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Democratic administration announced its stimulus plan. A new vogue<br />

emerged for “going Galt,” or restricting production so as to avoid higher<br />

taxes. Her novels touted anew by Rush Limbaugh, Rand was once more<br />

a foundation of the right-wing worldview. 10<br />

Even as she was reclaimed by her most avid fans, Rand’s work transcended<br />

contemporary politics. One of the many ironies of Rand’s career<br />

is her latter-day popularity among entrepreneurs who are pioneering<br />

new forms of community. Among her high-profi le fans is Wikipedia’s<br />

founder Jimmy Wales, once an active participant in the listserv controversies<br />

of the Objectivist Center. A nonprofi t that depends on charitable<br />

donations, Wikipedia may ultimately put its rival encyclopedias out of<br />

business. At the root of Wikipedia are warring sensibilities that seem to<br />

both embody and defy Rand’s beliefs. The website’s emphasis on individual<br />

empowerment, the value of knowledge, and its own risky organizational<br />

model refl ects Rand’s sensibility. But its trust in the wisdom<br />

of crowds, celebration of the social nature of knowledge, and faith that<br />

many working together will produce something of enduring value contradict<br />

Rand’s adage “All creation is individual.”<br />

Similar contradictions undergird the response to Rand of Craig<br />

Newmark, the founder of the online advertising site Craigslist. Like<br />

Wales, Newmark was once an active member of the libertarian subculture,<br />

reading “a few things by Ayn Rand, even making a pilgrimage to<br />

her offi ces,” and later becoming a member of the Society for Individual<br />

Liberty. Like so many others, Newmark drifted away from Rand after<br />

a period of intense engagement but still identifi ed himself as someone<br />

who prefers market solutions, a “hybrid libertarian.” 11 Something of<br />

Rand remained in his insistence that people are rational and markets<br />

work. Even as Craigslist feeds on a Randian iconoclasm against established<br />

ways of doing business and her faith in human rationality, it also<br />

undercuts Rand’s individualism through its emphasis on collaboration<br />

and mutuality. In both cases Newmark and Wales built on Rand’s ideas<br />

but married them to a very different theory of human nature, one in<br />

which community and connection are paramount.<br />

It is precisely these contradictions and complexities that make Rand<br />

a source of perennial fascination. Rand insisted that she had held the<br />

essentials of her philosophy since she was a child, and she presented<br />

her ideas as fi xed and unchanging by their very nature. But her work<br />

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