried everything: changes

of diet, natural supplements and remedies, even cortisone, which has<br />

terrible side effects. Nothing helped.When we started with XanGo, I decided<br />

to see if it would help Max, plus I had heard it may help a dog's coat. My<br />

daughter shows our other Golden, Precious, so I figured it was worth a try.<br />

Within two weeks of getting XanGo, Max stopped itching. His discolored skin<br />

turned into healthy, new, pink skin. Plus, his coat is silky and shiny.<br />

Precious is the same...we think the judges will really take notice in the<br />

show ring! It means the world to see Max feeling so wonderful now. He is<br />

much happier, and acts like a puppy! - - - Kristin Taylor<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

----- Original Message -----<br />

From: <br />

Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:32 AM<br />

Subject: [xango] Arthritis in dogs<br />

My 10 year old Brittany was diagnosed with arthritis in her foot joints. She is in a lot of pain. The vet<br />

wanted to start her on medication immediately. I asked to hold off until I sent a message to the Xango<br />

group for advice.<br />

The vet mentioned dogs metabolize juices differently than humans and may cause adverse reactions in<br />

the liver. Is this possible? Also, if it's a go to give her <strong>Mangosteen</strong> fruit juice, what should the dosage<br />

be? Thanks much, Cheryl<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Xango Dosage for Arthritis in dogs<br />

Just reading the "65 Ways to use <strong>Mangosteen</strong>" It has a section about pets.<br />

Dogs that weigh more than 100 pounds can receive the same dosage amounts<br />

as humans. Give medium-sized dogs the same amount you would give children and small dogs the<br />

same you would babies.<br />

Put the mangosteen in his water...only give him enough water for him to drink the entire<br />

amount. OR you can give him his dose with a syringe to squirt into his mouth. Some dogs<br />

love the taste and will drink it without any problem.<br />

It is not recommended you mix with food as it works better on an empty stomach.<br />

I would highly recommend you purchase this book as it has great information in it.<br />

Gloria in Utah<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Hello Scott,<br />

We have an English Bulldog she is 7 years old she weighs 65 lbs the dosage we started<br />

giving her was 2 eyedroppers full for about 4 to 5 days then increased it to 1 capful per<br />

day, this we gave for 4-5 days then went to 2 capfuls. She gets moisture in the folds<br />

around her nose and I have to put medication to keep it clean and dry she also has allergies<br />

but since starting her on <strong>Mangosteen</strong> which has been a month now these problem areas<br />

are requiring less medication. She loves it, I say this because when we tell her it's Xango time she<br />

comes from under my desk and waits while we get it ready for her. There has been several times when<br />

my husband has one to the fridge to drink some himself and she will get off her chair and sit at his feet<br />

as tho to say I want some. This is the dosage we came up,

Roy & Monica - Lyons, OR. - 18 Mar 2004<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice - ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL<br />

In December 2000 after just two months of receiving my greatly anticipated retirement present, a loving<br />

Havanese "Pumpkin", she was diagnosed with Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease (aseptic or avascular<br />

necrosis of the femoral head).<br />

Avascular necrosis occurs when the bone that makes up the ball portion of the hip is damaged from lack<br />

of blood supply.<br />

In my dog's case the pain was severe with deformity of the hip joint which upon a second expert opinion<br />

and further x-rays, surgery was jointly recommended (no pun intended)! For two months we tried<br />

immobilization but this also failed. Surgery was performed and removal of this section of the bone<br />

diminished painful bony contact in the hip joint. The surgery improved the condition considerably but did<br />

not completely eradicate the hop/skip, giving us additional concern for the continued over-working of her<br />

other hind leg.<br />

Pain relief and anti-inflammatory medications are definitely beneficial and so my vet put Pumpkin on<br />

them. That offered some relief. I also tried two other well-respected products, including a whey protein<br />

isolate. I even took her for a few visits to an animal chiropractor. This helped a great deal realigning her<br />

spine. It seemed like she was coping well enough. Unfortunately animals cannot talk. We assumed that<br />

she was pain free. I now think we were wrong.<br />

In February 2004 I started drinking [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice]. F.Y.I. I've lost 21 lbs!<br />

My sister Susan had severe arthritis; raved that she was pain free within 3 weeks of taking 3 oz. a day<br />

of this <strong>Mangosteen</strong> fruit juice! So logically, if it works on humans, then why not try it on my animals? I'm<br />

giving Pumpkin just 5 c.c.'s a day syringed into her mouth.<br />

The transformation has been nothing short of a miracle! It brings tears to my eyes seeing the difference<br />

in her spirit. Pumpkin is like a puppy again racing & actually catching my other Havanese which she<br />

could never do before! She's affectionate now showing me how grateful she is. Her personality has<br />

blossomed! Each day she surprises me with a delightful new behavior. Her eyes have gone from dull to<br />

shiny, her coat from hard to soft. She smiles all he time now .<br />

I guess the poor little sweetie had developed arthritis in the surgical site and had been in considerable<br />

pain unbeknown to both I and my vet. I thank [mangosteen juice] for restoring the beautiful soul of my<br />

fur child and bringing joy back into her life.<br />

If your animal or someone's pet has arthritis or is prone to hip dysplasia or competitively active in<br />

performance e.g. agility, please show them my testimonial. I'd consider it an act of kindness if their<br />

animals received mangosteen juice daily. Better yet, suggest that the masters & mistresses taste test<br />

mangosteen juice too!<br />

Carolyn Angus<br />

Medical Condition found at www.vetinfo.com<br />


PMS, hot flashes, bleeding, Menstrual<br />

This year, I experienced power surges (hot flashes) that were sometimes as frequent as 4 per hour. I<br />

started taking 2 ounces of the mangosteen juice daily. My surges had completely stopped." - Ivy D.<br />

Monrovia CA.<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I usually get a migraine headache around my menstrual cycle. And this month it was no different. But,<br />

we had just received his first shipment of XanGo and my husband suggested I try a couple ounces of<br />

XanGo. After 1⁄2 hour, he asked me how my headache was and it was gone! In 1⁄2 hour I got rid of a<br />

headache that no anti-inflammatory was able to relieve. XanGo is going to change my life! – Cathy<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

PMS<br />

Although we are in mixed company I feel this information will help, We're all adults here and are either<br />

women or have women in our lives that we care about some who suffer from the monthly challenge<br />

known as PMS, I will give you my experience with this challenge.<br />

When this time of the month came along my hormones would be so unbalanced that I would be so<br />

emotional that I would have to stay in bed for a full day not wanting to deal with anything, it was like a<br />

stage of depression which I am also familiar with, I have been drinking <strong>Mangosteen</strong> since the middle of<br />

February [2004] and I can honesty say from my heart PMS is NO Longer an issue with me, I<br />

have not suffered with that problem since being on the <strong>Mangosteen</strong>.<br />

I also suffer from allergies and they are totally gone. I'm in my mid 40s I drink around 6oz of<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong>, I probably don't need that much but I love the taste and Love how I feel. Monica - Lyons,<br />

Oregon Tue, 1 Jun 2004<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Menstrual Spotting<br />

For several years now I have been experiencing almost constant spotting between my regular periods.<br />

A constant irritation and expense. I would have an occasional break, lasting 24-36 hrs. but it would<br />

always start up again.<br />

My Dr. was not able to do much for me. We tried a few different types of birth control to try and regulate<br />

my hormones, but it only made it worse and had too many other side effects. My mother had a similar<br />

condition that ended with a hysterectomy in her early thirties. I had been trying to avoid that route as<br />

long as I could due to the undesirable side effects of such a drastic action.<br />

In late March 2004, I had been told about [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice], and while looking on<br />

the computer found out that there was going to be a meeting in Kansas City the following<br />

week. I had my first taste of the juice that night. I drank approx. 4 oz. at the end of the meeting. Loved<br />

the flavor and went to sign up the next day for my own shipment.<br />

The very next day I had stopped spotting, but didn't think much of it until the third day of no spotting. At<br />

that point I wondered to myself if it could be due to the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice. I'm a skeptic, so I decided to<br />

just wait and see what happened.<br />

I had ordered my supply of juice the day after the meeting and was anxiously awaiting it's arrival. Well<br />

the shipment took six days and I didn't spot again until the day my shipment arrived.<br />

I immediately started taking my own supply of [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice], & I haven't had the problem<br />

again. It has been such a relief to feel normal again. Having a hysterectomy has just been put on<br />

hold indefinitely. I can't wait to tell my doctor about this My allergies are much better and right now is<br />

the height of allergy season.

I give the juice to my kids. They love the taste and usually want more. Wendy Agner<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

Pregnancy<br />

Dr. Templeman has said that taking [mangosteen juice] while pregnant is completely safe and is the only<br />

time that two people can benefit from one person taking XanGo. :-) My wife took [mangosteen juice] the<br />

whole time she was pregnant with our daughter and felt great the entire pregnancy. She especially liked<br />

the anti-inflammatory properties of [mangosteen juice] since she couldn't take ibuprofen while pregnant.<br />

Justin Strunk - 21 Aug 2004<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Gloria J. Kovacevich, RN" gloriak@v... Date: Mon Feb 9, 2004 7:48 pm<br />

Subject: RE: Safe in Pregnancy<br />

Hi Kim,<br />

Not only is it OK -- unless she has a true allergy to one of the components in the beverage -- it<br />

also reduces and/or eliminates MORNING SICKNESS -- YEAH!!! I have a client who took it for that<br />

very reason and did really well. Gloria J. Kovacevich, RN<br />

--------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "aly4short" Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 17:41:32 -0000<br />

Subject: [xangopros] Re: 1 year old<br />

Marc-<br />

I have been giving XanGo to my 1 year old since he was about 6 months. He had<br />

been eating solids for about 2 months by then and had no known food allergies<br />

(i.e. strawberries) so he's done very well on XanGo. According to Dr.<br />

Templeman, it's perfectly safe (and beneficial too!) for children and pregnant or nursing women.<br />

I mix about a teaspoon in his cereal each morning. My two year old asks for<br />

it everyday -- I give her 1/2 - 1 oz. a day. Alyson<br />

-------------------------------------------------------<br />

Subject: RE: Migraines & Morning Sickness<br />

Hi Martha,<br />

I was in our local healthfood store and we were discussing that <strong>Mangosteen</strong><br />

Fruit has 138 known medicinal properties. A woman overheard our conversation<br />

and asked if she could enter our conversation. Turns out she suffered from<br />

severe migraines for years and had tried everything to NO AVAIL. The<br />

healthfood store lady concurred she had really tried everything and nothing<br />

had ever helped her. I remembered hearing a lady's story on one of the<br />

recorded conference calls or audiocassettes (?<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Miracle) that her<br />

migraines were helped. So I said, "yes." I had only one bottle left (my own)<br />

and she insisted she buy it from me. So I told her it was my last bottle and<br />

I needed it for myself but would sell it for $40! She handed over the cash.<br />

She went home, took a dose, got rid of her headache. Then a migraine tried to<br />

come on, she felt it, BUT IT NEVER MATERIALIZED!<br />

Then she gave some to her pregnant daughter with morning sickness and it took that away.<br />

Gloria<br />


SUBJECT: RE: [xango] re: nursing Newborn and drinking Xango<br />

My daughter is taking Xango and breastfeeding. The baby has been fine. I actually<br />

asked Dr Templeman about this on Saturday night when he was in Melbourne. He felt<br />

most of it would be digested before the baby has a chance to get it, but , he added, it<br />

won't hurt the baby! Hope this helps.<br />

Judi; Judi Venten

Sincerely<br />

Bob Nabors<br />

brsissy@cs.com<br />

Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 16:59:54 -0500<br />

Subject: RE: Xango and Psoriasis<br />

Hi Jim:<br />


I have had psoriasis since I was a teenager, and have tried all of the prescription lotions<br />

at one time or another. I have been on the juice now for about a month, and although my condition has<br />

not cleared up entirely yet, I am much improved. In addition to taking [mangosteen juice] internally, I<br />

combined the juice with a good moisturizing hand lotion (about half and half). I rub this compound on my<br />

hands morning and night. Hope this helps. Scott<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Subject: [xangopros] Psoriasis Testimonial<br />

I have suffered from Psoriasis for over twenty years now. It started out with small patches<br />

on the legs and then appeared on my elbows. knees, ankles. I used prescription ointments<br />

to try and keep it in check but have not always been successful. I should also point<br />

out that not only does it cost $85.00 USD for a tube (45 Grams) but the ointment also<br />

contain Steroids and I have always been a little concerned with that fact. Then last<br />

year Psoriasis flared up on my face in a real bad way. So now my prescription costs me<br />

about $170,00 per month (two Applications daily) and the discomfort (greasy) from the<br />

ointment it self.<br />

After being on Xango [mangosteen juice] (4oz) per day for 3 weeks I noticed that my face was clearing<br />

up. I didn't think too much about it except that I wasn't going to have to apply the ointment again until<br />

the next flare up. I still had the problem with the elbows and in speaking with one of my uplines we got<br />

on the very subject of Psoriasis and it turns out that he has the same skin condition.<br />

He suggested that I apply [mangosteen juice] directly to the area and wrap saran wrap around<br />

the elbow so that the [mangosteen juice] wouldn't rub off on my sheets at night. I did try this and<br />

low and behold the next day all the flaking was gone but still had redness in the area so I did it again for<br />

two more nights and it has completely disappeared. I now take 6 oz of [mangosteen juice] a day and I<br />

have very little signs of Psoriasis on my body which is mainly in areas I cannot reach. Larry<br />

Arnone; San Francisco, Ca.<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

[<strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice] & psoriasis and an ulcer<br />

I started taking mangosteen juice in June 2004. At the end of June I was hospitalized because of<br />

anemia.<br />

I have had psoriasis in varying degrees over the last 40 years. The Dr. gave me a steroid cream that I<br />

had used before with little results. I noticed a change right away this time after starting to use the cream.<br />

The plaques started to fade right away. I also developed a rash on my chest, throat and face. Using any<br />

creams seemed to make it worse.<br />

After leaving the hospital I started taking mangosteen juice again and my psoriasis continued to<br />


The rash continued to get worse. Finally I took some mangosteen juice and put it on a cotton ball and<br />

rubbed it on the rash. The next day I noticed this rash started drying up. I kept using this until now the<br />

rash is completely gone.<br />

On Oct. 8 2004 I had another stomach exam & an ulcer that was discovered earlier in June had<br />

completely healed. Thanks for listening. I would not believe it if it didn't happen to me.<br />

Drink plenty of filtered or distilled water. It will help flush toxins from your body.<br />

Jerry Craft - Thu, 21 Oct 2004<br />

_______________________________________<br />

Neuropathy, Diabetes and Psoriasis<br />

Barbara, You asked what [mangosteen juice] has done for me. Well it’s little premature to say I’ve got<br />

my full relief from [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice] but so far the following can be stated<br />

1)My leg inflammation that I got after 5 bypasses in Dec 1998 has disappeared<br />

( in 1 week after starting with [mangosteen juice]. Medication I had been taking did no good and<br />

in fact put me into the hospital with Kidney failure.<br />

2) I have had Psoriasis for about 15 years. Six Dermatologist couldn’t give anything that helped.<br />

In fact one gave me shots that made me sick, so he gave pills to make feel better. One day he<br />

said that I needed to go to the hospital for a liver biopsy because use of this Medication can<br />

cause liver problems. So I said goodbye and never went back.<br />

3) I am a diabetic, as you know, and I take pills and insulin. Well as of 2 weeks ago I stopped<br />

the insulin because it was a [pain] in the neck. Will my blood sugar is around 190 WITHOUT<br />

THE INSULIN, and it may go down lower yet.<br />

4) Because of Diabetes I have very bad Neuropathy which all the doctors say does not have a<br />

cure.<br />

I had a pain prescription that cost $160 for 100 pills and did no good. The [mangosteen juice] has<br />

reduced the pain so far and I hope will relieve the pain totally soon.<br />

You must remember I have only been drinking [mangosteen juice] for about 6 weeks and it<br />

took me years to get this bad, so it may take awhile to give me total benefit.<br />

Joe - 14 Aug 2004<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I started on XanGo Tuesday evening (3/11/3). By Friday evening, 3/14/3, I had no evidence of my<br />

atopic dermatitis or eczema!!!!!!!!!! Hurray! Now, my eczema is of recent onset. It showed up in<br />

December 2002. Prior to that I'd only had short occasional bouts with it requiring no visits to the doctor.<br />

This time I finally went to the physician and had received a prescription for Eucerin and a corticosteroid.<br />

I decided not to fill it because I learned of XanGo that day. I thought I'd see if XanGo could help the<br />

Eczema. And it did! Ellen R., Chapel Hill, NC<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Psoriasis, High Blood Pressure (MD Testimonial)<br />

Dear Debbie, My name is Thomas E. Lowe Jr.M.D., and as you know I was a bit skeptical when I<br />

started using <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice one ounce three times a day on July 12,2004.<br />

I've had Moderately severe Psoriasis for 15 years. One week later I noticed a very definite improvement<br />

in my Psoriasis. I am not on any drugs for Psoriasis.<br />

I also noted a definite drop in my blood pressure. My usual average BP checked 3 times a day was<br />

144/90 (No BP meds.). After I started the mangosteen juice, my Bp averaged 117/70 taken morning,<br />

Noon & Nite.

I was also having a lot of arthralgia in my hips, knees, & back, which is completely gone now.<br />

I am currently on Zocor 20mg a day for cholesterol. After my next Lipid Panel I may drop the Zocor if my<br />

levels are lower than usual to see if the mangosteen juice will KEEP it down by itself. Your Friend ,<br />

Dr.Tom Lowe


From: "Michele Brookhaus" <br />

Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 15:16:48 -0500<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS testimonial<br />

Hi Jeanne,<br />

I have a patient who has rhuematoid arthritis. I'm a homeopath in Saint Paul, MN and have<br />

been treating this woman for about 8 - 10 months with homeopathy and she has been doing really well<br />

on her remedy. We left her medications alone . . . and she is on many, including<br />

prednisone daily. It became clear to me about 2 months ago that she was well enough from<br />

her remedy that she began reacting to her medication . . . but if you know anything about prednisone<br />

you will know that it is terrible to get off. (she had been taking it daily for 6 years.)<br />

She has now been taking [mangosteen juice] for 2 months or so (I was hoping it would alleviate any<br />

rebounding or difficulty she had while weaning down on medication . . . and it did . . . she is down to<br />

1mg prednisone daily (down from 7mg's.) is off another medication, and has decreased her thyroid<br />

medication. She is doing remarkably well. She still has some stiffness, and seems to do best at 2oz. 3<br />

times per day.<br />

You can call me if you have specific other questions, Michele Brookhaus 651-224-4285<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Jeanne,<br />

My husband has severe RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. He was diagnosed this last Feb. and he<br />

immediately went on Xango. He started with 4 oz. the first day...three times that day,<br />

then went down to 3 oz. 3 times a day before meals. The results were almost immediate.<br />

Within 3 hours the swelling was down and the inflamation was gone. We didn't know much about it at<br />

the time, so he didn't know to drink distilled water to flush out the toxins, and within a week, he went<br />

through a health crisis. He slept 20 hours a day for 3 days, and spiked a fever. We then got the word<br />

that he needed to drink at least 1 1/2 gallons of the distilled water,<br />

and he was fine after that. I won't lie to you...he is still stiff in the mornings, but once he gets on the<br />

juice, he is fine.<br />

He also takes 2 aleve twice a day, but is weaning himself off of that as the healing progresses. He was<br />

up to 4 twice a day, so he is doing really well. If you read my earlier letter today about his surgery, you<br />

will see that it has side benefits. We know he will be on this the rest of his life, but if it means he doesn't<br />

have to take the nasty meds that damage the liver and could possibly mean a liver transplant, it's SO<br />

worth it.<br />

He has cut back on the Xango to 2 oz. 3 times a day, and eventually in about 6 more months, he will be<br />

able to go down to 1 oz. 3 times a day. The results for him have been amazing. If you have any more<br />

questions, please feel free to write to me personally.<br />

gloria in Utah


I was having severe back problems - numbness in my legs etc. - sciatic problems. I was getting<br />

epidural shots to help with the pain. I was afraid of losing my job as I had to miss work. My son had to<br />

miss work to drive me to get the shots and back home.<br />

I started taking Xango [mangosteen juice] and now I am pain free and not getting any shots and can<br />

walk normally! I was also afraid I was losing my hearing and might need a hearing aide. I went to<br />

church. Usually I sit in the front so I can hear. However, one Sunday I was late for church and had to sit<br />

in the back and I heard everything crystal clear.<br />

I have also lost about 10 lbs. I am so enthusiastic! I can also see a big difference in my skin tone, my<br />

memory and my vision. Helen<br />

------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Laurie Kristensen" <br />

Date: Sun Apr 18, 2004 6:06 pm<br />

Subject: Diabetes / High Blood Pressure / Neuropathy / Arthritis / Sciatic<br />

I started with the mangosteen juice March 18, and in truth found no change in my conditions<br />

after I'd finished 4 bottles of the "stuff" and spent $140 ... it wasn't getting me anywhere...<br />

but I persevered . . .I'm grateful to say that the 5th and 6th bottles (since I decided to become<br />

a distributor, the 4 bottles now only cost me $100) have started to make significant changes<br />

in some ailments--although I felt no immediate 'magical' or miraculous healing!<br />

I started with 2 oz twice a day. I decided my body mass needed it! I weigh 350 pounds, am diabetic,<br />

have high blood pressure, neuropathy, arthritis, sciatic nerve problems in my right hip and knee,<br />

mega pain in my feet, carpel tunnel and some neuropathy in my hands plus tendonitis and arthritis. For<br />

which I take medications such as actos 45mg, 30 units twice a day of 75/25 humalog insulin, Lotrel for<br />

BP, Prozac, Lortab, Zocor and Ambien...I also take assorted vitamins C, B6, B12, garlic, multi vitamins...<br />

I know, I'm in a world of major hurt.<br />

Until just recently, I have for many years been unable to sit still for longer than 30-45 minutes<br />

(makes going to Church painful!) without feeling that I had somehow 'jelled' or turned to cement.<br />

I had a difficult time getting up from a chair--heaven forbid I should ever get down on my knees;<br />

I'd never get up.<br />

Last Thursday I arrived at the meeting at 6:30, I wanted to be sure I had a good seat! I drove<br />

for an hour before I got there, upon arrival, I left my car, walked 'SPRIGHTLY' across<br />

the parking lot WITHOUT MY cane. I sat through the meeting until about 9:30 and got up without a<br />

problem. I walked hurriedly (and I don't do hurry--anywhere, I can't) back to my car and drove back<br />

home through a torrential rain. In any other occasion, I would have had to take a Lortab for the pain and<br />

tension plus a sleeping pill to get any rest. I got home, took a hot shower, took a couple of extra ounces<br />

of the mangosteen juice and went to bed.<br />

I slept for 5 hours--a miracle to me because I haven't been able to sleep without a sleeping pill or a 800<br />

mg of Ibuprofen (and recently the Lortab) for years for more than 2-3- max 4 hours at a time.<br />

- Eve R., Midvale, UT


My husband had a severe rash attack stretching from middle of chest to middle of back which was<br />

probably shingles as it was very painful especially under the arm - and itchy. I doubled up his Xango<br />

and also dabbed the juice on the affected area. Next morning both the pain and itching had subsided. I<br />

repeated the<br />

topical and also the intake. No more symptoms! Couple of weeks later no more rash -<br />

Hope this is helpful -<br />

Lesley<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I have suffered from Shingles the past 15 years. I'd have breakouts in one general area (always same<br />

area 8 inches or so) about 2 or 3 times a month. The pain would last for 3 days and was excruciating.<br />

Now that I'm using mangosteen fruit juice, I am getting almost no breakouts and if I do, it only lasts a<br />

few hours...very fleeting! The clusters do not even fully form...it just starts out as a slight reddening, so I<br />

take a shot of XanGo and within hours it is gone.<br />

I'm on my 4th bottle and am happy to say that I'm free of Shingles...what a relief!<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Alana in CA<br />

Sinus; sinusitis; sinus headaches;<br />

Harvard MD<br />

From LOUIS A., MD, MPH – Harvard Medical School about allergic rhinitis<br />

I am sending you this e-mail to inform you of what I consider to be a truly remarkable therapeutic<br />

response from using Xango.<br />

As a physician who trained at the Yale University School of Medicine and is a former member of the<br />

Faculty of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, I have been somewhat skeptical of the health claims of<br />

many nutritional supplements. Unlike most other physicians, however, I was always aware of the<br />

tremendous importance of nutrition as a factor in many of the most common illnesses and I pursued a<br />

Master of Public Health degree at Harvard University in order to learn more about nutrition and the role<br />

of alternative treatments in maintaining optimal health.<br />

I have always been open to using natural non-toxic treatments so when I was contacted by my sponsor<br />

about Xango and the fact that it contained xanthones I was very intrigued because I had been aware of<br />

the fact that St. John's Wort a popular antidepressant in Europe contained xanthones which were in part<br />

felt to be responsible for its mood-elevating and energizing effects.<br />

For years I suffered from a medical disorder known as allergic rhinitis which resulted in debilitating<br />

headaches, repeat sinus infections and required treatment with antibiotics. I had consulted with several<br />

ENT and Allergy specialists and was prescribed a variety of antihistaminic agents (Allegra, Zyrtec,<br />

Claritin, Nasacort, Flonase) with only marginal relief of my symptoms.

I decided to try Xango for my allergy symptoms after I reviewed some scientific literature and was<br />

surprised to discover robust evidence that the xanthones in garcinia mangostana L. actually inhibited<br />

histamine release and also reduced prostaglandin E-2 synthesis which is known to mediate allergic<br />

reactions in the human body. To my utter amazement, I can bear witness to the fact that within 2 days<br />

of ingesting only one ounce of Xango twice a day I had almost complete resolution of my allergic<br />

symptoms and was able to discontinue all of my antihistaminic medications.<br />

Feeling that this was "too good to be true" I then initiated my own washout protocol by stopping the<br />

Xango for one day. To my astonishment, the following day I was re-introduced to my former allergy<br />

symptoms of pounding headaches, congestion, and sneezing, which again resolved after restarting the<br />

Xango.<br />

It is extremely gratifying to know that there is strong scientific proof for the health benefits I experienced<br />

with Xango. The validation of this product by identifying the scientific role of xanthones allows me to<br />

refute the many skeptics who are biased against the use of all natural non-toxic treatments for medical<br />

illnesses and would rather worship at the altar of Big Pharma and buy into the medical establishment's<br />

view that all we need are stronger medications to vanquish all of the world's diseases, notwithstanding<br />

the fact that the Institute of Medicine reports that adverse reactions to medications kill at least 108,000<br />

people a year.<br />

Throughout my medical career I have been disheartened to observe that in the U.S. we have more<br />

medicines but less health and I am immensely grateful that there exists a natural product such as<br />

Xango which is health enhancing and non-toxic. LOUIS A., MD, MPH<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Mon Dec 20, 2004 12:35 pm<br />

Subject: Asthma / Sinus / Appetite<br />

I am giving mangosteen juice to my nine year old son who suffers from asthma and sinus infections<br />

year round. After taking mangosteen juice his asthma medications have been decreased. When a sinus<br />

infection flares up, I double the dosage of mangosteen juice and his sinus infection is gone in two to<br />

three days.<br />

Also, my four year old niece had no appetite, would vomit at the sight of food, was very skinny and pale.<br />

She has been on mangosteen juice for several months. She is now eating very well, has gained weight,<br />

has rosy cheeks and less sinus infections.<br />

in a short period of time for my family and for the residents at the facility I manage.<br />

Barbara Gjnbalaj<br />

General Manager, Adult Care Home<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Gary Campbell" <br />

Date: Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:20 pm<br />

Subject: RE: [xango] Smoking - Sinus - Appetite<br />

My name is Gary Campbell and I've been taking mangosteen since the middle of<br />

August of last year. Here are the results that I have received from this amazing product.<br />

I had constant sinus headaches for a long time and after taking mangosteen for only 2<br />

days my headaches went away. I was totally amazed! I have also had a lot of problems with joint<br />

pain and as of today my joint pain is gone. I have a cleaning business and this was definitely a blessing<br />

to me.<br />

I've had a foot fungus for many years and no prescriptions have ever done anything for it, but after<br />

being on mangosteen for 5 months now, my foot is about 70% healed.

Also, I was able to get off of acid reflux medication. I now just take my 2 ounces of mangosteen and I'm<br />

fine. This product is definitely a stress reducer. Gary Campbell<br />

Sjogren’s Syndrome<br />

I've been plagued for over 30 years with: Anklyosing Spondilitis , Fibromyalgia / Myofacial Pain<br />

Syndrome, Hashimoto's Disease , Sjogrens Syndrome , I.B.S. Just to name a few......along with the side<br />

effects from each of these. I've kept myself in the loop if you will via http://www.webmd.com knowing<br />

that the diseases & new findings the site is always updating including the meds. the Dr.'s have found to<br />

assist those patients who dare to read the side effects.<br />

I'm so very thank-ful that my sister Valenda Bartosh introduced me to the MANGOSTEEN FRUIT. The<br />

inflamation throughout my body has calmed down. The meds.I was on I've been able to cut from 7<br />

perscriptions to 3. The point is to keep the inflammation down. Your immune system up. If you have any<br />

??? would love to hear from you. Happy to be alive again.... Shan Glover<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I must add this : After the first 24 hrs. consuming 2 ~ 4oz. of MANGOSTEEN JUICE That was Feb.<br />

4,2004 My husband and I had finished our dinner did our Bible Readings discussed the days<br />

accomplishments. We went in to watch the news ~ an hour latter while lying down watching the news<br />

together I reached over and touched my husbands arm and said " Jim!!! I have no pain..!!!"; I again<br />

repeated myself... Louder though... I rolled off the bed stood up and said AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!! I have no<br />

pain..........I walked to the foot of our bed and started to cry....just a little because of the joy...<br />


Please keep in mind, No pain between doses of pain killers.....One of which WAS ~ Methadone. I was<br />

perscribed 6 methodone a day. From that day forward I called my sister inquiring how can we obtain<br />

more juice. My hubby signed up A.S.A.P. Oh, as of 2-5-04 went from 2 meth every 8 hrs. to ZERO on<br />

the 22nd of Feburary. I must reassure you that this is my testamony and I am so very thankful for the<br />

opportunity to share it with you and to any who would inquire.<br />

Marty<br />

SKIN<br />

(poison ivy, herpes, facing scars, warts, shingles)<br />

Acute relief of Burn Pain<br />

I burned by thumb and two finger on a larger commercial waffle iron.<br />

I had poured the batter into the waffle iron and sat for it to cook. I squeezed and lifted the lid and<br />

realized I was holding the cooking part and had not reached the wooden handle.<br />

The pain was excruciating! I remembered a bottle of the mangosteen juice in my hotel room and hurried<br />

to get the juice and pour it into a Styrofoam cup. I placed my burned fingers in the juice and<br />

contemplated on all the changes I would need to make to my day because of the burn. Thirty minutes<br />

later the pain was gone and there were no blisters. The mangosteen juice had sucked the burn out of<br />

my fingers and I had no signs of the burn. My day continued on just as I had originally planned. Dion B.,<br />

Highland, UT April 19, 2004<br />

_______________________________________<br />

Poison Ivy

Just got my book in '65" ways to use mangosteen.....Well my husband had just got a bad case of poison<br />

ivy so I followed the book, had him place a gauze in 1 oz of [mangosteen juice] left the gauze on the<br />

infected spot over night......the next morning the poison ivy WAS GONE. It was incredible. I love it!!!<br />

So excited to continue to see more never ending benefits of this amazing product. Tami<br />

_______________________________________<br />

Herpes Simplex<br />

Hi there, I have had along HX of bouts with Herpes Simplex (cold sores) to the point were I have to stay<br />

home from work (I'm a nurse) due to their infectious stages. The healing time is usually 10-14 days from<br />

onset and I have found nothing out there that really helps stop or prevent this. I always get them when<br />

under stress or if I have an increase in body temperature. I live in Florida and love going to the beach. I<br />

paid dearly for those trips.<br />

I can say that since I started on the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> beverage in May 2004 @ 1oz. daily I have not had a<br />

break out. I have been out on a boat for 5 hours with minimal protection from the sun, at the beach<br />

when the temperature was @100 and spend a week in Puertro Rico where it was hot everyday. On the<br />

days that I knew I was going to be outdoors for long periods of time I took an extra ounce before leaving<br />

for my trip.<br />

I want to add that when I came back from Puerto Rico, I had used up all my supply of<br />

mangosteen and was waiting for my next shipment. I spent 2 hours out in the sun and the next day I<br />

had the onset of an out break. I happen to receive my shipment that next day and I immediately took 2<br />

oz. and started direct application of the beverage to my sores. They never erupted to anything<br />

significant and were gone in 3 days. Thank God for this great product.<br />

Kenia Lugo" - Tue, 3 Aug 2004<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Energy / Fading Scars / Skin / Migraines<br />

I consider myself a pretty healthy guy. I've been involved in the field of health, wellness, and nutrition for<br />

over a decade, so I really didn't expect much in the way of `feeling' any better with [<strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice].<br />

But, after the first day, I noticed my energy levels greatly improved, I wasn't getting the blood sugar<br />

spikes, and had just a general feeling of well being. I am very impressed with [mangosteen juice] and<br />

know it will be the center of my daily program from this point forward. The most remarkable<br />

improvement, in just a few days, is that some deep scarring (Keloids) on my chest is beginning to go<br />

away. I have dealt with these Keloids for over 20 years without any treatment working. [<strong>Mangosteen</strong><br />

juice] is going to be unbelievably successful! I am so glad it was introduced to me so early. Larry B.<br />

_________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong> and Viral Warts (Molescum Contagioso)<br />

My name is Leah Provenson. My daughter is 2, and has had a condition called molescum<br />

contagioso (viral warts) on her chest, armpit and legs for over 18 months. I had been told by several<br />

doctors that there was no good treatments for it and I would just have to wait for it to go away.<br />

(Note that most children that get it, get an ave. of 5 - 8 bumps, My daughter had 30-40) After two weeks<br />

of 1/2 oz of the mangosteen juice a day, Nyle had no new bumps and several of the others appeared to<br />

be falling off. Then I started applying it topically, and after only 3 topical applications, almost all of them<br />

are either gone, or in the end stage. I am so thrilled!!!!!! Leah Provenson - Fri, 22 Oct 2004<br />

_______________________________________<br />

Shingles<br />

I have suffered from Shingles the past 15 years. I'd have breakouts in one general are a (always same<br />

area 8 inches or so) about 2 or 3 times a month. The pain would last for 3 days and was excruciating.<br />

Now that I'm using mangosteen fruit juice, I am getting almost no breakouts and if I do, it only lasts a<br />

few hours...very fleeting! The clusters do not even fully form...it just starts out as a slight reddening, so I<br />

take a shot of [mangosteen juice] and within hours it is gone.<br />

I'm on my 4th bottle and am happy to say that I'm free of Shingles. Alana in CA


I've been taking mangosteen for almost three months now. In addition to the initial changes that I<br />

noticed in the first few weeks like greater energy and my joint pain going WAY down, I have noticed<br />

some other things recently that are very exciting!!<br />

I've noticed that my sleep, which has been a challenge for many years (getting better slowly over time)<br />

has been improving more quickly and dramatically since taking mangosteen.<br />

Before mangosteen I used to take three melatonin tablets per night to get a full nights sleep, and about<br />

a month ago I noticed I didn't need so much and reduced it to one melatonin tablet. and am snoozing<br />

like a baby!! :-) Mashubi Rochell - Mon, 7 Jun 2004<br />

--------------------------------------------<br />

For the past 10 years, I have not been sleeping well. I would wake up about every two hours. 1<br />

ounce of the mangosteen juice daily has given me uninterrupted sleep.<br />

L. Hall, Las Vegas<br />

-------------------------------------------------------<br />

I can certainly testify to the wonderful benefits and healing qualities of the mangosteen fruit. I began<br />

taking 4 ounces of mangosteen juice a day the last week of November 2003.<br />

The second night I was taking the [mangosteen juice], I slept five hours! Before then, I was only<br />

getting three hours a night sleep due to the pain I was in from arthritis, breathing problems from<br />

asthma, sinus drainage, and depression I was suffering because of the health problems. I wake<br />

up rested and with so much more energy.<br />

-----------------------------------------------------<br />

Originally From: http://www.health-champions.com/testimonials.html<br />

I've been looking to do all that I can to improve my health and well being for about<br />

2 years. I've done everything from traditional sweat lodges to herbal detoxification and many other<br />

herbal supplements. I've changed my diet drastically over this period of time and<br />

all of these things have helped me to feel better and more alive, in ways that I can't describe.<br />

Taking [mangosteen juice] has been one of the best choices I've made. Because of the<br />

dedication I've given to cleansing my body, I was able to notice a tremendous difference within one<br />

week of having [mangosteen juice] everyday. Its been fifteen years since I've been able to wake up<br />

in the morning without wishing I could sleep for a couple more hours. With [mangosteen juice]<br />

that fatigue has vanished. Glenn S.<br />

Carl,<br />


<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice (Xango) has helped me cut WAY down on my smoking. I used to go through a carton<br />

a week and now I find that one carton last me more than 10 days...less than a pack a day. Every time I<br />

have a cigarette, the xanathones start working and eliminate the bad toxins from my system. It really<br />

makes me think twice about lighting up. Hope this helps. Sue Wainscott

I am an over the road truck driver so whenever I tried to quit before I found it impossible. I think<br />

everyone should know that once I laid them down, I never cheated once! I believe that the high level of<br />

anti-oxidants in the juice made it possible for me to quit without withdrawal. I continue to drink three oz.<br />

per day for the preventative qualities.<br />

I started right out drinking 3oz per day in July when I started. I continue to drink 3oz per day.<br />

Don Wood, Michigan, 20K<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Margaret Bernstone" Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 22:37:45 -0000<br />

Subject: nictotine and smoking<br />

I am a smoker,I know I have to give it up, but here it is, I couldn’t breathe, asmtha, also<br />

bronchitus, I have been taking mangosteen for 3 weeks,Since joining, I have cleared my lungs and am<br />

breathing properly, I DONT TAKE CIGS with me when I go out, I find I can go up to any thing from 4 to<br />

6 hours with out a cig, so any one smoking and using the juice if they make a concious effort not to<br />

smoke out side of the home they will find they will start to wean them selves off, I have no craving for<br />

cigs when I go out, it doesnt even bother me not to have them, the amount of rubbish you will clear from<br />

your lungs is amazing. MY tip is this, when you are going out have a mouthfull of the juice before<br />

leaving home, Margaret<br />

STROKE<br />

Cindy R. cynergy07@yahoo.com and bickevin@aol.com<br />

Sent : Friday, December 31, 2004 7:29 AM<br />

SUBJECT: Remarkable Xango success with STROKE.<br />

My name is Bick Miller, born and raised in the Philippines. I came here in the US in 1989, got married<br />

and now living in Ohio. My mangosteen story is about my mother who is still living in the Philippines.<br />

My oldest sister from California called me and she has our youngest sister on the other line. She was<br />

crying and told us that our mother is in the hospital and had a stroke. The Doctor told her to prepare<br />

herself because her condition doesn't look good.<br />

I arranged for Xango mangosteen juice to be delivered to the Philippine hospital. They gave Mother 2 oz<br />

every meal.<br />

She was released from the hospital and feeling great. She's even out walking and jogging. She<br />

doesn't even have to go to a therapist. Her blood pressure is normal ever since, urinary tract<br />

infection is gone, no more constipation, and sleeps good. She has so much energy now. She<br />

had just told me that she is having mucus discharge. I told her she is having a cleansing<br />

reaction. Her stomach used to be big and hard, now it's smaller and soft.<br />

The mangosteen juice is really cleaning her system. She said she feels healthier. Thank God for<br />

creating the mangosteen. All the glory is to the Lord! Bick Miller<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

My Name is Bob Nabors. I had a stroke on 8-28-1998 which left my left side paralized. With 6 weeks of<br />

inpatient therapy I was able to walk again {enough to be dangerous } sure enough in 06-03 one of my<br />

many falls I broke my left hip bone. With the surgery and 6 weeks confinement I lost the strength to be<br />

able to walk by myself.

06-04 I started taking mangosteen. There have been some subtle improvements in my overall condition<br />

such as pain relief in my hip. I was wearing a pain patch. After a month on mangosteen I was able to<br />

stop the patches and now am using an occasional Tyleno. arthritis to manage any pain.<br />

I have bad some improvement in my overall strength, a lessening of depression, lower blood<br />

pressure that lowers my risk of more strokes. With the risk of heart attacks lowered and cancer<br />

prevention, why would anyone that's been told about mangosteen not take it??<br />

My summary is yes it will help stroke victims. Every stroke victim is different because we are dealing<br />

with brain damage. Overall we hope that mangosteen will help the brain rewire its self. I intend to find<br />

out. Bob Nabors<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From : goldnart <br />

Reply-To :<br />

Sent : Sunday, December 12, 2004 3:03 PM<br />

To :<br />

Subject : [xango] <strong>Mangosteen</strong> and Stroke<br />

I, too, suffered a stroke two years ago, which left me with no surface sensation on my left side.<br />

Fortunately, I am now able to do most of what I could before the stroke, but I did suffer great bouts of<br />

depression (mainly from frustration at being unable to play my musical instruments or sing), general<br />

weakness, lethargy and sleep deprivation.<br />

I've been drinking mangosteen for eight months, and my energy level has been steadily Increasing, as<br />

well as my strength. My sleep patterns have improved, and I once again feel that life is well worth living,<br />

despite the challenges. Like Bob Nabors, I too am anticipating 100% recovery with mangosteen.<br />



Sandy, my story is just the same as yours. I have been able to cut my thyroid med. in half and feel like I<br />

have been given a new lease on life. I also have no more back pain and am walking 4 miles a day. I<br />

take 2 oz. twice a day, and love it!<br />

Marilyn Creek<br />

Spfd., MO; Marilyn Creek <br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Fri Jun 18, 2004 9:59 pm<br />

Subject: Rhuematoid Arthritis / Thyroid<br />

From: "Michele Brookhaus" <br />

Hi Jeanne,<br />

I have a patient who has rhuematoid arthritis. I'm a homeopath in Saint Paul, MN and have<br />

been treating this woman for about 8 - 10 months with homeopathy and she has been doing really well<br />

on her remedy. We left her medications alone . . . and she is on many, including<br />

prednisone daily. It became clear to me about 2 months ago that she was well enough from<br />

her remedy that she began reacting to her medication . . . but if you know anything<br />

about prednisone you will know that it is terrible to get off. (she had been taking it daily for 6 years.)<br />

She has now been taking [mangosteen juice] for 2 months or so (I was hoping it would alleviate any<br />

rebounding or difficulty she had while weaning down on medication . . . and it did . . . she is down to<br />

1mg prednisone daily (down fro m 7mg's.) is off another medication, and has decreased her<br />

thyroid medication.<br />

She is doing remarkably well. She still has some stiffness, and seems to do best at 2oz. 3 times per<br />

day.<br />

You can call me if you have specific other questions.<br />

Michele Brookhaus<br />

651-224-4285<br />


(ringing in the ears)<br />

Hi Gary - I've been told that sometimes tinnitus can be caused by a low-grade chornic inflammation in<br />

the ear. See the article below the 2 testimonials that mentions ear infection as a possible cause. Might<br />

be why Xango has been effective in some instances:<br />

From: Access4@w...<br />

Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 11:18:13 -0800<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] tinnitus<br />

My Mother in Law said her ringing in the ears is much less using the juice<br />

Skip Scepurek - Wasilla Alaska<br />


From: "Freda Douglas" <br />

Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 21:38:45 -0400<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] Tinnitus<br />

I just realized today I don't have the ringing in the ears any more (for the first time in many years) and I<br />

take 2 oz. every morning.<br />

Freda<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Diagnostic Approach to Tinnitus<br />


State University of New York-Downstate, Brooklyn, New York<br />

Tinnitus is a common disorder with many possible causes. Most cases of tinnitus are<br />

subjective, but occasionally the tinnitus can be heard by an examiner. Otologic<br />

problems, especially hearing loss, are the most common causes of subjective tinnitus.<br />

Common causes of conductive hearing loss include external ear infection,<br />

cerumen impaction, and middle ear effusion.

ULCERS<br />

I started taking mangosteen juice in June 2004. At the end of June I wasn hospitalized because of<br />

anemia. I have had psoriasis in varying degrees over the last 40 years.<br />

The Dr. gave me a steroid cream that I had used before with little results. I noticed a change right away<br />

this time after starting to use the cream. The plaques started to fade right away. I also developed a rash<br />

on my chest, throat and face. Using any creams seemed to make it worse. After leaving the hospital I<br />

started taking mangosteen juice again and my psoriasis continued to improve.<br />

The rash continued to get worse. Finally I took some mangosteen juice and put it on a cotton ball and<br />

rubbed it on the rash. The next day I noticed this rash started drying up. I kept using this until now the<br />

rash is completely gone.<br />

I heard that it is not unusual to develop a rash when first starting on Xango mangosteen juice.<br />

On Oct. 8 2004 I had another EGD exam and an ulcer that was discovered in June<br />

had completely healed.<br />

Thanks for listening. I would not believe it if it didn't happen to me.<br />

PS drink plenty of filtered or distilled water. It will help flush toxins from your body. Jerry<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: thriving76@a...<br />

Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 11:32:58 EST<br />

Subject: [xangopros] Testimonial about ulcers<br />

Brad - Thank you for sending me Xango. As you know, I suffer from ulcers, and diverticulosis, which<br />

leaves my stomach upset most of the time.<br />

After just 10 days of taking Xango, along with my other prescribed medicines, I have found that I have<br />

much more energy, sleep better, and more importantly my stomach feels as close to "normal" as it has in<br />

the past 6 months. On top of that, it tastes wonderful!<br />

I have been so impressed with Xango, that I just ordered a case and am sure I will be ordering more as<br />

the months go by. With kindest regards,<br />

James Shroyer<br />

Woodstock, Georgia


Subject : [xango] <strong>Mangosteen</strong> and Varicose Veins<br />

My friend had very promient varicose veins. They decreased some with Noni juice<br />

which she took for a number of years. I saw her in July after she had been drinking 2<br />

oz/day of the Xango mangosteen juice for only 2-3 months and I was amazed to see<br />

that I couldn't see any evidence of any veins from her knees down. She still had some<br />

noticeable ones above her knees. When I talked to her last month she said those<br />

have decreased.<br />

Edie edetweiler7@comcast.net<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Jim Alexander" <br />

Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 11:20:54 -0600 Subject: Re: varicous veins<br />

My mother said the spider veins in her legs had gone away. try it - it can't hurt. Bigjim<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Carolyn Angus" <br />

Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 09:25:41 -0800<br />

Subject: Re: varicous veins<br />

I cannot speak about varicose veins but I can tell you first hand that it certainly helps<br />

with small veins. I have a skin condition called rosacea.<br />

Most of the tiny veins have healed. My sister also noticed that many of the small veins<br />

on her legs were disappearing. She definitely had serious varicose veins. The fact that<br />

the smaller veins were disappearing augers well.<br />

Carolyn Angus<br />

Vertigo<br />

I don't have Meniere's disease but I did have Vertigo, which can be an inner ear problem. I also had<br />

migraines so not sure if what vertigo was caused from. But I can tell you I no longer have a problem with<br />

being dizzy after drinking 2-3 oz of mangosteen for the last 2 1/2 months. Lauri Trifon - Mon, 21 Jun<br />



Subject: Re: [xango] Using mangosteen while on Vioxx<br />

Yes. However, with my medical doctor's approval, I have now switched from Vioxx to the over the<br />

counter NSAID, Aleve, as needed for pain. I had taken Vioxx for several years and wanted to get off it.<br />

Since mangosteen juice contains the COX 2 inhibitor that is in Vioxx, I thought it would have the same<br />

effect. It has and I am doing very well. Judy Hunt in Louisville, KY<br />

------------------------------------------------<br />

Xango - Dangerous meds that used to be considered safe for pain (Celebrex, etc.)<br />

I was taking Celebrex and since I'm on mangosteen juice, I no longer take Tylenol or Celebrex. I have a<br />

2 month supply of Celebrex that is sitting in my old prescription bottle unused. Just before I started on<br />

"THE JUICE" I got a 3-month refill on my Celebrex prescription -- if only I had known that in less than a<br />

month I'd no longer be taking it, I could have saved myself $200. (It was $300 for the 3 month Rx refill,<br />

but I figure that I used $100 worth of it -- but according to the article below -- to damage my body.) I<br />

thank God for mangosteen whole fruit juice puree! Counting my blessings, Donna Kromer - 9 Oct 2004<br />

-------------------------------------------<br />

Yes I am off of it and it was causing me to have an ulcer so i had to take a handfull of other meds to fix<br />

all the problems that it was causing. I started Jan 9, 2004 with the mangosteen juice and took 3 oz a<br />

day for about 2 months and I am now down to taking 1 oz 2 times a day and am doing great.<br />

The things I have heard is that <strong>Mangosteen</strong> is stronger than the #1 anti-inflamatory on the RX market. I<br />

go a day without the juice and I am in pain... Hope this helps and good luck.<br />

Debbie<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Blake & Jean Welch" <br />

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 12:50:55 -0500<br />

Subject: Re: [xango] Using mangosteen while on Vioxx<br />

Yes, definitely. I had been on anti-inflammatories for over 20 years - Vioxx being the latest one for about<br />

18 months. I have osteoarthritis and have had one hip replaced.<br />

When I first started taking <strong>Mangosteen</strong> (6 oz/day) I first noticed a lift in my energy level. Then I was able<br />

to cut down on the Vioxx and as of about the 4th month, I was able to quit the Vioxx completely.<br />

My doctor was concerned about this and gave me samples of the Vioxx to take home "in case". I<br />

haven't had to use them once. I do still take the 6 oz/day M angosteen.<br />

Jean from Manitoba<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 10:15:56 -0700<br />

Subject: RE: [xango] Using mangosteen while on Vioxx<br />

Dr. Armando DeGuzman, M.D. has had personal results using Xango for<br />

inflammatory pain... he replace Vioxx for inflammation and replaced a narcotic<br />

drug, Vicodin with mangosteen.

Date: Wed Jul 21, 2004 9:35 pm<br />

Subject: Warts / Plantars Wart<br />

From: "Wayne Houghton" <br />

Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2004 13:10:13 -0700<br />

Subject: RE: [xango] warts<br />

RE: <strong>Mangosteen</strong> & Experience with Plantar Warts<br />

WARTS<br />

I lost an ingrown planter's wart on my left little toe between the little toe & the next toe...<br />

it was a very difficult to live with given painful and even burning sensations as my two toes<br />

rubbed together just with normal walking... this made it very difficult to walk, use treadmill, or hike, all of<br />

which I enjoy.<br />

I had it worked on by a licensed podiatrist in Scottsdale, Arizona: he cut the wart off as<br />

close to base as he could with a scalpel in his office and advised me to use foam cusions<br />

between my toes to mitigate friction from the toes rubbing up against each other... It grew<br />

back more stubborn and painful than ever within a couple of months.<br />

I had also tried several manufacturer's brands of wart remover which is supposed to remove<br />

the warts by killing them with salicylic acid in varying percentages. There is also an adhesive<br />

corn remover pad which I tried as well -- it contains the same caustic chemical designed<br />

to kill warts though in a lesser concentration percentage.<br />

None of these remedies worked successfully.<br />

Then I tried mangosteen juice:<br />

I used both internal intake of mangosteen juice along with topical application...<br />

After just two weeks, the wart gradually separated from the skin and sloughed off -- it has not<br />

ever returned... it's been months -- and what a relief to be able to enjoy walking, treadmill, and<br />

hiking again without that burning pain.<br />

Wayne T. Houghton<br />

Hm/Ofc: 602-220-0261<br />

Cell: 602-295-1117<br />

eFax: 623-321-5792<br />

Email: warpspeed3@c...<br />


Hello Larry - Some natural healers suggest that mangosteen juice<br />

normalizes insulin levels so that sugar cravings are reduced. Others feel<br />

that Xango can normailize intestinal probiotics (flora) and this reduces<br />

cravings and enhances the digestive process. It might also increase the<br />

efficience of liver function, so there could be a benefit here to. Overall,<br />

mangosteen juice is often referred to as the great normalizer or

homeostatic agent that brings the body's biochemistry and physiology<br />

back to a normal or balanced functional range. Jim<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Subject: Appetite, weight loss (Jan. 14, 2005)<br />

Frjom: mangosteen-madness@shaw.ca<br />

By drinking mangosteen juice I actually craved healthy fresh salads in the middle of winter. Normally I<br />

tend to want warm foods.<br />

I lost 18 lbs. in 17 days without trying. It curbed my appetite for sugars. My girlfriend who also started at<br />

the exact same time lost 15 lbs. within the same time frame. Unfortunately each of us did not keep all of<br />

it off!<br />

I actually had to make sure I ate regularly as it cut down my appetite significantly.<br />

Carolyn Angus<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Sent : Saturday, December 4, 2004 9:42 PM<br />

To : from valli13@aol.com<br />

Subject : Re: [xango] Weight Loss<br />

Hi, I've lost 30 pounds in 6 months.... The mangosteen curbed my appetite, and removed the sugar<br />

cravings. It is Fabulous for weight loss. Good luck, Pam Valli<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Robert" <br />

Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004 14:50:07 -0800<br />

Subject: Re: Weight Loss<br />

I don't know how much to attribute to [mangosteen juice] but I believe it has been very beneficial in my<br />

weight loss. Since the first of August I have lost a total of 64 lbs. Thanks to [mangosteen juice] and a<br />

low carb diet that I initiated. I believe in miracles don't you? I have had so much success that I don't<br />

have time to go into [MANGOSTEN JUICE] WORKS!!!!! just had to say that. Best wishes<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Connie L Portele" <br />

Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004 10:59:18 -0800 Subject: RE: Weight Loss<br />

I've been using [mangosteen juice], 2 oz 15 min before each of 2 meals/day, since 2/1/04 and I don't<br />

remember when I first noticed that I just don't crave food as much as I used to. I have more<br />

energy, think and remember more clearly, stay on target more of the time and 1) am not as frustrated as<br />

I used to be--so don't seek food as a relief and 2) feel more satiated<br />

more of the time--so don't think about food as often.<br />

I have lost 8 pounds down to my ideal weight without even trying, though I have taught myself over<br />

the years to be conscious of what I put in my mouth and, when I do think of food--it's about that time of<br />

day, as I can't remember when I stopped feeling my former hunger, I immediately think, "What have I<br />

already had today and what am I likely to eat<br />

before the end of this day--any dinner bus mtgs or bus mixers at which there will be served food I can't<br />

resist?" and choose what I eat accordingly.<br />

Hope that helps, Blessings, Connie<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Joyce Leach" <br />

Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 02:40:07 -0800 (PST)<br />

Subject: Re: Weight Loss<br />

I began using [mangosteen juice] about 3 weeks ago and I've experienced some weight loss.

A prescription that I was on for acid reflux caused weight gain and I couldn't deal with it. This condition<br />

isn't totally resolved, but I know I'm on my way. I immediately noticed that I was<br />

able to sleep better and some depression that I was dealing with is gone. It's helped me focus more and<br />

maybe because of this, I feel like I'm able to make better food decisions--especially when it comes to<br />

"portion control". Simply put, I feel better, I don't find myself tempted with food as much. All of this<br />

combined and yes, I have lost a few pounds.<br />

Hope this helps... Joyce<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

From: "Allen Cooper" <br />

Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 13:13:22 -0700 (PDT)<br />

Subject: Re: Cortisol and weight loss<br />

Hi Margo,<br />

My name is Allen Cooper from Seattle and I have been Certified Personal Trainer for 13years. I have<br />

only carried two products over the years, one being a supplement that you mentioned to reduce the<br />

cortisol (fight or flight hormone) and [mangosteen juice]. I will probably just be carrying the [mangosteen<br />

juice] very soon because I have noticed that most people seem to deal with stress better and some<br />

of my clients and myself have lost weight and the only thing we have changed is the fact that we<br />

started taking [mangosteen juice]. I DO NOT present this as a weight loss supplement but I cannot<br />

explain why I have lost approx 20 pounds in approx 7 months. I have noticed that I sleep better, handle<br />

stress better I work 14 to 16 hour days and run my own business.<br />

I know that I am pumping in lots of Cortisol because of the long hours and the stress of being self<br />

employed. I did not notice a weight loss personally when I took the other supplements available on the<br />

market. I have also noticed that my blood sugar seems to be more stable which could have something<br />

to do with this. Thanks, Allen<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Sent : Saturday, January 29, 2005 10:32 PM<br />

To : xango@yahoogroups.com; From: valli13@aol.com<br />

Re: [xango] Weight Loss<br />

Subject :<br />

Hi, yes I have lost almost 30 pounds in 7 months. The mangosteen has helped curb my appetite, and<br />

has taken away my craving for sweets... Hope this helps, Pam from NH.<br />


By the time I was 19 years old, I experienced more health problems than the average 80 year old. At<br />

age 13, my appendix ruptured and I had an emergency appendectomy. When I was 14, I was<br />

diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse and Mitral Regurgitation of the heart. Later that year, I had an<br />

emergency surgery to remove a softball-size cyst from my left ovary.<br />

I attended only three months of my senior year of high school because I started having serious digestive<br />

problems. Just eating food caused excruciating pain, so I quit eating regularly. After consuming at least<br />

10 prescription pills per day, and having hospital test done on a weekly basis, it appeared to my<br />

gastroenterologist that my digestive system was shutting down and I would always be dependent on the<br />

prescriptions.<br />

My cardiologist referred me to a certified chiropractor named Stuart White. I immediately started taking<br />

Dr. White's supplements. I was taking about 75 capsules per day and the cost was over $400 per<br />

month. Within a couple of weeks, I was able to tolerate eating food again. Even though Dr. White saved<br />

my life and my health was improving, I still suffered with chronic bladder infections, a low energy level,<br />

and stomach pains that would come and go.<br />

The following summer, I woke up one day extremely ill. I went to the emergency room and was

diagnosed with Meningitis. After a week in the hospital, the test results came back positive for the<br />

West Nile Virus. Even though the virus was gone within a few weeks, my body did not fully recover for<br />

months until the day someone gave me a CD about <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice.<br />

I started drinking 1-2 ounces 3 times per day and was very impressed by the taste. I noticed an<br />

improvement within 5 days. I had more energy and less pain, my sleep was solid and I was maintaining<br />

a positive attitude.<br />

Then after a couple of weeks, I noticed the bladder and kidney infections were gone and my immune<br />

system continued to improve! Before I was introduced to the juice, my "monthly" cramps were so painful<br />

that I would take 16-20 pills of Advil in one day. Within 3 months, the cramps turned into minor aches<br />

and I was down to 1-2 pills per day as needed.<br />

I cannot remember the last time I felt this good. Thanks to the <strong>Mangosteen</strong> juice, I finally have my health<br />

back! Shannon Wood<br />

PS. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like more information about the<br />

<strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice. Here is my contact information: Ph. 281.799.3511, Texas<br />

Email: spixycreations@a...

From: XANGOKAT@aol.com<br />

Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 22:02:30 EDT<br />

Subject: Yeast Infections & Chronic Pain<br />

Hi Kat and friends,<br />

Yeast<br />

I wanted to share with you about how the mangosteen juice has changed my life. I have<br />

had severe bouts of yeast infections most of my adult life. Any time I took antibiotics,<br />

I would definitely be hit with a yeast infection or if I consumed too much sugary items it<br />

also caused a problem.<br />

Two months ago I started on the mangosteen juice and really for two weeks didn't notice<br />

anything different. But I woke up one morning feeling terrific. That was just the start.<br />

I went through a cleansing and felt pretty tough, actually had a sore throat. So I went and got<br />

antibiotics. I was still taking large doses of the mangosteen juice. After finishing the prescription I kept<br />

thinking I should be getting a yeast infection, but it never occurred. So for the first time in years I am, I<br />

feel, yeast free. No other symptoms of yeast and feeling great.<br />

As I think back I did start out with a yeast infection at about the time I got on the<br />

mangosteen and I took about 6 oz. a day. Also I put some of the juice on a cotton ball and<br />

several different times applied it topically to the vaginal area and it really soothed it. And now I<br />

am really sold on the mangosteen as an anti-fungal and anti-infammatory. IT WORKS!!!<br />

It has also helped relieve the pain in my back due from arthritis. That has been bothering<br />

me for nearly 40 years. <strong>Mangosteen</strong> Juice is "God's gift to us for such a time as this."<br />

I am so thankful I had friends who cared enough about me to tell me about this wonderful fruit juice. And<br />

now I have a wonderful home based business and I can help others as I have been helped. Love ya!<br />

Mary<br />


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