Reoviruses,Rotaviruses, & Caliciviruses

Reoviruses,Rotaviruses, & Caliciviruses

Reoviruses,Rotaviruses, & Caliciviruses


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<strong>Reoviruses</strong>, <strong>Rotaviruses</strong>,<br />

& <strong>Caliciviruses</strong><br />

<strong>Reoviruses</strong> are medium-sized viruses with a doublestranded,<br />

segmented RNA genome. The family includes<br />

human rotaviruses, the most important cause of infantile<br />

gastroenteritis around the world (Figure 37–1).<br />

Acute gastroenteritis is a very common disease with significant<br />

public health impact. In developing countries it<br />

is estimated to cause as many as 3.5 million deaths of<br />

preschool children annually. In the United States, acute<br />

gastroenteritis is second only to acute respiratory infections<br />

as a cause of disease in families.<br />

<strong>Caliciviruses</strong> are small viruses with a single-stranded<br />

RNA genome. The family contains Norwalk virus, the<br />

major cause of nonbacterial epidemic gastroenteritis<br />

worldwide.<br />


Important properties of reoviruses are summarized in<br />

Table 37–1.<br />

Structure & Composition<br />

The virions measure 60–80 nm in diameter and possess<br />

two concentric capsid shells, each of which is icosahedral.<br />

(<strong>Rotaviruses</strong> have a triple-layered structure.)<br />

<strong>Rotaviruses</strong> have 132 capsomeres; there is no envelope.<br />

Single-shelled virus particles that lack the outer capsid<br />

are 50–60 nm in diameter. The inner core of the particles<br />

is 33–40 nm in diameter (Figure 37–2). The double-shelled<br />

particle is the complete infectious form of<br />

the virus.<br />

The genome consists of double-stranded RNA in<br />

10–12 discrete segments with a total genome size of<br />

16–27 kbp, depending on the genus. <strong>Rotaviruses</strong> contain<br />

11 genome segments, whereas orthoreoviruses and<br />

orbiviruses each possess ten segments and coltiviruses<br />

have 12 segments. The individual RNA segments vary<br />

in size from 680 bp (rotavirus) to 3900 bp (orthoreovirus).<br />

The virion core contains several enzymes<br />

needed for transcription and capping of viral RNAs.<br />

<strong>Reoviruses</strong> are unusually stable to heat, to a 3.0–9.0<br />

range of pH, and to lipid solvents, but they are inacti-<br />

504<br />

37<br />

vated by 95% ethanol, phenol, and chlorine. Limited<br />

treatment with proteolytic enzymes increases infectivity.<br />

Classification<br />

The family Reoviridae is divided into nine genera. Four<br />

of the genera are able to infect humans and animals:<br />

Orthoreovirus, Rotavirus, Coltivirus, and Orbivirus. Four<br />

other genera infect only plants and insects, and one<br />

infects fish.<br />

There are at least three major subgroups and nine<br />

serotypes of human rotaviruses. Strains of human and<br />

animal origin may fall in the same serotype. Five other<br />

serotypes are found only in animals. Three different<br />

serotypes of reovirus are recognized, along with about 100<br />

different orbivirus serotypes and two coltivirus serotypes.<br />

Reovirus Replication<br />

Viral particles attach to specific receptors on the cell surface<br />

(Figure 37–3). The cell attachment protein for<br />

reoviruses is the viral hemagglutinin (σ1 protein), a<br />

minor component of the outer capsid.<br />

After attachment and penetration, uncoating of virus<br />

particles occurs in lysosomes in the cell cytoplasm. Only<br />

the outer shell of the virus is removed, and a core-associated<br />

RNA transcriptase is activated. This transcriptase<br />

transcribes mRNA molecules from the minus strand of<br />

each genome double-stranded RNA segment contained<br />

in the intact core. The functional mRNA molecules correspond<br />

in size to the genome segments. Reovirus cores<br />

contain all enzymes necessary for transcribing, capping,<br />

and extruding the mRNAs from the core, leaving the<br />

double-stranded RNA genome segments inside.<br />

Once extruded from the core, the mRNAs are translated<br />

into primary gene products. Some of the fulllength<br />

transcripts are encapsidated to form immature<br />

virus particles. A viral replicase is responsible for synthesizing<br />

negative-sense strands to form the doublestranded<br />

genome segments. This replication to form<br />

progeny double-stranded RNA occurs in partially completed<br />

core structures. The mechanisms that ensure

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Unknown<br />

Bacteria<br />

Adenovirus<br />

Astrovirus<br />

Calicivirus<br />

Rotavirus<br />

assembly of the correct complement of genome segments<br />

into a developing viral core are unknown. Viral<br />

polypeptides probably self-assemble to form the inner<br />

and outer capsid shells.<br />

<strong>Reoviruses</strong> produce inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm<br />

in which virus particles are found. These viral factories<br />

are closely associated with tubular structures<br />

(microtubules and intermediate filaments). Rotavirus<br />

morphogenesis involves budding of single-shelled particles<br />

into the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The “pseudoenvelopes”<br />

so acquired are then removed and the<br />

outer capsids are added (Figure 37–3). This unusual<br />

pathway is utilized because the major outer capsid protein<br />

is glycosylated.<br />

Cell lysis results in release of progeny virions.<br />


<strong>Rotaviruses</strong> are a major cause of diarrheal illness in<br />

human infants and young animals, including calves and<br />


Unknown<br />

Parasites<br />

Other bacteria<br />

Toxigenic<br />

Escherichia coli<br />

Astrovirus<br />

Adenovirus<br />

Calicivirus<br />

Developed countries Developing countries<br />

Rotavirus<br />

Figure 37–1. An estimate of the role of etiologic agents in severe diarrheal illnesses requiring hospitalization of<br />

infants and young children in developed countries (left) and in developing countries (right). (Reproduced, with permission,<br />

from Kapikian AZ: Viral gastroenteritis. JAMA 1993;269:627.)<br />

Table 37–1. Important properties of reoviruses.<br />

Virion: Icosahedral, 60–80 nm in diameter, double capsid shell<br />

Composition: RNA (15%), protein (85%)<br />

Genome: Double-stranded RNA, linear, segmented (10–12<br />

segments); total genome size 16–27 kbp<br />

Proteins: Nine structural proteins; core contains several<br />

enzymes<br />

Envelope: None (transient pseudoenvelope is present<br />

during rotavirus particle morphogenesis)<br />

Replication: Cytoplasm; virions not completely uncoated<br />

Outstanding characteristics:<br />

Genetic reassortment occurs readily<br />

<strong>Rotaviruses</strong> are the major cause of infantile diarrhea<br />

<strong>Reoviruses</strong> are good models for molecular studies of viral<br />

pathogenesis<br />

piglets. Infections in adult humans and animals are also<br />

common. Among rotaviruses are the agents of human<br />

infantile diarrhea, Nebraska calf diarrhea, epizootic<br />

diarrhea of infant mice, and SA11 virus of monkeys.<br />

<strong>Rotaviruses</strong> resemble reoviruses in terms of morphology<br />

and strategy of replication.<br />

Figure 37–2. Electron micrograph of a negatively<br />

stained preparation of human rotavirus. (D, doubleshelled<br />

particles; S, single-shelled particles; E, empty<br />

capsids; i, fragment of inner shell; io, fragments of a<br />

combination of inner and outer shell.) Inset: Singleshelled<br />

particles obtained by treatment of the viral<br />

preparation with sodium dodecyl sulfate. Bars, 50 nm.<br />

(Courtesy of J Esparza and F Gil.)

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506 / CHAPTER 37<br />

Viroplasm VP1,2,3,6<br />

NSP2,5<br />

Double-shelled virus<br />

Cell<br />

lysis<br />

RER<br />

Nucleus<br />

Transient enveloped<br />

particle<br />

Envelope<br />

removal<br />

Classification & Antigenic Properties<br />

<strong>Rotaviruses</strong> have been classified into five groups (A–E)<br />

based on antigenic epitopes on the internal structural<br />

protein VP6. These can be detected by immunofluorescence,<br />

ELISA, and immune electron microscopy (IEM).<br />

Group A rotaviruses are the most frequent human<br />

pathogens. Outer capsid proteins VP4 and VP7 carry epitopes<br />

important in neutralizing activity, with VP7 glycoprotein<br />

being the predominant antigen. These typespecific<br />

antigens differentiate among rotaviruses and are<br />

demonstrable by Nt tests. Multiple serotypes have been<br />

identified among human and animal rotaviruses. Some<br />

animal and human rotaviruses share serotype specificity.<br />

For example, monkey virus SA11 is antigenically very<br />

similar to human serotype 3. The gene-coding assignments<br />

responsible for the structural and antigenic specificities<br />

of rotavirus proteins are shown in Figure 37–4.<br />

?<br />

Assembly of single-shelled particles<br />

?<br />

Ca 2+<br />

Progeny virions<br />

Lysosome<br />

VP4<br />

?<br />

NSP<br />

7M G<br />

7M G<br />

Translation<br />

VP1,2,3,4,6,7<br />

NSP1,2,3,5<br />

RER<br />

Molecular epidemiologic studies have analyzed isolates<br />

based on differences in the migration of the 11<br />

genome segments following electrophoresis of the RNA<br />

in polyacrylamide gels (Figure 37–5). These differences<br />

in electropherotypes can be used to differentiate group<br />

A viruses from other groups, but they cannot be used to<br />

predict serotypes.<br />

Animal Susceptibility<br />

Infecting virus<br />

Single-shelled<br />

particle<br />

7MG 7MG 7MG 7MG NSP3<br />

VP7<br />

mRNA<br />

Figure 37–3. Overview of the rotavirus replication cycle. (Reproduced, with permission, from Estes MK: <strong>Rotaviruses</strong><br />

and their replication. In: Fields Virology, 3rd ed. Fields BN et al [editors]. Lippincott-Raven, 1996.)<br />

NSP4<br />

<strong>Rotaviruses</strong> have a wide host range. Most isolates have<br />

been recovered from newborn animals with diarrhea.<br />

Cross-species infections can occur in experimental inoculations,<br />

but it is not clear if they occur in nature. Swine<br />

rotavirus infects both newborn and weanling piglets.<br />

Newborns often exhibit subclinical infection due perhaps<br />

to the presence of maternal antibody, whereas overt<br />

disease is more common in weanling animals.<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />


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RNA<br />

segment Protein<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

Propagation in Cell Culture<br />

<strong>Rotaviruses</strong> are fastidious agents to culture. Most group<br />

A human rotaviruses can be cultivated if pretreated with<br />

the proteolytic enzyme trypsin and if low levels of<br />

trypsin are included in the tissue culture medium. This<br />

cleaves an outer capsid protein and facilitates uncoating.<br />

Very few non-group A rotavirus strains have been cultivated.<br />

Pathogenesis<br />

VP1<br />

VP2<br />

VP3<br />

VP4<br />

NSP1<br />

VP6<br />

NSP2<br />

NSP3<br />

VP7<br />

NSP4<br />

NSP5<br />

<strong>Rotaviruses</strong> infect cells in the villi of the small intestine<br />

(gastric and colonic mucosa are spared). They multiply<br />

in the cytoplasm of enterocytes and damage their transport<br />

mechanisms. One of the rotavirus-encoded proteins,<br />

NSP4, is a viral enterotoxin and induces secretion<br />

by triggering a signal transduction pathway. Damaged<br />

cells may slough into the lumen of the intestine and<br />

release large quantities of virus, which appear in the<br />

stool (up to 10 10 particles per gram of feces). Viral<br />

excretion usually lasts 2–12 days in otherwise healthy<br />

patients but may be prolonged in those with poor nutrition.<br />

Diarrhea caused by rotaviruses may be due to<br />

impaired sodium and glucose absorption as damaged<br />

cells on villi are replaced by nonabsorbing immature<br />


VP2<br />

VP4,<br />

neutralization<br />

antigen<br />

VP6,<br />

subgroup<br />

antigen<br />

VP7,<br />

neutralization<br />

antigen<br />

Subcore<br />

Figure 37–4. Gene-coding assignments for antigenic specificities of rotavirus proteins. Shown on the left are the<br />

genome RNA segments and the encoded protein products. In the center is a schematic representation of the complete<br />

rotavirus particle with the location of the structural proteins in the different shells indicated.The figure on the<br />

right shows the three-dimensional structure of a virus particle. A complete particle is drawn on the left half; the<br />

structure on the right half has part of the outer and inner shells removed to show the middle and inner shells. (Reproduced<br />

from Estes MK: <strong>Rotaviruses</strong> and their replication. In: Fields Virology, 3rd ed. Fields BN et al [editors]. Lippincott-Raven,<br />

1996. Modified from Conner ME, Matson DO, Estes MK: Rotavirus vaccines and vaccination potential. Curr Top Microbiol<br />

Immunol 1994;185:285, with an unpublished structure of BVV Prasad and A Shaw.)<br />

crypt cells. It may take 3–8 weeks for normal function<br />

to be restored.<br />

Clinical Findings & Laboratory Diagnosis<br />

<strong>Rotaviruses</strong> cause the major portion of diarrheal illness<br />

in infants and children worldwide but not in adults<br />

(Table 37–2). There is an incubation period of 1–3<br />

days. Typical symptoms include watery diarrhea, fever,<br />

abdominal pain, and vomiting, leading to dehydration.<br />

In infants and children, severe loss of electrolytes and<br />

fluids may be fatal unless treated. Patients with milder<br />

cases have symptoms for 3–8 days and then recover<br />

completely. However, viral excretion in the stool may<br />

persist up to 50 days after onset of diarrhea. Asymptomatic<br />

infections, with seroconversion, occur. In children<br />

with immunodeficiencies, rotavirus can cause severe and<br />

prolonged disease.<br />

Adult contacts may be infected, as evidenced by seroconversion,<br />

but they rarely exhibit symptoms, and virus<br />

is infrequently detected in their stools. A common source<br />

of infection is contact with pediatric cases. However, epidemics<br />

of severe disease have occurred in adults, especially<br />

in closed populations, as in a geriatric ward. Group<br />

B rotaviruses have been implicated in large outbreaks of<br />

severe gastroenteritis in adults in China (Table 37–2).

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508 / CHAPTER 37<br />

Figure 37–5. Electrophoretic profiles of rotavirus RNA<br />

segments.Viral RNAs were electrophoresed in 10%<br />

polyacrylamide gels and visualized by silver stain. Different<br />

rotavirus groups and RNA patterns are illustrated:<br />

a group A monkey virus (SA11; lane A), a group A<br />

human rotavirus (lane B), a group B human adult diarrhea<br />

virus (lane C), and a group A rabbit virus that<br />

exhibits a “short” RNA pattern (lane D). <strong>Rotaviruses</strong> contain<br />

11 genome RNA segments, but sometimes two or<br />

three segments migrate closely together and are difficult<br />

to separate. (Photograph provided by T Tanaka and<br />

MK Estes.)<br />

Laboratory diagnosis rests on demonstration of virus<br />

in stool collected early in the illness and on a rise in antibody<br />

titer. Virus in stool is demonstrated by IEM, latex<br />

agglutination tests, or ELISA. Genotyping of rotavirus<br />

nucleic acid from stool specimens by the polymerase<br />

chain reaction is the most sensitive detection method.<br />

Serologic tests can be used to detect an antibody titer<br />

rise, particularly ELISA.<br />

Epidemiology & Immunity<br />

<strong>Rotaviruses</strong> are the single most important worldwide<br />

cause of gastroenteritis in young children. Estimates<br />

range from 3 billion to 5 billion for annual diarrheal<br />

episodes in children under 5 years of age in Africa, Asia,<br />

and Latin America, resulting in as many as 5 million<br />

deaths. Developed countries have a high morbidity rate<br />

but a low mortality rate. Typically, up to 50% of cases of<br />

acute gastroenteritis of hospitalized children throughout<br />

the world are caused by rotaviruses.<br />

Rotavirus infections usually predominate during the<br />

winter season. Symptomatic infections are most common<br />

in children between ages 6 months and 2 years,<br />

and transmission appears to be by the fecal-oral route.<br />

Nosocomial infections are frequent.<br />

<strong>Rotaviruses</strong> are ubiquitous. By age 3 years, 90% of<br />

children have serum antibodies to one or more types.<br />

This high prevalence of rotavirus antibodies is maintained<br />

in adults, suggesting subclinical reinfections by<br />

the virus. Rotavirus reinfections are common; it has<br />

been shown that young children can suffer up to five<br />

reinfections by 2 years of age. Asymptomatic infections<br />

are more common with successive reinfections. Local<br />

immune factors, such as secretory IgA or interferon,<br />

may be important in protection against rotavirus infection.<br />

Asymptomatic infections are common in infants<br />

before age 6 months, the time during which protective<br />

maternal antibody acquired passively by newborns<br />

should be present. Such neonatal infection does not prevent<br />

reinfection, but it does protect against the development<br />

of severe disease during reinfection.<br />

Treatment & Control<br />

Treatment of gastroenteritis is supportive, to correct the<br />

loss of water and electrolytes that may lead to dehydration,<br />

acidosis, shock, and death. Management consists<br />

of replacement of fluids and restoration of electrolyte<br />

balance either intravenously or orally, as feasible. The<br />

infrequent mortality from infantile diarrhea in developed<br />

countries is due to routine use of effective replacement<br />

therapy.<br />

In view of the fecal-oral route of transmission, wastewater<br />

treatment and sanitation are significant control<br />

measures.<br />

An oral live attenuated rhesus-based rotavirus vaccine<br />

was licensed in the United States in 1998 for vaccination<br />

of infants. It was withdrawn a year later because of reports<br />

of intussusception (bowel blockages) as an uncommon<br />

but serious side effect associated with the vaccine. A safe<br />

and effective vaccine remains the best hope for reducing<br />

the worldwide burden of rotavirus disease.<br />


The viruses of this genus, which have been studied most<br />

thoroughly by molecular biologists, are not known to<br />

cause human disease.<br />

Classification & Antigenic Properties<br />

<strong>Reoviruses</strong> are ubiquitous, with a very wide host range.<br />

Three distinct but related types of reovirus have been

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Table 37–2. Viruses associated with acute gastroenteritis in humans. 1<br />

Important as a<br />

Size Cause of<br />

Virus (nm) Epidemiology Hospitalization<br />

<strong>Rotaviruses</strong><br />

Group A 60–80 Single most important cause (viral or bacterial) of endemic Yes<br />

severe diarrheal illness in infants and young children worldwide<br />

(in cooler months in temperate climates).<br />

Group B 60–80 Outbreaks of diarrheal illness in adults and children in China. No<br />

Group C 60–80 Sporadic cases and occasional outbreaks of diarrheal illness<br />

in children.<br />

No<br />

Enteric adenovirus<br />

<strong>Caliciviruses</strong><br />

70–90 Second most important viral agent of endemic diarrheal illness<br />

of infants and young children worldwide.<br />

Yes<br />

Norwalk 27–40 Important cause of outbreaks of vomiting and diarrheal illness<br />

in older children and adults in families, communities, and<br />

institutions; frequently associated with ingestion of food.<br />

No<br />

Sapporo 27–40 Sporadic cases and occasional outbreaks of diarrheal illness<br />

in infants, young children, and the elderly.<br />

No<br />

Astroviruses 28–30 Sporadic cases and occasional outbreaks of diarrheal illness<br />

in infants, young children, and the elderly.<br />

No<br />

1 Modified from Kapikian AZ: Viral gastroenteritis. JAMA 1993;269:627.<br />

recovered from many species and are demonstrable by<br />

Nt and HI tests. <strong>Reoviruses</strong> contain a hemagglutinin for<br />

human O or bovine erythrocytes.<br />

Epidemiology<br />

<strong>Reoviruses</strong> cause many inapparent infections, because<br />

most people have serum antibodies by early adulthood.<br />

Antibodies are also present in other species. All three<br />

types have been recovered from healthy children, from<br />

young children during outbreaks of minor febrile illness,<br />

from children with diarrhea or enteritis, and from<br />

chimpanzees with epidemic rhinitis.<br />

Human volunteer studies have failed to demonstrate<br />

a clear cause-and-effect relationship of reoviruses to<br />

human illness. In inoculated volunteers, reovirus is<br />

recovered far more readily from feces than from the nose<br />

or throat. An association of reovirus type 3 with biliary<br />

atresia in infants has been suggested.<br />

Pathogenesis<br />

<strong>Reoviruses</strong> have become important model systems for<br />

the study of the pathogenesis of viral infection at the<br />

molecular level. Defined recombinants from two<br />

reoviruses with differing pathogenic phenotypes are<br />


used to infect mice. Segregation analysis is then used to<br />

associate particular features of pathogenesis with specific<br />

viral genes and gene products. The pathogenic properties<br />

of reoviruses are primarily determined by the protein<br />

species found on the outer capsid of the virion.<br />


Orbiviruses are a genus within the reovirus family. They<br />

commonly infect insects, and many are transmitted by<br />

insects to vertebrates. About 100 serotypes are known.<br />

None of these viruses cause serious clinical disease in<br />

humans, but they may cause mild fevers. Serious animal<br />

pathogens include bluetongue virus of sheep and<br />

African horse sickness virus. Antibodies to orbiviruses<br />

are found in many vertebrates, including humans.<br />

The genome consists of ten segments of doublestranded<br />

RNA, with a total genome size of 18 kbp. The<br />

replicative cycle is similar to that of reoviruses.<br />

Orbiviruses are sensitive to low pH, in contrast with the<br />

general stability of other reoviruses.<br />


In addition to rotaviruses and noncultivable adenoviruses,<br />

members of the family Caliciviridae are impor-

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510 / CHAPTER 37<br />

tant agents of viral gastroenteritis in humans. The most<br />

significant member is Norwalk virus. Properties of caliciviruses<br />

are summarized in Table 37–3.<br />

Classification & Antigenic Properties<br />

<strong>Caliciviruses</strong> are similar to picornaviruses but are<br />

slightly larger (27–40 nm) and contain a single major<br />

structural protein. They exhibit a distinctive morphology<br />

in the electron microscope (Figure 37–6). The family<br />

Caliciviridae is divided into four genera: Norovirus,<br />

which includes the Norwalk viruses; Sapovirus, which<br />

includes the Sapporo-like viruses; Lagovirus, the rabbit<br />

hemorrhagic disease virus; and Vesivirus, which includes<br />

vesicular exanthem virus of swine, feline calicivirus, and<br />

marine viruses found in pinnipeds, whales, and fish.<br />

The first two genera contain human viruses that cannot<br />

be cultured; the latter two genera contain only animal<br />

strains that can be grown in vitro. Rabbit hemorrhagic<br />

disease virus was introduced in 1995 in Australia as a<br />

biologic control agent to reduce that country’s population<br />

of wild rabbits.<br />

Historically, the Norwalk viruses were referred to as<br />

“small round structured viruses” based on their detection<br />

by electron microscopy.<br />

Human calicivirus serotypes are not defined. The<br />

Norwalk viruses are subdivided into two genogroups.<br />

Clinical Findings & Laboratory Diagnosis<br />

Norwalk virus is the most important cause of epidemic<br />

viral gastroenteritis in adults (Table 37–2). Epidemic<br />

nonbacterial gastroenteritis is characterized by (1)<br />

absence of bacterial pathogens; (2) gastroenteritis with<br />

rapid onset and recovery and relatively mild systemic<br />

signs; and (3) an epidemiologic pattern of a highly communicable<br />

disease that spreads rapidly with no particular<br />

predilection in terms of age or geography. Various<br />

Table 37–3. Important properties of caliciviruses.<br />

Virion: Icosahedral, 27–40 nm in diameter; cup-like depressions<br />

on capsid surface<br />

Genome: Single-stranded RNA, linear, positive-sense, nonsegmented;<br />

7.4–8.3 kb in size; contains genome-linked protein<br />

(VPg)<br />

Proteins: Polypeptides cleaved from a precursor polyprotein;<br />

capsid is composed of a single protein<br />

Envelope: None<br />

Replication: Cytoplasm<br />

Outstanding characteristics:<br />

Norwalk viruses are major cause of nonbacterial epidemic<br />

gastroenteritis<br />

Human viruses are noncultivable<br />

descriptive terms have been used in reports of different<br />

outbreaks (eg, epidemic viral gastroenteritis, viral diarrhea,<br />

winter vomiting disease) depending on the predominant<br />

clinical feature.<br />

Norwalk viral gastroenteritis has an incubation period<br />

of 24–48 hours. Onset is rapid, and the clinical course is<br />

brief, lasting 12–60 hours; symptoms include diarrhea,<br />

nausea, vomiting, low-grade fever, abdominal cramps,<br />

headache, and malaise. The illness can be incapacitating<br />

during the symptomatic phase, but hospitalization is<br />

rarely required. Norwalk infections are more likely to<br />

induce vomiting than those with Sapporo-like viruses.<br />

Dehydration is the most common complication in the<br />

young and elderly. No sequelae have been reported.<br />

Volunteer experiments have clearly shown that the<br />

appearance of Norwalk virus coincides with clinical illness.<br />

Antibody develops during the illness and is usually<br />

protective on a short-term basis against reinfection with<br />

the same agent. Long-term immunity does not correspond<br />

well to the presence of serum antibodies. Some<br />

volunteers can be reinfected with the same virus after<br />

about 2 years.<br />

Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction is<br />

the most widely used technique for detection of human<br />

caliciviruses in clinical specimens (feces, vomitus) and<br />

environmental samples (contaminated food, water).<br />

Because of the genetic diversity among circulating<br />

strains, the choice of polymerase chain reaction primer<br />

pairs is very important.<br />

Electron microscopy is frequently used to detect<br />

virus particles in stool samples. However, Norwalk virus<br />

particles are usually present in low concentration and<br />

are difficult to recognize; they should be identified by<br />

immunoelectron microscopy. ELISA immunoassays<br />

based on recombinant virus-like particles can detect<br />

antibody responses, with a fourfold or greater rise in<br />

IgG antibody titer in acute and convalescent-phase sera<br />

indicative of a recent infection. However, the necessary<br />

reagents are not widely available, and the antigens are<br />

not able to detect responses to all antigenic types of<br />

Norwalk virus.<br />

Epidemiology & Immunity<br />

Human caliciviruses have worldwide distribution. Norwalk<br />

viruses are the most common cause of nonbacterial<br />

gastroenteritis in the United States, causing an estimated<br />

23 million cases annually.<br />

The viruses are most often associated with epidemic<br />

outbreaks of waterborne, food-borne, and shellfish-associated<br />

gastroenteritis. Community outbreaks can occur<br />

in any season. All age groups can be affected. Outbreaks<br />

occur throughout the year, with a seasonal peak during<br />

cooler months. Most outbreaks involve food-borne or<br />

person-to-person transmission.

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Figure 37–6. Electron micrographs of virus particles found in stools of patients with gastroenteritis.These viruses<br />

were visualized following negative staining. Specific viruses and the original magnifications of the micrographs are<br />

as follows. A: Rotavirus (185,000 ×). B: Enteric adenovirus (234,000 ×). C: Coronavirus (249,000 ×). D: Torovirus (coronavirus)<br />

(249,000 ×). E: Calicivirus (250,000 ×). F: Astrovirus (196,000 ×). G: Norwalk virus (calicivirus) (249,000 ×).<br />

H: Parvovirus (249,000 ×).The electron micrographs in panels C–H were originally provided by T Flewett; panel E was<br />

originally obtained from CR Madeley. Bars, 100 nm. (Reproduced, with permission, from Graham DY, Estes MK: Viral infections<br />

of the intestine. Pages 566–578 in: Principles and Practice of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Gitnick G et al [editors].<br />

Elsevier Science Publishing Co., 1988.)

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512 / CHAPTER 37<br />

Characteristics of Norwalk virus include a low infectious<br />

dose (as few as 10 virus particles), relative stability<br />

in the environment, and multiple modes of transmission.<br />

It survives 10 ppm chlorine and heating to 60 °C;<br />

it can be maintained in steamed oysters.<br />

Fecal-oral spread is probably the primary means of<br />

transmission of Norwalk virus. During a 5-year period<br />

in the United States (1996–2000), food was implicated<br />

in 39% of outbreaks of Norwalk gastroenteritis, personto-person<br />

contact in 12%, and water in 3%, with the<br />

source in 18% unknown.<br />

Outbreaks of Norwalk gastroenteritis occur in multiple<br />

settings. In the same 5-year period as above, 39%<br />

occurred in restaurants, 29% in nursing homes and hospitals,<br />

12% in schools and daycare centers, 10% in vacation<br />

settings, including cruise ships, and 9% in other<br />

settings.<br />

No in vitro neutralization assay is available to study<br />

immunity. Volunteer challenge studies have shown that<br />

about 50% of adults are susceptible to illness. Norwalk<br />

virus antibody is acquired later in life than rotavirus<br />

antibody, which develops early in childhood. In developing<br />

countries, most children have developed Norwalk<br />

virus antibodies by 4 years of age.<br />

Treatment & Control<br />

Treatment is symptomatic. The low infectious dose permits<br />

efficient transmission of the virus. Because of the<br />

infectious nature of the stools, care should be taken in<br />

their disposal. Effective hand washing can decrease<br />

transmission in family or institutional settings. Careful<br />

processing of food is important, as many food-borne<br />

outbreaks occur. Purification of drinking water and<br />

swimming pool water should decrease Norwalk virus<br />

outbreaks. There is no vaccine.<br />


Astroviruses are about 28–30 nm in diameter and<br />

exhibit a distinctive morphology in the electron microscope<br />

(Figure 37–6). They contain single-stranded, positive-sense<br />

RNA, 6.8–7.9 kb in size. At least eight<br />

serotypes of human viruses are recognized by IEM and<br />

neutralization. Astroviruses cause diarrheal illness and<br />

may be shed in extraordinarily large quantities in feces.<br />

Astroviruses are transmitted by the fecal-oral route<br />

through contaminated food or water, person-to-person<br />

contact, or contaminated surfaces. They are recognized<br />

as pathogens for infants and children, elderly institutionalized<br />

patients, and immunocompromised persons<br />

(Table 37–2). They may be shed for prolonged periods<br />

by immunocompromised hosts.<br />


1. A 36-year-old man enjoyed a meal of raw oysters.<br />

Twenty-four hours later he became ill, with<br />

sudden onset of vomiting, diarrhea, and<br />

headache.The most likely cause of his gastroenteritis<br />

is<br />

(A) Astrovirus<br />

(B) Hepatitis A virus<br />

(C) Norwalk virus<br />

(D) Rotavirus, group A<br />

(E) Echovirus<br />

2. This virus is the most important cause of gastroenteritis<br />

in infants and young children. It<br />

causes infections that are often severe and may<br />

be life-threatening, especially in infants.<br />

(A) Echovirus<br />

(B) Norwalk virus<br />

(C) Rotavirus, group A<br />

(D) Orbivirus<br />

(E) Parvovirus<br />

3. An outbreak of epidemic gastroenteritis<br />

occurred at a wooded summer camp 24 hours<br />

after a party for visiting families. Some of the<br />

visiting parents became ill also. Samples taken 2<br />

weeks later from the well that was the source of<br />

drinking water at the camp were negative for<br />

fecal coliforms. The most likely source of the<br />

outbreak was<br />

(A) Mosquitoes or ticks, present in high numbers<br />

in the area<br />

(B) Contaminated food served at the party<br />

(C) A nearby stream used for fishing<br />

(D) A visiting parent who was developing<br />

pneumonia<br />

(E) The swimming pool<br />

4. This viral gastroenteritis agent has a segmented,<br />

double-stranded RNA genome and a doubleshelled<br />

capsid. It is a member of which virus<br />

family?<br />

(A) Adenoviridae<br />

(B) Astroviridae<br />

(C) Caliciviridae<br />

(D) Reoviridae<br />

(E) Coronaviridae<br />

5. Rotavirus and Norwalk virus are distinctly different<br />

viruses. However, they share which one of<br />

the following characteristics?<br />

(A) Fecal-oral mode of transmission<br />

(B) They mainly cause disease in infants and<br />

young children

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(C) They induce generally mild disease in<br />

young children<br />

(D) Infection patterns show no seasonal variation<br />

(E) A double-stranded RNA genome<br />

6. Because rotavirus infections can be serious, a vaccine<br />

would be beneficial. Which of the following<br />

is most correct regarding a rotavirus vaccine?<br />

(A) A killed human rotavirus group A vaccine is<br />

in use in the United States (2003)<br />

(B) A live attenuated vaccine was withdrawn<br />

from use because of reports of intussusception<br />

(1998)<br />

(C) Vaccine development is complicated by<br />

rapid antigenic variation by the virus<br />

(D) Available antiviral drugs make a vaccine<br />

unnecessary<br />

(E) Vaccine development is complicated<br />

because the virus cannot be grown in cell<br />

culture<br />


Answers<br />

1. C 4. D<br />

2. C 5. A<br />

3. B 6. B<br />


Glass RI et al: The epidemiology of rotavirus diarrhea in the United<br />

States: Surveillance and estimates of disease burden. J Infect<br />

Dis 1996;174(Suppl 1):S5.<br />

Green KY, Chanock RM, Kapikian AZ: Human caliciviruses. In:<br />

Fields Virology, 4th ed. Knipe DM et al (editors). Lippincott<br />

Williams & Wilkins, 2001.<br />

Kapikian AZ, Hoshino Y, Chanock RM: <strong>Rotaviruses</strong>. In: Fields<br />

Virology, 4th ed. Knipe DM et al (editors). Lippincott<br />

Williams & Wilkins, 2001.<br />

Monroe SS, Ando T, Glass RI (guest editors): International Workshop<br />

on Human <strong>Caliciviruses</strong>. J Infect Dis 2000;181<br />

(Supp12). [Entire issue.]<br />

Smith AW et al: Calicivirus emergence from ocean reservoirs:<br />

Zoonotic and interspecies movements. Emerg Infect Dis<br />


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