Merovingian, Anglo-Saxon & Norman - Baldwin's

Merovingian, Anglo-Saxon & Norman - Baldwin's

Merovingian, Anglo-Saxon & Norman - Baldwin's


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<strong>Merovingian</strong>, <strong>Anglo</strong>-<strong>Saxon</strong> & <strong>Norman</strong><br />

AS001 <strong>Merovingian</strong> (c.570-680AD), gold Tremissis, Austrasia, Maastricht, moneyer Rimoaldvs, obverse<br />

diademed bust right, legend reads clockwise TRIECTOFIT, rev struck en médaille, Latin cross over a globule,<br />

pellet in each angle, legend reads anti-clockwise, RIMOALDVS M, retrograde legend, chevron barred A, line<br />

above M, 1.31g (cf.Prou 1179; Belfort 4438-45). A few small rim nicks, well defined, almost extremely fine and<br />

extremely rare. £9,750<br />

Such <strong>Merovingian</strong> gold Tremissi from the Maastricht Mint in the Netherlands were used as a successful trade gold coin in the ancient areas of<br />

“Austrasia” and “Frisia.” According to “Medieval European Coinage” Maastricht was an important passage across the “Maas” in Roman times<br />

and was the seat of the bishops of Tongres in the 7 th Century, who only later moved to Liège.<br />

Such coins certainly found their way across the English Channel as is evident on the early medieval corpus which records two such finds in the<br />

last two decades, of coins of the Maastricht Mint. These two were however of other Moneyers and design variety, see North page 57 for a note<br />

on such coins found in Britain.<br />

The exact design of this coin does not seem to be recorded in any of the standard works. It is similar to Prou 1179 (1890), De Belfort 4438-4445<br />

(1892-5) and Medieval European Coinage, volume 1, 496-7 (1986). There is a very similar coin recorded in the reference by P O Van Der Chijs<br />

(1866), page 78 and plate VII no.15 which has the reverse legend reading not retrograde and with a slightly different design. The Fitzwilliam<br />

Museum Collection contains two Maastricht pieces that are recorded in the latter reference, but neither is of this moneyer or variety.<br />

According to “Arent Pol” in his essay in “Magister Monetae - 2007” there are roughly 170 gold Tremissi known today of the Maastricht Mint from<br />

12 different moneyers working throughout the 7 th Century AD, making it one of the more important mints at that time.<br />

This total number of coins of the 12 Moneyers breaks down to 51 different varieties in the Belfort publication alone, and this coin offered here is<br />

a new variety upon that. All the <strong>Merovingian</strong> Tremissi of the Maastricht Mint can therefore be considered as extremely rare.<br />

There have been no coins of a similar design from this mint sold in recent times and it is comparable with later Carolingian and Frankish solidi.<br />

AS002 Early <strong>Anglo</strong>-<strong>Saxon</strong> Period (c.600-775), Sceat, series X, facing “Wodan” head of good style, with<br />

“braids” in hair depicted by pellets, rev a crested monster, 1.09g (BMC 31; N.116; S.797). Toned practically<br />

extremely fine and pleasing. £750<br />

AS003 Early <strong>Anglo</strong>-<strong>Saxon</strong> Period, Sceat, series J, type 72, twin facing diadmed heads, sceptre between, rev bird<br />

looking back at serpent surrounding, 1.10g (BMC -; N.141; S.802C). One small chip on reverse rim, otherwise toned good<br />

very fine and very rare. £600<br />

AS004 Early <strong>Anglo</strong>-<strong>Saxon</strong> Period, Sceat, series U, type 23b, standing female figure holding a cross in each hand,<br />

rev large bird pecking a vine, 1.13g (BMC 23c; N.112; S.816). Toned practically extremely fine and very rare. £850<br />

AS005 Kings of East Anglia, Beonna (749-757), Sceat (c.758), pellet at centre of pellet annulus, Runic inscription<br />

surrounding, BEONNA REX, rev saltire cross in pellet square compartment over pellet saltire, Moneyer name Efe in<br />

cruciform arrangement with pellets + / E / F / E, pellet border surrounding, 0.95g (BMC 1; N.430; S.945). Weak strike<br />

at part of rim both sides, dark tone, good very fine and rare. £7,500<br />

ex St James Auction 20, 18 th November 2011, lot 4<br />

Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879 34<br />

Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

AS006 <strong>Anglo</strong>-<strong>Saxon</strong> Middle Period (780-973), Archbishops of Canterbury, Jaenberht (765-792), with Offa<br />

(c.779-792) Penny, light coinage, celtic style cross with incurved sides, long cross fleury within and saltire<br />

cross at centre, letters in angles, OF / A / RE / X, rev legend in three lines with plain bar divisions with botonnée<br />

ends, IEB / +ERHT A / REP, 0.91g (Chick 151b this coin; Blunt 132; N.225; S.883). Chipped, toned, otherwise very fine<br />

and extremely rare. £3,950<br />

Found Yorkshire, October 2002, sold by Spink and Son Ltd at that time priced at £1,250. This coin listed in Chick without a find-spot or<br />

weight, now published herewith for the first time.<br />

Impressive Cynethryth Portrait Penny<br />

AS007 Cynethryth, Queen of Mercia, wife of King Offa (coinage c.780-784?), portrait Penny, Canterbury<br />

light coinage, female bust right, Moneyer name Eoba in field with pellet decoration, linear and beaded border<br />

surrounding, rev stylised m with pellets and bar at centre, beaded circle surrounding, outer legend and beaded<br />

circle, +CFNEdRFt REGIN, 1.19g (cf.Chick 140e; Blunt 118; N.339; S.909). One light undulation in flan with slight<br />

scuff, otherwise toned, well struck and detailed for this variety, about extremely fine and extremely rare as the first<br />

depiction of an English Queen on a coin. £22,500<br />

ex Spink Auction 11024, 13 th December 2011, lot 12<br />

The portrait of this the first <strong>Anglo</strong>-<strong>Saxon</strong> Queen on a coin was probably inspired by that seen on a Roman denarius of Faustina Senior, the wife of<br />

Antonius Pius dating to the second century AD. The similar portrait style can be clearly discerned when compared directly with such a denarius<br />

as R.I.C. 360 and Sear 4582.<br />

AS008 Kings of Mercia, Offa (757-796), Penny, Canterbury heavy coinage (792/3-96), legend in three lines with<br />

bar divisions, stylised m with bar, with pellets in a triangle either side / +OEFA chevron barred A / REX, rev Moneyer<br />

name Deimund, divided in two lunettes, line of pellets between, pellet decoration in lunettes, +DEIM last two letter<br />

ligatured / VND, outer beaded border both sides, 1.43g (Chick 222b this coin; Blunt 88; N.321; S.908). Toned, good very<br />

fine and extremely rare, one of the rarest moneyers of the reign. £4,250<br />

Coin Register 1997, no.110 found near Lincoln – EMC1997.0009<br />

AS009 Vikings of York? Danelaw (898-915), Cnut, Penny, small cross pattée with pellet in two angles,<br />

beaded circle surrounding, +CVN NET TI type legend, rev Patriarchal cross, C N V T at limbs of cross, R E X<br />

between with pellets, outer beaded border both sides, 1.36g (N.499; S.993). One small edge chip, tiny dig near<br />

reverse cross, otherwise toned, very fine. £450<br />

www.baldwin.co.uk 35<br />


Kings of Wessex (758-959),<br />

Very Rare Portrait of Ecgberht<br />

AS010 Ecgberht (802-839), Portrait Penny, Canterbury, group III (828-839), Moneyer Oba, diademed bust to edge<br />

of coin right, linear circle surrounding, +ECGBER HT REX, rev Dorob C monogram within circle, +OBA MONETA.:, outer<br />

beaded border both sides, 1.30g (Naismith type C85 footnote 111; N.573; S.1035). Slight hairline crack to lower right of<br />

obverse, just right of shoulders, otherwise toned, a bold very fine and very rare. £3,750<br />

ex Colonel Mainwaring, Glendining, 24 th March 1926, lot 225 for £9/5/-<br />

Glendining, 6 th June 1934, lot 20 for £10/5-<br />

Purchased from A H Baldwin and Sons Ltd on 27 th November 1945 for £15<br />

Naismith lists this coin in the “untraced” footnote 111 as ex Glendining 3.6.1934, uncertain lot.<br />

Pleasing Portrait Penny of Aethelwulf<br />

AS011 Aethelwulf (839-858), Portrait Penny, Rochester, inscribed cross type (854-8), Moneyer Manning, draped<br />

bust right to edge of coin, beaded circle surrounding, +AEĐELVVLF REX, rev legend around limbs of beaded cross and<br />

in angles, +MANI NC MO N E T A, outer beaded border both sides, 1.27g (Naismith type R40 this coin unlisted; N.618;<br />

S.1051). Some traces of rusty deposit on reverse, otherwise very fine and very rare. £3,750<br />

Purchased from Spink and Son Ltd in 1942 for £5/-/-<br />

Detailed Portrait Peny of Aethelberht<br />

AS012 Aethelberht (858-866), Portrait Penny, Rochester, inscribed cross type (858-64), Moneyer Manning, draped<br />

bust right to edge of coin, beaded circle surrounding, +AEĐELBEARHT REX, rev legend around limbs of beaded cross<br />

and in angles, +MANI NC MO N E T A, outer beaded border both sides, 1.31g (Naismith type R43 this coin unlisted;<br />

N.620; S.1053). Light tone, light raised die flaw at centre of reverse, otherwise very fine and very rare. £3,750<br />

ex Spink Numismatic Circular, June 1942, item 14781 for £2/15/-<br />

Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879 36<br />

Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

Endearing Portrait Penny of Aethelred I<br />

AS013 Aethelred I (865/6-871), Portrait Penny, Canterbury, Moneyer Dvnn, draped bust right to edge of coin,<br />

beaded circle surrounding, legend commences upper left +AEĐELRED REX, rev legend in three lines, top and bottom<br />

lines in lunettes, commencing across centre +DVNN / MON / ETA, outer beaded border both sides, 1.17g (N.622;<br />

S.1055). Some light traces of deposit on reverse, light tone, good very fine and very rare. £3,500<br />

ex Spink Numismatic Circular, June 1942, item 14782 for £3/10/-<br />

AS014 Alfred the Great (871-899), non-portrait Penny, Moneyer Dudig, small cross pattée within linear circle,<br />

+ÆL FR ED RE, rev legend in two lines, wedge style crosses separate lines, DVDIG / MON, outer beaded border both<br />

sides, 1.60g (N.636; S.1066). Evidence of double striking and rotation with some letters ghosted, otherwise toned, very<br />

fine and scarce. £1,500<br />

ex Glendining, 17 th November 1971, lot 98<br />

AS015 Edward the Elder (899-924), non-portrait Penny, Moneyer Badda, small cross pattée within linear circle,<br />

+EADVVEARD REX, rev legend in two lines, wedge style crosses separate lines, tri-pellets above and below, BAD / DA<br />

MO, outer beaded border both sides, 1.56g (N.649; S.1087). Toned weak in parts otherwise very fine. £750<br />

Purchased from Seaby in 1940 for 28/6d<br />

AS016 Eadmund (939-946), non-portrait Penny, Moneyer Manna, small cross pattée within linear circle,<br />

+EADMVND RE, rev legend in two lines, wedge style crosses separate lines, tri-pellets above and below, MAN / NA MO,<br />

outer beaded border both sides, 1.25g (N.688; S.1105). Edge chip, light tone, very fine. £750<br />

Purchased from “Whitehouse”, 31 st January 1944 for 10/-<br />

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AS017 Eadwig (955-959), non-portrait Penny, Moneyer Godeferth, small cross pattée within linear circle, +EADVVIG<br />

REX.:, rev legend in two lines, wedge style crosses separate lines, tri-pellets above and below, GODEF / ERĐ M, outer<br />

beaded border both sides, 1.46g (N.724; S.1122). Some light traces of deposit on reverse, otherwise lightly toned a bold very<br />

fine and rare. £1,950<br />

ex Spink Numismatic Circular 1944, item 27657 for £4/15/-<br />

AS018 Eadgar (959-975), King of all England, non-portrait Penny, Moneyer Ive, small cross pattée within linear<br />

circle, +EADGAR REX, rev legend in two lines, wedge style crosses separate lines, tri-pellets above and below, IVEN /<br />

ONETI, outer beaded border both sides, 1.36g (N.741; S.1129). Letter X of legend of two crescent style, slightly undulating,<br />

discoloured on reverse, toned about very fine. £550<br />

ex Raymond Carlyon Britton Collection, with Seaby ticket with Bulletin number 7110 and priced at 30/-<br />

AS019 Eadgar, non-portrait Penny, Moneyer Britfer, small cross pattée within linear circle, +EADG.A.R R.X.:, rev<br />

legend in two lines, wedge style crosses separate lines, tri-pellets above and below, BRTL / ERMO, outer beaded<br />

border both sides, 0.98g (N.741; S.1129). Hairline crack, toned a pleasing very fine. £500<br />

Impressive Lincoln Mint Penny of Edward the Martyr<br />

AS020 Edward the Martyr (975-978), portrait Penny, Lincoln Mint, Moneyer Adelaver, crude diademed and<br />

draped bust left within linear circle, legend commences at lower right of obverse, +EADPEARE+ANGLO, L appears<br />

to be over inverted L, rev small cross pattée, linear circle surrounding, + ADELAVER MO LIND, 1.46g (N.763; S.1142).<br />

Toned, very fine and pleasing, rare. £4,750<br />

With old collector’s ticket c.1950 price paid quoted at £10/10/-<br />

AS021 Aethelred II (978-1016), Penny, CRVX type (c.991-997), London Mint, Moneyer Spetinc, draped bust left<br />

with sceptre, three pellet head, within linear circle, +ÆĐELRED REX ANGLORX, rev voided cross within linear circle,<br />

tiny pellet at centre, letters C R V X in each angle, legend surrounding, +SPETINC M-O LVN, 1.51g (BMC type IIIa; N.770;<br />

S.1148). Attractively toned, a bold very fine. £400<br />

Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879 38<br />

Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

AS022 Aethelred II, Penny, CRVX type (c.991-997), Maldon Mint, Moneyer Aelfwine, draped bust left with<br />

sceptre, three pellet head, within linear circle, +ÆĐELRED REX ANGL, rev voided cross within linear circle, tiny pellet<br />

at centre, letters C R V X in each angle, legend surrounding, +EL.FPINE M-O MÆLD, 1.43g (BMC type IIIa; N.770; S.1148).<br />

Small crack at centre, some peck marks on obverse, otherwise toned very fine and a scarce mint. £600<br />

ex R C Lockett, English part I, Glendining, 6-9 th June 1955, lot 683pt.<br />

Robert Seaman Collection, DNW, 28 th September 2006, lot 462<br />

AS023 Aethelred II, Penny, long cross type (c.997-1003), Bath Mint, Moneyer Wynstan, draped bust left, legend<br />

surrounding + ÆĐELRED REX ANGLORX, rev long voided cross with tri-crescent terminals, tiny pellet at centre, +PYNSTAN<br />

MO BAĐ, 1.69g (BMC type IVa; N.774; S.1151). Toned, peck marks both sides, more on reverse, very fine. £475<br />

With collector’s ticket dating to 1950 and priced at £2/15/-<br />

AS024 Aethelred II, Penny, long cross type(c.997-1003), Bath Mint, Moneyer Edstan, draped bust left,<br />

legend surrounding + ÆĐELRED REX ANGLO, rev long voided cross with tri-crescent terminals, tiny pellet at<br />

centre, +EDSTAN MΩO BAĐ, 1.70g (BMC type IVa; N.774; S.1151). Toned, peck marks both sides, more on reverse,<br />

almost very fine. £375<br />

With old Seaby ticket dating from 1946 priced at 12/6d retail<br />

AS025 Aethelred II, Penny, long cross type (c.997-1003), Gloucester Mint, Moneyer Leofsige, draped bust left,<br />

legend surrounding + ÆĐELRED REX ANGLO, rev long voided cross with tri-crescent terminals, tiny pellet at centre,<br />

+LEOFSIGE MO GLEA, 1.72g (BMC type IVa; N.774; S.1151). Attractively toned, good very fine, scarce. £750<br />

AS026 Aethelred II, Penny, helmet type (c.1003-1009), Worcester Mint, Moneyer Goda, armoured bust left<br />

with helmet, legend surrounding + ÆĐELRED REX ANGLO, rev long voided cross with tri-crescent terminals, pellet<br />

at centre, pyramid in each angle with trefoil apex, +GODA MΩO PIHR, 1.33g (BMC type VIII; N.775; S.1152). Tiny<br />

flan split at base of bust, strike on portrait a little blundered, some peck marks, dark uneven tone, perhaps artificial, about<br />

very fine and scarce. £750<br />

ex Seaby, 23 rd November 1961 for £4 sold to Commander R P Mack R.N.<br />

R P Mack Collection, SCBI 20 / 1006<br />

www.baldwin.co.uk 39<br />


Extremely Rare Cadbury Mint Penny<br />

AS027 Aethelred II, Penny, last small cross type (c.1009-1017), Cadbury Mint, Moneyer God, diademed and<br />

draped bust left within linear circle, + ÆĐELRED REX ANGLORVX, rev small cross pattée, linear circle surrounding, +<br />

GOD ON CADANBYRIN, 1.42g (BMC type I; N.777; S.1154). Weak on portrait and obverse legend, with some peck marks both<br />

sides, a little undulating, good fine / very fine and extremely rare. £4,750<br />

ex R C Lockett, English part I, Glendining, 6-9 th June 1955, lot 645 for £70<br />

AS028 Aethelred II, Penny, last small cross type (c.1009-1017), London Mint, Moneyer Leofwold, diademed<br />

and draped bust left within linear circle, legend commences at upper left of obverse, + EĐELRED REX ANG, rev<br />

small cross pattée, linear circle surrounding, + LIOFPOD MO LVND, 0.97g (BMC type I; N.777; S.1154). Light tone,<br />

very fine. £350<br />

AS029 Aethelred II, Penny, last small cross type (c.1009-1017), Winchester Mint, Moneyer Seolca, diademed<br />

and draped bust left within linear circle, legend commences at top, + ÆĐELRED REX ANGLOV, rev small cross<br />

pattée, Λ in field by linear circle surrounding, + SEOLCA ON PINCS, 1.42g (BMC type I; N.777; S.1154). A few<br />

peck marks, mainly on reverse, a pleasing portrait and unusual with the A in the reverse field perhaps indicative of an<br />

ecclesiastical issue, rare. £750<br />

AS030 Aethelred II, Penny, last small cross type (c.1009-1017), York Mint, Moneyer Thorstan, diademed and<br />

draped bust left within linear circle, legend commences at top, + EĐELRED REX ANGLORV, rev small cross pattée, linear<br />

circle surrounding, + ĐOR.STAN M-O EOFR, 1.47g (BMC type I; N.777; S.1154). A few peck marks each side, dark attractive<br />

tone, a pleasing very fine. £450<br />

AS031 Canute (1016-35), Penny, quatrefoil type (c.1017-23), Hertford Mint, Moneyer Wulfric, crowned and<br />

draped bust left within quatrefoil, legend commences at lower left, +CNVT REX ANGLOR, rev long voided cross<br />

with pellet centre and tri-crescent terminals, over quatrefoil with pellet on each cusp, +PVLFRIC ON HRFTO, 0.88g<br />

(BMC type VIII; N.781; S.1157). One peck mark on obverse, tiny flan split on rim, once cleaned, now lightly toned, about<br />

very fine. £500<br />

Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879 40<br />

Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

Extremely Rare Langport Mint Penny<br />

AS032 Canute, Penny, quatrefoil type (c.1017-23), Langport Mint, Moneyer Godwine, crowned and draped bust<br />

left within quatrefoil, legend commences at top, +CNVT REX ANGLOR:, rev long voided cross with pellet centre and tricrescent<br />

terminals, over quatrefoil with pellet on each cusp, +GODPINE O LAG, 0.98g (BMC type VIII; N.781; S.1157).<br />

Toned, a little undulating, very fine and extremely rare. £3,000<br />

AS033 Canute, Penny, quatrefoil type (c.1017-23), London Mint, Moneyer Godere, crowned and draped bust left<br />

within quatrefoil, legend commences at bottom, +CNVT REX ANGLORV:, rev long voided cross with pellet centre and<br />

tri-crescent terminals, over quatrefoil with pellet on each cusp, +GODERE ON LVND, 1.21g (BMC type VIII; N.781;<br />

S.1157). Toned, very fine. £375<br />

AS034 Canute, Penny, helmet type (1024-30), Stamford Mint, Moneyer Leofwine, helmeted bust left with sceptre,<br />

breaking linear circle at bottom, legend commences at top, +CNV.T RECX A., rev short voided cross with pellet and<br />

annulet centre, pellet with annulet in each angle, +LEOFPINE ON STAN:, 1.07g (BMC type VIII; N.781; S.1158). Some<br />

peck marks both sides, toned, very fine. £425<br />

Very Rare Watchet Mint Penny<br />

AS035 Canute, Penny, helmet type (1024-30), Watchet Mint, Moneyer Godchild, helmeted bust left with sceptre,<br />

breaking linear circle at bottom, legend commences at top, +CNVT: RECX A.N, rev short voided cross with pellet and<br />

annulet centre, pellet with annulet in each angle, +GOTCILD: ONN PECG:, 1.11g (BMC type VIII; N.781; S.1158). Slightly<br />

cracked, toned, a little double struck, otherwise about very fine and very rare. £1,250<br />

AS036 AS037<br />

AS036 Canute, Penny, short cross type (1029-35/6), Chichester Mint, Moneyer Aelfric, diademed bust<br />

left with sceptre, legend commences at top, +CNVT: RECX A.N, rev short voided cross with pellet and annulet<br />

centre, within linear circle, +ÆLFRIC ON CICEST, 1.02g (BMC type XVI; N.790; S.1159). Pitted, weak in parts,<br />

toned, about very fine. £250<br />

AS037 Canute, Penny, short cross type (1029-35/6), Hastings Mint, Moneyer Aelfwerd, diademed bust left<br />

with sceptre, legend commences at top, +CNV.T REX, rev short voided cross with pellet and annulet centre,<br />

within linear circle, +ÆLFPERD ON HES., 0.95g (BMC type XVI; N.790; S.1159). A few peck marks each side, light<br />

tone, very fine. £350<br />

www.baldwin.co.uk 41<br />


AS038 Canute, Penny, short cross type (1029-35/6), Stamford Mint, Moneyer Leofdaeg, diademed bust left<br />

with sceptre, legend commences at top, +CNV T RECX, rev short voided cross with pellet and annulet centre,<br />

within linear circle, +.L.EOFDÆN ON STA., 1.07g (BMC type XVI; N.790; S.1159). A little undulating, toned, a pleasing<br />

very fine. £450<br />

AS039 Harold Harefoot (1035-40), Penny, jewel cross type (Spring 1036-38), Oxford Mint, Moneyer Aelfwine,<br />

diademed bust left, legend commences at top, +HARO LD REX., rev cross of four ovals united by twin circles with a<br />

central pellet, + ÆL.FPINE ONN OCXE, 1.10g (BMC type I; N.802; S.1163). Toned, good very fine and rare. £2,500<br />

Pleasing Harthacanute Penny<br />

AS040 Harthacanute (1035-42), Penny, arm and sceptre type (Jun 1040-Jun 1042), London Mint, Moneyer<br />

Leofstan, diademed bust left with arm and sceptre, legend commences at top, +HARĐ CNV.T, rev pellet at centre of<br />

central compartment, pellet on each apex, over short voided cross with linear circle surrounding, +LEOFSTAN ON<br />

LVNDE:, 1.25g (BMC type II; N.811; S.1168). Toned, a pleasing very fine and rare in the full name of Harthacanute. £5,000<br />

AS041 AS042<br />

AS041 Edward the Confessor (1042-66), Penny, trefoil quadrilateral type (1046-48), London Mint, Moneyer<br />

Brumman, diademed bust left with sceptre, legend commences at top, +EDPERD REX A., rev pellet at centre of central<br />

compartment, trefoil of pellets on each apex, over short voided cross with linear circle surrounding, +BRVMMAN ON<br />

LVND, 0.93g (BMC type III; N.817; S.1174). Toned, very fine with a well-defined portrait. £500<br />

AS042 Edward the Confessor, Penny, small flan type (1048-50), London Mint, Moneyer Deorman, diademed<br />

bust left, legend commences at top, +EDNP RD E, rev voided cross with pellet centre, +DIREM.A ON LVN:, 0.83g (BMC<br />

type II; N.818; S.1175). Toned, very fine. £425<br />

AS043 Edward the Confessor, Penny, helmet type (1053-56), York Mint, Moneyer Arngrim, draped bust with<br />

helmet right holding sceptre, legend commences at top, +EDPA RDR., rev short voided cross with tri-crescent<br />

terminals, annulet at centre, extra annulet in field, +ARNGRIM ON EOFER, 1.36g (BMC type VII; N.825; S.1179). Toned,<br />

a nice very fine. £750<br />

Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879 42<br />

Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

AS044 AS045<br />

AS044 Edward the Confessor, Penny, sovereign / eagles type (1056-59), Hastings Mint, Moneyer Dunninc, King<br />

seated on throne looking right holding orb and long sceptre, legend commences at top, +EADPARD RECX ANGLOV, rev<br />

short voided cross within linear circle, eagle in each angle, +DVNNINC ON HAES., 1.30g (BMC type IX; N.827; S.1181).<br />

Toned a pleasing very fine. £750<br />

AS045 Edward the Confessor, Penny, sovereign / eagles type (1056-59), Lewes Mint, Moneyer Eadward, King<br />

seated on throne looking right holding orb and long sceptre, legend commences at top, +EADPARD REX ANGL:, rev<br />

short voided cross within linear circle, eagle in each angle, + EADPARD ONN LEP., 1.34g (BMC type IX; N.827; S.1181).<br />

Touch of verdigris on crown, weak in parts, otherwise toned, very fine. £575<br />

AS046 AS047<br />

AS046 Edward the Confessor, Penny, hammer cross type (1059-62), Hastings Mint, Moneyer Brid, crowned and<br />

draped bust right with sceptre, legend commences at top, +EADPA RD RE, rev pellet at centre of voided cross, hammer<br />

cross ends, +BRID ON HESTI, 1.22g (BMC type XI; N.828; S.1182). Toned, a bold very fine. £575<br />

AS047 Edward the Confessor, Penny, hammer cross type (1059-62), Lewes Mint, Moneyer Godwine, crowned<br />

and draped bust right with sceptre, legend commences at top, +EADPAR RD -XI, rev pellet at centre of voided cross,<br />

hammer cross ends, +GODPINE ON LEPE, 1.29g (BMC type XI; N.828; S.1182). Double struck on obverse therefore legend<br />

partially obscured, well struck on reverse as a consequence, good fine. £500<br />

AS048 Edward the Confessor, Penny, hammer cross type (1059-62), London Mint, Moneyer Wulfgar, crowned<br />

and draped bust right with sceptre, legend commences at top, +EADPA RD RE, rev pellet at centre of voided cross,<br />

hammer cross ends, +PVLFGAR ON LVNDE, 1.38g (BMC type XI; N.828; S.1182). Toned, good very fine. £575<br />

AS049 Edward the Confessor, Penny, hammer cross type (1059-62), Taunton Mint, Moneyer Brihtric,<br />

crowned and draped bust right with sceptre, legend commences at top, +EADPA RD RE, rev pellet at centre of<br />

voided cross, hammer cross ends, +BRIHRIC ON TANT, 1.35g (BMC type XI; N.828; S.1182). Toned, a bold very<br />

fine and very rare. £1,250<br />

AS050 Edward the Confessor, Penny, hammer cross type (1059-62), York Mint, Moneyer Othgrim, crowned and<br />

draped bust right with sceptre, legend commences at top, +EADPA RD REX, rev pellet at centre of voided cross, annulet<br />

in one angle, hammer cross ends, +OĐGRIM ON EOFRPI, 1.37g (BMC type XI; N.828; S.1182). Weak in parts, once cleaned<br />

with some light residual toning, otherwise about very fine. £375<br />

www.baldwin.co.uk 43<br />


Harold II Portrait Penny<br />

AS051 Harold II (1066), Penny, PAX type (6 th Jan.-14 th Oct. 1066), Thetford Mint, Moneyer Godwine, crowned<br />

bust left with sceptre, legend commences at top, +HAROLD REX ANGL:, rev PAX at centre between beaded lines, within<br />

beaded circle, legend commences at bottom, +GODPIN ON ĐEOT, 1.38g (BMC type I; N.836; S.1186). A little pitted both<br />

sides with some residual deposit, otherwise good fine and rare. £2,250<br />

AS052 William I (1066-87), Penny, profile left/cross fleury type (1066-68?), Romney Mint, Moneyer Wulfmaer,<br />

crowned bust left with sceptre, legend commences lower left, +ILLEMV REXI, rev cross fleury with pellet in annulet<br />

centre, linear circle surrounding, +PVLFMÆR ON RV, 1.29g (BMC 39-41, type I; N.839; S.1250). A little weak in parts,<br />

toned, very fine and very rare. £1,750<br />

ex Lord Grantley, 4 th Portion, Glendining, 20 th April 1944, lot 1,242pt.<br />

AS053 William I, Penny, two stars type (1074-77?), Taunton Mint, Moneyer Aelfwine, crowned facing bust, star<br />

either side, within linear circle, legend commences at top, +PILLEM REX ANG, rev annulet at centre of cross botonnée<br />

over quadrilateral with incurved sides, linear circle surrounding, +IELFPINE ON TIINII, 1.30g (BMC 371, type V; N.845;<br />

S.1254). A little double struck, about very fine, reverse better, rare. £1,500<br />

AS054 William I, Penny, PAXS type (1083?-86?), Bath Mint, Moneyer Osmaer, crowned facing bust with<br />

sceptre, crown type 3, breaking linear circle at bottom, legend commences lower left, +PILLELM REX, rev cross<br />

pattée, letters P A X S each within annulet in each angle, linear circle surrounding, +OSMIER ON BIIĐN, 1.35g (BMC<br />

505, type VIII; N.850; S.1257). Toned, well struck, good very fine. £1,250<br />

AS055 William I, Penny, PAXS type (1083?-86?), Hastings Mint, Moneyer Ciwinc, crowned facing bust with<br />

sceptre, crown type 1, breaking linear circle at bottom, legend commences lower left, +PILLELM REX, rev cross pattée,<br />

letters P A X S each within annulet in each angle, linear circle surrounding, +CIPINCC ON HIESTE, 1.39g (BMC 693, type<br />

VIII; N.848; S.1257). Very weak in parts of legend, toned, good fine. £750<br />

Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879 44<br />

Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

AS056 AS057<br />

AS056 William I, Penny, PAXS type (1083?-86?), London Mint, Moneyer Brihtwine, crowned facing bust with<br />

sceptre, crown type 1, breaking linear circle at bottom, legend commences lower left, +PILLELM REX, rev cross pattée,<br />

letters P A X S each within annulet in each angle, linear circle surrounding, +BRIHTPINE ON LNI, 1.41g (BMC 779/785,<br />

type VIII; N.848; S.1257). A little weak in parts, otherwise toned, very fine. £875<br />

AS057 William I, Penny, PAXS type (1083?-86?), Nottingham Mint, Moneyer Manna, crowned facing bust with<br />

sceptre, crown type 3, breaking linear circle at bottom, legend commences lower left, +PILLELM REX, rev cross pattée,<br />

letters P A X S each within annulet in each angle, linear circle surrounding, +MIIN ON SNOTICNE, 1.39g (BMC 855, type<br />

VIII; N.850; S.1257). Quite double struck, more so on reverse with blank parts to legend from double strike, otherwise about<br />

very fine and very rare. £1,750<br />

Extremely Rare Local Variant Winchcombe PAXS Penny<br />

AS058 William I, Penny, PAXS type (1083?-86?), Winchcombe Mint, Moneyer Goldwine, obverse engraved<br />

from local workmanship, crowned facing bust with sceptre, crown type 2, breaking linear circle at bottom, legend<br />

commences lower left, +PILELM REX, rev cross pattée, letters P A X S each within annulet in each angle, linear circle<br />

surrounding, +GOLDPINE ON PINCL, 1.35g (cf.BMC 1065, type VIII; N.849; S.1257). Tiny hairline crack at centre, dark<br />

tone, well struck, good very fine and extremely rare. £3,000<br />

ex Spink Numismatic circular, April 2004, item HS1589<br />

The workmanship of the obverse die is likely that of a local die-cutter and similar work to that found at Cardiff (BMC 582-4) and St. Davids (BMC<br />

883-90), unrecorded at Winchcombe.<br />

AS059 William I, Penny, PAXS type (1083?-86?), Winchester Mint, Moneyer Aestan, crowned facing bust with<br />

sceptre, crown type 1, breaking linear circle at bottom, legend commences lower left, +PILLELM REX, rev cross pattée,<br />

letters P A X S each within annulet in each angle, linear circle surrounding, +IESTIIN ON PINCI, 1.38g (BMC 1077, type<br />

VIII; N.848; S.1257). Struck from a rusted obverse die, with characteristic bubble texture, otherwise toned very fine. £450<br />

AS060 Henry I (1100-35), Penny, double inscription type (c.1115), London Mint, Moneyer Alfwine, crowned<br />

bust left with sceptre, quatrefoils in field, h-N----, rev small cross pattée at centre surrounded by beaded circle,<br />

two concentric inscriptions surrounding with linear circle divisions, outer inscription with quatrefoil in<br />

annulet stops, legend commences in outer circle -LF PIN EO, continues on inner circle +N LVNDE, 1.33g (BMC 76<br />

type XI; N.867; S.1272). V shaped edge imperfection, a bold portrait, reverse off-centre, toned, a bold very fine for issue<br />

and very rare. £1,750<br />

www.baldwin.co.uk 45<br />


Very Rare Taunton Mint Penny<br />

AS061 Henry I, Penny, pellets in quatrefoil type (c.1123), Taunton Mint, Moneyer Elfric, facing crowned bust<br />

with sceptre to left, star to right, beaded circle surrounding, +hENRICVS R:, rev quatrefoil with star at centre, pellets<br />

along limbs, lis in each angle, beaded circle surrounding, +EL----:ON TANTV, 1.33g (BMC -, type XIV; N.870; S.1275).<br />

Small official edge snick, attractively toned, a bold very fine and very rare. £2,500<br />

ex Reginald Huth, Sotheby, 4 th April 1927, lot 295 and plate V<br />

AS062 AS063<br />

AS062 Henry I, Penny, quatrefoil on cross fleury type (1125-c.1135), Winchester Mint, Moneyer Aelfric, ¾ facing<br />

crowned bust with sceptre to left, beaded circle surrounding, +hENRICVSS, rev quadrilateral with lis on each apex,<br />

over a cross fleury, beaded circle surrounding, +----VS:ON PIN:, 1.40g (BMC -/292, type XV; N.871; S.1276). Slightly<br />

bent, unusual obverse reading with double S to King’s name, otherwise double-struck, a bold fine. £250<br />

ex Pimprez Hoard, Beauvais, France, 2004, from groups of coins sold outside of auction.<br />

AS063 Henry I, Penny, quatrefoil on cross fleury type (1125-c.1135), Norwich Mint, Moneyer uncertain either<br />

Baldwin or Suneman, ¾ facing crowned bust with sceptre to left, beaded circle surrounding, +hENRIC--, rev<br />

quadrilateral with lis on each apex, over a cross fleury, beaded circle surrounding, +----N:ON: NOR--, 1.34g (BMC 285,<br />

type XV; N.871; S.1276). Severe flat spot in strike, slightly bent, visible detail good fine. £275<br />

ex Pimprez Hoard, Beauvais, France, 2004, from groups of coins sold outside of auction.<br />

AS064 Stephen (1135-54), Penny, cross moline “Watford” type (c.1136-45), Chester Mint, Moneyer Ravenspert,<br />

crowned bust right, beaded circle surrounding, +STIEFNE REX, rev cross moline with a fleur in each angle, beaded<br />

circle surrounding, +R----SPERT: ON CEST, 1.27g (BMC 22, type I; N.873; S.1278). Flat area in strike otherwise remaining<br />

detail good and clear, toned, very fine. £750<br />

AS065 AS066<br />

AS065 Stephen, Penny, cross moline “Watford” type (c.1136-45), uncertain Mint, possibly Chester, Moneyer<br />

probably Walter, crowned bust right, beaded circle surrounding, ---IEFNE--, rev cross moline with a fleur in each<br />

angle, beaded circle surrounding, +---ETIR: -N ----, 1.10g (BMC type I; N.873; S.1278). Flat parts to strike, fine. £200<br />

AS066 Stephen, Penny, cross moline “Watford” type (c.1136-45), Winchester Mint, Moneyer Roger, crowned bust<br />

right, beaded circle surrounding, STIEFNE:, rev cross moline with a fleur in each angle, beaded circle surrounding,<br />

+ROGIR: ON: PINCE:, 1.14g (BMC type I; N.873; S.1278). Slightly undulating, with light surface crack on reverse in undulation,<br />

otherwise almost very fine. £250<br />

Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879 46<br />

Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

AS067 Stephen, Penny, cross moline “Watford” type (c.1136-45), Norwich Mint, Moneyer Swetman,<br />

crowned bust right, beaded circle surrounding, S--EFNE:, rev cross moline with a fleur in each angle, beaded<br />

circle surrounding, +SVETM------NPI:, 1.06g (BMC type I; N.873; S.1278). Slight flan split, toned, flat in parts,<br />

nearly very fine. £250<br />

Rare Castle Rising Mint Penny<br />

AS068 Stephen, Penny, cross and piles type (c.1150-54), Castle Rising Mint, Moneyer Robert, crowned head<br />

left with sceptre, annulets on crown, no inner circle, +STIEFNE, rev cross fleury, piles in each angle with trefoil<br />

head, linear circle surrounding, +---DBERT:ON:RIS, 1.24g (BMC type VI; N.879; S.1281). Flan chip mostly on featureless<br />

area, one other tiny edge nick, otherwise toned, very fine for issue with a pleasing bust and rare. £3,500<br />

ex Spink Auction 141, March 2000, lot 179<br />

Spink Numismatic Circular, April 2006, item HS2279<br />

Very Rare Stephen Flag Type Penny of York<br />

AS069 Stephen, Penny, flag type, York issues, crowned and armoured bust right, flag and star in field,<br />

linear circle surrounding, +-TI—NE R, rev cross moline with a fleur in each angle, linear circle surrounding,<br />

mixed symbolic letter legend, 0.93g (cf.Mack 217; N.919; S.1313). Light crease with surface crack showing on<br />

reverse part, two rim nicks, otherwise toned, a bold very fine and pleasing for this very rare issue. £3,500<br />

ex Dix, Noonan and Webb, 26 th September 2007, lot 205<br />

Very Rare Baronial Issue Eustace Fitzjohn Penny<br />

AS070 Stephen, Penny, Eustace Fitzjohn (d. July 1157), type VII, Baronial Issue (c.1150) of York, Moneyer<br />

Thomas brother of Ulf, armoured knight with large sword right, ornament behind, linear circle around,<br />

legend commences at top, EVSTACIVS+ last letter reversed, rev cross pattée within quatrefoil, pellet in annulet<br />

on each cusp and within each spandrel, beaded circle surrounding, +T-MHS FILIUS VLF, 1.14g (Mack 223;<br />

N.929; S.1317). Large edge chip at top of obverse and corresponding part of reverse, dark tone, a little creased, scratch<br />

on obverse to right of sword hilt, otherwise very fine and very rare. £6,000<br />

ex Mark Rasmussen, List 18 number 33<br />

www.baldwin.co.uk 47<br />


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