shell parecle

shell parecle shell parecle
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Cli$on Suspension Bridge Bristol Enrico Fermi School of Physics: “Physics of Complex Fluids” July 2012, Varenna, Italy The Synthesis of Func0onal Colloids Brian Vincent School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, U.K.

Cli$on Suspension Bridge<br />

Bristol<br />

Enrico Fermi School of Physics: “Physics of Complex Fluids”<br />

July 2012, Varenna, Italy<br />

The Synthesis of Func0onal Colloids<br />

Brian Vincent<br />

School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, U.K.

Five Lectures<br />

1) An Overview of Par0cle Structure/Proper0es and<br />

Synthesis<br />

2) Inorganic Par0cles (including metals)<br />

3) Polymer (latex) Par0cles<br />

4) Composite (two phase) Par0cles<br />

5) Porous and Swellable Par0cles (including microgels)

Lecture 4 : Composite (two-­‐phase)Par0cles

composite par0cles: some types<br />

Red = S or L<br />

Blue = S<br />

core-­‐<strong>shell</strong> par0cle “acorn” or bulk Janus par0cle<br />

Red = S<br />

Blue = S or L<br />

“currant bun” par0cle “knobbly” par0cle<br />

Red = S or L<br />

Blue = S<br />

Red = S or L<br />

Blue = S

Some Applica0ons<br />

Liquid core-­‐solid <strong>shell</strong> par0cles (i.e. microcapsules) are mainly used for protec0on and<br />

controlled release of “ac0ve” molecules contained in the core. The release may be either<br />

sustained or triggered .<br />

We shall describe in detail in this lecture methods for preparing such microcapsules.<br />

Acorns have no major applica0ons; they are more of a curiosity, since they are some0mes<br />

formed, inadvertently, instead of core-­‐<strong>shell</strong> par0cles, in certain prepara0on methods – see<br />

later.<br />

“Knobbly” par0cles may be used to form patchy surfaces (see lecture 3).<br />

Nanopar0cles absorbed on liquid droplets form the basis of Ramsden-­‐Pickering emulsion<br />

systems, which are highly stable to coalescence and Ostwald ripening.<br />

Such systems may also be used as precursors to forming liquid core / solid <strong>shell</strong> par0cles –<br />

again see later.<br />

Currant-­‐bun par0cles, with liquid inclusions, may also be used for sustained release.<br />

Current-­‐bun par0cles with solid inclusions have been used in surface coa0ngs, e.g. In<br />

electro-­‐coa0ng of paints onto automobiles (or other metal structures); the solid inclusion<br />

is then a pigment or dye.<br />

Also used in filled “rubber” (i.e. elas0c) materials, formed, e.g. from silica-­‐filled polymer<br />

par0cles, to give “tougher” products, less likely to crack or tear.

currant-­‐bun par0cles<br />

The inclusions could be solid or liquid (or even gas – see the next lecture: porous<br />

par0cles), within a solid matrix., i.e. S/S, L/S or G/S<br />

Principle method of prepara0on of S/S par0cles: dispersion of (small, insoluble)<br />

solid par0cles in monomer droplets, followed by polymerisa0on of the monomer<br />

(c.f. suspension polymerisa0on: lect. 3)<br />

10 µm poly(methylmethacrylate) par0cle filled (25 %<br />

by vol) with 90 nm silica par0cles<br />

Cooper and Vincent, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 1989 132 592

“knobbly” par0cles<br />

Formed by the adsorp0on of small solid par0cles onto:<br />

1) Larger solid par0cles [S/S]<br />

2) Larger liquid droplets (or indeed air bubbles) to give Ramsden-­‐Pickering<br />

emulsions (or foams) [S/L or S/G]

S/S par0cles (1)<br />

small (115 to 690 nm) ca8onic<br />

PS par0cles adsorbed onto large<br />

(2.1 µm) anionic PS<br />

par0cles.<br />

Harley and Vincent Colloids Surfaces,<br />

1992 62 163

S/S par0cles (2)<br />

Courtesy: S.P. Armes research group (Sheffield)<br />

PMMA par0cles coated with<br />

conduc0ng PPy par0cles

S/L par0cles:<br />

Ramsden-­‐Pickering Emulsions

Four basic types:<br />

Core-­‐Shell Par0cles<br />

solid <strong>shell</strong> / liquid core [S/L]<br />

solid <strong>shell</strong> / solid core [S/S]<br />

liquid <strong>shell</strong> / liquid core [L/L]<br />

liquid <strong>shell</strong> / solid core [L/S]<br />

NB the core could also be a gas (i.e. hollow par0cles);<br />

we saw an example of this in lect. 3: hollow graphene par0cles.<br />

We shall consider porous par0cles, per se, in lect. 5

Vincent, unpublished<br />

An example of a L/S system<br />

PS latex encapsulated by PDMS droplets<br />

N.B. it is essen0al to get the balance of the 3 interfacial tensions involved correct<br />

I will come back to this point later.

S/L systems: microcapsules<br />

The rest of this lecture will be concerned with the various<br />

methods for producing microcapsules.<br />

The most important (poten0al) applica0on is in controlled<br />

release, e.g.:<br />

• agrochemical (pes0cides, herbicides, fungicides, fer0lizers,<br />

plant growth promoters, insect pheromones).<br />

• pharmaceu0cal (targeted drugs)<br />

• food addi0ves (e.g. flavourings)<br />

• laundry products (perfumes, bleaches, enzymes,)<br />

• dyes and pigments<br />

• floccula0ng / gelling agents<br />

• lubricants (e.g. oil-­‐drilling bits)<br />

N.B. The liquid core may be oil or water-­‐based.

Sustained release of ac0ve [X]<br />

c x o<br />

δ<br />

C x i<br />

Permeability [P] of the <strong>shell</strong> depends on:<br />

(1) porosity of the solid <strong>shell</strong><br />

(2) solubility of X in the <strong>shell</strong><br />

(3) diffusion coefficient of X in the <strong>shell</strong><br />

R o<br />

R i<br />

δ = R o -­‐ R i

Sustained Release Profile<br />

A = zeroth order : constant release rate (X is solid or in saturated solution)<br />

B = first order:<br />

c x o<br />

A<br />

dc<br />

dt<br />

B<br />

0<br />

X<br />

4πR<br />

=<br />

c x o, eq<br />

0me<br />

0 i ( c − c )<br />

For sustained release the solid <strong>shell</strong> is usually a polymer<br />

o<br />

R<br />

i<br />

P<br />

δ<br />

X<br />


Triggered Release<br />

For triggered release the <strong>shell</strong> is usually ruptured at some point in<br />

the process (so release is “instantaneous). Hence the solid <strong>shell</strong><br />

needs to be briole. Inorganic solids are usually invoked,<br />

(e.g. silica, calcium carbonate).<br />

Methods of rupture:<br />

1) Mechanical stress<br />

2) Osmo0c (if the core liquid and exterior liquid are miscible , e.g.<br />

both aqueous, (so that diffusion across the solid <strong>shell</strong> can occur)<br />

N.B Double-­‐<strong>shell</strong>ed microcapsules can offer both triggered and<br />

sustained release: inner <strong>shell</strong> polymeric, outer <strong>shell</strong> briole.<br />

(see later)

Principle Methods of Prepara0on of S/L microcapsules<br />

1) From “knobbly“ par0cles : fusion or growth of the solid “knobs”<br />

2) Template methods, e.g. using surfactant liposomes<br />

3) Interfacial polymerisa0on<br />

4) Layer-­‐by-­‐layer adsorp0on of polymers / polyelectrolytes<br />

5) Induced phase separa0on of polymers in the con0nuous phase.<br />

6) Induced phase separa0on of polymers within preformed droplets<br />

(the preferred route in my group!)<br />

I will consider each of these 6 methods in turn

Yow & Routh, Langmuir, 2009 25 159<br />

Prepara0on of S/L Microcapsules<br />

1) From “knobbly“ par0cles: fusion or growth of the “knobs”<br />

Rate of release of the “ac0ve” molecules (e.g. a dye) is reduced with increase in<br />

temp. above the T g of the poly(styrene-­‐co-­‐butylacrylate) latex par0cles “knobs”, and<br />

with increasing hea0ng 0me, but release cannot be completely retarded.

2) Template method: surfactant liposomes<br />

The basic concept is to swell the surfactant (e.g. a phospholipid) bilayer with a<br />

suitable monomer (+ a light-­‐sensi0ve ini0ator ) and to ini0ate polymerisa0on<br />

with u.v. light .<br />

NB the above is a mono-­‐bilayer liposome. Mul0-­‐bilayer liposomes are also<br />

frequently formed.

3) Interfacial polymerisa0on<br />

In this method, a polycondensa0on reac0on between two<br />

monomers occurs at the droplet interfaces in an O/W or W/O<br />

emulsion.<br />

Monomer 1 is oil-­‐soluble, and monomer 2 is water-­‐soluble, so that<br />

the interface is the only locus of polymerisa0on.<br />

e.g. a diamine in the aqueous phase + a diacid chloride in the oil<br />

phase would give a nylon <strong>shell</strong> at the oil / water interface.<br />

Note that, in this case, since neither monomer can easily diffuse<br />

across the polymer <strong>shell</strong>, the process is self-­‐limi0ng, so only<br />

rela0vely thin solid nylon <strong>shell</strong>s may be built-­‐up (NB the nylon<br />

“rope trick”!)

The nylon rope trick

Silica Shells formed by interfacial Polymerisa0on<br />

Two types of system will be described:<br />

1) oil core / silica <strong>shell</strong> systems<br />

2) water core / silica <strong>shell</strong> systems<br />

With these systems rela0vely thick <strong>shell</strong>s may be produced.

OIL CORE /<br />



Fresh PDMS Emulsion<br />

undialysed<br />

(unreacted monomer present)<br />

EtO OEt<br />

Si<br />

EtO OEt<br />

Zoldesi in situ method<br />

Zoldesi and Imhof, Adv. Mater. 17, 924-928, 2005<br />

NB Recall last lecture: preparation of silicone oil (PDMS) droplets<br />

reaction time x =<br />

reaction time x<br />

TEOS/DMDES product adsorbed<br />

onto droplet surface<br />

Centrifuge<br />

Wash with EtOH<br />

24 hours 48 hours 72 hours<br />


Bristol Modifica0on of the Zoldesi Method:<br />

post-­‐addi8on of a mixture of DEODMS + TEOS<br />

AIM: beoer predic8ve control over the <strong>shell</strong> thickness.<br />

1) Let the emulsion growth reac0on go to comple0on first (5days)<br />

i.e. no un-­‐reacted TEOS les in the PDMS droplets<br />

2) Add a mixture of DEODMS + TEOS (rather than just TEOS) in various ra0os.<br />

3) For the present studies the TEOS conc. was fixed at 0.018 mol dm -­‐3<br />

The DEODMS conc. was varied between 0.005 and 0.035 mol dm -­‐3 .<br />

O’Sullivan, Zhang & Vincent, Langmuir 2009 25 7962

Core-­‐<strong>shell</strong> par0cles prepared by the post–addi8on method<br />

bar = 20 µm<br />

Op0cal micrograph of par0cles dried on a microscope slide

Shell thickness as a func0on of DEODMS conc.<br />

TEOS conc. fixed at 0.018 mol dm -­‐3

SEM: DEODMS conc. = 0.023 mol dm -­‐3

SEM: DEODMS conc. = 0.035 mol dm -­‐3

Mechanical Strength Studies<br />

• Micromanipulator (+ Z. Zhang)<br />

• Need par0cles large enough to be<br />

viewed under an op0cal<br />

microscope<br />

Sun and Zhang, International Journal<br />

of Pharmaceutics, 2002 242, 307<br />

Force<br />


The Equipment

Force / µm<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

Breaking Force/Displacement<br />

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3<br />

Displacement / µ m



Shells grown around water droplets in hexadecane, stabilised with “Tegopren<br />

8700”, by adding DEODMS + TEOS mixtures.<br />

NB the par>cles may be transferred into water by centrifuga>on<br />

O’Sullivan & Vincent 2010 343 31

4) Layer-­‐by-­‐layer adsorp0on of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes<br />

e.g. Deposi0on of alterna0ng layers of anionic polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) and<br />

the ca0onic protein β-­‐glucosidase (β-­‐GLS) .<br />

Caruso et al, Colloid Surfaces 2000 169 287<br />

Easier to do with flat surfaces (e.g. plates) where one can wash out excess<br />

polyelectrolyte in solu0on between each addi0on step (can be automated).<br />

With par0cles, need to centrifuge / re-­‐disperse between steps. Time-­‐consuming!

5) induced Phase Separa0on in the Con0nuous Phase<br />

In this method , rather than building-­‐up the polymer <strong>shell</strong> by sequen0al<br />

monolayer adsorp0on, a polymer mul8layer is formed in situ at a solid par0cle (or<br />

liquid droplet) interface , by precipita0on from solu0on, followed by migra0on of<br />

the polymer molecules to, and adsorp0on at, the interface.<br />

This can be achieved by either inducing phase-­‐separa0on of pre-­‐formed polymer<br />

in solu0on (e.g. through a change in temperature or solvency) or by<br />

polymerisa0on in the con0nuous phase, to form an insoluble polymer.<br />

A common example of this method of forming capsules is the produc0on of a<br />

(low permeability) highly cross-­‐linked melamine–formaldehyde [MF] <strong>shell</strong><br />

around an oil droplet in water. A polycondensa0on reac0on is induced in the<br />

aqueous con0nuous phase by mixing low MW MF pre-­‐condensate with a polyacid<br />

and raising the temperature to ca. 65°C to effect the condensa0on reac0on.<br />

Control of the <strong>shell</strong> thickness is rather poor in this method.

6) Induced phase separa0on within preformed droplets<br />

This method was devised in my group in Bristol, and is our preferred method<br />

of forming microcapsules.<br />

First paper: Loxley & Vincent, J. Colloid Int. Sci, 1998 208 49-­‐62<br />

It leads to microcapsules where both the <strong>shell</strong> thickness and the core size are<br />

readily controlled.<br />

We shall consider the following systems:<br />

1) oil core / polymer <strong>shell</strong> par0cles in water<br />

2) water core / polymer <strong>shell</strong> par0cles in water

Oil core / polymer <strong>shell</strong> systems: the basic process<br />

polymer<br />

+<br />

non volatile non<br />

solvent : hexadecane<br />

+<br />

good solvent :<br />

dichloromethane<br />

the core<br />

the <strong>shell</strong><br />

water<br />

+<br />

surfactant :<br />




Interfacial Tensions<br />

Consider the three immiscible phases in mutual contact<br />

w<br />

p<br />

o<br />

γ po<br />

γ pw<br />

γ ow<br />

keep γ ow as large as possible, with respect to γ po and γ pw , to<br />

reduce forma0on of OW interface.

predicted and observed morphologies<br />

Oil<br />

(o)<br />

HD<br />

HD<br />

HD<br />

HD<br />

Decane<br />

Octanol<br />

θ op θ pw γ ow<br />

γ op<br />

aqueous<br />

emulsifier<br />

(w) degrees mN m –1<br />

PMAA<br />

PVA<br />

SDS<br />

CTAB<br />

PMAA<br />

PMAA<br />

17.3<br />

17.3<br />

17.3<br />

17.3<br />

< 5<br />

< 5<br />

71.4<br />

65.6<br />

50.0<br />

38.3<br />

71.4<br />

71.4<br />

35.4<br />

21.6<br />

6.7<br />

< 5 ∗<br />

34.4<br />

< 5 ∗<br />

14.6<br />

14.6<br />

14.6<br />

14.6<br />

17.1<br />

13.7<br />

γ<br />

pw S1 S2 S3 Morphology<br />

18.9<br />

18.8<br />

11.5<br />

13.1<br />

18.9<br />

18.9<br />

< 0<br />

< 0<br />

< 0<br />

< 0<br />

< 0<br />

< 0<br />

< 0<br />

< 0<br />

< 0<br />

< 0<br />

< 0<br />

< 0<br />

> 0<br />

< 0<br />

< 0<br />

< 0<br />

> 0<br />

< 0<br />

predicted Observed<br />

Core-<strong>shell</strong><br />

Acorn<br />

Acorn<br />

Acorn<br />

Core-<strong>shell</strong><br />

Acorn<br />

Core-<strong>shell</strong><br />

Core-<strong>shell</strong><br />

Acorn<br />

Acorn<br />

Core-<strong>shell</strong><br />


poly(methyl methacrylate) capsules<br />

with hexadecane cores<br />

NB the <strong>shell</strong> has been deliberately broken (with a spatula) to reveal the core.<br />

Loxley & Vincent, J. Colloid Int. Sci, 1998 208 49-­‐62

WATER<br />

CORE /<br />


SHELL<br />


Mineral Oil + Span 80<br />

Water<br />

Acetone<br />

P(THF)<br />

rotary evaporate at<br />

room temperature<br />

Mineral Oil + Span 80<br />

Water<br />

The process<br />

evaporation of<br />

some good solvent<br />

(acetone)<br />

Evaporation of all<br />

good solvent<br />

P(THF) precipitates<br />

at interface<br />

Polymer Shell<br />

Atkin, Davies, Hardy & Vincent, Macromol., 2004 37 7979<br />

Mineral Oil + Span 80<br />

Mineral Oil + Span 80<br />

Water<br />

P(THF) and<br />

acetone<br />

( coacervate<br />

phase)<br />

Water<br />

If the spreading<br />

conditions are<br />

correct, the<br />

coacervate phase<br />

migrates to interface,<br />

fuses and engulfs<br />

the core.<br />

Polymer rich<br />

phase at<br />


final form<br />

↕<br />

Phase Separa0on<br />

OM SEM ↓<br />

applied pressure

a<br />

c<br />

Poly(methylmethcrylate) Capsules<br />

10 µm<br />

10 µm<br />

d<br />

10 µm<br />


double-­‐<strong>shell</strong> par0cles: release rates<br />

Model “perfume oil” droplets, surrounded by an inner <strong>shell</strong> of melamine<br />

formaldehyde [MF] and an outer <strong>shell</strong> of calcium carbonate.<br />

Leakage (%)<br />

2.5<br />

2.0<br />

1.5<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

0.0<br />

Ripened CaCO3 Microcpaulses<br />

MF Microcapsules<br />

Double Shell Microcapsules<br />

0 5 10 15 20 25<br />

Time (hours)<br />

Long, Preece, York & Zhang, private communica]on

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