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NOTES TO PAGES 19–25<br />

22. Rand’s change of name was fairly typical of Jewish writers and actors making<br />

their living in Hollywood. See Neal Gabler, An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews<br />

Invented Hollywood (New York: Crown, 1988), 301, 372. Contrary to legend, Rand did not<br />

name herself after her Remington-Rand typewriter, nor is her name an abbreviation of<br />

the diminutive “Ayneleh,” as William F. Buckley Jr. claimed. Nicknames were common in<br />

the Rosenbaum household, and letters from Russia confi rm that Alisa had experimented<br />

with a range of possible pennames, including “Lil Rand,” before settling on “Ayn Rand.”<br />

See Nora Rosenbaum to AR, March 23, 1926 and April 11, 1926, letters 21a and 24d,<br />

Russian Family Correspondence, Ayn Rand Archives. Rand gave differing accounts of<br />

her name throughout the 1930s. She told a reporter, “My fi rst name is Ayna, but I liquidated<br />

the ‘A,’ and Rand is an abbreviation of my Russian surname.” In a letter to a fan<br />

she wrote, “I must say that ‘Ayn’ is both a real name and an invention,” and she indicated<br />

that her fi rst name was inspired by a Finnish writer (whom she declined to identify) and<br />

her last an abbreviation of Rosenbaum. Michael Mok, “Waitress to Playwright—Now<br />

Best Seller Author,” New York Post, May 5, 1936; AR to W. Craig, January 30, 1937, ARP<br />

041–11x.<br />

23. Biographical Interview 7, January 15, 1961; Harvey Goldberg, Oral History<br />

Interview, ARP. Decades later, members of Rand’s extended family still smarted at what<br />

they considered her failure to properly acknowledge or appreciate their help. More seriously,<br />

they charged that had she fully explained the Rosenbaum’s dire circumstances<br />

in Russia, the family would have brought them all to America, thus saving their lives.<br />

Heller, 61.<br />

24. Rand, Russian Writings on Hollywood, 77.<br />

25. F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Love of the Last Tycoon (1941; New York: Scribner, 1993), 11;<br />

Nathanael West, Miss Lonelyhearts and The Day of the Locust (New York: New Directions,<br />

1962), 132.<br />

26. B. Branden, The Passion of Ayn Rand, 73.<br />

27. Marcella Rabin, Oral History outtakes, ARP; Ayn Rand, Journals of Ayn Rand, ed.<br />

David Harriman (New York: Penguin, 1999), 48, henceforth cited as Journals.<br />

28. Journals, 48.<br />

29. Anna Borisnova to AR, January 22, 1926, and September 22, 1926, letters 9a and<br />

89a, Russian Family Correspondence, ARP.<br />

30. These stories, which Rand never attempted to publish, were released by her estate<br />

in The Early Ayn Rand, ed. Leonard Peikoff (New York: Penguin, 1986).<br />

31. Lynn Simross, “Studio Club Closes Door on Past,” Los Angeles Times, February 9,<br />

1975, L1.<br />

32. Journals, 38. Rand’s willingness to celebrate a criminal anticipates the work of<br />

later writers such as Norman Mailer, Truman Capote, and Cormac McCarthy, who all to<br />

some degree portray the murderer as a person of unusual strength, sensitivity, or both.<br />

A more immediate parallel for Rand would have been a book she knew well, Fyodor<br />

Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, a serious novel of ideas built around the psychology<br />

of a murderer.<br />

33. Ibid., 27, 37, 36.<br />

34. Ibid., 32.<br />

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