1987 Wetland Delineation Manual - The Wetlands Regulation Center

1987 Wetland Delineation Manual - The Wetlands Regulation Center

1987 Wetland Delineation Manual - The Wetlands Regulation Center


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<strong>Wetland</strong> Delination <strong>Manual</strong>, <strong>1987</strong> 56<br />

c. Herbs. Obtain the total cover for each herbaceous and woody seedling species identified in<br />

STEP 9c. Total cover is obtained by using the midpoints of the cover class range assigned to<br />

each species (only one estimate of cover is made for a species in a given plot). Rank herbs and<br />

woody seedlings in descending order of dominance based on percent cover. Complete DATA<br />

FORM 2 for the herbaceous layer.<br />

d. Woody vines (lianas). Obtain the total number of individuals of each species of woody<br />

vine identified in STEP 9d. Rank the species in descending order of dominance based on<br />

number of stems. Complete DATA FORM 2 for the woody vine layer. PROCEED TO STEP<br />

11.<br />

• STEP 11 - Characterize Soil. If a soil survey is available (Section B), the soil type may<br />

already be known. Have a soil scientist confirm that the soil type is correct, and determine<br />

whether the soil series is a hydric soil (Appendix D, Section 2). CAUTION: Mapping units on<br />

soil surveys sometimes have inclusions of soil series or phases not shown on the soil survey<br />

map, If a hydric soil type is confirmed, record on DATA FORM I and PROCEED TO STEP<br />

12. If not, dig a soil pit using a soil auger or spade (See Appendix D, Section 1) and look for<br />

indicators of hydric soils immediately below the A-horizon or 10 inches (whichever is<br />

shallower) (PART III, paragraphs 44 and/or 45). Record findings on DATA FORM 1.<br />


• STEP 12 - Characterize Hydrology. Examine the observation point for indicators of wetland<br />

hydrology (PART III, paragraph 49), and record observations on DATA FORM 1. Consider<br />

indicators in the same sequence as listed in paragraph 49. PROCEED TO STEP 13.<br />

• STEP 13 - Determine Whether Hydrophytic Vegetation Is Present. Record the three<br />

dominant species from each vegetation layer (five species if only one or two layers are present)<br />

on DATA FORM 1.* Record all dominant species when less than three are present in a<br />

vegetation layer. Determine whether these species occur in wetlands by considering the<br />

following:<br />

a. More than 50 percent of the dominant plant species are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC** on<br />

lists of plant species that occur in wetlands. For the FAC-neutral option, see paragraph 35a.<br />

Record the indicator status of all dominant species (Appendix C, Section I or 2) on DATA<br />

FORM 1. Hydrophytic vegetation is present when the majority of the dominant species have<br />

an indicator status of OBL, FACW, or FAC. CAUTION: Not necessarily all plant communities<br />

composed of only FAC species are hydrophytic commnities. <strong>The</strong>y are hydrophytic<br />

communities only when positive indicators of hydric soils and wetland hydrology are also<br />

found. If this indicator is satisfied, complete the vegetation portion of DATA FORM 1 and<br />

PROCEED TO STEP 14. If not, consider other indicators of hydrophytic vegetation.<br />

b. Presence of adaptations for occurrence in wetlands. Do any of ihe-species listed on DATA<br />

FORM I have observed morphological or known physiological adaptations (Appendix C,<br />

25 February 1997 Environmental Techncal Services Co. 834 Castle Ridge Rd Austin, Texas 78746

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