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Chapter 5<br />

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NOTES TO PAGES 133–139<br />

1. The fi lm was moderately successful at the box offi ce but received mixed reviews,<br />

including a negative review in the New York Times. Bosley Crowther, “In a Glass House,”<br />

New York Times, July 17, 1949, X1; “Ayn Rand Replies to Criticism of Her Film,” New York<br />

Times, July 24, 1949, X4. For academic analyses of the fi lm, see Robert Spadoni, “Guilty<br />

by Omission: Girding the ‘Fountainhead’ for the Cold War (Ayn Rand),” Literature-Film<br />

Quarterly 27, no. 3 (1999): 223–32; Merrill Schleier, “Ayn Rand and King Vidor’s Film The<br />

Fountainhead: Architectural Modernism, the Gendered Body, and Political Ideology,”<br />

Journal of The Society of Architectural Historians 61, no. 3 (2002): 310–31; Merrill Schleier,<br />

Skyscraper Cinema: Architecture and Gender in American Film (Minneapolis: University<br />

of Minnesota Press, 2009). In addition to analyzing the gender dynamics of the fi lm and<br />

book and their relation to architectural modernism, Schleier provides deep detail on<br />

Rand’s creative process, but curiously suggests that Roark dynamited Cortland Homes<br />

with the intent of erecting a skyscraper in its place (vii). For more on the making of<br />

the fi lm, see Jeff Britting, “Adapting the Fountainhead to Film,” in Essays on Ayn Rand’s<br />

The Fountainhead, ed. Robert Mayhew (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2007); Barbara<br />

Branden, The Passion of Ayn Rand (Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company, 1986),<br />

208–13; Biographical Interview 12, January 22, 1961.<br />

2. Biographical Interview 16, April 19, 1961.<br />

3. Ruth Hill, Oral History, ARP; Jack Portnoy, Oral History, ARA.<br />

4. Biographical Interview 17.<br />

5. AR to Archie Ogden, April 10, 1949, Letters, 374; AR to Mimi Sutton, March 20,<br />

1948, Letters, 391; AR to Archie Ogden, April 23, 1949, Letters, 438.<br />

6. Biographical interview 17.<br />

7. Ake and Jane Sandler, Oral History, ARP.<br />

8. Micky Wright, Oral History, ARP.<br />

9. Nathaniel Branden, Judgment Day: My Years with Ayn Rand (Boston: Houghton<br />

Miffl in, 1989), 51.<br />

10. Barbara Branden, Objectivist History Project DVD, volume 2, “A Movement<br />

Is Launched.” This CD is sold by an organization called The Objectivist Center, www.<br />

objectivistcenter.org.<br />

11. Nathaniel Blumenthal and Barbara Weidman, letter to the editor, UCLA Daily<br />

Bruin, May 8, 1950, Box 117–06C, ARP.<br />

12. The incident is described in N. Branden, Judgment Day, 94–96. The importance<br />

of Matthiessen to the literary left and the controversy surrounding his suicide is covered<br />

in Arthur Redding, “Closet, Coup, and Cold War: F. O. Matthiessen’s From the Heart of<br />

Europe,” boundary 2 33, no. 1 (2006): 171–201.<br />

13. Nathaniel Branden to AR, August 24, 1950, ARP 019–01B and August 28, 1951, ARP<br />

019–01C.<br />

14. AR to Nick Carter, October 5, 1944, Letters, 165.<br />

15. Rose Wilder Lane to Jasper Crane, March 13, 1963, March–July 1963<br />

Correspondence, Box 4, Hoover NARA; Rose Wilder Lane to AR, undated (Sunday),<br />

ARP 143-LO3.<br />

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