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a tripartite report - Unctad

a tripartite report - Unctad


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NOTES<br />

distribution process, they may also have harmful effects on competition if they give rise to risk of markets becoming<br />

foreclosed to third parties. While conglomerate mergers present the least danger to competition, since in the case of<br />

<br />

<br />

parties involved, which the parties can use against actual or potential competitors through cross-subsidization.<br />

140 Mark A A Warner, International Aspects of Competition Policy – Possible Directions for the FTAA, in “World Competition: Law<br />

and Economics Review”, Vol. 22 No.1, March 1999.<br />

141 The Competition and Consumer Protection (General) Regulations, 2011, which were gazetted on 19 August 2011 as<br />

Statutory Instrument No.97 of 2011.<br />

142 <br />

<br />

143 The Competition and Consumer Protection (General) Regulations, 2011 (Statutory Instrument No.97 of 2011), that were<br />

gazetted on 19 August 2011.<br />

144 Section 45 of the Competition Act, 2003 (Act No.2 of 2003) of Namibia provides that “(1) … the Commission must<br />

<br />

<br />

information …, within 30 days after the date of receipt by the Commission of the information; or (c) if a conference is<br />

convened …, within 30 days after the date of conclusion of the conference. (2) If the Commission is of the opinion that<br />

the period referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of subsection (1) should be extended due to the complexity of the issues<br />

involved it may, before expiry of that period, by notice in writing to the undertakings involved extend the relevant<br />

<br />

145 <br />

2011.<br />

146 <br />

147 The interim measures provisions of section 62(1) of the Act only relate to the prevention of potentially harmful mergers<br />

before completion of the assessment of the competitive effects of the transaction, and not to authorization of mergers.<br />

148 COMESA Competition Regulations and Rules, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, Lusaka, December<br />

2004.<br />

149 Unconscionable conduct is described in the national competition and consumer protection policy as unfair and unreasonable<br />

conduct in business transactions that goes against good conscience, and can occur in transactions between<br />

businesses or in transactions between businesses and consumers.<br />

150 Regulation 16 of the Competition and Consumer Protection (General) Regulations, 2011.<br />

151 The ZACCI Journal, Volume 1, Issue 7, 2010.<br />

152 The ZACCI Journal, Volume 1, Issue 9.<br />

153 The 8 basic consumer rights are the rights to information, choice, safety, education, clean environment, basic consumer<br />

goods, to be heard, and to redress.<br />

154 Structural remedies are those aimed at changing of altering the structure of the market, such as ordering divestiture or<br />

<br />

<br />

155 A structural order to establish competition in an industry that had been monopolised was the break-up in the United<br />

States of America of AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph Company) by a court order in the early 1980s. The current<br />

Microsoft case might also be concluded with structural remedies.<br />

156 <br />

Competition Authorities and Regulatory Bodies” (TD/RBP/CONF.6/13/Rev.1 and TD/B/COM.2/CLP/44/Rev.2, of 17 August<br />

2006).<br />

157 The following are the full names of the abbreviated symbols in Figure 1: (i) CC (Competition Authority); (ii) CAZ (Communications<br />

Authority of Zambia): (iii) CEEC (Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission); (iv) ECZ (Environmental<br />

Council of Zambia); (v) ERB (Energy Regulation Board); (vi) GRZ (Government of the Republic of Zambia); (vii) NWASCO<br />

(National Water & Sanitation Council); (viii) PRA (Pharmaceutical Regulatory Authority); (ix) RDA (Road Development<br />

Agency); (x) RTSA (Road Transport and Safety Agency); (xi) ZABS (Zambia Bureau of Standards); (xii) ZDA (Zambia De-<br />

217<br />


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