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NOTES TO PAGES 109–112<br />

23. Rosalie Wilson, Oral History, ARP. The incident raises the issue of Rand’s relationship<br />

to her ethnic origins. Though her choice of name disguised her Jewish roots,<br />

she was always quick to identify herself as Jewish if anti-Semitic statements arose. Even<br />

so, since she had not chosen her religion she viewed it as largely inconsequential to<br />

her identity. As George Nash argues, this was a fairly common attitude among secular<br />

Jewish intellectuals during a time when religious and ethnic background was not<br />

celebrated as the key to authentic selfhood. Nash, “Forgotten Godfathers: Premature<br />

Jewish Conservatives and the Rise of National Review,” American Jewish History 87, nos.<br />

2–3 (1999): 123–57. Others have found Rand’s Jewish origins to be of some consequence.<br />

The conservative critic Florence King asserts, “Ayn Rand’s whole shtick was a gargantuan<br />

displacement of her never admitted fear of anti-Semitism,” though she offers no<br />

evidence to support this point. King, With Charity toward None (New York: St. Martin’s<br />

Press, 1992), 127. Andrew Heinze makes the more compelling case that Rand should be<br />

considered part of the American tradition of female Jewish public moralists, akin to<br />

Joyce Brothers, Laura Schlessinger, and Ann Landers. Heinze, Jews and the American<br />

Soul (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004) 300–301. Though in later years<br />

the majority of her close friends and associates were of Russian Jewish background and<br />

Rand made her fi rst charitable donation to the state of Israel in 1973, she said and wrote<br />

virtually nothing on the topic of Judaism, nor did she mention the fate of European Jews<br />

during World War II. (Her frequent references to Hitler always came as part of a generalized<br />

discussion about totalitarianism and were usually twinned with reference to Stalin.)<br />

Rand may have had some vestigial loyalty to her birth religion, but as she stated, it seems<br />

to have been largely unimportant to her mature self-concept.<br />

24. Ruth Hill, Oral History, ARP.<br />

25. Jack Bungay, Oral History, ARP; Walter Seltzer, Oral History, ARP.<br />

26. “Actress Peggy O’Neil Dead in Writer’s Home,” Los Angeles Times, April 14, 1945,<br />

A1; Oral History interview with June Kurisu; Albert Mannheimer to Ayn Rand, undated,<br />

ARP 003–13A.<br />

27. B. Branden, The Passion of Ayn Rand, 197, 250.<br />

28. Ruth Hill, Oral History, ARP.<br />

29. Henceforth for clarity’s sake I refer to the manuscript by its published title, Atlas<br />

Shrugged.<br />

30. Rand purchased the volume edited by Richard McKeon, The Basic Works of<br />

Aristotle (New York: Random House, 1941), a classic tome of about 1,500 pages with<br />

excerpts from the Organon, On the Heavens, The Short Physical Treatises, and Rhetoric and<br />

the complete texts of On the Soul, On Generation and Corruption, Physics, Metaphysics,<br />

Nicomachean Ethics, Politics, and Poetics in their entirety. AR to Isabel Paterson, July 26,<br />

1945, Letters, 179.<br />

31. In 1948 Niebuhr was on the cover of Time magazine, an indication of the widespread<br />

interest in his ideas. Richard Wightman Fox, Reinhold Niebuhr: A Biography (New<br />

York: Pantheon Books, 1985); Patrick Allitt, Catholic Intellectuals and Conservative Politics<br />

in America, 1950–1985 (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1993); Edward Purcell, The<br />

Crisis of Democratic Theory: Scientifi c Naturalism and the Problem of Value (Lexington:<br />

University of Kentucky Press, 1973), chapter 8.<br />

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