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She was also motivated by a deep sense of crisis, as evidenced by a<br />

rousing essay she wrote to attract members to the group she hoped to<br />

organize. “To All Fifth Columnists” was an alarmist portrait of America<br />

honeycombed with collectivists and Soviet agents, teetering on the brink<br />

of dictatorship. Her opening lines asserted, “Totalitarianism has already<br />

won a complete victory in many American minds and conquered all<br />

of our intellectual life.” Rand assumed that totalitarian dictatorship in<br />

America was only a matter of time, and she blamed apathetic and ignorant<br />

citizens, the so-called “fi fth column.” Hard-working Americans who<br />

ignored politics and simply tried to provide for their families were making<br />

a grave mistake: “The money, home or education you plan to leave<br />

[your children] will be worthless or taken away from them. Instead, your<br />

legacy will be a Totalitarian America, a world of slavery, of starvation, of<br />

concentration camps and fi ring squads.” 51<br />

The only way to forestall such a tragedy was for the true voice of<br />

America to make itself heard. The American way of life, according to<br />

Rand, “has always been based on the Rights of Man, upon individual<br />

freedom and upon respect for each individual human personality.”<br />

These ideals were being overshadowed by Communist propaganda.<br />

Her response: to be heard, “we must be organized.” Here Rand grappled<br />

briefl y with the paradox of organizing individualists. Her group would<br />

be “an organization against organization . . . to defend us all from the<br />

coming compulsory organization which will swallow all of society.” 52<br />

There was no other alternative, she declared, for in the world today there<br />

could be no personal neutrality.<br />

Rand’s urgency stemmed directly from her experiences in the New<br />

York literary world, which convinced her that Communists were also<br />

a powerful force within American political life. In truth, the Party had<br />

been hemorrhaging members for years, since rumors of the 1936 Stalinist<br />

purges reached New York. The Soviet fever broke in 1939, with the revelation<br />

of the Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact. American Communists<br />

were caught fl at-footed by the sudden reversal of policy. They had<br />

always loudly boasted of their antifascist credentials, a position that<br />

was particularly popular among American leftists. Now Communist<br />

leaders could offer no convincing reason for the new alliance. Never<br />

large to begin with, Party membership plummeted. Friendly intellectuals<br />

and liberal fellow travelers began distancing themselves from the<br />

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