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Besides Frank’s decline, Rand was further disconcerted by the deterioration<br />

of her connection to Nathan. Aside from a few brief episodes<br />

just after Atlas Shrugged appeared, their relationship had been platonic<br />

for years. Rand had halted the affair during the depths of her depression.<br />

After recovering her spirits she became eager to rekindle their romance.<br />

Nathan, however, was reluctant and uninterested. He offered one excuse<br />

after another. It was the strain of betraying Barbara; the stress of cuckolding<br />

Frank; the pressure of lecturing at NBI, deceiving his students<br />

and public audience. What Nathan kept from Rand was the most obvious<br />

explanation of all: he had fallen in love with one of his NBI students,<br />

a twenty-three-year-old model named Patrecia Gullison.<br />

Nathan fi rst noticed Patrecia when she enrolled in his Principles<br />

class. Strikingly beautiful in the manner of Dominique Francon or<br />

Dagny Taggart, Patrecia was far more lighthearted than any Rand heroine.<br />

Carefree and gay, she teased Nathan about his serious bearing,<br />

even as she made her dedication to Objectivism clear. She struck up<br />

a romance with another Objectivist and invited both the O’Connors<br />

and the Brandens to the wedding, where Nathan brooded at the sight<br />

of her with another man. Soon the two began meeting privately under<br />

the aegis of her interest in Objectivism. Their conversations in his offi ce<br />

grew longer. Nathan’s feelings for Patrecia, which developed into an<br />

intense sexual affair, lit the fuse that would blow Objectivism sky high.<br />

Unaware of Nathan’s new dalliance but anxious to maintain Objecti vist<br />

rationality, Barbara petitioned her husband for permission to renew<br />

relations with an old boyfriend who was now working at NBI. First Nathan<br />

forbade it, then he relented. Barbara’s new sanctioned liaison forced the<br />

Brandens to admit that their marriage had been a hollow shell for years.<br />

Mismatched from the beginning, the pair had no natural chemistry and<br />

little in common besides mutual admiration for Rand. In 1965 they decided<br />

to separate. Just months later Patrecia and her husband split up.<br />

All this was more than enough to make Rand uneasy and illtempered.<br />

She had counseled Barbara and Nathan through each step<br />

of their relationship and endorsed their marriage. The separation was a<br />

sign that she had failed. Even more signifi cantly, the Brandens’ marriage,<br />

however troubled, meant Nathan was taken by a woman Rand liked and<br />

even controlled; their secret was safe with Barbara. Now Nathan could<br />

once again become a single man. And he had lost the one believable<br />

excuse that could explain his reluctance to begin relations with Rand<br />

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