BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES - Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie

BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES - Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES - Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie


Choleric - short response time-delay, but response sustained for a relatively long time. (hot/dry) Melancholic - long response time-delay, response sustained at length, if not, seemingly, permanently. (cold/dry) From this schema it is evident that the sanguine and choleric shared a common trait: quickness of response, while the melancholy and phlegmatic shared the opposite, a longer response. The melancholy and choleric, however, shared a sustained response, and the sanguine and phlegmatic shared a short-lived response. That meant, that the Choleric and melancholy both would tend to hang on to emotions like anger, and thus appear more serious and critical than the fun-loving sanguine, and the peaceful phlegmatic. However, the choleric would be characterized by quick expressions of anger, while the melancholy would build up anger slowly, silently, before exploding. The medical theory of temperament began to lose favor in the early modern period. As a characterization of a person's psychological state, however, temperament continued to be employed by both psychologists and the lay public well into the twentieth century. The temperamental theories as well as tests were developed in contemporary periods by David Keirsey, Myers-Briggs, Ernst Kretschmer etc. 2.3. Behavior and Human Somatic One very famous though discussable personality type conception belong to William Sheldon (1898-1977). He was an American psychologist who devoted his life to observing the variety of human bodies and temperaments. He taught and did research at a number of U.S. universities and is best known for his series of books on the human constitution. For his study of the human physique, Dr. Sheldon started with 4,000 photographs of college-age men, which showed front, back and side views. By carefully examining these photos he discovered that there were three fundamental elements which, when combined together, made up all these physiques or somatotypes. With great effort and ingenuity he worked out ways to measure these three components and to express them numerically so that every human body could be described in terms of three numbers, and that two independent observers could arrive at very similar results in determining a person's body type. 31

These basic elements he named endomorphy, mesomorphy and ectomorphy, for they seemed to derive from the three layers of the human embryo, the endoderm, the mesoderm and the ectoderm. So: Endomorph is centered on the abdomen, and the whole digestive system. Mesomorph is focused on the muscles and the circulatory system. Ectomorph is related to the brain and the nervous system. We have all three elements in our bodily makeup, just as we all have digestive, circulatory and nervous systems. No one is simply an endomorph without having at the same time some mesomorph and ectomorph, but we have these components in varying degrees. Sheldon evaluated the degree a component was present on a scale ranging from one to seven, with one as the minimum and seven as the maximum. The Extreme Endomorph - Roundness In this physique the body is round and soft, as if all the mass had been concentrated in the abdominal area. The arms and legs of the extreme endomorph are short and tapering, and the hands and feet comparatively small, with the upper arms and thighs being hammed and more developed than the lower arms and legs. The body has smooth contours without projecting bones, and a high waist. There is some development of the breast in the male and a fullness of the buttocks. The skin is soft and smooth like that of an apple, and there is a tendency towards premature baldness beginning at the top of the head and spreading in a polished circle. The hair is fine and the whole head is spherical. The head is large and the face broad and relaxed with the features blending into an over-all impression of roundness. Santa Claus is our society's image of the extreme endomorph. The Extreme Mesomorph – Muscles The chest area, which Sheldon likened to an engine room, dominates over the abdominal area and tapers to a relatively narrow, low waist. The bones and muscles of the head are prominent as well, with clearly defined cheek bones and a square, heavy jaw. The face is long and broad and the head tends towards a cubical shape. The muscles on either side of the neck create a pyramid-like effect. Both the lower and upper arms and legs are well-developed and the wrists and fingers are heavy and massive. The skin is thick and tends towards coarseness. It takes and holds a tan well and can develop a leathery appearance with heavy wrinkles. 32

These basic elements he named endomorphy, mesomorphy and<br />

ectomorphy, for they seemed to <strong>de</strong>rive from the three layers of the human<br />

embryo, the endo<strong>de</strong>rm, the meso<strong>de</strong>rm and the ecto<strong>de</strong>rm. So:<br />

Endomorph is centered on the abdomen, and the whole digestive<br />

system.<br />

Mesomorph is focused on the muscles and the circulatory system.<br />

Ectomorph is related to the brain and the nervous system.<br />

We have all three elements in our bodily makeup, just as we all<br />

have digestive, circulatory and nervous systems. No one is simply an<br />

endomorph without having at the same time some mesomorph and<br />

ectomorph, but we have these components in varying <strong>de</strong>grees. Sheldon<br />

evaluated the <strong>de</strong>gree a component was present on a scale ranging from one<br />

to seven, with one as the minimum and seven as the maximum.<br />

The Extreme Endomorph - Roundness<br />

In this physique the body is round and soft, as if all the mass had<br />

been concentrated in the abdominal area. The arms and legs of the extreme<br />

endomorph are short and tapering, and the hands and feet comparatively<br />

small, with the upper arms and thighs being hammed and more <strong>de</strong>veloped<br />

than the lower arms and legs. The body has smooth contours without<br />

projecting bones, and a high waist. There is some <strong>de</strong>velopment of the<br />

breast in the male and a fullness of the buttocks. The skin is soft and<br />

smooth like that of an apple, and there is a ten<strong>de</strong>ncy towards premature<br />

baldness beginning at the top of the head and spreading in a polished<br />

circle. The hair is fine and the whole head is spherical. The head is large<br />

and the face broad and relaxed with the features blending into an over-all<br />

impression of roundness. Santa Claus is our society's image of the extreme<br />

endomorph.<br />

The Extreme Mesomorph – Muscles<br />

The chest area, which Sheldon likened to an engine room,<br />

dominates over the abdominal area and tapers to a relatively narrow, low<br />

waist. The bones and muscles of the head are prominent as well, with<br />

clearly <strong>de</strong>fined cheek bones and a square, heavy jaw. The face is long and<br />

broad and the head tends towards a cubical shape. The muscles on either<br />

si<strong>de</strong> of the neck create a pyramid-like effect. Both the lower and upper<br />

arms and legs are well-<strong>de</strong>veloped and the wrists and fingers are heavy and<br />

massive. The skin is thick and tends towards coarseness. It takes and holds<br />

a tan well and can <strong>de</strong>velop a leathery appearance with heavy wrinkles.<br />


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