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of reason she linked with Aristotle. When she arrived in California she<br />

was working on her fi rst nonfi ction book, a project she eventually abandoned<br />

in favor of her third novel. Much as The Fountainhead had showcased<br />

her ideas about individualism, this next book would refl ect Rand’s<br />

growing fealty to reason and rationality. After three years in California<br />

Rand had redefi ned the goal of her writing. Once individualism had<br />

been the motive power of her work; now she explained to a correspondent,<br />

“Do you know that my personal crusade in life (in the philosophical<br />

sense) is not merely to fi ght collectivism, nor to fi ght altruism? These<br />

are only consequences, effects, not causes. I am out after the real cause,<br />

the real root of evil on earth—the irrational.” 2<br />

Soon after this development came Rand’s dawning awareness of the<br />

differences that separated her from the libertarians or “reactionaries”<br />

she now considered her set. At issue was her opposition to altruism and,<br />

more signifi cantly, her unwillingness to compromise with those who<br />

defended traditional values. In 1943 Rand had been one of the few voices<br />

to make a compelling case for capitalism and limited government. In the<br />

years that followed she would become part of a chorus, a role that did<br />

not suit her well.<br />

Rand’s move back to Hollywood immersed her in a cauldron of political<br />

activity that was dividing the fi lm industry. The fi rst stages of the Red<br />

Scare that would sweep the nation were already unfolding in California.<br />

Labor troubles paved the way. In 1945, shortly after her return, the<br />

Conference of Studio Unions launched an industry-wide strike, touching<br />

off a heated confl ict that would last for nearly two years. At the gates<br />

of Warner Brothers rival unions engaged in a full scale riot that garnered<br />

national headlines and aroused the concern of Congress. Ensconced in<br />

far-away Chatsworth, Rand missed the excitement. She quickly signed<br />

on, however, with a group formed to oppose Communist infi ltration of<br />

the entertainment unions and the industry more broadly, the Motion<br />

Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals. The group was<br />

founded by powerful Hollywood fi gures, including Walt Disney, John<br />

Wayne, and King Vidor, director of The Fountainhead. At the fi rst meeting<br />

she attended Rand was surprised to be unanimously voted onto the<br />

Executive Committee.<br />

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