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WHO IS JOHN GALT? 1957–1968<br />

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the satisfaction of economic wants as the dominant mission of society.” 13<br />

This idea was anathema to conservatives because it could provide a justifi<br />

cation for altering the outcomes of market capitalism. Conservatives<br />

instead wanted to shift emphasis to the more abstract, “spiritual” side<br />

of human nature. Although she was an atheist, Rand’s ideas followed<br />

the same dynamic, for she too was untroubled by the idea of “economic<br />

wants” going unsatisfi ed. Indeed, Rand understood society as simply a<br />

function of its dominant ideas.<br />

Rand’s essay on the New Left did, however, come back to earth long<br />

enough to urge clear-headed action against the philosophically misguided.<br />

She told readers, “The fi rst step is to make oneself heard, on<br />

the campus and outside. There are many civilized ways to do it: protest<br />

meetings, speeches, pamphlets, letters-to-editors.” The key was that<br />

students must “fi ght intellectually, on moral-intellectual grounds,” since<br />

“ideas cannot be fought except by means of better ideas.” 14 She encouraged<br />

“civilized” protest to highlight the violent and coercive nature of<br />

the protestors. Her followers threw themselves eagerly into the campus<br />

fray. Columbia University, a hotbed of left protest, was also home to one<br />

of the most dedicated Objectivist organizations, the Committee for the<br />

Defense of Property Rights. A photo in the Columbia Owl captured well<br />

the Objectivists’ mission: two serious young men with neat hair, shaven<br />

faces, ties, and overcoats stand proudly over a chair with a large banner<br />

declaring “Abolish SDS.” 15<br />

The antiwar protests were the perfect chance for Objectivists to practice<br />

what they preached, and they eagerly presented themselves as a lone<br />

outpost of order and rationality in a sea of mysticism and irrationality.<br />

For all Rand’s criticism of American universities, student Objectivists<br />

were still eager to defend the university’s academic mission. A student<br />

at Washington University wrote, “The students and faculty are here on<br />

a voluntary contractual basis to learn and teach (or engage in research),<br />

respectively. We are not here to run the university.” 16 The Committee<br />

for Defense of Property Rights claimed it was formed “to work for the<br />

nonviolent atmosphere which scholarly progress requires” and warned<br />

that Columbia, “a center of learning,” was endangered by “a handful<br />

of drugged, bearded Brown Shirts.” 17 Objectivist protestors revealed<br />

their essential orientation toward studying, learning, and personal<br />

advancement. Objectivists were excited by ideas, not political programs<br />

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