STIPENDIATI - Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija

STIPENDIATI - Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija

STIPENDIATI - Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija


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<strong>Latvijas</strong> <strong>Mākslas</strong> <strong>akadēmija</strong> jau otro gadu pēc kārtas realizē Eiropas Sociālā<br />

Fonda līdzfinansēto projektu „Atbalsts <strong>Latvijas</strong> <strong>Mākslas</strong> <strong>akadēmija</strong>s<br />

maģistra studiju programmai”. Projekta ietvaros maģistrantūras studenti<br />

konkursa kārtībā pretendē uz ESF mērķstipendijām. Šis finansiālais<br />

atbalsts dod iespēju studentam pilnībā nodoties studiju programmai,<br />

radošām iecerēm un pētniecībai. 2010./2011. studiju gadā<br />

stipendijas ieguva 22 studenti, no tiem maģistra grādu ieguva 20 studenti.<br />

Liels prieks par studentu labi paveiktajiem darbiem un novēlu veiksmes<br />

jaunajiem pretendentiem!<br />

LMA Rektors prof. Aleksejs Naumovs<br />

For the second consecutive year the Art Academy of Latvia carries out<br />

the project “Support for the Master’s Programme of the Art Academy of<br />

Latvia”, co-financed by the European Social Fund. Within the framework<br />

of the project Master programme students apply and compete for the<br />

ESF special purpose grants. This financial support enables the student<br />

to devote oneself fully to the studies, creative ideas and research. In the<br />

academic year of 2010/2011 the grants went to 22 students, and the<br />

Master’s degree was conferred on 20 students.<br />

I am extremely pleased with the students’ achievements and I wish success<br />

to the new applicants.<br />

Prof. Aleksejs Naumovs<br />

Rector of the AAL

Projektu līdzfinansē Eiropas Sociālais fonds<br />


01. Anna Afanasjeva<br />

02. Ilona Abiļeva<br />

03. Svens Kuzmins<br />

04. Elīna Kalniņa<br />

05. Ramona Buša<br />

06. Antra Priede<br />

07. Linda Vēbere<br />

08. Kristīne Zilgalve<br />

09. Ieva Vēze Dreimane<br />

10. Ingūna Skuja<br />

11. Sanita Balode<br />

12. Ernests Vītiņš<br />

13. Liene Mackus<br />

14. Kaspars Groševs<br />

15. Darja Meļņikova<br />

16. Vilnis Lapiņš<br />

17, Anastasija Golubeva<br />

18. Elīna Rožukalne<br />

19. Ausma Šimte<br />

20. Mārtiņš Vītols<br />

21. Uģis Bērziņš<br />

22. Ivars Noviks

Anna Afanasevja<br />

1983<br />

Mani interesē figurālā glezniecība. Pašlaik es agrīnās renesances manierē<br />

meklēju skaistuma ideālus sieviešu atainošanā, gleznojot nelielas simboliskas<br />

kompozīcijas. Darbus man patīk piesātināt ar krāšņiem augu<br />

motīviem, dzīvniekiem un etniskiem ornamentiem.<br />

I have deep personal interest in figural painting. In the manner of Early<br />

Renaissance painters I’m exploring ways of embedding the golden ideal<br />

of womanhood and natural beauty in relatively small symbolic compositions<br />

. Also I love to saturate my paintings with rich motifs of flora and<br />

fauna, and ethnic ornaments.<br />


2008–2011 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Department of Painting, Master Programme, Riga 2004-2008 AAL,Multi-visual<br />

Painting Workshop, Bachelor of Arts degree in the Humanities 2006 Erasmus/Socrates, Palermo Art Academy 1996-<br />

2004 Janis Rozentāls Riga Secondary Art School, Photo Design, Riga 1991-1996 Secondary School No.94, Riga<br />


2002 Urban Landscape, by the photographer Michael Buehler, Poprad, Slovakia<br />

AWARDS<br />

2008 Brederlo – von Sengbush Art Premium Scholarship of the Creative Work<br />

Foundation<br />


2010 Rebirth of the Feelings, Pegazs, Riga<br />


2011 Art Help, Japan, Wheels and Pictures, Riga; Frauenquote, TVDART Galerie,<br />

Berlin; Life Sensible, Birkenfelds, Riga 2010 Urbanchildren, The Young in<br />

Latvian Painting II , Exhibition Hall Arsenāls, Riga 2009 Unbearable Freedom,<br />

Art Garden, Riga; Under Birch Trees, J. Akurater’s Museum, Riga; Grand Summer<br />

Exhibition, Mans’s, Jēkabpils; Latvian Art, TVDART Galerie, Berlin 2008<br />

Self-portrait, Birkenfelds, Riga; Cameo, Art Garden, Riga; ID/ Identification,<br />

First Floor, Riga; Pearls of the Hot Age, BonhansS, Riga 2007 Candy Bomber,<br />

Exhibition Hall: Arsenāls, Riga; Erotic Stories, First Floor, Riga; To Anna:<br />

With Love, First Floor, Riga; Goldener Kentaur, Orient und Okzident, Munich;<br />

Beautiful Italy, Sidegunde, Riga 2006 Ausstelungsubersicht, TVDART Galerie,<br />

Berlin; AAL, Students exhibition, Art Garden, Riga 2005 Surprising Latvia, an<br />

exhibition of AAL, La Siera, Sant-Etienna, France

Morning mist fairy Christina, 2011, oil on canvas, 80x80 cm

Ilona Abiļeva<br />

Savu pēdējā laika darbību glezniecībā varu raksturot kā intensīvus eksperimentus<br />

ar dažādām gleznošanas tehnikām, mēģinot ieraudzīt jaunas to (tehniku)<br />

izmantošanas iespējas, gleznojot uz liela formāta papīra. Pēdējā perioda darbu<br />

sižeta līnijas: vērsis kā simbols (piemēram, kā spēka, auglības, stabilitātes,<br />

seksuālās enerģijas, aizsardzības, nāves utt. simbols), vērsis kā izklaides industrijas<br />

elements. Manas darbības neatņemama sastāvdaļa ir izstāžu (gan<br />

individuālo, gan grupu) rīkošana un piedalīšanās tajās.<br />

Pēc maģistra grāda iegūšanas plānoju turpināt studijas <strong>Latvijas</strong> <strong>Mākslas</strong><br />

<strong>akadēmija</strong>s doktorantūrā, intensīvi strādāt glezniecības jomā, rīkot un piedalīties<br />

izstādēs.<br />

My recent performance in painting can be described as intensive experiments<br />

with different painting techniques, painting on large-format paper. The story<br />

line of my recent paintings: the bull as a symbol (for example, the symbol of<br />

power, fertility, stability, sexual energy, defence, death, etc.), bull as an element<br />

of entertainment industry. An integral part of my activities is organization of<br />

exhibitions (both individual and group ones) and participation in them.<br />

After acquiring the Master’s degree I plan to proceed with doctoral studies at<br />

the Art Academy of Latvia, to work intensively in the painting area, to organize<br />

exhibitions and take part in them.<br />


2009 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Painting Department, Master programme,<br />

Riga 2003-2009 AAL, Painting Department, Bachelor of Arts degree in the Humanities<br />

2001-2003 Art Academy of Latvia, preparatory courses 1991-2002<br />

Riga High School Nr.92<br />


2011 Mosaic Festival, Riga; 24-00, Cream Cafè, Riga; Shout No.1, Salaspils<br />

Exhibition Hall, Salaspils; Art Hunt, Kalnciema Street, Riga; Academy Days,<br />

AAL, Riga; AAL Exhibition of Students’ Drawings, AAL,Riga 2010 Autumn<br />

2010, Railway Museum and Pinakoteka, Riga; Medium, Turkish Embassy,<br />

Riga; The two banks, Dole Museum, Riga; Landscape, gallery L, Riga; Harsh<br />

Art, Harsh People, Matīsa jail, Riga; +55, Salaspils Exhibition Hall; The Shape,<br />

Salaspils Exhibition Hall 2009 SEB grant paintings, Riga; AAL Bachelor, Skrīveri<br />

Culture House; Form.Colour. Line., Riga Art Space, Riga 2007 Autumn 2007,<br />

Station 1, Riga 2006 Lithographers VI. Riga<br />


2011 Bully, Salaspils Exhibition Hall

BULLy, 2011, canvas, mixed media, 220x280 cm

Svens Kuzmins<br />

1985<br />

Darbu mērķis adresēt mūsdienu rietumu sabiedrībā aktuālus sociopolitiskus<br />

jautājumus, tostarp reliģijas/racionālisma dilemmu, šiem<br />

nolūkiem izmantojot gan ironiju, gan plašu kultūras atsauču klāstu<br />

nepielāgojoties mediju uzstādītajiem kanoniem.<br />

The basic aim of the work is to address socio-political issues relevant to<br />

the modern Western society, one of them being the ever-present dilemma<br />

of religion and rational thought. To achieve these goals I resort both<br />

to irony and a wide spectrum of cultural references without succumbing<br />

to media-dictated requisitions.<br />


2010–2011 Manchester School of Art, Painting, Fine Art, 2009–2011 Art<br />

Academy of Latvia (AAL), Painting, MA studies, Riga 2009 AAL, Printmaking<br />

BA degree, Riga; Earlier education at Janis Rozentāls Riga Art School, Rēzekne<br />

Art School, Fine Arts department<br />


2011 Group exhibition at AWOL Studios, Manchester 2010 Delicatessen, Solo<br />

exhibition, Liepāja; Ain’t It Nice!, exhibition hall Arsenāls, National Museum<br />

of Art, Riga; Brederlo – Von Sengbusch grant exhibition, Riga 2009 SEB<br />

painting awards exhibition, Riga; Signs of Identity/Signs of Diversity, Baltic/<br />

Caucasus project, Riga-Paris; Reproductions in urban environment as part of<br />

the O!Skatuve project, Riga; Kultūrblok, Contemporary art exhibitions, Riga;<br />

Exhibition of Mūrnieks gallery collection, Riga; Group exhibition Kunstbar in<br />

D.Fab gallery, Riga; Shape. Colour. Line., Riga Art Space; Art project Circus<br />

in the Butcher’s pavilion of the Vidzeme market, Riga 2008 Signs of Time,<br />

exhibition of Latvian and Belarusian graphics, Vitebsk; Breadroot – von Sengbusch<br />

grant exhibition, Riga 2007 Sigmund Freud in Riga, individual art/performance<br />

project, Riga 2006 Doomsday Karaoke, Emergency exhibition, Riga

Godless societies giant hopes, 2011, acrylic on canvas, 120x200 cm

Elīna Kalniņa<br />

1981<br />

Maģistra darbā tiek risināta Liepājas pilsētas Rīgas ielas gaismas telpas<br />

dizaina koncepcija. Plānota gaismas telpa pilsētā palīdz organizēt un<br />

sakārtot tās vidi, tas ir drošības faktors, ērta pārvietošanās gājējiem un<br />

visu veida transporta lietotājiem, tumšā laika periodā. Mūsu platuma<br />

grādos, kad dabas dienas ritējums nesakrīt ar cilvēku dienas ritējumu,<br />

vides apgaismojums ir vitāli svarīgs vides dizaina elements. Tam ir jābūt<br />

funkcionālam un estētiskam, kā arī sastrukturizētam, pēc vajadzības,<br />

ielu, velo un gājēju ceļi, arhitektūra, norādes un zaļā zona. Rīgas ielas<br />

gaismas telpa veidota, ņemot vērā tās vēsturisko izcelsmi, novietojumu,<br />

kā arī ievērojot esošo un vajadzīgo gaismas funkciju. Darba mērķis ir<br />

attīstīt Rīgas ielas gaismas telpu tai atbilstošā kvalitātē, balstoties uz<br />

ielas analīzes izdarītajiem secinājumiem, par tās nozīmi pilsētā. Gaisma<br />

ir ļoti svarīgs dizaina elements kopējā vides dizainā, kas var veicināt<br />

nepieciešamo infrastruktūras attīstību. Sakārtota infrastruktūra (tostarp<br />

apgaismojums) ir nepieciešama lai veidotos sociāli labvēlīga un aktīva<br />

pilsētvide, kur attīstīties uzņēmējdarbībai un darboties sabiedriskajām<br />

organizācijām.<br />

Education<br />

2010 HWKA Hildesheimas in Germany, Light design 2009 Art Academy of<br />

Latvia (AAL), Design Department, Master programme, Riga 2005–2009 AAL,<br />

Design Department, Bachelor of Arts degree in the Humanities 1998–2003<br />

Liepāja College of Aplied Arts, Department of Environmental Art 1989–1998<br />

J. Čakste High School No. 10 of Liepāja

The main topic of the Master’s project is the lighting design of Riga<br />

Street area in Liepāja. To organize and arrange the environment it is<br />

essential to design the lighting in the public space according to the<br />

needs of the users. During the dark hours of the day it is a safety factor,<br />

convenient movement for pedestrians and all types of transport users.<br />

In our region, where the natural passage of day does not collide with<br />

the flow of people’s daily life, the public space lighting is a vital element<br />

for the quality of the city environment. This should be functional and<br />

aesthetic as well as structured, according to the street layout, bicycle<br />

and pedestrian paths, architecture, signs and green areas. Riga Street<br />

lighting is designed taking into account its historical origin, location,<br />

and subject to the existing and desired function of light. This project<br />

aims to develop the lighting of Riga Street public space to the necessary<br />

quality, considering the analysis of the existing situation and the<br />

roleof the street in the city. Light is a very important design element<br />

of the overall environmental design, which can promote the necessary<br />

infrastructure. The optimization of infrastructure (including lighting) is<br />

required to produce a socially positive and active urban environment<br />

where business and social activities can develop.<br />

Light Space on Riga Street in Liepāja, lightning design

Ramona Buša<br />

1986<br />

<strong>Latvijas</strong> <strong>Mākslas</strong> <strong>akadēmija</strong>s absolvēšana nozīmē viena gruntīga,<br />

informācijas piepildīta un radoša mācību procesa noslēgumu, tādejādi<br />

tuvējās nākotnes perspektīve paredz iegūtās zināšas izmantot praksē.<br />

Manā gadījumā tas nozīmē, sākumā atpūsties no ilgstošās mācīšanās<br />

un tad turpināt iespēju robežās zinātnisko pētniecību, dalību aktuālās<br />

mākslas un kultūras norisēs, kā arī, iespējams, kādreiz nākotnē, savu<br />

zināšanu nodošanu jaunākai mākslas interesentu paaudzei.<br />

To finish studies at Art Academy of Latvia means the completion of one<br />

creative, informational full learning process so in the nearest future it<br />

means application of the acquired knowledge. In my case it means to<br />

take a break from the long-term studies and then continue my scientific<br />

research, participate in the current art and cultural life, besides,<br />

some time in the future transfer my knowledge to a new art-loving<br />

generation.<br />


2009-2011 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), History and Theory of Arts Department, Master programme, Riga 2005-2009<br />

AAL, History and Theory of Arts Department, Bachelor of Arts degree in the Humanities 1998-2005 Riga English Grammar<br />

School 2003 Nuembrecht Gymnasium (Germany) 1993-1996 Īslīce primary school<br />


2010 Expedition in Latgale (Latvia) with the Art History Institute of Latvia<br />

2008 Participation in a creative trip to Florence (Italy) from the AAL 2007<br />

Lectures at the Culture Academy of Latvia; courses of Italian<br />


2010 Project “The Myths of Contemporary Europe”, coordinator; Catalogue<br />

“The train hasn’t left yet”, editor; Art Academy of Latvia exhibition “Colour.<br />

Shape. Line.” (exhibition hall Riga Art Space, Latvia) coordinator; exhibition<br />

“Pārtilts” (exhibition hall Arsenāls, Latvia) member of the curators group 2005<br />

galerist at the gallery “<strong>Mākslas</strong> XO” (Latvia)<br />


2010 “An introduction in the history and theory of art criticism. Its shapes and<br />

functions.” Published: http://www.lma.lv/?parent=953)

Latviešu mākslas kritikas vēsture (19.gs – 20.gs. sākums)<br />

<strong>Mākslas</strong> kritika ar mākslu saistītajos pētījumos ir ieņēmusi marginālu vietu,<br />

pētījumu centrā vienmēr ir atradušies mākslinieki, mākslas darbi to ikonogrāfija,<br />

mākslas virzieni un stili kopumā. <strong>Mākslas</strong> kritika nav tikusi uzskatīta kā patstāvīga<br />

vērtība, šādā kontekstā tā ir ieņēmusi mākslas darba un/vai mākslinieka radošās<br />

darbības novērtēšanas vēstures lomu. Kritikas teksta dekontekstualizēti fragmenti<br />

kalpoja un vēl joprojām kalpo mākslinieka un mākslas darba reputācijas<br />

radīšanai un atspoguļošanai. Kaut gan mākslas kritikas centrālais objekts,<br />

respektīvi, ar ko tā veido attiecības, ir mākslas darbs, tomēr tā ir uzskatāma<br />

par daudz plašākas informācijas nesošu tekstu. <strong>Mākslas</strong> kritika ir kontekstuāla<br />

satura teksts- tajā bez iepriekšminētajām kritikas-mākslas darba attiecībām,<br />

atspoguļojas sociālpolitiskas, ekonomiskas un plašas kultūras nianses. Tādejādi<br />

var apgalvot, ka mākslas kritika pilda ne tikai “mākslas spogulis” funkciju, bet<br />

caur vērtējumu par mākslu tā sniedz informāciju gan par sabiedrību kopumā,<br />

gan par indivīdu tās kontekstā.<br />

History of Latvian Art Criticism (19th cent. –early 20th cent.)<br />

Art criticism occupies a marginal place in research and study of art. Artists, their<br />

works and their iconography, art movements and styles in general have always<br />

been at the centre of attention. Art criticism has not been recognized as a value<br />

in itself and therefore it has been allotted a role in the history of artwork or<br />

evaluation of the artist’s creative life. Decontextualized fragments of art criticism<br />

have served and still serve as a means of building reputation of the artist<br />

or artwork. Although the central object of art criticism is the artwork, it must be<br />

understood as a text conveying much broader information. Art criticism found<br />

in art reviews is a text of contextual type – apart from the relationship of critique<br />

and art, it contains socio-political, economic and cultural nuances. It is possible<br />

to assume that art criticism functions not only as the “mirror of art”, but it also<br />

provides us with information on society in general and an individual in a particular<br />

context.<br />

Abstract Maģistra of the Master’s darba apraksts thesis

Antra Priede<br />

1985<br />

Pēc maģistra grāda iegūšanas tiks turpināta profesionālā darbība<br />

mākslas vēstures un zinātnes laukā, uz šo brīdi veltot laiku pētījumam<br />

par Valda Āboliņa dzīvi un radošo darbību.<br />

After obtaining the Master’s degree I shall proceed with my professional<br />

activities in the field of the history of art and science, now researching<br />

the life and creativity of Valdis Āboliņš.<br />

Education<br />

2007 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Art History Department, Master programme,<br />

Riga 2003–2007 AAL, Art History Department, Bachelor of Arts degree<br />

in the Humanities 1997–2003 High school of Jūrmala 1991–1997 Primary<br />

School of Sala district<br />

Activities<br />

2010 Conference Forest of Leaves, theme Young graphic artists (2000–2010)<br />

2009 Solo exhibition of Maija Tabaka, curator; participating in research work<br />

AND OTHERS. Movements, explorations and artists in Latvia 1960–1984 2007<br />

Exhibition of drawings Finger Wedding, curator; Exhibition French group.<br />

1960’s, member of the curators group 2006 Exhibition of drawings Accident<br />

with Finger, curator; research work and design of an exhibition for the concert<br />

hall at Dzintari 2005 film selection and preparatory work for the exhibition<br />

Your, Sloka, conference- Sloka 750<br />

Publications<br />

2010 Biographical record. Artist Aleksandrs Dembo//Studija.- June/July,<br />

2010, Nr.3 (72) 2005–2008 regular publications in the visual art magazine<br />

Studija - exhibition reviews; Bahman Jalali – Author of the Portrait of Iran.<br />

// Fotokvartāls - June/2008, Nr.3(11); Postcards from the year 1944 – on<br />

the way to destination?//Studija.- January/February, 2008, Nr.58; Art Bomb in<br />

Barcelona//Studija - January/February, 2008, Nr.58 2006 Portal of top news<br />

Exhibition Prognoses for Present//Studija. February/March, 2006, Nr.47

Aleksandra Dembo (1931.-1999) pedagoģiskā darbība <strong>Latvijas</strong> <strong>Mākslas</strong><br />

akadēmijā no 1962.-1999. gadam<br />

Maģistra daba tēmas izvēle ir loģisks turpinājums pētījumam bakalaura diplomdarba<br />

izstrādē, kas tik veltīta Aleksandra Dembo daiļradei, jo līdzās savai<br />

radošajai darbībai mākslinieks ir strādājis par pedagogu jau kopš studiju gadiem<br />

<strong>Mākslas</strong> akadēmijā, sākotnēji pasniedzot zīmēšanu vakara kursiem, vēlāk jau<br />

nodaļas ietvaros krāsu mācību un kompozīciju. Galvenā pētījuma tēma ir apzināt<br />

A. Dembo pedagoģisko darbību Rūpnieciskās mākslas nodaļā, kurā strādāja<br />

kopš tās dibināšanas (1964.g.) līdz sadalīšanās brīdim (1992.g.), kad izveidoja<br />

atsevišķu nodaļu- Dizaina grafikas nodaļu, ko vadīja līdz savai aiziešanai, uz<br />

kuras bāzes tika izveidota Vizuālās komunikācijas nodaļa. Apskatot trīsdesmit<br />

gadus ilgu pedagoģisko darbību vienas skolas ietvaros ir iespējams vērtēt viņa<br />

pasniegšanas metožu izveidošanos un nostiprināšanos, kā rezultātā tika izveidota<br />

sistēma kā ar noteiktu metožu kopumu panākt radošās brīvības dzirksti<br />

studentos, to novirzot līdz katra personiskās daiļrades izveidošanās procesam.<br />

Darba struktūra sastāv no rakstisko programmu fiksējumiem, A. Dembo ieteikumiem<br />

uzdevumu kopumiem, studentu darbu attēlu analīzes, kā arī laikabiedru<br />

atmiņām, kas kopumā veido vienu, taču komplicētu un daudzšķautnainu tēlu.<br />

Līdzās pedagoģiskās darbības izklāstam, darba struktūrā tiek ietverta izvērsta<br />

biogrāfijas sadaļa, kas sastāv no gadskaitļos fiksētas biogrāfijas datiem un<br />

hronoloģiska uzskaitījuma par viņa darba gaitu <strong>Latvijas</strong> <strong>Mākslas</strong> akadēmijā, kā<br />

arī piefiksēti organizatoriskās puses aspekti, kas bija ārpus viņa pienākumiem<br />

<strong>Mākslas</strong> akadēmijā, klāt vēl uzskaitot viņa ārzemju ceļojumu pieredzi, jo tā bija<br />

svarīga ne tikai viņa radošās darbības attīstībai, bet arī pedagoģiskajai darbībai.<br />

Lai vieglāk būtu izprast viņa kā pasniedzēja izveidošanās apstākļus, darba<br />

struktūra tiek iekļauta arī viņa radošās darbības koncentrēts izklāsts, jo savu<br />

darbu radīšanas impulsus viņš nodeva saviem studentiem, taču bija novērojama<br />

arī atgriezeniskā saite, kad pedagoģiskais darbs atsaucās viņa daiļradē.<br />

Aleksandrs Dembo’s Teaching Work at the Art Academy of Latvia<br />

from 1962 – 1999<br />

The theme of the Master’s research was a continuation of what was started<br />

when working on the Bachelor’s research – Aleksandrs Dembo, Creative work.<br />

Being a professional artist already in his last study year at the Art Academy of<br />

Latvia, he began his pedagogical career teaching drawing in the preparatory<br />

courses, later - colour studies and composition in the Industrial Art Department.<br />

The basic theme of this research work was to gather information about A.<br />

Dembo’s educational work in the Industrial Art Department from 1964 to 1992<br />

and the Graphic Design Department from 1992 to 1999, as he was its founder.<br />

As a teacher he worked for almost 40 years and it is possible to consider that his<br />

system of established methods helped to find the sparkle of creativity in every<br />

student and guide it to its consummation in their own creative work.<br />

Abstract of the Master’s thesis

Linda Vēbere<br />

1985<br />

Pirms iestāšanās <strong>Latvijas</strong> <strong>Mākslas</strong> akadēmijā 2009. gadā, es biju absolvējusi<br />

filozofijas maģistrantūras studijas <strong>Latvijas</strong> Universitātē, kur man bija izveidojusies<br />

interese par mākslas teoriju. Kopš 2007. gada es arī darbojos Jauno<br />

mediju kultūras centrā RIXC kā kuratore un tulkotāja, kas motivēja iegūt manai<br />

profesionālajai jomai atbilstošu izglītību. Studijas <strong>Latvijas</strong> <strong>Mākslas</strong> akadēmijā<br />

man sniedza iespēju turpināt mākslas un semantikas jautājumiem veltītos<br />

pētījumus, kā arī ļāva labāk apzināties manas darbības turpmākos virzienus –<br />

es vēlētos turpināt savu pētniecisko darbu paralēli mākslas kuratores darbam<br />

cerībā jau drīzumā ieraudzīt manis tulkotus mūsdienu ietekmīgu domātāju<br />

darbus latviešu valodā.<br />

Coming from a philosophy background I was following my enduring interest<br />

in theory of arts when I enrolled in the Art Academy of Latvia in 2009. It was<br />

also my work as curator and translator in RIXC Centre for New Media Culture<br />

in Riga which motivated me to acquire professional qualification in the field of<br />

arts. Studies in the Art Academy of Latvia provided the possibility to continue<br />

my research of arts and semantics as well as made me more aware of further<br />

possibilities both professionally and academically - I see a lot of potential in<br />

continuing academic research alongside my curatorial work, hoping someday<br />

soon to witness my first published translations of influential contemporary<br />

thinkers into the Latvian language.<br />


2009–2011 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), History and Theory of Arts Faculty, Masters programme, Riga 2007–2009 University<br />

of Latvia, M.Phil. (with honours) 2003–2007 University of Latvia, B.Phil 2000–2003 Riga French Lyceum<br />


2010 We are on the net. net.art.lv, producer for Latvian net.art group exhibition, Riga; Art+Communication: Transbiotics,<br />

event coordinator for Festival for New Media Culture in Riga; Messenger, co-curator for the personal exhibition<br />

by artist Paul DeMarinis; Black Rain, producer of the exhibition<br />

by Semiconductor (artists Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt) 2009 Organized<br />

networks, coordinator for the International Cultural Network Management<br />

Training Programme, RIXC, Riga; Piksel’09, attended the International Festival<br />

for Electronic Art in Bergen, Norway Art+Communication: ENERGY, RIXC<br />

event coordinator for Festival for New Media Culture in Riga; Producer for<br />

the Latvian new media artist Jānis Garančs solo exhibition The Anisotropic<br />

View of Presence; RIXC event producer for Culture Forum White Night,<br />

Riga 2008 Art+Communication: SPECTROPIA, RIXC event coordinator 2007<br />

Art+Communication: SPECTRAL ECOLOGY, RIXC event coordinator 2006 Artist<br />

assistant for “Art+Communication: WAVES” festival exhibition<br />


Currently working on the translation of Eric Davis’s book “Techgnosis” (English-Latvian).<br />

Article “net.art.lv” for the First Latvian net.art exhibition catalogue<br />

“We are on the net. Net.art.lv” 2010 (With R. Smits). Interview with artist<br />

Paul DeMarinis (art magazine “Studija”, issue June–July 2010). Text author<br />

for Jānis Garančs solo exhibition booklet “The Anisotropic View of Presence”.<br />

Prepared documentation for RIXC project “WAVES” (2006–2008). Co-author<br />

and translator for 2007, 2008 and 2009 Art+Communication festival website<br />

(http://rixc.lv). “Skrunda Signal. Was “Woodpecker” the “Henhouse”? – Myths<br />

and Facts about Skrunda Signal” author together with Rasa Šmite of the scientific<br />

conference publication “Espionage Technologies and Art”, June 2007.

Geštaltteorijas pienesums vizuālās mākslas darba analīzē<br />

Sekojot filozofijas studiju ietvaros iegūtajai interesei par valodas, nozīmes<br />

un uztveres saistībām, <strong>Latvijas</strong> <strong>Mākslas</strong> Akadēmijā tapušais maģistra darbs<br />

ir veltīts nozīmes un mākslas attiecību pētīšanai gan no semantikas, gan no<br />

mākslas teorijas pētījumu perspektīvas. Semantika ir valodas filozofijas atzars,<br />

kas uzdot jautājumu par to, kā veidojas nozīmes. Pētījuma pamatā ir atziņa,<br />

ka nozīme nav vienīgi valodiska, kā tas tiek skatīts tradicionāli. Drīzāk valoda<br />

ir tikai viens no nozīmes izpausmes veidiem. Pētījumā tiek aplūkotas nozīmes<br />

izpausmes vizuālās mākslas darbos un to analīzē saistībā ar uztveri un vizuālās<br />

organizācijas likumiem.<br />

Contribution of Gestalt Theory in Artwork Analysis of Visual Arts<br />

Following my gradually developed interest in relations between language,<br />

meaning and perception during my philosophy studies, my Master’s thesis at<br />

the Art Academy of Latvia is devoted to exploring relationships between meaning<br />

and art from the perspective of semantics as well as art theory. Semantics<br />

is a branch of language philosophy that explores how meaning is constituted.<br />

The research is centered on a proposal that meaning is not intrinsically linguistic<br />

as it has been traditionally viewed. Rather, language is only one possible way<br />

of expressing meaning. The research focuses on the expression of meaning in<br />

works of visual arts and their analysis in relation to perception and laws of visual<br />

organization.<br />

Abstract of the Master’s thesis

Kristīne Zilgalve<br />

1980<br />

Līdz šim visvairāk mani ir interesējušas tādas tekstilmākslas tehnikas<br />

kā vilnas velšana un aušana, īpaši smalki izaustas fotogrāfijas. Vilnas<br />

velšana priekš manis ir kaut kas jauns un domāju, ka priekšā vēl ir<br />

daudz atklājumu saistībā ar šo tehniku. Pabeidzot LMA maģistratūru,<br />

esmu iecerējusi strādāt un turpināt pilnveidot sevi šajās tehnikās.<br />

So far, I’ve been interested mostly in the felting and weaving, particularly<br />

finely woven images. Felting for me is something new and I think<br />

that there is still a lot to discover in this technique. Upon completion of<br />

the Master’s studies at the Art Academy of Latvia, , my intention is to<br />

continue working and improving my skills in these techniques.<br />


2009 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Textile Department, MA studies Riga 2005–<br />

2009 AAL, Textile Department, BA degree 1998–2005 Riga School of Art and<br />

Design , Textile Department<br />


2010 Written in Fabric, Valmiera Drama Theatre<br />


2011 Neighbours, History and Art Museum of Olaine, Olaine 2010 Identity,<br />

Vilnius Art Academy and AAL textile students exhibition, Vilnius; Voices, the<br />

Mentzendorff House quilt exhibition, Riga; Fifteenth, St. Peter’s Church, Riga;<br />

AAL days 2009 Fourteenth, St. Peter’s Church, Riga; Kunstbar, DFab, Bachelor<br />

exhibition, Riga 2007 Twelfth, Decorative Arts and Design Museum and St.<br />

Peter’s Church, Riga 2006 Autumn 2006, Latvian Railway History Museum,<br />

Riga; Made in Latvia, Jūrmala City Museum, Riga School of Art and Design<br />

students exhibition 2005 Graduation exhibition, Riga School of Art and Design

Man and woman, 2011, tapestry, 120x94/ 120x86

Ieva Vēze Dreimane<br />

1981<br />

Pēc studiju beigšanas plānoju turpināt attīstīt savas prasmes<br />

tekstilmākslas nozarē. Apgūt jaunas tehnikas un līdz detaļām izzināt<br />

jau apgūtās, eksperimentēt ar materiāliem un to sadarbību. Turpināšu<br />

aktīvi piedalīties vietēja un starptautiska mēroga izstādēs, kā arī simpozijos.<br />

Tāpat ceru plašāk attīstīt un izplatīt autortehnikā radītās somas<br />

un rotas.<br />

After graduating I am planning to develop my personal skills in the field<br />

of textile art, to acquire new techniques and explore the existing ones in<br />

detail, to experiment with materials and their interaction. Moreover, my<br />

plan is to continue participating in local and international exhibitions<br />

and symposiums. I hope to develop and distribute bags and jewellery<br />

executed in the author’s technique.<br />


2009 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Master programme, Riga 2003–2009 AAL<br />

Bachelor of Arts degree in the Humanities<br />


2011 Last thaw, Exhibition house of Cēsis, Cēsis; Tekstilmāksla.lv, Art Museum<br />

of Bauska, Bauska 2010 Identity, International textile art exhibition AAL;<br />

Identity, Vilnius Art Academy gallery Artifex, Lithuania; Voices, the Mentzendorff<br />

House, Riga, Latvia; Colour huger, Culture centre Imanta, Riga; Look,<br />

Student self-portraits, Gallery Apsīda, Riga; Art Academy days, AAL, Riga; Solo<br />

exhibition in the restaurant K.I.D, Riga 2009 Present Time, solo exhibition,<br />

Gallery Apsīda, Riga; Knstbar, D.Fab, Riga; Patchwork and small forms, the<br />

Mentzendorff House, Riga; Self-portrait, Art Union Gallery, Riga; Mini textile<br />

exhibition, Museum of Decorative Arts, Riga 2008 13th international textile<br />

art exhibition, St. Peter’s church, Riga; Mini textile exhibition, Amber Museum,<br />

Kaliningrad, Russia; Textile exhibition, Quedlingburg, Germany 2005<br />

Group exhibition, Dortmund, Germany 2004 Mini textile exhibition, the<br />

Mentzendorff House, Riga 2003 4th Baltic international textile art exhibition,<br />

Vilnius, Lithuania 2002 13th Baltic international bone china porcelain<br />

symposium, Kaunas, Lithuania; Group exhibition, Museum of Decorative Arts,<br />

Kaunas, Lithuania

Fantasy way, textile mosaic, 210x210 cm

Ingūna Skuja<br />

1965<br />

Šogad es pabeidzu maģistratūru un vienlaicīgi man tā būs 25. personālizstāde.<br />

Savas karjeras laikā esmu piedalījusies tuvu 100 grupas izstādēs, Kā porcelāna<br />

māksliniece esmu dzīvojusi un strādājusi pāri 20+ gadus. Mani darbi ir publicēti<br />

16 grāmatās par keramiku un porcelānu, un parādīti daudzos žurnālos. Manus<br />

darbus var atrast muzejos, korpurācijas un privātās kolekcijās visā pasaulē.<br />

Ko es darīšu pēc LMA maģ. beigšanas?<br />

Iegūstot maģistra grādu pēc 20+ gadu profesionālas maklsinieces darbības, es<br />

vēlētos savas zināšanas un pieredzi dot nakamajām paaudzēm. Esmu ieguvusi<br />

milzīgu pieredzi savā profesijā, visus šos gadus, iztikusi no savas mākslas, zinu<br />

kā ir būt brīvai maklsiniecei, nesaņēmot patstāvīgus ienākumus no algota darba.<br />

Dzīvojusi Amērikā kopskaitā 9 gadus. Man ir ar ko dalīties. Es vēlētos atrast<br />

darbu kādā no <strong>Latvijas</strong> augstkolām vai Eiropā. Vēlu sev veiksmi!<br />

This year I complete my master’s studies and this is going to be my 25th solo<br />

exhibition. During my career I have participated in nearly 100 group exhibitions.<br />

As a porcelain artist I have lived and worked for 20+ years. My works have been<br />

published in 16 books on ceramics and porcelain and displayed in numerous<br />

magazines. My works are in museums, corporations and private collections all<br />

over the world.<br />

What am I going to do after graduation?<br />

On obtaining a Master’s degree after 20+ years of professional activity, I would<br />

like to hand down my knowledge and experience to the future generations. I<br />

have accumulated huge professional experience; all these years I have earned<br />

my living by engaging in my art. I know what it means to be a freelance artist<br />

with no steady income from paid employment. I have lived in America nine years<br />

in all. I have things to share. I would like to find a job in one of Latvia’s or European<br />

higher education establishments. I wish success to myself!<br />


2009-2011 Latvian Art Academy, Riga, Latvia (MFA Ceramics) 1994-1995 Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA (Ceramic<br />

Studies) 1987-1992 Latvian Art Academy, Riga, Latvia, (BA Ceramic Studies) 1983-1987 Applied Art College,<br />

Riga, Latvia (Diploma in Ceramics)<br />


2011 Beyond the Black and the White, gallery Putti, Riga, Latvija 2010 Karma<br />

Koma, gallery Māksla XO, Riga; Form and Void, History and Art Museum, Aizkraukle<br />

2009 Mystic Skuja, Braden, Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland,<br />

ASV 2008 Trusseau: Marriage Business, gallery Pence, California, ASV;<br />

Supercrock, Memorial Union Hall, Oregon, USA; Bloodlines, Center for Art<br />

and Ecology, Oregon, USA 2006 Born in a Cottage, History and Art Museum,<br />

Aizkraukle 2005 Skuja Braden Babies, John Natsoulas Art Gallery, CA, USA<br />

2003 Imminent Changes, Sol Ceramica Gallery, Sacramento, CA, USA 2001<br />

Night’s Treasures, gallery Putti, Riga; Naked Truth, gallery Māksla XO, Rīga<br />

1999 Sidelights, salon Māksla, Riga; Kiss, Kiss, Mjau, Mjau! gallery Čiris, Riga<br />

1998 Best of Skuja, gallery-salon Māksla, Riga;<br />

Ten Women, gallery Čiris, Riga 1997 Skuja For Sale 9,50 $, gallery M6, Riga;<br />

Rabbits and Eggs! Unibanka, Rīga 1996 Love Triangle, gallery of the Latvian<br />

Art Union, Riga 1995 Easter, gallery Rīga, Riga 1993 Inguna Skuja’s Porcelain,<br />

gallery Jāņa Sēta, Riga; Woman’s Knee or the End of the Road, gallery Jāņa<br />

Sēta, Riga

Bath, porcelain

Sanita Balode<br />

1985<br />

Rīgas sabiedrisko guļamistabu personiskie stāsti, Maģistra darbs<br />

(Ilustrēta grāmata, kinētiks makets un Audio/ Video materiāls ar<br />

piedzīvotajiem stāstiem)<br />

No skatuves var dzirdēt skaisti formulētas runas, bet guļamistabā var<br />

uzzināt vērtīgu un noderīgu informāciju, patieso cilvēka viedokli.<br />

No š.g. 17. janvāra līdz 1.jūnijam es nakšņoju dažādās Rīgas iedzīvotāju<br />

guļamistabās, guļu viņu gultās un sapņoju sapņus. Tā ir Performance,<br />

kuras laikā iepazīt jau zināmus, gan pilnīgi svešus cilvēkus, jaunā un<br />

daudz dziļākā līmenī.<br />

The personal stories of the public bedrooms of Riga, Master thesis (Illustrated<br />

book, kinetic model and the audio/video material with the stories<br />

of my experience)<br />

On the stage you can hear beautifully worded speech, but in the bedroom<br />

you may find valuable and useful information, people’s true opinion.<br />

Between January 17 till June 1, I slept in different bedrooms of Riga’s<br />

inhabitants, lying in their beds and having dreams. It is a performance<br />

during which I got to know people whom I already knew, and total<br />

strangers, at a new and much deeper level.<br />


2009 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Master programme, Riga 2005-2009 AAL<br />

Bachelor of Arts degree in the Humanities 2007 three-months SOCRATES<br />

ERASMUS exchange study programme, University of Sunderland (England),<br />

Glass Centre (Glass and Ceramics) 2001-2005 Art and Design School of Riga<br />

(ceramics) 1999-2001 Central Craftsmanship School of Riga (ceramics)<br />


2006 2nd place in FREE style at the 8th annual International clay-throwing<br />

competition, Finland<br />


Since 2002 I have been taking part in exhibitions and workshops in Latvia,<br />

England, Estonia, Finland, and “EUROPEAN CERAMIC CONTEXT” in Bornholm.

The personal stories of the public bedrooms of Riga

Ernests Vītiņš<br />

1984<br />

Maģistra darbs “Stikla Kalns” sastāv no diviem dažādiem darbiem<br />

- “1.Aprīļa Partija” un piemineklis Vītiņu dzimtai. Tie ir divi, izteikti<br />

dažādi, projekti, kas realizēti ar vienotu mērķi - parādīt stikla mākslu<br />

nedaudz citādāk. Noslēdzošais, skulputurālais mākslas darbs ir līdz šim<br />

neredzēts piegājiens memoriālo pieminekļu radīšanā. Stikla krāvuma<br />

tehnikā realizētais kapu piemineklis, šobrīd ir īpašs notikums gan stikla<br />

mākslas gan kapu kultūras kontekstā, kas lieliski atspoguļo, ka, ar<br />

iepriekš jau zināmiem paņēmieniem ir iespējams rast jaunus izpausmes<br />

veidus.<br />

The Master’s thesis “Mountain of Glass” consists of two different projects<br />

- “The 1st of April Party” and a memorial monument for the Vītiņi<br />

family. These two significantly different projects have the same purpose<br />

- to show the art of glass from a different angle. The final project -<br />

the sculptural work of art - is so far an unprecedented way of creating<br />

monuments. The memorial monument created by using glass layering<br />

technique at present is an innovative phenomenon in the art of glass as<br />

well as in monument design that demonstrates the possibility to discover<br />

new ways of expression by using well known techniques.<br />


2009 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Glass Art Department, Master programme,<br />

Riga 2004–2009 AAL, Glass Art Department, Bachelor of Arts degree in the<br />

Humanities 2002–2004 Riga Secondary School of Crafts 1990–2002 Riga Secondary<br />

School No.47<br />


2011 Voice of Glass International exhibition, Riga 2010 The Followers of Leonardo<br />

1452–2010,Gallery Birkenfelds, Riga; Solo exhibition Political Party 1st<br />

April, Riga 2009 Glass exhibition Fragile Mission , Gallery Global Art, Riga;<br />

Group exhibition Kunstbar, Gallery dFab, Riga 2008 45 years of Latvian Glass,<br />

Art Academy of Latvia, Riga; Glass exhibition Section, Glass Gallery, Riga; 2007<br />

Glass-blowing workshop, exhibition, FIN

Monument for Vītiņi family

Liene Mackus<br />

1984<br />

Mans pēdējā laika interešu objekts ir mazdārziņu ciemati, tajos<br />

dzīvojošie cilvēki un arhitektūra. Savās skulptūrās bieži izmantoju<br />

tēlus, kuriem ir reāls prototips dzīvē. Skulptūras veidoju no plastilīna,<br />

koka, ģipša, dažreiz arī top plastilīna animācija. To vēlos attīstīt un<br />

turpināt arī pēc <strong>akadēmija</strong>s beigšanas.<br />

I’ve recently turned my eye towards the beauty of small rural towns<br />

and villages, their architecture and the people in them. The prototypes<br />

for my sculptures are usually real-life characters. I make these<br />

sculptures out of plasticine, wood and plaster. Occasionally the use<br />

of plasticine has also led me to the making of animations using this<br />

material. This is what I want to pursue after finishing my studies at the<br />

Academy.<br />


2010 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Sculpture Department, Master programme,<br />

Riga 2006–2010 AAL, Sculpture Department, Bachelor of Arts degree in the<br />

Humanities 2007/2008 Accademia di Belle Arte di Palermo, Italy 2002–2006<br />

Riga School of Design and Art, sculpture 1991–2002 Mālpils Secondary School<br />


2011 Revealing the Model, exhibition hall Arsenāls, Riga; Days of Art Academy<br />

of Latvia, hall of the AAL, Riga 2010 Tindirindis, Animation film festival,<br />

Vilnius, Lithuania; Colour. Line. Shape, Riga Art Space; Urine Theraphy, Installation,<br />

old hospital in Kuldīga, Latvia; Hugo, plasticine animation, Film festival<br />

2ANNAS; Brederlo- von Sengbusch Art Award exhibition, hall of the AAL, Riga<br />

2009 Group exhibition in the gallery Supernova, Riga; Gas Group exhibition,<br />

Kuldīga, Latvia 2008 Grandfather 90, Autumn 2008, Riga; One, Cantieri Culturali<br />

, Palermo, Italy; The same staff, Mālpils, Latvia; Bronze cast symposium,<br />

Latvia 2007 Cast aluminium symposium, the Mentzendorff House, Riga; Cast<br />

iron symposium, the Mentzendorff House, Riga; Magic Sand, 1st international<br />

Baltic Sand Sculpture festival, Jūrmala, Latvia; Willy, Autumn 2007, Riga 2006<br />

Design Days in the VEF factory

Latvian National glasshouse, art project

Kaspars Groševs<br />

1983<br />

* Lai arī neprotu peldēt, dažkārt mēdzu saprātīgā dziļumā stāvēt jūrā un skatīties uz vienu<br />

vai otru pusi.<br />

* Izstādei būs ieejas durvis, kas kalpos arī kā izeja. Aiz tām nekas neslēpsies un nemēģinās<br />

arī kaut ko atņemt.<br />

* Uzzinot ko jaunu, nekad nevar īsti saprast, vai tas nav bijis zināms jau iepriekš. Mēdz<br />

gadīties, ka grūtāk aizmirst ēnu, nekā atcerēties materiālu vai krāsu. Tāpat mēdz gadīties,<br />

ka tīkamāk ir atcerēties iepriekš nezināmo.<br />

* Kad mākslinieks un kultūras teorētiķis Brendons LaBelle pusaudža vecumā aizrakstīja<br />

vēstuli rakstniekam Viljamam Berouzam, atbildes vietā viņš saņēma pastkartīti no Kanzasas<br />

ar vienu frāzi: “Words are your enemy”1.<br />

* Arī mākslas galerijām mēdz būt avārijas izejas.<br />

1 Vārdi ir tavs ienaidnieks. Angļu. val.<br />

* Even though I can’t swim, sometimes I would stand in the sea at a reasonable depth and<br />

then look in one direction and then in another.<br />

* The exhibition has an entrance door, which also serves as an exit. Nothing will hide itself<br />

behind it and no one will try to take anything away from you.<br />

* When you get to learn something new, you can’t really know if you hadn’t already known<br />

it. It happens that it is more difficult to forget a shadow than to remember a material or a<br />

colour. It also happens that it is much nicer to remember something previously unknown.<br />

* When the artist and culture theoretician Brandon LaBelle as an adolescent wrote a letter<br />

to the writer William S. Burroughs, he received a postcard as an answer from Kansas, which<br />

contained just one phrase, “Words are your enemy”.<br />

* There are emergency exits in art galleries, too.<br />


2009–2011 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Visual Communication Department, Master programme, Riga 2005–2009 AAL,<br />

Visual Communication Department, Bachelor of Arts degree in the Humanities 2007 Ecole supérieure des arts décoratifs<br />

de Strasbourg, France 2001–2005 J. Rozentals School of Arts<br />


2011 I/O. Without enemies, kim?, Riga, Latvia<br />


2010 Paysages Intimes, Espace d’Art/Societe Generale, Casablanca, Morocco; The Way, Riga International airport;<br />

What’s up sea?, Rauma Biennale Balticum, Rauma Art Museum, Finland; Sounds Like Art, Cēsis, Latvia; Eden, w/ Mareunrol’s,<br />

Rudolf Bekic, Museum Night, KIM?, Riga, Latvia Cause and Effect, VKN Gallery / KIM?, Riga, Latvia 2009 In Time and<br />

Place, Latvian/Estonian border point, Valka/Valga, Latvia; Pogruzenie, project<br />

Etazhi, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; Rent 00-10, Riga, Latvia; Lost in the City,<br />

Latvian Culture centre, Berlin, Germany 2008 Souvenir, VEF, Riga; I am here,<br />

the time is now (curated by Ong Keng Sen), w/ Kriss Zilgalvis, Rotterdamse<br />

Schouwburg Theater, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2007 Videomedeja, The<br />

Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia; Cologne OFF III, Cologne, Germany<br />

2006 Autumn, The Latvian Railway History Museum, Riga; Waterpieces, gallery<br />

Noass, Riga; 2005 Fresh Fresh Ear, Rīga; Identity, Strasbourg University<br />

of Fine Arts, Strasbourg, France<br />


2011 Mareunrol’s Tenants, installation, sound, music; Since 2009 Studija,<br />

visual arts magazine, articles on sound/art 2009 Mareunrol’s Nightmares,<br />

short film, dir. by Kristīne Kursiša, music; Since 2007 Culture journal Veto<br />

Magazine, illustrations, articles; Since 2002 Visions, broadcast on radio NABA

1 I/O. Without enemies, 2011<br />

2 I/O, 2011<br />

1<br />


Darja Meļņikova<br />

1984<br />

Arī nekārtīgs rakstāmgalds, protams, iemieso zināmu kārtību. Tajā<br />

spējot orientēties šī haosa radītājs. Piemēram, šķēres vienmēr stāv<br />

zem papīru kaudzes, bet atslēgas meklējamas starp netīrajām kafijas<br />

krūzītēm, utt. Savukārt, pati krūzīte, ja to netīšām nogrūžam, neplīst tā<br />

pat vien - arī tur esot sava kārtība. Par to, gan zinu tieši tik pat daudz<br />

kā vairums, proti, gandrīz neko. Kārtojot kaudzes veidojās struktūras.<br />

Jaucot tās top citas. Tā tas esot iekārtots.<br />

Even an untidy desk manifests some sort of order. The person who created<br />

the chaos is able to navigate their way through it. The scissors<br />

are always found under a stack of papers, while the keys are located<br />

between the dirty coffee cups. Moreover, if one of the cups were to accidentally<br />

fall off the table, it would not break just like that, because a<br />

certain order is present there, too. Of course, I know as much about this<br />

as most people – virtually nothing. When you tidy up a heap of things,<br />

certain structures are created and, when you knock them over, you get<br />

different ones. That is the nature of things.<br />


2009 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Visual Communication Department, Master<br />

programme, Riga 2008 Fachhochshule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin,<br />

Germany 2005–2009 AAL, Visual Communication Department, Bachelor of Arts<br />

degree in the Humanities 2002–2005 Janis Rozentāls Riga Art School (JRRMV),<br />

diploma in graphics<br />


2011 Dashing Lines and Forming Heaps, VKN gallery, KIM? Contemporary Art<br />

Centre, Riga, Latvia<br />


2010 What’s Up Sea?, 10th Rauma Biennale Balticum, Rauma, Finland 2009<br />

Rent 00-10, Riga, Latvia 2006 Autumn, Latvian Railway History Museum, Riga;<br />

Fresh Ear, exhibition of young artists, Riga.

1 Dashing Lines and Forming Heaps<br />

2 The Box<br />

1<br />


Vilnis Lapiņš<br />

1963<br />

Par savu maģistra darba tēmu es izvēlējos Valsts nozīmes arhitektūras<br />

pieminekļa Nr. 6606 – Daugavgrīvas cietokšņa – nozīmīgākā un līdz<br />

mūsdienām vislabāk saglabātā 17. gs. <strong>Latvijas</strong> militārās celtniecības<br />

pieminekļa virtuālu rekonstrukciju.<br />

Esošo materiālu eksponēšanai izveidoju telpisku, statisku, multimediālu<br />

objektu, kura iepazīšanai un izpētei skatītājam ir jāvelta laiks. Objekta<br />

ārējai, saturu nesošai kopformai jāpiesaista skatītāji slēptajam saturam.<br />

Pēc Maģistra grāda iegūšanas Vizuālajā komunikācijā, es turpināšu darboties<br />

dažādās mākslas jomās, kurās varēšu pielietot savas prasmes<br />

darbā ar datorgrafiku, fotogrāfiju, dizainu, poligrāfiju. Attīstoties<br />

jaunām tehnoloģijām es meklēšu iespējas mācīties, apgūt un strādāt<br />

jaunos dizaina un mākslas virzienos. Maģistra grāds būs nepieciešams<br />

pedagoģiskam darbam.<br />


2009 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Faculty of Audio-Visual Media, Visual Communication Department,(MA) Riga 2005<br />

Courses in High School Education, University of Latvia, Riga 1982–1990 Artist and Constructor, Department of Interior<br />

Design, AAL Riga 1978–1982 Artist and Craftsman, Stage Design Department, Secondary School of Applied Art, Riga<br />


2011 Latvians at War from the 19th century till the early 20th century, Exhibition Hall project, 3D visualization, videoprojection,<br />

Latvian War Museum, Riga 2009 Research of Outer Space and Medicine, Exhibition Hall project, 3D visualization,<br />

technical drawings, Created cupola ceiling, Pauls Stradiņš Museum of<br />

History of Medicine, Riga 2008 Latvia and Latvian Soldiers from the 17th till<br />

the 18th century, Exhibition Hall project, 3D visualization, technical drawings,<br />

design arrangement, Latvian War Museum, Riga; Paleontology Exhibition,<br />

Exhibition Hall project, 3D visualization, technical drawings, arrangement,<br />

Latvian Nature Museum exposition 2005 Latvia: Soldiers and Warfare,<br />

(9th–16th cent.) Exhibition hall project, 3D visualization, technical drawings,<br />

design arrangement, Latvian War Museum, Riga 2003 Latvia during World<br />

War II, Exhibition Hall project, 3D visualization, technical drawings, design<br />

arrangement, Latvian War Museum, Riga 2002 Defence Forces of the Republic<br />

of Latvia, (1920–1940) Exhibition Hall project, 3D visualization, technical<br />

drawings, and design arrangement, Latvian War Museum, Riga

The topic of my Master’s thesis is based on State architectural monument No.<br />

6606 – I have created a virtual reconstruction of the Daugavgrīva Fortress – the<br />

most important and until now the best preserved 17th century Latvian military<br />

building.<br />

All existing materials revealing information about the fortress are included in<br />

my 3D static multimedia exhibit. I created a 3D reconstruction of the former fortress<br />

with the intention that the viewer should spend some time on this exhibit<br />

to examine the object, hidden attractions<br />

are presented outside and inside the object.<br />

The Master of Arts degree in visual communications will be helpful for my teaching<br />

career. I will continue to work in a variety of mediums where I will use my<br />

knowledge in computer graphics, photography, design, and printing to produce<br />

new projects. I will continue to develop and acquire new skills as technologies<br />

change and advance. I am looking forward to an opportunity to share my knowledge<br />

with others.<br />

Bird’s-eye view of the multimedia object (MDF, 63 x 199 x 63 cm)

Anastasija Golubeva<br />

1984<br />

Pēc maģistra darba iegūšanas plānoju turpināt strādāt pie dažādu projektu<br />

realizēšanas modes jomā. Tie ir dažādu stila izveides, sadarbības<br />

ar citiem māksliniekiem un individuāli privātpersonu pasūtījumi. Papildus<br />

iecere ir izveidot savu zīmolu, kas piedāvātu konceptuālus tekstila<br />

dizainus, sākotnēji <strong>Latvijas</strong> tirgum.<br />

After obtaining my Master’s degree in fashion design, I am planning to<br />

keep on realizing different projects in the field of fashion. They are different<br />

projects of style creation, collaboration with other artists and individual<br />

commissions. Another collateral plan is to create my own brand<br />

which would offer conceptual textile designs, initially for Latvia’s market.<br />


2008 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Fashion Department, Master programme,<br />

Riga 2004–2008 AAL Fashion Department, Bachelor of Arts degree in the Humanities<br />

1997–2004 Riga Art College of J.Rozentals 1991–1997 Riga Grammar<br />

School of Nordic Languages<br />


2007 Erasmus/Socrates scholarship, Universität der Künste Berlin, Fashion Design<br />

Department, Germany<br />


2010 Participant of LMA Fashion Department students fashion show Perons<br />

2009 Group exhibition of young fashion designers at the creative space Tasty<br />

2008 Participant of LMA Fashion Department students fashion show, diploma<br />

(Bachelor) work 2007 Participant of the Riga Fashion Week 2006 Winner in the<br />

young fashion designers contest New Name in FASHION, organized by the Baltic<br />

Fashion Federation, Finalist at the International young fashion designers<br />

contest Admiralteyskaya igla in Saint-Petersburg, Russia 2005 Exhibition and<br />

fashion show at the College of Art and Design of Saint-Etienne, France, with the<br />

participation of Fashion Design Department students of AAL

XXX, 2011, colection

Elīna Rožukalne<br />

1981<br />

Esmu modes dizainere. Modes dizainā esmu ieinteresēta radošos eksperimentos<br />

ar piegriezumiem un formām, apvienojot tērpa funkcionalitāti, mākslinieciskās<br />

kvalitātes un nozīmes, tādējādi radot individuālu, neparastu apģērba valkātāja<br />

tēlu. Raksturīga iezīme manos darbos ir liektu līniju izmantojums.<br />

Pēc Maģistra grāda iegūšanas Modes dizainā es turpināšu darboties prêt-àporter<br />

modes kategorijā un piedalīties modes skatēs, kā arī piedalīšos temtiskās<br />

izstādēs ar tērpiem kā mākslas un dzaina objektiem, mēģinot atklāt valkātāja<br />

identitāti.<br />

I’m a fashion designer. In fashion I am interested in creative experimenting with<br />

cuts and shapes, combining functionality of garments with their artistic qualities<br />

and meanings, thus creating individualistic, unusual and extraordinary images.<br />

Usage of curved lines is a characteristic feature of my work.<br />

After acquiring the Master’s degree in fashion at the Art Academy of Latvia I will<br />

continue to express myself by participating in prêt-à-porter fashion shows, as<br />

well as display my work in thematic exhibitions as objects of art and design, trying<br />

to reveal the identity of the wearer.<br />


2009 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), MA studies, Fashion Department 2002–2006 AAL, BA degree, Fashion Department<br />

1997–2002 Riga Design and Art School (qualification – fashion designer)<br />


2010 Image designer and fashion analyst Konstantin Bogomolov’s master classes Stylish Image: Theory and Design;<br />

Ute Rathmann’ workshop on fashion illustration 1990–1997 Northern Riga Art School, drawing, painting, composition,<br />

fashion design, handwork<br />


2006 New Rosme, lingerie designer, constructor 1999–2003 Drawing and<br />

making photos for fashion pages in the children’s magazine Spicā Avīze<br />



2010 Fashion Show of the Students of the AAL Perons (Railway Platform), Collection<br />

Mask; Designing outfits for the International Baltic/Nordic Performance<br />

art project Friend_Ship (Latvia); Fashion contest HABITUS BALTIJA 2010, Collection<br />

Mask, sympathy award from the jury Konstantin Bogomolov 2006 Fashion<br />

Show of the AAL students, ,collection His Spanish Bride; Participation in the<br />

exhibition of the AAL ,Fashion Houses; Costumes for the Latvian Academy of<br />

Culture students’ performance at the Daile Theatre 2005 Fashion Show of the<br />

AAL students, collection Butterflies; 3rd prize in the contest HABITUS BALTIJA<br />

2005, collection Days-off Rhythms; 1st prize in the fashion contest organized<br />

by the enterprise Hagiteks; Costumes for the Latvian Academy of Culture students’<br />

performance at the Daile Theatre 2004 Fashion Show of the AAL students,<br />

collection Days-off Rhythms; Fashion contest HABITUS BALTIJA Collection<br />

Rosmary; 1st prize in the new fashion designer contest organized within<br />

the Baltic Ballet Festival on the topic Diaghilev’s Season in Paris

cilvĒKA, 2011, colection

Ausma Šmite<br />

1986<br />

Man patīk tas, ko es daru. Es turpināšu darīt to, kas man patīk.<br />

I like what I do. I will continue doing what I like.<br />


2009 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL) Graphic Department, Master programme,<br />

Riga 2005–2009 AAL, Graphic Department, Bachelor of Arts degree in the Humanities,<br />

Riga 2002–2005 Sigulda State High School 1995–2000 Sigulda Art<br />

School<br />


2007 ERASMUS exchange program at the Art Academy of Caen, France, Graphic<br />

Arts (ECOLE REGIONALE des BEAUX-ARTS Caen la mer)<br />


2011 AAL days, (AAL) Riga, Latvia; Starpciltis, Sigulda Art School, Sigulda;<br />

Tehnikas, Ogre Art School, Ogre; Mazgrafikas, D.Fab, Riga 2010 +30, Dirty Deal<br />

Café, Spīķeri, Riga; VI.P. PLEIN AIR 2010. Ogre Art school, Ogre; AAL days, (AAL)<br />

Riga; Competition exhibition of Brederlo – von Sengbusch Art Award. AAL Riga<br />

2009 Kunstbar. D.Fab, Riga; Saulgriežu laiks, Sigulda; Forma. Krāsa. Līnija.<br />

Riga Art Space; Power of the Creation, Goldener Kentaur Award, Munich; 2008<br />

Competition exhibition of Brederlo – von Sengbusch Art Award, AAL Riga; VI.P.<br />

PLEIN AIR, AAL; Influence. Krimulda 2006 Pastarās dienas karaoke, AAL Riga

Horror vacui, 2011, lithograph, 65x85 cm

Mārtiņš Vītols<br />

1986<br />

Modulārā sēdmēbele „latviešu krēsls” ir kompakts, viegli saliekams un<br />

pārvietojams sēdmēbeles komplekts jauniešiem.<br />

Mēbeles konstrukcijas pamatā ir autentiskas re-dizanētas etnogrāfisko<br />

Vidzemes krēslu atzveltnes formas, kuras kombinējot ar sēdvirsmas<br />

plāksnēm ļauj modelēt dažādas funkcijas sēdmēbeles atbilstoši lietotāju<br />

velmēm un dzīves stilam.<br />

Materiāls: krēslu atzveltnes – bērza masīvkoks, sēdvirsmu plātnes -<br />

krāsots saplāksnis<br />

Dimensijas: pozīcija - sēdmēbele sols 400 X 1100 X h 1050 mm,<br />

pozīcija - individuālais piesēžamais 400 x 350 x h 1050<br />

Savu turpmāko radošo darbību esmu iecerējis turpināt un saistīt ar<br />

aktīvu darbību dizaina un arhitektūras jomā.<br />

Kā arī plānoju turpināt attīstīt un pilnveidot maģistra studiju gaitā<br />

izstrādāto dizaina darbu kolekciju Modulārā sēdmēbele „latviešu krēsls”.<br />

Cerot uz produkta realizāciju - meklējot un veidot sadarbības kontaktus<br />

ar dizaina mēbeļu ražotājiem.<br />


2009- 2011 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Design Department, Master programme, Riga 2005–2009 AAL, Design Department,<br />

Bachelor of Arts degree in the Humanities 2001–2005 Valmiera Secondary Art School 2001–2004 Valmiera<br />

State Gymnasium<br />


2011 Participation with MA graduation piece “Vidzeme chair” in the young designers exhibition SaloneSatellite Milan<br />

2011 within the framework of the prestige furniture exhibition; Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Milan; Participation<br />

in the arrangement of the presentation stand of the Art Academy of Latvia in the design exhibition STOCKHOLM<br />

FURNITURE FAIR / Greenhouse section, Stockholm 2010 the honourable 3rd place for the BA graduation piece “CRISS-<br />

CROSS” in the young designers competition/exhibition SaloneSatellite Moscow 2010, organized by the Italian exhibition<br />

company Cosmit. Moscow 2009 Participation with the work „size M” in the design competition/exhibition Gada<br />

balva dizainā, Riga; Participation with the work “CRISS-CROSS” in the exhibition<br />

of the Design Faculty (Art Academy of Latvia) graduation works COPE.<br />

Riga 2008 Participation with the works „IKSUS” and „size M” in the design<br />

magazine DEKO (LV) competition/exhibition, DESIGN 2008, Riga; Participation<br />

with the work „IKSUS” in the school (Art Academy of Latvia) stand in<br />

the design exhibition STOCKHOLM FURNITURE FAIR/Greenhouse section,<br />

Stockholm 2007 Participation in the exhibition of students’ works “Florence<br />

- Riga - Florence” with the work - interior lamp „Firence”, Riga 2006<br />

Participation with the work “Laipa” in the young designers design exhibition<br />

“5 p.m.” Riga; Participation with the work “Laipa” in the school (Art Academy<br />

of Latvia) exhibition of design students’ works, “JAUNIE ASNI”, Museum<br />

of Decorative Arts and Design, Riga; Participation with the work “Laipa” in<br />

school (Art Academy of Latvia) stand in the design exhibition STOCKHOLM<br />

FURNITURE FAIR/Greenhouse section, Stockholm

Easily transportable and convertible, compact seating furniture set for<br />

young people.<br />

The main element in this furniture construction is the authentic redesigned<br />

chair backrest of the ethnographical Vidzeme chair which, in<br />

combination with seating plates, can be assembled into seating furniture<br />

of different kinds, meeting the needs and the lifestyle of the user.<br />

Materials: backrests - turned birchwood, seat plates - coloured plywood<br />

Dimensions: seating furniture in bench position 400 X 1100 X h 1050<br />

mm, individual seats 400 x 350 x h 1050<br />

I have intended to continue working in the field of design and<br />

architecture.<br />

I also plan to continue developing and improving my work on the collection<br />

Modular Seating Furniture „Latvian Chair” that I had begun during<br />

my Master studies, hoping that the product will be put into practice<br />

– looking for and developing contacts with manufacturers of furniture<br />

design.<br />

Latvian chair, 2011, Modular Seating Furniture

Uģis Bērziņš<br />

1982<br />

Scenogrāfija izrādei 25. stunda, Jaunā Rīgas teātra mazajā zālē<br />

Savā scenogrāfijas piedāvājumā veidoju nosacītu eksperimentālās laboratorijas<br />

telpu, kurā ir iespējams veidot telpas vizuālās deformācijas<br />

ar video projekciju palīdzību. Vizuālā dramaturģija norisinās telpas<br />

deformācijas procesā, kurš atspoguļo varoņa dažādos sajūtu stāvokļus.<br />

Arī turpmāk savu profesionālo darbību saistīšu ar jaunu vizuālo izteiksmes<br />

līdzekļu meklējumiem teātrī un performancēs.<br />

Esmu komunikabls, drosmīgs, mērķtiecīgs, draudzīgs un spēju labi<br />

pielāgoties jaunai videi.<br />


2009 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Stage Design Department, Master programme, Riga 2009 AAL, Stage Design, Bachelor<br />

of Arts degree in the Humanities 2007 Kunsthochschule Berlin, Weiβensee, Germany, Stage and Costume Design<br />

Department 2004 Riga Design and Art School (metal design) 1998 Riga Applied Arts School 1997 Daugavpils Gymnasium<br />

1996 Daugavpils School of Arts<br />


2011 Stage design for the performance “Palle One in the World”, Puppet Theatre of Latvia, dir. Valters Sīlis 2010 Stage<br />

design for the performance “Dunno”, Liepāja Theatre, dir. Lelde Kaupuža; Stage design for the performance “My...<br />

Latvia!?”, Eduards Smiļģis Theatre Museum, dir. Juris Jonelis; Stage design for the performance “Who lives in the toy<br />

box...?”, Puppet Theatre of Latvia, dir. Edgars Kaufelds; Stage design for the performance “Early Rust”, Valmiera Drama<br />

Theatre, dir. Juris Jonelis; Stage and costume design for the performance “Censor” by Anthony Nelson, Liepāja Theatre,<br />

dir. Valters Sīlis 2009 Stage and costume design for the performance “Absinth” by Magda Fertač, Theatre observatory of<br />

Galina Polischuk, dir. Juris Jonelis; Stage and costume design for the performance “Flight”, Theatre observatory of Galina<br />

Polischuk, dir. Galina Polischuk; Set design for the performance “Grandfather”, dramatization by Vilis Daudziņš, New<br />

Riga Theatre, dir. Alvis Hermanis; Stage and costume design for the performance “Cabirian Nights”, based on F.Fellini’s<br />

film, Theatre observatory of Galina Polischuk, dir. Gaļina Polischuk; Stage and costume design for the performance<br />

“Olivereto”, Daugavpils Theatre, dir. Harijs Petrockis, 2008 Stage and costume<br />

design for the performance “Colonel’s Widow”, play by Juhan Smuul, Latvian<br />

National Theatre, dir. Juris Rijnieks; Stage design for the performance “With a<br />

Cabin to the Church”, dir. Varis Vētra<br />


2010 group exhibition Shine Orfeo, in Shine Riga festival 2008 Edvarts Virza<br />

Said So, Eduards Smiļģis Theatre Museum; Solo exhibition Works, in art garde<br />

Cockle, Daugavpils; “P.S. opera”, Latvian National Opera 2007 PQ 2007 Prague,<br />

students exhibition; Costume show in Kunsthochschule Berlin- Weiβensee,<br />

Germany; 2006 Machinery, recreation centre in Ropaži 2004 The international<br />

biennale for Designers in Saint-Etiene, France; Closer, an exhibition of RDMV<br />

graduate works at the Talsi City Museum of History, Latvia; Created in Latvia,<br />

at the Cēsis City exhibition hall, Latvia; Young Design, exhibition of RDMV<br />

2004–2005 graduate works at the Design Museum, Riga

Stage design for the play 25th hour at the New Riga Theatre, Small Hall<br />

The stage design for this play is an experimental laboratory space which<br />

can be transformed and deformed with the help of video projections.<br />

Visual drama takes place in a deformation process which reflects different<br />

feelings of characters.<br />

In the future, too, my professional work will be connected with the theatre<br />

and performance art, looking for new visual solutions in this field.<br />

I’m open to everything new, and to crazy ideas. It is important to improve<br />

the environment around ourselves, and I want to do something<br />

good with all that is in my power!<br />

25th hour, stage design

Ivars Noviks<br />

1961<br />

Man radās vienreizēja iespēja veidot izrādi Tallinas Pilsētas teātrī brīvā dabā. Viduslaiku<br />

arhitektūras iekļautā pagalmā, kas jau darbojas skatītājam kā iespaidīgs<br />

fons un ekrāns. Pagalms veido trijstūra formu ar sešu metru padziļinājumu ar<br />

trim līmeņiem, un patiesībā ir gan pamests būvlaukums, gan iesākts būvlaukums.<br />

Šoreiz runa ir par Moljēra izrādi “Skapēna blēdības”, kura top sadarbībā ar<br />

režisoru Elmo Nugonenu (Elmo Nüganen).<br />

Teātrī šķiet, ka primārais ir tikai aktieri, un tā ir taisnība, jo katra paaudze<br />

atceras un zina tikai sava laikmeta aktieri jo viņš ir tās būtības spogulis. Bet<br />

mums vienmēr svarīgi ir arī zināt - ko mēs aiz sevis atstājam, kādu elementu<br />

kopumu, ideju par teātri, kādus lietišķos pierādījumus. Manā radošajā biogrāfijā<br />

ir bijuši dažādi ciklveidīgi periodi, vienu brīdi es aizrāvos ar konstrukcijām,<br />

tad ar glezniecību. Kaut gan konstrukcija mani vienmēr fascinējusi visvairāk.<br />

Sākumā es gribēju izrādē ielikt, uzspiest pēc iespējas vairāk sava, uzspiest<br />

savu vēlēšanos režisoram, jo sākumā ir neziņa, nu, kā es sevi parādīšu. Kā<br />

tas būs, ja uz skatuves uzliks tikai vienu krēslu, kur tad būs scenogrāfs? Tikai<br />

vairāk strādājot es saprotu, ka primārais ir un paliek režisors, jo viņš ir izrādes<br />

māte, viņš ir tas, kas izrādes ideju “iznēsā”. Un viņš un aktieri ir tie, kas noved<br />

iestudējumu līdz rezultātam un pabeigtībai.<br />


2009 Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), Department of Stage Design, Master Programme,<br />

Riga 1989–1997 AAL, Department of Painting and Stage Design,<br />

Bachelor of Arts degree in the Humanities 1979–1982 Rēzekne Secondary<br />

School of Applied Arts, Department of Stage Design<br />


2010 Winter by Y. Grishkovetz, Riga Russian Theatre, directed by I. Puda-Tubele;<br />

La discreta enamorada by Lope de Vega, Independent Theatre “Skatuve”, directed<br />

by A. Eižvertiņa 2009 Dustbin Baby, based on a novel by Jacqueline Wilson,<br />

Independent Theatre “Skatuve”, directed by I.Lūsis; Happy Everyday!, by Jaan<br />

Tätte, Cinema “Rīga”, directed by I.Lūsis; Rambuku by Jon Fosse, New Riga Theatre,<br />

directed by R. Birmanis; King Lear at a Poorhouse by O. Bagaturiya, Valmiera<br />

Drama Theatre, directed by O. Bagaturiya; The Class. XX Century, based<br />

on the play by V. Vīgante, Independent Theatre “Skatuve”, directed by V. Lūriņš;<br />

Intrigue and Love by Friedrich Schiller, Independent Theatre “Skatuve”, directed<br />

by A. Eižvertiņa; Gagarin Way by G. Burke, Riga Russian Theatre, directed by<br />

N. Gorbunov (Moscow) 2008 Three Stories about Little Brother and Karlsson,<br />

based on works of Astrid Lindgren, Liepāja Theatre, directed by I.Lūsis

I had a unique possibility to create an open-air performance at the Tallinn City<br />

Theatre, in a courtyard embraced by medieval architecture which in itself acts as<br />

an impressive backdrop and a screen. The triangular courtyard has been sunk to<br />

the depth of six metres and has three tiers; in fact, it presents both a forsaken<br />

and a started construction site.<br />

This time it is Molière’s “Scapin’s Deceits”, staged in cooperation with the director<br />

Elmo Nüganen.<br />

It seems that actors are of the primary importance in the theatre, which is true<br />

because each generation remembers and knows only the actors of their time<br />

as they are the mirror of its very essence. However, we also find it important to<br />

know what we leave after ourselves - what kind of aggregate of elements, what<br />

concept of the theatre, what material evidence. In my creativity I have experienced<br />

several cyclic periods. At one time I was carried away by constructions,<br />

then again by painting. Although, I have always been fascinated by construction<br />

most. Initially I wanted to maximally put my own ideas into the performance,<br />

to impose my wishes on the director because initially there is this uncertainty,<br />

well, how shall I demonstrate myself. What if there is just one chair on the stage<br />

- where’s the input of the stage designer? As I continued working on the staging<br />

I came to understand that the decisive role belongs to the director because<br />

he is the mother of the performance, he is the one who “carries” the idea of the<br />

performance. He and the actors take the staging to its final result and accomplishment.<br />

Scapin’s Deceits, stage design

Coordination Laura Ozola<br />

Design Ingus Eisaks<br />

Translation Rasma Mozere<br />

Art Academy of Latvia<br />

Kalpaka bulvāris 13/ Rīga. LV-1867<br />

www.lma.lv<br />

Buklets tiek finansēts no projekta “Atbalsts <strong>Latvijas</strong> <strong>Mākslas</strong><br />

<strong>akadēmija</strong>s maģistra studiju programmas īstenošanai”<br />

The booklet is funded by the project “Support for the Master’s Programme<br />

of the Art Academy of Latvia”<br />

Nr. 2009/0150/1DP/<br />

Projektu līdzfinansē Eiropas Sociālais fonds<br />


Ieguldījums Tavā nākotnē

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