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alleged desecration of the Holy Quran by a pastor in the US and the release of<br />

content on the internet that was considered blasphemous. Political parties,<br />

including one ruling in the Punjab, also held rallies against load-shedding and<br />

inflation, shifting the blame on the federal government in the centre. The Punjab<br />

chief minister also joined a demonstration in the city of Lahore to protest<br />

against prolonged load-shedding.<br />

Bans were imposed to curtail protests in the name of public order, although<br />

sometimes groups of citizens and political parties disregarded the bans. Through<br />

the course of the year protestors were arrested, beaten and even detained for<br />

peaceful assembly, ostensibly for holding up traffic by protesting on the roads.<br />

The right to peaceful assembly<br />

The country’s courts have often reiterated that holding demonstrations<br />

and exercising freedom of assembly are essential elements of a democratic<br />

set-up, and that such rights should be construed liberally. The courts have<br />

affirmed that the freedom of assembly cannot be abridged or construed as an<br />

offence of unlawful assembly. However, reasonable restrictions imposed under<br />

the law have also been acknowledged and accepted by the judiciary, most<br />

recently in verdicts cited in the year 2012 at 2012 PLD 681 SC and 2012 CLC<br />

714 SHC.<br />

Under sections 30-32 of the Police Act applicable in all provinces, the<br />

police are responsible for keeping public order in the streets, thoroughfares,<br />

etc., and assemblies/processions convened without a licence from the<br />

competent authority can be stopped or dispersed. While the general public<br />

aggrieved by one problem or another seldom sought permission for holding<br />

The Baloch organised large gatherings to demand return of the disappeared.<br />

133<br />

State of Human Rights in 2012

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