R - 51 (d) The anticipatory pension paid as per sub-clause (a) shall be adjusted in full from the final pension; 132 (e) No anticipatory pension shall be admissible in cases where disciplinary proceedings are in progress under Rule 9 of these Rules. 1 [(B) Family Pension :-The Head of the Office, irrespective of the fact whether the family pension papers of the family of a Government servant who died while in service have been sent to Accountant-General or not shall draw and disburse anticipatory family pension from the date following the date of death, at the rate not exceeding 75% of the family pension admissible under the rules and for this purpose adopt the following procedure, namely :-] (a) He shall issue a sanction letter to the family of the deceased Government servant endorsing a copy thereof to the competent Pension Sanctioning Authority and the Audit Officer indicating the amount of anticipatory family pension sanctioned to the family of the deceased Government servant. (b) After the issue of the sanction letter he shall draw the family pension and disburse it to the family until such time the regular family pension is released by the Audit Officer or the competent Pension Disbursing Authority as the case may be. The competent Pension Sanctioning Authority shall, soon after receipt of the copy of the sanction accorded by the Head of the Office concerned, shall issue, under intimation to the Audit Officer, a confirmatory sanction for payment of anticipatory pension to the family till the final pension is authorised by the Audit Officer. (c) The anticipatory family pension shall be adjusted in full from the family pension. Note:-1. No allowances shall be admissible on the anticipatory pension referred to above in this rule. 2. The Head of Department/Head of the Office shall obtain an 1. This was substituted by G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance and Planning (FW.Pen.I) Department, dated 22.2.1994.

R - 51 133 undertaking from the Pensioner/Family Pensioner that he/she will refund any amounts found to have been paid in excess of his/her title in the shape of Anticipatory Pension. 3. 1 [The pensioner or family pensioner will have to produce a certificate from the Head of Office duly countersigned by the Audit authorities i.e., Treasury Officer 2 [Deputy Pay and Accounts Officer / Asst. Pay and Accounts Officer] if the payment is in a different District it may be got countersigned by the District Treasury Officer or 2 [Deputy Pay and Accounts Officer who are the passing authority of claims instead of the Pay & Accounts Officer] showing whether he/she has drawn any Anticipatory Pension/Family Pension and if so for what period it has been disbursed. The Head of Office shall stop payment of the Anticipatory Pension once he issued such certificate.] 4. Sanction of Anticipatory Pension should be recorded in the service book of the individual concerned under proper attestation. 3 [(C) Sanction of Anticipatory Gratuity Subject to Rule 52, where there is likely to be delay in releasing the pensionary benefits due to the pensioner, anticipatory gratuity to the extent of 80% of the amount worked out by the departmental authorities with reference to the records available and the qualifying service verified, pending verification and authorisation of the full gratuity by the Accountant-General/Director of Local Fund Audit, shall be sanctioned and the same shall be drawn and disbursed after adjusting all the dues known to the department upto the date of sanction of the Anticipatory Gratuity : Provided that the amount of Anticipatory Gratuity shall be adjusted in full from the final retirement gratuity; Provided further that no anticipatory gratuity shall be sanctioned and released to the pensioner where departmental or judicial proceedings are pending or are contemplated against the pensioner until the conclusion of such proceedings and issue of final orders thereon. 1. The note 3 is substituted by G.O.Ms.No.787 Finance (Pen.I) Department., dt 13-9-2002. 2. The bracketed portion were substituted for Pay & Accounts Officer by G.O.Ms.No.79, Finance (Pen-I) Dept., dt. 5-2-2003. 3. Clause (C) was added by G.O.Ms.No. 275, Fin & Plg (FW.Pen.I) Dept, dt 27.7.94 w.e.f 18.6.85.

R - 51<br />

(d) The anticipatory pension paid as per sub-clause (a) shall be<br />

adjusted in full from the final pension;<br />

132<br />

(e) No anticipatory pension shall be admissible in cases where<br />

disciplinary proceedings are in progress under Rule 9 of these<br />

Rules.<br />

1 [(B) Family Pension :-The Head of the Office, irrespective of the fact<br />

whether the family pension papers of the family of a<br />

Government servant who died while in service have been sent<br />

to Accountant-General or not shall draw and disburse<br />

anticipatory family pension from the date following the date of<br />

death, at the rate not exceeding 75% of the family pension<br />

admissible under the rules and for this purpose adopt the<br />

following procedure, namely :-]<br />

(a) He shall issue a sanction letter to the family of the deceased<br />

Government servant endorsing a copy thereof to the competent<br />

Pension Sanctioning Authority and the Audit Officer indicating<br />

the amount of anticipatory family pension sanctioned to the<br />

family of the deceased Government servant.<br />

(b) After the issue of the sanction letter he shall draw the family<br />

pension and disburse it to the family until such time the regular<br />

family pension is released by the Audit Officer or the competent<br />

Pension Disbursing Authority as the case may be. The<br />

competent Pension Sanctioning Authority shall, soon after<br />

receipt of the copy of the sanction accorded by the Head of the<br />

Office concerned, shall issue, under intimation to the Audit<br />

Officer, a confirmatory sanction for payment of anticipatory<br />

pension to the family till the final pension is authorised by the<br />

Audit Officer.<br />

(c) The anticipatory family pension shall be adjusted in full from<br />

the family pension.<br />

Note:-1. No allowances shall be admissible on the anticipatory pension<br />

referred to above in this rule.<br />

2. The Head of Department/Head of the Office shall obtain an<br />

1. This was substituted by G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance and Planning (FW.Pen.I) Department, dated<br />


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