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the toxic truth 669. Key information was subjected to a confidentiality clause following the out of court settlement of the civil claim in the High Court of England and Wales in 2009. 670. Rachel Gogoua, President of the Association of the victims of Akouédo Extension, Amnesty International interview (Abidjan), February 2009. 671. Okechukwu Ibeanu, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the adverse effects of the movement and dumping of toxic and dangerous products and wastes on the enjoyment of human rights, Addendum, Human Rights Council, Twelfth session, Agenda item 3, Doc UN A/HRC/12/26/ Add.2, 3 September 2009, para 86(f), available at docs/12session/A-HRC-12-26-Add2.pdf (accessed May 2012). 672. Genevieve Diallo, Akouédo resident, Amnesty International interview, Abidjan, February 2009. 673. A claim was also filed with the French prosecutor based on the nationality of two Trafigura executives. This is not discussed in detail in this report. 674. Claude Dauphin, Trafigura’s Chairman, was initially charged with a number of offences, including the illegal export of waste from Europe to an African Caribbean Pacific (ACP) state but successfully appealed against his summons. 675. APS had argued that they were not liable “since the waste had not been accepted at the time it was transferred back to the Probo Koala.” This was rejected by the court. The court instead held “that the acceptance procedure set out in this permit had in fact been completed at the time of the physical collection of the slops”, which meant that“[a]fter this collection, APS was only allowed to turn the slops over to a certified waste processor”. The court went on to hold that “the Probo Koala was not a certified waste processor” and that consequently “by returning the slops to that vessel, APS thus acted in violation of Section 10.37 of the Environmental Management Act.” Samenvatting vonnissen Broom II” (Summary of verdicts), Part III Assessment of the merits of the cases, available in Dutch at B778-4F10-8F76-DBB2E8AE334B/0/SamenvattingvonnissenBROOMIIgeanonimiseerd.pdf(accessed 25 October 2010) Amnesty International translation, p8. 676. The court held since the “Municipality is the only institution charged with the administrative enforcement of Section 10.37” the “authority to enforce the law must… qualify as an exclusive administrative duty.” This meant that “the Public Prosecutor’s Office may not prosecute it for these acts, and is thus barred from prosecuting the case.” “Samenvatting vonnissen Broom II” (Summary of verdicts), Part III Assessment of the merits of the cases, available in Dutch at B778-4F10-8F76-DBB2E8AE334B/0/SamenvattingvonnissenBROOMIIgeanonimiseerd. pdf (accessed 25 October 2010). Amnesty International translation p7. 677., “Samenvatting vonnissen Broom II” (Summary of verdicts), Part III Assessment of the merits of the cases, p8, available at B778-4F10-8F76-DBB2E8AE334B/0/SamenvattingvonnissenBROOMIIgeanonimiseerd.pdf (accessed 25 October 2010). 678. Council Regulation (EEC) No. 259/93 of 1 February 1993 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European Community. This law has subsequently been replaced by (EC) Directive No. 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste – applicable since 12 July 2007 679. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para 8.2.2 680. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para. 13.1.2. 681. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para 682. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para 12.; “Samenvatting vonnissen Broom II” (Summary of verdicts), Part III Assessment of the merits of the cases, p8, available at www.rechtspraak. nl/NR/rdonlyres/B23246A4-B778-4F10-8F76- DBB2E8AE334B/0/Samenvattingvonnissen- BROOMIIgeanonimiseerd.pdf 683. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), p10. “Samenvatting vonnissen Broom II” (Summary of verdicts), Part III Assessment of the merits of the cases, available in Dutch at (accessed 25 October 2010). 684. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS). 685. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), p11. “Samenvatting vonnissen Broom II” (Summary of verdicts), Part III Assessment of the merits of the cases, p11, available at www.rechtspraak. nl/NR/rdonlyres/B23246A4-B778-4F10-8F76- DBB2E8AE334B/0/Samenvattingvonnissen- BROOMIIgeanonimiseerd.pdf (accessed 25 October 2010). 686. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para 7.6. “Samenvatting vonnissen Broom II” (Summary of verdicts), Part III Assessment of the merits of the cases, pp11-12, available at (accessed 25 October 2010). 687. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), p 24. “Samenvatting vonnissen Broom II” (Summary of verdicts), Part III Assessment of the merits of the cases, pp23-4, available at 688. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), pp 23 and 24. “Samenvatting vonnissen Broom II” (Summary of verdicts), Part III Assessment of the merits of the cases, pp23-4, available at B778-4F10-8F76-DBB2E8AE334B/0/SamenvattingvonnissenBROOMIIgeanonimiseerd.pdf, Amnesty International, pp23-4. 689. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), p23. “Samenvatting vonnissen Broom II” (Summary of verdicts), Part III Assessment of the merits of the cases, pp23-4, available at 8F76 DBB2E8AE334B/0/SamenvattingvonnissenBROOMIIgeanonimiseerd.pdf. 690. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para 13.3.2. 691. “Samenvatting vonnissen Broom II” (Summary of verdicts), Part III Assessment of the merits of the cases, available in Dutch at (accessed 25 October 2010). Amnesty International English translation, p20. 692. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para 13.3.4. 693. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para 13.3.3. 694. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para 13.3.8. 201 endnotes

202 Amnesty internAtionAl And greenpeAce netherlAnds endnotes 695. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para 13.3.8. 696. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para 13.3.9. 697. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para 13.3.1. “The Court admonishes Trafigura for choosing not to account for its methods during the public hearing. In a case such as the current one, a legal entity may be expected to at least appear at the hearing on the merits of the case in order to explain its standpoint, and to offer the Court and the Public Prosecutor’s Office the opportunity to ask questions about certain choices which were made.” 698. “Samenvatting vonnissen Broom II” (Summary of verdicts), Part III Assessment of the merits of the cases, available in Dutch at (accessed 25 October 2010). Amnesty International English translation, p14. 699. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS). 700. Amsterdam court website (accessed 5 January 2012): 701. Amsterdam court website (accessed 5 January 2012): 702. Amsterdam court website (accessed 5 January 2012): 703. Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS). 704. The examination in court of the case had taken place during the hearings held on 26 June 2008, 2 July 2008, 2 and 10 April 2009, 28 October 2009, 6 November 2009, 10 and 16 March 2010 (pre-trial reviews) and the hearings held on 1, 2, 10, 15, 16, 21, 24 and 28 June 2010 and 1, 2 and 9 July 2010 (hearings on the merits of the case). English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), p1. In his address during the pre-trial review on 26 June 2008 the public prosecutor stated: “The question whether offenses possibly committed in Côte d’Ivoire should be part of this investigation has been considered. It has been decided that it should not. It has appeared impossible to conduct an investigation in the Ivory Coast, in spite of attempts to do this.” (“De vraag of eventueel in Ivoorkust gepleegde strafbare feiten onderdeel zouden moeten zijn van dit onderzoek is onder ogen gezien. Hiervan is afgezien. Het is niet mogelijk gebleken om onderzoek in Ivoorkust te doen, ondanks pogingen daartoe.”) 705. For example, a claim brought by PKL, an Ivorian baby food company, which alleged that it had suffered economic prejudice as a result of contamination to its food products, was found to be inadmissible by the Dutch court. The Dutch court found that the company had not suffered direct damage as a result of the charges under consideration by the court (which related to Trafigura’s conduct in the Netherlands). Amnesty International English translation of verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para 1.2.2. At this same hearing, the Court considered that: “even without further investigation, it could be determined that direct damage was not inflicted upon Protein Kissee s.a. as a result of the offences with which Trafigura is being charged (Section 333, Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure [Sv]), and has found its claim to be evidently inadmissible.” 706. The complaint was made under Article 12 of the Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure; relevant sections cited include: s.173a, 287, 302, 307, 308, 309, 225 and 140 of the Dutch Criminal Code. 707. This included the criminal law provisions (manslaughter, serious bodily injury, criminally negligent homicide, serious and criminally negligent bodily harm or an offence committed in office or while carrying on a profession) under which Greenpeace demanded prosecution. 708. Judgement of the Court of Appeal of the Hague, Decision given on account of the Complaint under Section 12 of the Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure (to be further referred to as: DCCP) received at the Registry of this Court of Appeal on 16 September 2009 and lodged by Stichting Greenpeace Nederland, English translation p15. 709. Judgement of the Court of Appeal of the Hague, Decision given on account of the Complaint under Section 12 of the Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure (to be further referred to as: DCCP) received at the Registry of this Court of Appeal on 16 September 2009 and lodged by Stichting Greenpeace Nederland, English translation pp17-21. 710. Judgement of the Court of Appeal of the Hague, Decision given on account of the Complaint under Section 12 of the Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure (to be further referred to as: DCCP) received at the Registry of this Court of Appeal on 16 September 2009 and lodged by Stichting Greenpeace Nederland, English translation pp17-21. 711. Legal advise obtained by Amnesty International. 712. The claim was brought against both Trafigura’s UK-based subsidiary Trafigura Ltd, which took the relevant operational decisions that led to the dumping, and Trafigura’s Dutch parent company Trafigura Beheer BV. 713. As at 16 September 2009, USD1=EUR 0.6803733179, 714. Civil Procedure Rules, Rule 21.10; this is mandatory when the settlement involves children and protected parties. This is done to ensure that the monies are appropriate and properly invested; to provide protection from the lack of experience or skill of their lawyer; and to ensure that the lawyers are only paid the proper amount of their costs, available at courts/procedure-rules/civil/rules/part21 (accessed May 2012) 715. Mr Justice MacDuff’s statement continues: “[…] I have been following what has been happening in the media both in the newspapers and on television and radio. I have myself witnessed how wildly inaccurate some of the statements have been. It can all be put right with the Final Joint Statement. Speaking for myself, I hope the press […] who have made statements which now turn out to be wrong will take note of the Joint Statement.” available at www.trafigura. com/PDF/Official%20TRANSCRIPT%20of%20 MacDuff%20hearing%20of%2023.09.09%20 OPEN%20SESSION.PDF, (accessed May 2012). 716. Motto & Ors v Trafigura Ltd & Anor [2011] EWHC 90201 (Costs) (15 February 2011), paras 70 and 109. 717. Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act, 2011. 718. CNVDT-CI did not appear on any of the court documents in the UK case and the High Court confirmed that only Leigh Day had authorization under the settlement agreement to distribute the compensation money to the named claimants. 719. The account was placed under an escrow, with SGBCI (Société Générale de Banques en Côte d’Ivoire) as a trustee until “the competent jurisdiction gives a definitive ruling on the question of possession of the [compensation fund]”. “By 22 October, Leigh Day had already distributed PIN numbers to around 90% of Claimants and planned to start distribution of bank cards on 2 November.” Leigh Day Press Briefing Paper, 12 November 2009. 720. See decree n° 2012-452 of 22 May 2012, available at See also RFI, Adama Bictogo n’est plus Ministre de l’Intégration 23 May 2010, afrique/20120523-cote-ivoire-Adama-Bictogon’est-plus-le-ministre-integration-africaine-

202 Amnesty internAtionAl And greenpeAce ne<strong>the</strong>rlAnds<br />

endnotes<br />

695. Amnesty International English translation of<br />

verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National<br />

Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of<br />

Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para<br />

13.3.8.<br />

696. Amnesty International English translation of<br />

verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National<br />

Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of<br />

Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para<br />

13.3.9.<br />

697. Amnesty International English translation of<br />

verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National<br />

Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of<br />

Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para<br />

13.3.1. “The Court admonishes Trafigura for<br />

choosing not to account for its methods during<br />

<strong>the</strong> public hearing. In a case such as <strong>the</strong> current<br />

one, a legal entity may be expected to at least<br />

appear at <strong>the</strong> hearing on <strong>the</strong> merits of <strong>the</strong> case<br />

in order to explain its standpoint, and to offer<br />

<strong>the</strong> Court and <strong>the</strong> Public Prosecutor’s Office<br />

<strong>the</strong> opportunity to ask questions about certain<br />

choices which were made.”<br />

698. “Samenvatting vonnissen Broom II” (Summary<br />

of verdicts), Part III Assessment of <strong>the</strong> merits<br />

of <strong>the</strong> cases, available in Dutch at<br />

(accessed 25<br />

October 2010). Amnesty International English<br />

translation, p14.<br />

699. Amnesty International English translation of<br />

verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National<br />

Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of<br />

Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS).<br />

700. Amsterdam court website (accessed 5 January<br />

2012):<br />

701. Amsterdam court website (accessed 5 January<br />

2012):<br />

702. Amsterdam court website (accessed 5 January<br />

2012):<br />

703. Amnesty International English translation of<br />

verdict on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National<br />

Case Law Number): BN2149, District Court of<br />

Amsterdam, 13/846003-06 (PROMIS).<br />

704. The examination in court of <strong>the</strong> case had taken<br />

place during <strong>the</strong> hearings held on 26 June<br />

2008, 2 July 2008, 2 and 10 April 2009, 28<br />

October 2009, 6 November 2009, 10 and 16<br />

March 2010 (pre-trial reviews) and <strong>the</strong> hearings<br />

held on 1, 2, 10, 15, 16, 21, 24 and 28 June<br />

2010 and 1, 2 and 9 July 2010 (hearings on <strong>the</strong><br />

merits of <strong>the</strong> case). English translation of verdict<br />

on Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law<br />

Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam,<br />

13/846003-06 (PROMIS), p1. In his address<br />

during <strong>the</strong> pre-trial review on 26 June 2008 <strong>the</strong><br />

public prosecutor stated: “The question whe<strong>the</strong>r<br />

offenses possibly committed in Côte d’Ivoire<br />

should be part of this investigation has been<br />

considered. It has been decided that it should<br />

not. It has appeared impossible to conduct<br />

an investigation in <strong>the</strong> Ivory Coast, in spite of<br />

attempts to do this.” (“De vraag of eventueel in<br />

Ivoorkust gepleegde strafbare feiten onderdeel<br />

zouden moeten zijn van dit onderzoek is onder<br />

ogen gezien. Hiervan is afgezien. Het is niet<br />

mogelijk gebleken om onderzoek in Ivoorkust te<br />

doen, ondanks pogingen daartoe.”)<br />

705. For example, a claim brought by PKL, an Ivorian<br />

baby food company, which alleged that it had<br />

suffered economic prejudice as a result of<br />

contamination to its food products, was found to<br />

be inadmissible by <strong>the</strong> Dutch court. The Dutch<br />

court found that <strong>the</strong> company had not suffered<br />

direct damage as a result of <strong>the</strong> charges under<br />

consideration by <strong>the</strong> court (which related to<br />

Trafigura’s conduct in <strong>the</strong> Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands). Amnesty<br />

International English translation of verdict on<br />

Trafigura Beheer BV, LJN (National Case Law<br />

Number): BN2149, District Court of Amsterdam,<br />

13/846003-06 (PROMIS), para 1.2.2. At<br />

this same hearing, <strong>the</strong> Court considered that:<br />

“even without fur<strong>the</strong>r investigation, it could be<br />

determined that direct damage was not inflicted<br />

upon Protein Kissee s.a. as a result of <strong>the</strong><br />

offences with which Trafigura is being charged<br />

(Section 333, Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure<br />

[Sv]), and has found its claim to be evidently<br />

inadmissible.”<br />

706. The complaint was made under Article 12 of <strong>the</strong><br />

Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure; relevant sections<br />

cited include: s.173a, 287, 302, 307, 308,<br />

309, 225 and 140 of <strong>the</strong> Dutch Criminal Code.<br />

707. This included <strong>the</strong> criminal law provisions (manslaughter,<br />

serious bodily injury, criminally negligent<br />

homicide, serious and criminally negligent bodily<br />

harm or an offence committed in office or while<br />

carrying on a profession) under which <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

demanded prosecution.<br />

708. Judgement of <strong>the</strong> Court of Appeal of <strong>the</strong> Hague,<br />

Decision given on account of <strong>the</strong> Complaint<br />

under Section 12 of <strong>the</strong> Dutch Code of Criminal<br />

Procedure (to be fur<strong>the</strong>r referred to as: DCCP)<br />

received at <strong>the</strong> Registry of this Court of Appeal<br />

on 16 September 2009 and lodged by Stichting<br />

<strong>Greenpeace</strong> Nederland, English translation p15.<br />

709. Judgement of <strong>the</strong> Court of Appeal of <strong>the</strong> Hague,<br />

Decision given on account of <strong>the</strong> Complaint<br />

under Section 12 of <strong>the</strong> Dutch Code of Criminal<br />

Procedure (to be fur<strong>the</strong>r referred to as: DCCP)<br />

received at <strong>the</strong> Registry of this Court of Appeal<br />

on 16 September 2009 and lodged by Stichting<br />

<strong>Greenpeace</strong> Nederland, English translation<br />

pp17-21.<br />

710. Judgement of <strong>the</strong> Court of Appeal of <strong>the</strong> Hague,<br />

Decision given on account of <strong>the</strong> Complaint<br />

under Section 12 of <strong>the</strong> Dutch Code of Criminal<br />

Procedure (to be fur<strong>the</strong>r referred to as: DCCP)<br />

received at <strong>the</strong> Registry of this Court of Appeal<br />

on 16 September 2009 and lodged by Stichting<br />

<strong>Greenpeace</strong> Nederland, English translation<br />

pp17-21.<br />

711. Legal advise obtained by Amnesty International.<br />

712. The claim was brought against both Trafigura’s<br />

UK-based subsidiary Trafigura Ltd, which took<br />

<strong>the</strong> relevant operational decisions that led to<br />

<strong>the</strong> dumping, and Trafigura’s Dutch parent company<br />

Trafigura Beheer BV.<br />

713. As at 16 September 2009, USD1=EUR<br />

0.6803733179,<br />

714. Civil Procedure Rules, Rule 21.10; this is mandatory<br />

when <strong>the</strong> settlement involves children<br />

and protected parties. This is done to ensure<br />

that <strong>the</strong> monies are appropriate and properly<br />

invested; to provide protection from <strong>the</strong> lack of<br />

experience or skill of <strong>the</strong>ir lawyer; and to ensure<br />

that <strong>the</strong> lawyers are only paid <strong>the</strong> proper amount<br />

of <strong>the</strong>ir costs, available at<br />

courts/procedure-rules/civil/rules/part21 (accessed<br />

May 2012)<br />

715. Mr Justice MacDuff’s statement continues: “[…]<br />

I have been following what has been happening<br />

in <strong>the</strong> media both in <strong>the</strong> newspapers and on<br />

television and radio. I have myself witnessed<br />

how wildly inaccurate some of <strong>the</strong> statements<br />

have been. It can all be put right with <strong>the</strong> Final<br />

Joint Statement. Speaking for myself, I hope <strong>the</strong><br />

press […] who have made statements which<br />

now turn out to be wrong will take note of <strong>the</strong><br />

Joint Statement.” available at www.trafigura.<br />

com/PDF/Official%20TRANSCRIPT%20of%20<br />

MacDuff%20hearing%20of%2023.09.09%20<br />

OPEN%20SESSION.PDF, (accessed May 2012).<br />

716. Motto & Ors v Trafigura Ltd & Anor [2011] EWHC<br />

90201 (Costs) (15 February 2011), paras 70<br />

and 109.<br />

717. Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders<br />

Act, 2011.<br />

718. CNVDT-CI did not appear on any of <strong>the</strong> court<br />

documents in <strong>the</strong> UK case and <strong>the</strong> High Court<br />

confirmed that only Leigh Day had authorization<br />

under <strong>the</strong> settlement agreement to distribute<br />

<strong>the</strong> compensation money to <strong>the</strong> named claimants.<br />

719. The account was placed under an escrow, with<br />

SGBCI (Société Générale de Banques en Côte<br />

d’Ivoire) as a trustee until “<strong>the</strong> competent jurisdiction<br />

gives a definitive ruling on <strong>the</strong> question<br />

of possession of <strong>the</strong> [compensation fund]”. “By<br />

22 October, Leigh Day had already distributed<br />

PIN numbers to around 90% of Claimants and<br />

planned to start distribution of bank cards on 2<br />

November.” Leigh Day Press Briefing Paper, 12<br />

November 2009.<br />

720. See decree n° 2012-452 of 22 May 2012, available<br />

at<br />

See also RFI, Adama Bictogo n’est plus Ministre<br />

de l’Intégration 23 May 2010,<br />


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