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THE EDUCATION OF AYN RAND, 1905–1943<br />

the climax was set everything else in the novel had to remain tentative.<br />

Even worse, she felt like “a fake anytime I talk about my new novel,<br />

when I don’t yet know the central part of it, when nothing is set.” 26 She<br />

writhed in agony at her writing desk, caught in her fi rst ever case of “the<br />

squirms,” her phrase for writer’s block.<br />

As Rand planned and drafted The Fountainhead her dislike of Roosevelt<br />

continued to fester. To most Americans, Roosevelt was a hero, a paternal<br />

fi gure who had soothed their fears and beveled the sharp edges<br />

of economic crisis. He was unquestionably the most popular political<br />

fi gure of the decade, if not the century. But among a small subset<br />

of commentators dark mutterings about Roosevelt were becoming<br />

more common. Criticism came from many quarters. To adherents of<br />

traditional laissez-faire economic doctrine, Roosevelt was foolhardy<br />

in his clumsy attempts to right the economy with state power. To his<br />

opponents Roosevelt was a virtual dictator, wantonly trampling on the<br />

Constitution as he expanded the government’s reach into business,<br />

law, and agriculture. Like few presidents before, his actions spawned a<br />

cottage industry dedicated to attacking him, known as the “Roosevelt<br />

haters.” 27<br />

Rand avidly consumed this literature. Mencken remained a particular<br />

favorite. She had fi rst been drawn to his work by their shared interest<br />

in Nietzsche. Now she began regularly reading American Mercury, the<br />

magazine he founded, and absorbed his growing suspicion of Roosevelt.<br />

She also followed the writing of Albert Jay Nock, a magazine editor,<br />

essayist, and the author of Our Enemy, the State. Nock and Mencken<br />

were the fi rst to call themselves “libertarians,” a new coinage meant to<br />

signify their allegiance to individualism and limited government, now<br />

that Roosevelt had co-opted the word “liberal.” Libertarians were few<br />

and far between, although some had gained positions of prominence.<br />

At the New York Herald Tribune a columnist for the weekly book review,<br />

Isabel Paterson, was making waves with her vitriol against Roosevelt.<br />

Rand read Paterson regularly. 28<br />

In 1937 Rand added her voice to this growing chorus, dispatching<br />

a blistering letter to the New York Herald Tribune in response to<br />

Roosevelt’s proposal that additional justices be added to the Supreme<br />

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