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New Yorkers in any argument: “Many are the people who laughed at my<br />

description of her dialectical invincibility, only later to try their hands<br />

and join me among the corpses on the Randian battlefi eld.” Rand began<br />

with the basics, establishing agreement on primary axioms and principles.<br />

She came out on top by showing how her opponent’s ideas and<br />

beliefs contradicted these foundations. This approach was particularly<br />

effective on those who prided themselves on logic and consistency, as<br />

did Greenspan. He remembered that “talking to Rand was like starting<br />

a game of chess thinking I was good, and suddenly fi nding myself in<br />

checkmate.” Greenspan was hooked. 42<br />

Greenspan’s attraction to Rand was fairly standard for those drawn<br />

into her orbit. As she had for Rothbard, Rand exposed Greenspan to<br />

previously unknown intellectual treasures, “a vast realm from which I’d<br />

shut myself off.” Before meeting Rand, Greenspan was “intellectually<br />

limited . . .”: “I was a talented technician, but that was all.” Under Rand’s<br />

tutelage he began to look beyond a strictly empirical, numbers-based<br />

approach to economics, now thinking about “human beings, their values,<br />

how they work, what they do and why they do it, and how they<br />

think and why they think.” His graduate school mentor, Arthur Burns,<br />

had given Greenspan his fi rst exposure to free market ideas. Rand<br />

pushed him further, inspiring Greenspan to connect his economic ideas<br />

to the big questions in life. Now he found that morality and ethics had<br />

a rational structure that could be analyzed and understood, just like the<br />

economy or music, his fi rst passion. Primed to accept Rand’s system by<br />

his devotion to mathematical thought, Greenspan was soon an enthusiastic<br />

Objectivist. His friends noticed the change immediately, as he<br />

began fl avoring his conversations with Objectivist vocabulary and the<br />

Randian injunction “check your premises.” 43<br />

Unlike most members of the Collective, who were students, Greenspan<br />

stood out as an established professional with a successful economic consulting<br />

business. He was in the rare position of being able to teach Rand<br />

something. While she dominated the others, when it came to Greenspan<br />

“it was the reverse, he was the expert, she was learning from him,” remembered<br />

a friend. 44 His fi rm, Townsend-Greenspan, charged huge sums for<br />

the information it synthesized about all aspects of economic demand.<br />

Greenspan was legendary for his ability to comb statistical data, analyze<br />

government reports, and ferret out key fi gures from industry contacts.<br />

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