a tripartite report - Unctad

a tripartite report - Unctad a tripartite report - Unctad


ZIMBABWE Table 2: Number of Competition Matters Handled During 1999 - 2010 Case Category 1999-2001 2002-2004 2005-2007 2008 2009 2010 Total Restrictive Practices 58 61 54 14 15 18 220 Mergers and Acquisitions 24 78 81 16 9 14 222 Competition Studies 9 12 13 2 1 1 38 Totals 91 151 148 32 25 33 480 (CTC Annual Report, 2010) strictive practices, unfair business practices and merger control. There is no separation of duties as to cartel, abuse of dominance and merger control cases. Restrictive Business Practices Since the effective commencement of the Commission’s operations in 1999, the Commission 197 has made decisions on a total of 100 competition cases involving restrictive and unfair business practices (inclusion of anticompetitive agreements, and abuse of dominance) from the Directorate’s preliminary investigations. Of those decisions, 59 were made during the period 1999-2005, 29 during the period 2006-2009, and 12 during the period 2010-2011. Table 3 shows the Commission’s decisions on restrictive business practices during the 1999-2011 period: Table 3: Commission Decisions on Restrictive Business Practices During 1999-2011 Period Period Commission Decision 1999-2005 2006-2009 2010-2011 Of the 59 cases made decisions on during the period 1999-2005, 14 were closed for lack of competition concerns, 8 were closed for lack of serious competition concerns, 8 were closed for lack of evidence to substantiate the allegations, 12 proceeded to the full-scale investigation stage, 10 were closed following conclusion of consent agreements, 4 were closed on discontinuation of alleged restrictive controls on the relevant products. Of the 29 decisions made on restrictive and unfair business practices during the period 2006-2009, 6 were on the closure of the case for for lack of serious competition concerns,4 on closure of the case on conclusion of consent agreements, 3 were on closure of the case for lack of competition concerns, 2 were on closure of the case for lack of jurisdiction, 1 was on closure of the case for discontinuation of the alleged restrictive practices, 1 was referred to other relevant authorities, and 1 was shelved pending lifting of government price controls on the relevant products. Of the 12 decisions on restrictive and unfair business practices made during the period 2010-2011, 4 were on proceeding the case to the full-scale investigation stage, 3 were to close the case for lack of competition concerns, 2 were to close the case for lack of evidence to substantiate the allegations, 1 was to close the case following conclusion of a consent agreement, 1 was to refer the case to the ZIMBABWE

198 VOLUNTARY PEER REVIEW OF CLP: A TRIPARTITE REPORT ON THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA – ZAMBIA – ZIMBABWE The Table 4 below summarizes the number of Commission’s decisions on restrictive business` practices since 1999. Table 4: Summarized Commission Decisions on Restrictive Business Practices During 1999-2011 Period Commission Decision No. of RBP Cases Decided Upon 1999- 2005 2006- 2009 2010- 2011 Total Percentage Case closed for lack of competition concerns 14 3 3 20 20 per cent Case closed for lack of serious competition concerns 8 5 0 13 13 per cent Case closed for lack of evidence to substantiate the allegations 8 6 2 16 16 per cent Case closed for lack of jurisdiction 0 1 1 3 3 per cent Case proceed to full-scale investigation stage 12 2 4 18 18 per cent Case closed on conclusion of consent agreements and signing of Undertakings 10 4 1 15 15 per cent Case closed on discontinuation of alleged restrictive practices 4 1 0 5 5 per cent 1 5 1 7 7 per cent Case referred to other relevant authorities 0 1 0 1 1 per cent Case shelved pending lifting of government price controls on relevant products 2 1 0 3 3 per cent Totals 59 29 12 100 100 per cent A total of 18 cases decided upon from preliminary investigations (18 per cent of the total cases decided upon) proceeded to the full-scale investigation stage, requiring advertising in the Government Gazette and national newspapers and holding of public hearings. 200 All the full-scale investigations were terminate with the Commission issuing re- and/or making advocacy recommendations to the relevant government authorities. 201 Furthermore, the above Table shows that only 16 per cent of the cases were closed for lack of evidence to substantiate the allegations (this is nevertheless still a high percentage of case closure for lack of evidence on the alleged anticompetitive practices, most of whom were related to collusive and cartel-like behaviour, highlighting the need for training in inves- Commission were those closed for lack of jurisdiction (3 per cent), closed on discontinuation of the alleged restrictive practices (5 per cent), referred to other relevant authorities (1 per cent), and shelved pending the lifting of government price controls on the relevant products (3 per cent). The rest of the cases (72 per cent) were heard on merit by the Commission, and amply decided upon accordingly. The following in Table 5 are statistics on the types of restrictive and unfair business practices that the Commission has addressed from its competition decisions during the period 2008-2011: Table 5: Types of Restrictive and Unfair Business Practices Addressed During Period 2005-2010202 Restrictive/ Unfair Business Practice 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total Abuse of dominance (monopolization) 4 6 3 2 5 5 25 Collusive and cartel-like behaviour 1 1 3 3 1 2 11 Misleading advertising 1 2 1 2 0 1 7 Vertical restraints 3 3 2 1 1 0 10 Unfair consumer practice (selling of inferior and sub-standard goods) 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Totals 9 12 9 9 7 8 54


The Table 4 below summarizes the number of<br />

Commission’s decisions on restrictive business`<br />

practices since 1999.<br />

Table 4: Summarized Commission Decisions on Restrictive Business Practices During<br />

1999-2011 Period<br />

Commission Decision<br />

No. of RBP Cases Decided Upon<br />

1999-<br />

2005<br />

2006-<br />

2009<br />

2010-<br />

2011<br />

Total Percentage<br />

Case closed for lack of competition concerns 14 3 3 20 20 per cent<br />

Case closed for lack of serious competition concerns 8 5 0 13 13 per cent<br />

Case closed for lack of evidence to substantiate the allegations<br />

8 6 2 16 16 per cent<br />

Case closed for lack of jurisdiction 0 1 1 3 3 per cent<br />

Case proceed to full-scale investigation stage 12 2 4 18 18 per cent<br />

Case closed on conclusion of consent agreements and signing<br />

of Undertakings<br />

10 4 1 15 15 per cent<br />

Case closed on discontinuation of alleged restrictive practices 4 1 0 5 5 per cent<br />

1 5 1 7 7 per cent<br />

Case referred to other relevant authorities 0 1 0 1 1 per cent<br />

Case shelved pending lifting of government price controls on<br />

relevant products<br />

2 1 0 3 3 per cent<br />

Totals 59 29 12 100 100 per cent<br />

A total of 18 cases decided upon from preliminary<br />

investigations (18 per cent of the total cases decided<br />

upon) proceeded to the full-scale investigation<br />

stage, requiring advertising in the Government<br />

Gazette and national newspapers and holding of<br />

public hearings. 200 All the full-scale investigations<br />

were terminate with the Commission issuing re-<br />

<br />

and/or making advocacy recommendations to the<br />

relevant government authorities. 201<br />

Furthermore, the above Table shows that only 16 per<br />

cent of the cases were closed for lack of evidence to<br />

substantiate the allegations (this is nevertheless still a<br />

high percentage of case closure for lack of evidence<br />

on the alleged anticompetitive practices, most of<br />

whom were related to collusive and cartel-like behaviour,<br />

highlighting the need for training in inves-<br />

<br />

<br />

Commission were those closed for lack of jurisdiction<br />

(3 per cent), closed on discontinuation of the<br />

alleged restrictive practices (5 per cent), referred to<br />

other relevant authorities (1 per cent), and shelved<br />

pending the lifting of government price controls<br />

on the relevant products (3 per cent). The rest of<br />

the cases (72 per cent) were heard on merit by the<br />

Commission, and amply decided upon accordingly.<br />

The following in Table 5 are statistics on the types<br />

of restrictive and unfair business practices that the<br />

Commission has addressed from its competition<br />

decisions during the period 2008-2011:<br />

Table 5: Types of Restrictive and Unfair Business Practices Addressed During Period 2005-2010202<br />

Restrictive/ Unfair Business Practice 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total<br />

Abuse of dominance (monopolization) 4 6 3 2 5 5 25<br />

Collusive and cartel-like behaviour 1 1 3 3 1 2 11<br />

Misleading advertising 1 2 1 2 0 1 7<br />

Vertical restraints 3 3 2 1 1 0 10<br />

Unfair consumer practice (selling of inferior and sub-standard<br />

goods)<br />

0 0 0 1 0 0 1<br />

Totals 9 12 9 9 7 8 54

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