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mingled together, as when she wondered, if perhaps, “the rational faculty<br />

is the dominant characteristic of the better species, the Superman.” 36<br />

The way Rand integrated reason into her earlier ideas demonstrated<br />

her strong drive for consistency. She labored to defi ne reason as inextricably<br />

linked to individuality, asserting, “The rational faculty is an attribute<br />

of the individual.” Men could share the result of their thinking but<br />

not the process of thought itself, she argued. And since man’s survival<br />

depended on his own thought, individuals must be left free. Rationality<br />

thus connected to laissez-faire capitalism, the only economic system<br />

that sought to maximize individual freedom.<br />

Placing rationality at the heart of her philosophy also began to shift<br />

the grounding of Rand’s ethics. In her early work independence had<br />

been the basic criterion of value. Now she wrote, “All the actions based<br />

on, proceeding from, in accordance with man’s nature as a rational<br />

being are good. All the actions that contradict it are evil.” Rand was feeling<br />

her way toward a connection she would make explicit in later years,<br />

the equation of the moral and the rational. “In other words,” she wrote,<br />

“the intelligent man is the moral man if he acts as an intelligent man,<br />

i.e., in accordance with the nature of his rational faculty.” Even selfi shness,<br />

once her primary standard of morality, was beginning to recede<br />

behind rationality. 37<br />

After several months of intense work on “The Moral Basis of<br />

Individualism” Ayn and Frank made their fi rst trip back to New York.<br />

She was eager to visit Paterson and immerse herself once more in the<br />

world of East Coast libertarianism. Rand’s pilgrimage was part of a<br />

steady stream of traffi c between conservative nodes on the East and<br />

West Coasts. Rand had fi nally met Henry Hazlitt, the husband of her<br />

former Paramount supervisor, Frances Hazlitt, when he paid a visit<br />

to California. Now that she was in New York Henry introduced her to<br />

Ludwig von Mises, who had recently arrived in the United States. Mises,<br />

a gentleman of the old school who did not expect women to be intellectuals,<br />

was particularly impressed by Rand’s interest in economics. He<br />

considered The Fountainhead an important contribution to their cause,<br />

telling Henry Hazlitt she was the most courageous man in America.” 38<br />

Unfazed by Mises’s sexism, Rand delighted in the compliment.<br />

On their way back from New York Rand fulfi lled a long held<br />

dream and paid a visit to Frank Lloyd Wright’s compound Taliesin in<br />

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