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agree, because I didn’t think that physics was corrupt. I could see the<br />

interest in me dying down in her eyes.” 49 Rand could turn her charisma<br />

on and off at will, charming those who paid her proper homage while<br />

freezing out those who did not.<br />

For every NBI student who found Rand harsh or was the target of an<br />

unprovoked rage, there is another who remembers Rand’s sensitivity<br />

and caring. Jan Richman, a Los Angeles NBI representative, described<br />

her fi rst meeting with Rand: “[She] said that I should take my glasses off.<br />

I took them off, and she said, you have very beautiful eyes. You shouldn’t<br />

hide them behind glasses; get contact lenses. I remember I felt like crying.”<br />

Martin Anderson, the author of a controversial book that attacked<br />

federal urban renewal programs, The Federal Bulldozer, was a professor<br />

at Columbia Business School when he and his girlfriend attended an NBI<br />

lecture they saw advertised in the New York Times. There he befriended<br />

Alan Greenspan, who invited him to several smaller events with Rand.<br />

Anderson remembers Rand as a “pussycat,” a warm and caring fi gure. It<br />

was Rand, alone out of a late-night café crowd, who noticed his trouble<br />

and helped prepare his coffee when a broken arm left him unable to<br />

open a package of cream. When Rand learned about his upcoming wedding<br />

she asked to be invited and presented the couple with a wedding<br />

gift. Older, professionally accomplished, and married, Anderson was<br />

insulated from the groupthink and gossip of younger NBI students. His<br />

engagement with Objectivism was purely intellectual. Rand helped him<br />

clarify and unify his long-standing political beliefs, shaping them into<br />

a cohesive and integrated whole that helped direct his future work in<br />

Republican politics. 50<br />

There seemed to be two Objectivisms: one that genuinely supported<br />

intellectual exchange, engagement, and discourse, and one that was as<br />

dogmatic, narrow-minded, and stifl ing as Rand’s harshest critics alleged.<br />

And the closer one got to New York, the more repressive the atmosphere<br />

became, Objectivists noticed. 51 For all their emphasis on reason,<br />

Rand and NBI instructors met intellectual disagreement with invective.<br />

Sometimes the two sides of Objectivism alternated with stunning speed,<br />

leaving Rand’s followers unsure where they stood. A college student who<br />

would pursue a philosophy doctorate at the University of Rochester, and<br />

then a professorial career at Tulane, took Leonard Peikoff’s NBI lecture<br />

series in the summer of 1965. He and several advanced students met<br />

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