1987 Wetland Delineation Manual - The Wetlands Regulation Center

1987 Wetland Delineation Manual - The Wetlands Regulation Center

1987 Wetland Delineation Manual - The Wetlands Regulation Center


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<strong>Wetland</strong> Delination <strong>Manual</strong>, <strong>1987</strong> 78<br />

Basal area - <strong>The</strong> cross-sectional area of a tree trunk measured in square inches, square<br />

centimetres, etc. Basal area is normally measured at 4.5 ft above the ground level and is used<br />

as a measure of dominance. <strong>The</strong> most easily used tool for measuring basal area is a tape<br />

marked in square inches. When plotless methods are used, an angle gauge or prism will<br />

provide a means for rapidly determining basal area. This term is also applicable to the<br />

crosssectional area of a clumped herbaceous plant, measured at 1.0 in. above the soil surface.<br />

Bench mark - A fixed, more or less permanent reference point or object, the elevation of which<br />

is known. <strong>The</strong> US Geological Survey (USGS) installs brass caps in bridge abutments or<br />

otherwise permanently sets bench marks at convenient locations nationwide. <strong>The</strong> elevations<br />

on these marks are referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD), also<br />

commonly known as mean sea level (MSL). Locations of these bench marks on USGS<br />

quadrangle maps are shown as small triangles. However, the marks are sometimes destroyed<br />

by construction or vandalism. <strong>The</strong> existence of any bench mark should be field verified before<br />

planning work that relies on a particular reference point. <strong>The</strong> USGS and/or local state<br />

surveyor's office can provide information on the existence, exact location, and exact elevation<br />

of bench marks.<br />

Biennial - An event that occurs at 2-year intervals.<br />

Buried soil - A once-exposed soil now covered by an alluvial, loessal, or other deposit<br />

(including man-made).<br />

Canopy layer - <strong>The</strong> uppermost layer of vegetation in a plant community. In forested areas,<br />

mature trees comprise the canopy layer, while the tallest herbaceous species constitute the<br />

canopy layer in a marsh.<br />

Capillary fringe - A zone immediately above the water table (zero gauge pressure) in which<br />

water is drawn upward from the water table by capillary action.<br />

Chemical reduction - Any process by which one compound or ion acts as an electron donor.<br />

In such cases, the valence state of the electron donor is decreased.<br />

Chroma - <strong>The</strong> relative purity or saturation of a color; intensity of distinctive hue as related to<br />

grayness; one of the three variables of color.<br />

Comprehensive wetland determination - A type of wetland determination that is based on the<br />

strongest possible evidence, requiring the collection of quantitative data.<br />

Concretion - A local concentration of chemical compounds (e.g. calcium carbonate, iron<br />

oxide) in the form of a grain or nodule of varving size, shape, hardness, and color.<br />

Concretions of significance in hydric soils are usually iron and/or manganese oxides occurring<br />

at or near the soil surface, which develop under conditions of prolonged soil saturation.<br />

25 February 1997 Environmental Techncal Services Co. 834 Castle Ridge Rd Austin, Texas 78746

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