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Peters, Charles. Five Days in Philadelphia: The Amazing “We Want Willkie!” Convention of<br />

1940 and How It Freed FDR to Save the Western World. New York: Public Affairs, 2005.<br />

Phillips, Kevin. The Emerging Republican Majority. New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House,<br />

1969.<br />

Phillips-Fein, Kimberly. Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from<br />

the New Deal to Ronald Reagan. New York: Norton, 2009.<br />

Plasil, Ellen. Therapist. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1985.<br />

Purcell, Edward A. The Crisis of Democratic Theory: Scientifi c Naturalism and the Problem<br />

of Value. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1973.<br />

Pye, Lucien, and Sidney Verba. Political Culture and Political Development. Princeton,<br />

NJ: Princeton University Press, 1965.<br />

Radway, Janice A. Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature.<br />

Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1991.<br />

Raimondo, Justin. An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard. Amherst,<br />

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Ratner-Rosenhagen, Jennifer. “Neither Rock nor Refuge: American Encounters with<br />

Nietzsche and the Search for Foundations.” PhD diss., Brandeis University, 2003.<br />

Rawls, John. A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1971.<br />

Redding, Arthur. “Closet, Coup, and Cold War: F. O. Matthiessen’s From the Heart of<br />

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Reisman, David, with Denney, Reuel, and Glazer, Nathan. The Lonely Crowd. New Haven,<br />

CT: Yale University Press, 1950.<br />

Ribuffo, Leo P. The Old Christian Right: The Protestant Far Right from the Great Depression<br />

to the Cold War. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1983.<br />

Rich, Andrew. Think Tanks, Public Policy, and the Politics of Expertise. New York:<br />

Cambridge University Press, 2004.<br />

Richman, Sheldon. “New Deal Nemesis: The ‘Old Right’ Jeffersonians.” Independent<br />

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Rogin, Michael Paul. The Intellectuals and McCarthy: The Radical Specter. Cambridge,<br />

MA: MIT Press, 1967.<br />

Root, E. Merrill. Brainwashing in the High Schools. New York: Devon-Adair, 1958.<br />

——— . Collectivism on Campus. New York: Devon-Adair, 1955.<br />

Rose, Jonathan. The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes. New Haven, CT: Yale<br />

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Rosenstone, Steven J., Roy L. Behr, and Edward H. Lazarus. Third Parties in America:<br />

Citizen Response to Major Party Failure. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,<br />

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Rostker, Bernard D. I Want You! The Evolution of the All-Volunteer Force. Washington,<br />

DC: RAND, 2006.<br />

Rothbard, Murray Newton. The Betrayal of the American Right. Auburn, AL: Ludwig von<br />

Mises Institute, 2007.<br />

——— . For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto. New York: Macmillan, 1973.<br />

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