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THE EDUCATION OF AYN RAND, 1905–1943<br />

gave grudging support to some government activities, such as the building<br />

of dams and conservation projects. But any further intervention,<br />

such as redistributive taxation, centralized planning boards, or wage<br />

and price controls, would be tantamount to “putting industry under the<br />

dead hand of government regulation.” 67 Published with a glossy picture<br />

of Adam Smith for a frontispiece, Snyder’s book was a rebuttal of the<br />

Keynesian theories that dominated academic economics and infl uenced<br />

Roosevelt’s administration.<br />

Snyder helped Rand codify and historicize the ideas she had already<br />

expressed in Anthem. In allegorical form Rand had emphasized the<br />

power of the individual and the importance of breakthrough innovations.<br />

Now Snyder set these ideas in an economic and historical context,<br />

arguing that economic prosperity was due to “some few [who] are<br />

very successful, highly talented, endowed with capacities and abilities<br />

far beyond the mass of their fellows.” 68 As she read Snyder, Rand transformed<br />

the psychological categories of second-hander and creator into<br />

the economic concepts of Active and Passive Man.<br />

In the “Manifesto” Rand followed Snyder’s celebration of classical<br />

economics rather than introduce her own explosive concepts of morality.<br />

Altruism, which would play a signifi cant role in The Fountainhead, is<br />

noticeably subordinate in the “Manifesto.” It may have been that Rand’s<br />

attention was far from the philosophy of her novel when she wrote the<br />

“Manifesto,” or it may have been that she was unwilling to debut her<br />

ideas without the illustrative support of fi ction. Whatever the reason,<br />

Rand celebrated selfi shness in entirely economic terms. “One of the<br />

greatest achievements of the capitalist system is the manner in which a<br />

man’s natural, healthy egoism is made to profi t both him and society,”<br />

she wrote, and went no further. 69 Similarly all of her attacks were leveled<br />

at the “absolute” common good, implying that a limited conception of<br />

the common good was acceptable.<br />

Unlike her later work, the “Manifesto” did not spell out Rand’s differences<br />

with Adam Smith’s bounded “self-interest.” Though he lauded<br />

self-interest in the economic realm, Smith also celebrated the natural<br />

concern people felt for the welfare of others, which he called “sympathy.”<br />

Smith drew a distinction between self-interest and what he called<br />

the “the soft, the gentle, the amiable virtues.” These two sets of values<br />

existed in a delicate balance, he argued, and “to restrain our selfi sh, and<br />

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