a tripartite report - Unctad

a tripartite report - Unctad

a tripartite report - Unctad


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The fact that CTC has a competition division with<br />

powers to investigate complaints and that during<br />

hearing of a complaint, CTC accords the offender<br />

an opportunity to make his case heard; the<br />

practice at CTC is more inclined to an inquisitorial<br />

system. The hearing is part of the investigation<br />

procedure that follows after the preliminary investigation<br />

is complete; it means that unlike in a<br />

trial the Court, the CTC continues its investigation<br />

right up to the hearing. The corollary is, that the<br />

hearing itself is nothing but part of the investigation<br />

procedure.<br />

In establishing administrative agencies, the Parliament<br />

passes enabling legislation specifying the purpose,<br />

name, functions, and powers of the agency<br />

(Sections 1, 5 of the ZCA). It further describes the<br />

procedures of the agency for handling issues submitted<br />

(Section 28 of the ZCA) and provides for judicial<br />

review of agency orders (Section 33, 40 of the<br />

ZCA). It is under the enabling legislation (the ZCA)<br />

that the Rulemaking power of the agency is described<br />

(Section 50 of the ZCA). As a general rule,<br />

an agency lacks the power to act beyond the scope<br />

of its enabling legislation (Doctrine of Ultra vires).<br />

The ZCA is unlikely to bring about any issues that<br />

relate natural justice breach in so far as separation<br />

of powers; as such ZCA is mindful of natural justice<br />

principle as it is asserted in Section 28 (4). To avert<br />

fears and speculation, the ZCA may provide that it<br />

shall adopt an inquisitorial approach in its case handling<br />

procedure, so as to sharpen its differentiation<br />

from the commonly known adversarial practice.<br />

Shall there be a need of having an adversarial<br />

practice, which observes strict separation of investigative<br />

and adjudicative functions; then the best<br />

institutional arrangement would be that, there are<br />

three distinct institutions. One for investigation,<br />

one for adjudication and another for appeals, like<br />

it is the case in South Africa. However, this would<br />

be costly to the Zimbabwean economy and dif-<br />

<br />

practice currently observed.<br />

3.5 Sanctions<br />

Enforcement of compliance is usually criminal in<br />

nature. The ZCA provides that, “Any person who<br />

contravenes Section … shall be guilty of an offence<br />

prisonment<br />

for a period not exceeding … months/<br />

193<br />

<br />

Competition violations are hence criminal in their<br />

nature, the only difference with penal sanctions<br />

being that the accused in competition cases is often<br />

a legal person, i.e. the enterprise and not a<br />

natural person.<br />

The ZCA does not categorically provide for the<br />

procedure to be followed when a person (who is<br />

<br />

Responses from interviewed stakeholders show<br />

that there has not been any person who has been<br />

imprisoned for infraction of the ZCA, hence no experience<br />

in implementing these provisions.<br />

The style for which the offences are created and<br />

sanctions are levied in the same provision is good<br />

as it reduces the hassle of going back and forth<br />

to match an offence with penalties as provided in<br />

competition laws of other jurisdictions. However,<br />

<br />

<br />

and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]; this Act provides<br />

for levels which are pre-determined and administered<br />

by a different authority thus , the CTC is not<br />

party to this decision.<br />

There is a possibility for a mismatch of gravity of<br />

offences between competition and other offences<br />

that may make the ZCA less deterrent as is supposed.<br />

The maximum is level 14 which carries a<br />

<br />

low as compared to the harm caused by offences<br />

such as cartels.<br />

The ideal situation would be to de-link ZCA of-<br />

<br />

provisions and allow ZCA to independently provide<br />

for penalties so as to ensure offences are accorded<br />

commensurate penalties. This will not only<br />

ensure deterrence, but also bring about consistence<br />

because offences for mergers in the same<br />

<br />

centum of either or both merging parties’ annual<br />

turnover in Zimbabwe.<br />

Interviews with the legal drafting section at the<br />

<br />

indifferent about the issue, citing that the rationale<br />

was to create uniformity across the jurisdiction in<br />

<br />

there have not been any problems with its application.<br />

Nevertheless, the idea of improving the law<br />

was welcomed.<br />


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