R - 37 2. Principal Secretary or Secretary to Government, Health Medical and Family Welfare Department .... Member 3. Director of Medical Education .... Member 4. Secretary to Government of the Department in which the employee is seeking retirement on Medical Invalidation. .... Member 5. Deputy Secretary or Joint Secretary or Additional Secretary to Government, Health Medical and Family Welfare Department. .... Member/ Convenor (7) (i) The District Level Committe shall consider the Medical Invalidation report given by the District Medical Board constituted as mentioned in sub-rule (4) (i), (ii) and (iii) above in respect of District employees and State Level Committee shall consider the Medical Invalidation report given by the Medical Board constituted as mentioned in sub-rule 4 (ii) above in respect of Government employees of Heads of Departments /Secretariat Departments and scrutinise the proposals for retirement on medical invalidation. (ii) The District Collector who are heading the District Level Committee, shall send the recommendations of the District Level Committees to the concerned District Head of the Department. (iii) In the case of Government employees of Heads of Departments / Secretariat Departments, the proposals shall be placed before the State Level Committee of Officers directly through Health, Medical and Family Welfare Department in Secretariat based on the recommendations of the Medical Board. Convenor of the State Level Committee of Officers shall send the recommendations of the Committee in each case to the concerned Principal Secretary / Secretary to Government of the Secretariat Department or to the Head of the Department concerned. (8) Only where the District Level Committees and the State Level Committee of Officers makes a clear recommendations for retirement on Medical Invalidation, the concerned District Head of the Department/ Head of the Department/Department of Secretariat / appointing authority shall issue necessary orders permitting the Government employee to retire on Medical Invalidation. II In Appendix III, article 442 and article 445 shall be omittted.] 84

R - 38 38. Compensation pension :- (1) If a Government servant is selected for discharge owing to the abolition of his permanent post, he shall, unless he is appointed to another post the conditions of which are deemed by the authority competent to discharge him to be atleast equal to those of his own, have the option- (a) of taking compensation pension to which he may be entitled for the service he had rendered, or (b) of accepting another appointment on such pay as may be offered and continuing to count his previous service for pension. (2) (a) Notice of atleast three months shall be given to a Government servant in permanent employment before his services are dispensed with on the abolition of his permanent post. (b) Where notice of atleast three months is not given and the Government servant has not been provided with other employment on the date on which his services are dispensed with the authority competent to dispense with his services may sanction the payment of a sum not exceeding the pay and allowances for the period by which the notice actually given to him falls short of three months. (c) No compensation pension shall be payable for the period in respect of which he received pay and allowances in lieu of notice. (3) In case a Government servant is granted pay and allowances for the period by which the notice given to him falls short of three months and he is re-employed before the expiry of the period for which he has received pay and allowances he shall refund the pay and allowances so received for the period following his re-employment. (4) If a Government servant who is entitled to compensation pension accepts instead another appointment under the Government subsequently becomes entitled to receive a pension of any class, the amount of such pension shall not be less than the compensation pension which he could have claimed if he had not accepted the appointment. 85

R - 37<br />

2. Principal Secretary or Secretary to Government,<br />

Health Medical and Family Welfare Department .... Member<br />

3. Director of Medical Education .... Member<br />

4. Secretary to Government of the Department in<br />

which the employee is seeking retirement on<br />

Medical Invalidation. .... Member<br />

5. Deputy Secretary or Joint Secretary or Additional<br />

Secretary to Government, Health Medical and<br />

Family Welfare Department. .... Member/<br />

Convenor<br />

(7) (i) The District Level Committe shall consider the Medical Invalidation<br />

report given by the District Medical Board constituted as mentioned in<br />

sub-rule (4) (i), (ii) and (iii) above in respect of District employees and<br />

State Level Committee shall consider the Medical Invalidation report<br />

given by the Medical Board constituted as mentioned in sub-rule 4 (ii)<br />

above in respect of Government employees of Heads of Departments<br />

/Secretariat Departments and scrutinise the proposals for retirement<br />

on medical invalidation.<br />

(ii) The District Collector who are heading the District Level Committee,<br />

shall send the recommendations of the District Level Committees to<br />

the concerned District Head of the Department.<br />

(iii) In the case of Government employees of Heads of Departments /<br />

Secretariat Departments, the proposals shall be placed before the<br />

State Level Committee of Officers directly through Health, Medical<br />

and Family Welfare Department in Secretariat based on the<br />

recommendations of the Medical Board. Convenor of the State Level<br />

Committee of Officers shall send the recommendations of the<br />

Committee in each case to the concerned Principal Secretary /<br />

Secretary to Government of the Secretariat Department or to the Head<br />

of the Department concerned.<br />

(8) Only where the District Level Committees and the State Level<br />

Committee of Officers makes a clear recommendations for retirement<br />

on Medical Invalidation, the concerned District Head of the Department/<br />

Head of the Department/Department of Secretariat / appointing authority<br />

shall issue necessary orders permitting the Government employee to<br />

retire on Medical Invalidation.<br />

II In Appendix III, article 442 and article 445 shall be omittted.]<br />


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